Who's a good puppy!? You are! This is an 18+ Safe for Work (SFW) space where we share exciting events & activities happening throughout the Bay Area for Human Puppy enthusiasts like you!
First saw Peter mcpoland once in 2022 when he was the opening band for twenty one pilots https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mKCVGEYqN_E&pp=ygUTcGV0ZXIgbWNwb2xhbmQgIGRvZw%3D%3D
Читать полностью…Lucky I’m gonna be in section 114 I don’t think I would want a cheap seat
Читать полностью…Hilary Williams is better than swift can’t wait till her and paramore halftime show at mania 40 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0dS51FON4KI&pp=ygULc2ltbWVyIGxpdmU%3D
Читать полностью…Can’t wait to see Logan entrance this year last year was good https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PPXMtA7UPGU&t=32s&pp=ygUgbG9nYW4gcGF1bCB3cmVzdGxlbWFuaWEgZW50cmFuY2U%3D
Читать полностью…https://twitter.com/WesJohnsonVoice/status/1768775119550263538
Читать полностью…Best music festival ever https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=huH874p8zJI&pp=ygUOdG9uayBoYXdrIHd3d3k%3D
Читать полностью…Payed off my when we’re young 2024 ticket
Читать полностью…I'll dm cause it's a massive spoiler
Читать полностью…Like fr. The Xmen was always an analogue for racism
Читать полностью…That's only in a very small number of shots.
Читать полностью…Since Vince is no order of the company I a feel the crowd after mania is gonna loud then New Jersey https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Lz7AatH03Cs&pp=ygUTc2FtaSB6YXluIHJhdyBkZWJ1dA%3D%3D
Читать полностью…Probably depends on your skin, I have fairly sensitive skin. So if I shower more than once a day I definitely notice my skin being dry. That’s why it’s always best to moisturize post shower :D
Читать полностью…check that off my trucking bucket list
Читать полностью…April 6th at Wells Fargo center I’ll see the wonder years preform year of the vulture https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RgN0xaElWnQ&pp=ygUtdGhlIHdvbmRlciB5ZWFycyB0aGUgeWVhciBvZiB0aGUgdnVsdHVyZSBsaXZl
Читать полностью…Sapphira Crystal did a full high fashion puppy play gown and CALL IT PUPPY PLAY BDSM FASHION
Читать полностью…https://youtube.com/shorts/lmBHihfFkJs?si=AN0wI89baMhpJsTU
Читать полностью…Just watch. https://youtu.be/9HpLhxMFJR8
Читать полностью…Seth entrance at 40 is going be nuts https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VGCBnYvVLxE&t=80s&pp=ygUlc2V0aCByb2xsaW5nIHdyZXN0bGVtYW5pYSAzOCBlbnRyYW5jZQ%3D%3D
Читать полностью…https://youtube.com/shorts/E0Ja6EMxMcY?si=yuEYZTLfIsRvaN4R
Читать полностью…I love Hallie, but she was a terrible casting for storm
Читать полностью…People who are against "woke" X-Men (seriously read a fucking comic book they've always been "woke") are only showing the worst moments
Читать полностью…Man. I hope this show is good. I was watching one of the clips on yt and the animation was…. Rough. Not in the good way.
Читать полностью…Any one have any recommendations on Gay dating apps? Think it’s time I get back on the horse
Читать полностью…I read something and I’m curious what others think. When it comes to taking care of your skin, is it too much to shower twice a day? Thoughts? What’s the ideal amount for healthy skin?
Читать полностью…Out here livin my best life because THIS dog got to haul THAT doggy trailer recently! *wag*
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