The sickest, rudest, most offensive, inappropriate & politically incorrect jokes — we've got them all!
I'm currently taking a course in Italian martial arts.
It's a lot like karate, lots of kicks and face stomping, except there are two guys holding your opponent down.
I ask for anal and she says "Are you gay or something?"
I ask for a blow job and she says "Ewww! Icky"
I ask for a hand job and she says "Do it yourself"
It's straight sex or nothing.
But she's my mum and I love her very much.
The wife said, "You haven't listened to a fucking word I've said, have you?"
What a strange way to start a conversation
So I told this joke about dead babies in work the other day and it offended a female colleague who had an abortion a couple of months ago. She yelled at me and filed a complaint. So from this experience between me and her, I realised two things;
Making jokes about dead babies = harsh and offensive
Actually making dead babies = Okay.
What's black and screams?
Stevie Wonder answering the iron.
You know what I hate? People who answer their own questions
What word begins with M and ends with arriage and is a man's favourite thing?
My friend got bitten by a snake and he fell to the floor and started writhing around. It's amazing how fast the super powers kick in
I remember when I first started using drugs. I was 18 years old.
It all started with a spliff, the odd bong or two, then before I knew it, I'd started using amphetamines like speed, then for a stronger buzz, I moved onto ecstasy.
It wasn't long after, that I started on the hard stuff, like cocaine and heroin. I was a complete mess. I was skint and my body was ruined.
But fuck me, what a night.
What does a rapist, a thief and a murder have in common?
His skin colour.
What would it take to re-unite the Beatles?
2 bullets.
How do you make a cat go 'Woof'?
Soak it in petrol and throw it on the bonfire.
My son just came out of the closet.
I wish he would just do it into a sock like a normal person.
What's 9 inches long, pink, and makes my girlfriend scream when I put it in her mouth?
Her miscarriage
They say the pain during child birth is so great,
A woman can almost imagine what a man with a cold feels like.
The gender neutral name for a sugar daddy is glucose guardian.
My brother and I laugh about how competitive we were as kids...
But I laugh more.
Sat on the train and I'm in desperate need of a shit but the toilet is out of order.
Been sat here holding it for about 20 minutes now.
My hands fucking stink and some of the passengers have been sick.
I always said if I ever saw the bully from my schooldays again, that I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.
I've changed my mind about that now.
It was immensely satisfying.
Phones are so expensive nowadays when you fall and hear a crack you hope it’s just your leg.
I told my girlfriend I'll stay by her side while she goes through the abortion procedure tomorrow.
I can't wait to hear the splatter of tiny feet.
Today I'm as disapointed as a dyslexic watching a bear grylls documentary and finding out there's not a single naked lady on it.
I've written a sit-com, set in an abortion clinic. It's called "Some mothers don't have 'em".
Don't leave Christmas preparations until the last moment.
Start getting depressed now.
My granny was beaten to death by my granddad.
Not as in, "with a stick" – he just died first.
Genders are like the Twin Towers. There used to be two of them and now it’s a really sensitive subject.
What's better than stretching your ear lobe to 3 inches?
A job.
Prince Harry to marry a nigger.
You can almost hear the brake pipes being cut.
My Grandpa said, "Your generation relies too much on technology!"
I replied, "No, your generation relies too much on technology!"
Then I unplugged his life support