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SF Bay Furs

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SF Bay Furs

trust me lmao when I was a kid I was all over that apple shit, then I grew the fuck up XDDDDDD

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SF Bay Furs

Welcome to middle school in 1992

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SF Bay Furs

"social media" is just a stupid blanket term that needs to be restricted to things that are like facebook and twitter and other things like that where people go to follow other accounts and see those kinds of posts on their timeline MORE THAN a place where you go to interact with people and have conversations

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SF Bay Furs

People considering discord and TG social media has alwyse been weird to me.

Technically speaking it is social and media, but using the term that way isn't in the spirit of what most people consider social media

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SF Bay Furs

group chats are imo a different beast than "place where people follow other people"

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SF Bay Furs

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ or do what I do and just don't with social media to begin with

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SF Bay Furs

not all heroes wear capes :P

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SF Bay Furs

Hello! We are doing a little Kickstarter Campgin of our fox game! - feel free to to share and check it out! Has quite some depth and also recorded some live music for it - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/grownarts/paws-and-leaves-a-thracian-tale?ref=3vc730

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SF Bay Furs

another side note, if california seceded from the union, the remainder of the US economy would be FUCKED 👀

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SF Bay Furs

side note, god fucking dammit san francisco, MILLIONAIRE DANIEL LURIE IS NOT THE FUKCIN ANSWER

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SF Bay Furs

Welp. There's now a not insignificant chance American government will turn to fascism

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SF Bay Furs

AP will almost certainly call it before that happens. But with such an important election, who's to say how late mail ins will go

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SF Bay Furs

Depends on the state. Mail in has already been added in some

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SF Bay Furs

I don't think I'll be sleeping well.

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SF Bay Furs

We used to play sim earth too

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SF Bay Furs

Oregon Trail on Apple ][

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SF Bay Furs


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SF Bay Furs

I say that but I also am not intrested in debating about it 😅

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SF Bay Furs

yeah I never considered a chat room the same as "social media"

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SF Bay Furs

you could say TG qualifies as social media, but I have no energy left to hold that debate c.c

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SF Bay Furs

yeah i was passing that around earlier.

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SF Bay Furs

someone that's a bsky labeler made a list of MAGA accounts to block to save the trouble 👍


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SF Bay Furs

For everyone on Bluesky, there is an official moderation list you can use to automatically block accounts that have usernames or descriptions that contain Trump-related terms.

Click Subscribe, and then Block.


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SF Bay Furs

if y'all want the best shorthand as to who will be the *actual* best candidate with policies that actually support *you*, just look at the way unions are voting, especially aclu 👀 not that most of us here need it but like pass it on, ya know 👀

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SF Bay Furs

rather, I'm not so sure there IS a government anymore 👀

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SF Bay Furs

I know for a fact that some people would rather just put it in a mail dropbox on their way to work instead of standing in a long ass line lmao

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SF Bay Furs

yes but like the ones that were postmarked today? not gonna show up at least until tomorrow

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SF Bay Furs

good news is that a majority of the remaining states have been trending blue in recent elections 👀 that's not to say it's sealed but you also have to remember that the last thing to get added in are the final tallies from mail in

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SF Bay Furs

New Jersey called for Harris.

205 - 230

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