Who's a good puppy!? You are! This is an 18+ Safe for Work (SFW) space where we share exciting events & activities happening throughout the Bay Area for Human Puppy enthusiasts like you!
We need more variety of breeds I say. Where are the corgis? I need to hug an adorable loaf!
Читать полностью…The whole concert https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JWYgkHbCFJ8&t=2081s&pp=ygUdamltbXkgZWF0IHdvcmxkIHNhbiBmcmFuY2lzY28%3D
Читать полностью…Fox theater in Oakland was bigger for me
Читать полностью…I’ll be at bimbo 365 next friday to see royal and the serpents
Читать полностью…Oh the Masonic is still rather large haha. Regency ballroom is usually as big as I prefer, going to the Fillmore, great American music hall, and the independent in December all for the first time
Читать полностью…You’ll love the chase center it a good size area
Читать полностью…Hope meet you there Imalways in the pit every concert I end up if the mosh pit I might be 40
Читать полностью…Depending on where you're coming from, traffic coming from the east bay on the Bay bridge may be backed up it's hard to say.
Читать полностью…I just saw one state in Canada said horse so I cheered them on lol
Читать полностью…Is Biden gonna wear pup gear to Frolic? ^^
Читать полностью…My favorite moment at chase was at this concert I was on the floor https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtfgxglkUE0&pp=ygUfdHdlbnR5IG9uZSBwaWxvdHMgc2FuIGZyYW5jaXNjbw%3D%3D
Читать полностью…Picking up a 8th of weed in the Castro
Читать полностью…Saw jimmy eats world at the Masonic this year it was small to me
Читать полностью…So we'll see which ones I like best
Читать полностью…Saw panic at the disco last San Francisco concert there last year
Читать полностью…We got cheaper tickets, this is my first arena show. I prefer smaller venue shows and such
Читать полностью…2024 event is gonna be huge for me wrestlemania 40, than July and September both blink 182 and Green Day is gonna be in San Francisco and October wwwy 2024 in Vegas
Читать полностью…Bunnies are just amazing glad everything is phasing out the hyenas
Читать полностью…Imagine if all the secret service were in pup hoods and suits
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