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Who's a good puppy!? You are! This is an 18+ Safe for Work (SFW) space where we share exciting events & activities happening throughout the Bay Area for Human Puppy enthusiasts like you!

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

First saw Peter mcpoland once in 2022 when he was the opening band for twenty one pilots https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mKCVGEYqN_E&pp=ygUTcGV0ZXIgbWNwb2xhbmQgIGRvZw%3D%3D

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

Lucky I’m gonna be in section 114 I don’t think I would want a cheap seat

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

Hilary Williams is better than swift can’t wait till her and paramore halftime show at mania 40 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0dS51FON4KI&pp=ygULc2ltbWVyIGxpdmU%3D

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

Can’t wait to see Logan entrance this year last year was good https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PPXMtA7UPGU&t=32s&pp=ygUgbG9nYW4gcGF1bCB3cmVzdGxlbWFuaWEgZW50cmFuY2U%3D

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]


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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

Best music festival ever https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=huH874p8zJI&pp=ygUOdG9uayBoYXdrIHd3d3k%3D

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

Payed off my when we’re young 2024 ticket

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

I'll dm cause it's a massive spoiler

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

Also they did storm so dirty

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

Like fr. The Xmen was always an analogue for racism

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

That's only in a very small number of shots.

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

Since Vince is no order of the company I a feel the crowd after mania is gonna loud then New Jersey https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Lz7AatH03Cs&pp=ygUTc2FtaSB6YXluIHJhdyBkZWJ1dA%3D%3D

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

Probably depends on your skin, I have fairly sensitive skin. So if I shower more than once a day I definitely notice my skin being dry. That’s why it’s always best to moisturize post shower :D

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

check that off my trucking bucket list

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

April 6th at Wells Fargo center I’ll see the wonder years preform year of the vulture https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RgN0xaElWnQ&pp=ygUtdGhlIHdvbmRlciB5ZWFycyB0aGUgeWVhciBvZiB0aGUgdnVsdHVyZSBsaXZl

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

Sapphira Crystal did a full high fashion puppy play gown and CALL IT PUPPY PLAY BDSM FASHION

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]


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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

Just watch. https://youtu.be/9HpLhxMFJR8

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

Seth entrance at 40 is going be nuts https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VGCBnYvVLxE&t=80s&pp=ygUlc2V0aCByb2xsaW5nIHdyZXN0bGVtYW5pYSAzOCBlbnRyYW5jZQ%3D%3D

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]


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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

Last year was cheaper

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

I love Hallie, but she was a terrible casting for storm

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

Worse than the movies?

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

Always have been always will be

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

People who are against "woke" X-Men (seriously read a fucking comic book they've always been "woke") are only showing the worst moments

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

Man. I hope this show is good. I was watching one of the clips on yt and the animation was…. Rough. Not in the good way.

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

Any one have any recommendations on Gay dating apps? Think it’s time I get back on the horse

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

I read something and I’m curious what others think. When it comes to taking care of your skin, is it too much to shower twice a day? Thoughts? What’s the ideal amount for healthy skin?

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

Out here livin my best life because THIS dog got to haul THAT doggy trailer recently! *wag*

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SF Bay Area Puppy Chat [SFW]

That's how you introduce Storm!!!!

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