Chongqing, China has special walking lanes for pedestrians who can’t put their phones down.
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The average speed of fart coming out of your ass is 7mph.
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In a bizarre case of burglary, at a government officers home in Madhya Pradesh, an enraged thief left a note, as he couldnt find enough cash and valuable to steal. The note left by the burglar read as "don't put a lock if you dont have money".
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Scopolamine Drug aka Burundanga or Devil's Breath.
After taking it once the Person will lose its free will and do anything they are told, its also used by CIA.
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The Gypsy Vanner is a breed of horse that can grow a mustache.
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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia has streets named after every African country.
Credit- Yechale
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Brown sugar is no different than white sugar.
Brown sugar is no less refined than white sugar. The only difference is the fact that some of the molasses that gets removed in the refining process is added back in.
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Two brothers from a set of triplets tricked prison authorities in Russia when one brother swapped places with the other to give him a brief taste of freedom.
Rather than returning, the freed brother ran off with his brother's girlfriend. It took years for the authorities to realize they had actually been fooled.
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Popular raw meat dishes around the world
1)Tartare=France 🇫🇷
2)Kitfo =Ethiopia 🇪🇹
3)Carpaccio=Italy 🇮🇹
4)Ossenworst=Netherlands 🇳🇱
5)Yukhoe=Korean 🇰🇷
6)Carne Apache=Mexico 🇲🇽
7)Koi Soi=Thailand 🇹🇭
8)Kibbeh Nayyeh=Lebanon 🇱🇧
9)Cig Kofte=Turkiye 🇹🇷
10)Carne de onca=Brazil 🇧🇷
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Egyptian Pharaohs were once required to masturbate into the River Nile to keep its flow cycle stable. The event was known as the Fertility Festival.
The Fertility festival or Min festival was part of ritual at the end of the year where, the pharaoh would masturbate then ejaculate into the river, making sure that his semen flowed with the current.
After the pharaoh, other men would then come over and release their seeds as well.The entire process was believed to have brought more prosperity and blessings to the people.
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South Korean plastic surgeons are so skilled that people from China and Japan who visit the country for surgeries have trouble re-entering because their faces no longer match their passport photographs.
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Humans are expected to lose 50–58 hours of sleep a year by 2099, as global temperatures continue to rise
We sleep less as nighttime temperatures increase
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This African craftsman recycles old tires into shoes and he is so good that he can measure your feet and make you that fits you perfectly.
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20/20 vision means the eye can see normally at 20 feet.
20/15 is better; the eye can see at 20 feet what another eye sees at 15 feet.
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In ancient Egypt, cats were considered sacred.
When a family's favorite cat died, the whole family would shave off their eyebrows and mourn until the eyebrows grew back.
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Chimpanzees can recognize each other by the buttocks.
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If you have something in your eye, Just fill a bowl of water big enough for your face & open your eyes in it, it will come right out.
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There is actually a place in Yellowstone park, USA called zone of death, where u can legally commit any crime.
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The World record for the most people kissed is held by Alfred Wolfram of Minnesota, who kissed 11,030 people in 8 hours.
That's more than 16 people a minute, at a festival in 1998.
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Joan Ginther, a woman with a PhD in maths, won the scratch lottery 4 times totally winning $20 million by figuring out the algorithm of the ticket production.
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The world's most expensive cheese is made from Donkey's milk.
Pule cheese or magareći sir, is a Serbian cheese made from 60% Balkan donkey milk and 40% goat's milk. The cheese is produced in Zasavica Nature Reserve. Pule is reportedly the "world's most expensive cheese", fetching $1300 per kg.
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In 1746, a Swedish king tried to prove coffee was unhealthy by having one man drink large amounts of coffee and his identical twin drinks the same amount of tea every day for the rest of their lives.
Both twins outlived the doctors in charge of the experiment and the king himself.
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A 60-year old truck driver sued the Tokyo hospital, where he was born after discovering that he was accidentally switched with another newborn in 1953.
He ended up with a poor single mother while the other baby grew up to own a real estate company under his rich biological parents.
The hospital was ordered by court to pay ¥38m (£227,000) for damages.
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10 Weirdest Jobs that pays well
10) Dog Food Taster
9) Snake Milker
8) Professional Mourner
7) Full Time Netflix Viewer
6) Professional Sleeper
5) Bed Warmer
4) Professional snuggler/cuddling
3) Professional line stander
2) Adult Toy Taster
1) Professional Fart smeller
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There’s a pub in Ireland that’s been running for more than 1,100 years!
Sean’s Bar in Athlone in Ireland has been open for business since about 900 AD, with records of every owner of the pub since its founding.
While surprising at first, it makes sense that it has stood the test of time.
Sean’s Bar is in the middle of a town that’s pretty much smack-bang in the center of Ireland.
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Bird saliva is a delicacy in China.
One expensive delicacy of China is Bird’s nest soup which is made from rare bird’s nests created from the saliva of small swiftlets.
They have been used in China for over four centuries.
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'The Cat Poop Parasite that will make you Attractive'
Some sexually transmitted parasites can make people appear more attractive, and even make a person’s face more symmetrical.
Researchers believe that these parasites make infected people appear more desirable in an attempt to contaminate as many hosts as possible.
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The word “peacock” does not actually apply to both male and female birds.
It’s only the males that are called peacocks, while the females are called peahens. Together, the collective name for them is “peafowl.”
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Males born with a condition known as diphallia or penile duplication have two penises.
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A silverback gorilla could deadlift 1,800 lbs or 815kg.
To give you a better idea, the deadlift world record is just over 1,100 pounds (500kg). This should come as no real surprise, as gorillas are the largest primates in existence.
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