The sickest, rudest, most offensive, inappropriate & politically incorrect jokes — we've got them all!
My mates reckon I'm a legend after I told them I'd kicked the crap out of 2 Green Berets down the docks on the weekend.
Although I think most people prefer to call them Boy Scouts.
What's the difference between someone who smokes weed and a woman who wears very little clothing?
A lot, although in opposite ends of the world they're both considered stoned.
Every day is an adventure when you're incompetent.
My wife & I like to do it missionary style.
We brainwash indigenous natives & rape children.
I like wanking whilst looking in the mirror...
my driving instructor doesn't.
As the sperm dripped down my wife's chin, I looked in her eyes and asked "Do you like that? "
"No", she relied. " What the fuck is in this sandwich? "
When my teenage daughter told me she was pregnant, I shouted, "Your mum's going to kill you!"
I'm not sure if the little cunt inside her heard me or not.
If you lose your tree, try stapling a picture of it to a cat.
Whenever I phone my wife on her mobile, I speak as quietly as I can.
The closer she holds it, the greater the chance of a tumour
Does anyone else find it odd that there's only one Monopolies Commission?
You know you're getting older when you walk by a couple of priests and they don't even look your way
It's winter again. That time of year when the poor are making tough choices between food, heating or getting that massive new tattoo.
My Wife just came out of the bedroom wearing a Nurses outfit.
I thought, Fucking Awesome!
She's going to work.
Before you make fun of kids for believing in Santa Claus, remember; There are still people who believe the troops fight for freedom.
"I love you just the way you are", I soulfully sang to my wife.
Then I put the flowers on her grave.
After a mugging attempt a few years ago, I started carrying a knife.
My muggings are much more successful these days.
A shock study by Sport England has found that 2.7/4.3 disabled people do not take part in regular sporting activities.
One man's rubbish is another man's treasure, is an awesome phrase.
But it's a horrible way to tell your kid they're adopted.
Rudolph Hess edited Mein Kampf for Adolf Hitler, making him the first grammar Nazi.
Why do police dogs lick their balls?
To get the taste of niggers out their mouths.
I have a polish friend who is a sound technician. Oh, and a Czech one too. Czech one too. Czech one too
Discover what it was like to live in medieval Britain by simply moving to Glasgow
Don’t get a woman, get a dog… They are loyal
and they die sooner
What’s the hardest part about a Muslim killing his own daughter?
Suppressing the erection.
It's times like these when I'm sat in bed with my computer on my knee when I really wish I'd bought a laptop.
I'm going through a long and messy divorce and have decided the only way to go is suicide.
Now all I have to do is talk the bitch into it.
A recent study showed the average American is nearly 4kg heavier than the average Brit.
Turns out an oversized ego doesn't weigh as much as teeth.
New year's resolution - give up smoking and wanking.
It'll be tough because since I was 14, I've been a 40-a-day guy. I smoke a fair bit too.
Mummy, why did we do Christmas and presents in July this year?
Because it’s cheaper than chemotherapy.
"Allahu Akbar" means different things to different people.
To Muslims it means "God is great."
To Westerners it means "run like fuck."