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SF Bay Furs

North Carolina called for Trump.

No states flipped.

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SF Bay Furs

Polls closed on west coast. New tally.

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SF Bay Furs


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SF Bay Furs

the second one, goldenwolf has had licensed art for ages

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SF Bay Furs

I think it was through “The Mountain”

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SF Bay Furs

Dafuq, are corpos stealing their shit or are they just one of the few lucky furs who are able to get licensing deals from mainstream companies

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SF Bay Furs

Awesome Coyote poster I found at a gas station on indigenous land.

🎨: Christy "Golden Wolf" Grandjean

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SF Bay Furs

no that's the creamer

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SF Bay Furs


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SF Bay Furs

Heck yes and it only took the site having problems for me to get it

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SF Bay Furs


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SF Bay Furs

also a lot of people forget b/c his work with MJ was so iconic, he also worked with Frank Sinatra, arranging his orchestra

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SF Bay Furs

she blinded me with science only reached #5 on the charts

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SF Bay Furs

compared to Quincy he didnt really produce many albums at all (and no major hits)

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SF Bay Furs

dang :/


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SF Bay Furs

NBC News calls Oregon for Harris.

New tally: 187 - 214

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SF Bay Furs

Reminder, if you want to keep up-to-date on President, Senate, and House results, you can use Perplexity's new tracker that uses AP to source data.


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SF Bay Furs

Yeah I got a golden wolf shirt from my mom like 12 years ago lol

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SF Bay Furs

live laugh love, furry edition :D

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SF Bay Furs

I think it was licensed. Was quite some time ago

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SF Bay Furs

I had that on a shirt I got from Walmart

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SF Bay Furs

Huh... neat

British marine bands cover various Prodigy songs :D


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SF Bay Furs

Hopefully that's French Pressed...

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SF Bay Furs

Mt.dew game Fuel promotion with WorldofWarcraft

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SF Bay Furs

Yeah he would be too

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SF Bay Furs

As of Monday, Perplexity's hub currently provides interactive information on voting requirements, poll times, and summaries about ballot measures, candidates, policy positions, and endorsements. Users can ask questions about the information similar to using a chatbot like ChatGPT.

"Starting Tuesday, we'll be offering live updates on elections using data from The Associated Press so you can stay informed on presidential, senate, and house races at both a state and national level," Perplexity wrote in a blog post. The site will pull data from special data sources (called APIs) hosted by the two organizations.


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SF Bay Furs

ok yeah its better than I could do, but if all Quincy Jones ever did was help make the album "thriller", he would still be better than thomas dolby

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SF Bay Furs

he did session work for foreigner and def leppard

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SF Bay Furs

trying to think who would be as good a producer...maybe trevor horn? heh

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SF Bay Furs

That's surprising to you? That's extremely tame compared to what else our justice system has done

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