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Whenever I attend a funeral I don’t know what to do….
My friend suggests:

Just say “sorry for your loss and move on”

Apparently, I wasn’t supposed to say move on.


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30 to 39 year olds have sex around 86 times per year averagely
Guess I’ll be super lucky in March:)


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I took an elevator up to the eleventh floor for a meeting. As I got out, the operator said "Have a good day, son."
"Don't call me son," I said. "You're not my dad."

He scratched his head, "No, but I brought you up, didn't I?"

After my meeting, I got back on the elevator to go back down, and the same operator was there. I said nothing to him, but when we got to the ground floor, he said to me, "I'm sorry."

"Because you thought you were my dad?" I asked him.

He shook his head. "No, son, because I let you down."


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What did the dad reply to the mom who said "I've had enough, I'm selling my kid on eBay"?
"Don't be silly. You made him, so sell him on Etsy."


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Wife just phoned her husband and the conversation went like this:-

Wife: "You know that Gladiator movie that I got you?"

Husband: "Yeah."

Wife: "Well, wind it forward one hour, 16 mins and 28 seconds."

Husband: "Right... I've done that"...

Wife: "OK, you see the Gladiator at the front fighting the Lion?"

Husband: "I can see that, yeah."

Wife: "OK, well, just behind him, there are two Gladiators having a sword fight with each other".

Husband: "Okay, yeah, I see them."

Wife: "Well, behind those two, on the left hand side of the screen, there's a Gladiator holding a spear".

Husband: "Yes...! I can see him"..

Wife: "Right..!...

Those are the Sandals I want for my Birthday"


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My daughter saw that I only had ham and turkey on my Thanksgiving plate. "Which one do you like more?" she asked me.
"Hm, I'm not sure. I don't usually pick sides."


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Men are like a good hardwood floor. If you lay them really well,
you can walk on them for 40 years.


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My son was scared to tell me he failed his history exam.
I said don’t worry it’s all in the past.


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My wife asked, "Why don't you treat me like you did when we first met?" So, I took her to dinner and a movie.
Then I dropped her off at her parents.


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My girlfriend is the square root of -100.
She's a 10, but imaginary.


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A women was arrested for laughing like a man.
she was charged with manslaughter.


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I just found my first grey pubic hair today
Just wish it wasn’t in my coffee I got from McDonald’s


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What do you call a chinese female robot who is single?
Maiden China


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My German friend asked me, “What’s a 3 letter word for compete?”
Me: Vie.
Friend: Because I’m trying to do the crossword.


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I might as well become a cannibal.

I'm already fed up with people.


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My sewing instructor said that I’m the worst student she has ever seen…
..Oops. Wrong thread!


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When I was in college, I used to clean my roommate’s room, and he used to clean mine.
We were maid for each other.


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Judge says "Before I pass sentence, is there any statement the guilty party wishes to make?"
"Fuck all," grunts the villain.

"What was that?" asks the judge.

Counsel for the defence: "My client said 'fuck all', my lord"

"No, he certainly said something," says the judge, "I saw his lips move."


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Did you hear about the girl who ate only plants?
You probably never heard of herbivore.


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I asked the bus driver "How long will the next bus be?"
He replied "Same length as this one."


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I was taken off a plane in handcuffs and put on a no-fly list.
All I did was greet my friend Jack.


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My wife told me if I turned out the light, I could put it in her butt.
I probably should have waited for the bulb to cool...


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What's the best slogan for a Urologist's Office?
Urine. Good Hands.


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How does a cheerleader turn on the light after sex?
She opens the car door


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My wife believes in same sex marriage
Yeah, we’ve had the same sex for the last 20 years


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A lot of women say their husbands never listen to them.
I'm proud to say i've never heard my wife say something like that.


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"Why are you so calm?".
"I never argue with stupid people. I just say 'you're right' and move on. "That's ridiculous!".
"You're right."


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I just had a physical. The doctor said "Don't eat anything fatty. I said, like bacon and burgers?"
"No fatty, don't eat anything!"


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My girlfriend asked me with a naughty smile: "Shall we go bowling tonight or stay home?"
I replied: "I am sick of putting my fingers in holes that everyone has touched with their sweaty fat hands. Let's go bowling!"


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I bought a horse and my girl asked if I was going to race him. "Not at all", I said.
That horse is way faster than me.


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