The sickest, rudest, most offensive, inappropriate & politically incorrect jokes — we've got them all!
A person who likes to be around people is an extrovert. A person who doesn't like to be around people is an introvert. I like to be around cats.
Does that make me a purrvert?
How do you quickly stop an argument between two deaf person?
Just switch off the light.
What's great for dogs but terrible for children?
You have to be pretty brave to undergo transgender surgery
That shit takes balls
I've always wanted to start a company called "Thank You for Calling How May I help You"
Then my receptionist will have to answer the phone like "Thank you for calling Thank You for Calling How May I Help You, how may I help you?"
What is the sexiest instrument to play?
A Bagpipe - The ladies have got to respect a man who can blow, finger, and squeeze all at the same time!
An old man is at passport control in Paris. He is going through his bag for his passport which he can't find. The irritated woman on passport control asks him 'Have you visited France before?'
'Yes' replied the old man.
Sarcastically she responds 'Well surely you should know to have your passport ready...' to which he answers 'I didn't have to show it last time'
'Impossible!!' she bellowed.
The old man looks her straight in the eye and says 'Last time, when I landed on D-Day on 6th June 1944, I couldn't find a fucking Frenchman to give it to'
Yall want a pack of dead batteries?
They‘re free of charge!
What did the body wash say to the guy entering the shower?
Hi, Gene!
Two medieval knights meet and have a chat in an extremely muddy camp
After a short while, one of them says: "I believe a person's lying in the mud. I appear to be standing on someone's leg."
The other replies: "Now that you mention it, what I thought to be a rock under my feet appears to be someone's armoured torso."
"I think it might be your knight-in-training John. I guess he's passed out drunk again "
"Looks like you're right. How terrible!"
"An unfortunate situation indeed. But it could be worse."
"How do you mean?"
"The youngsters had quite a party last night, there could easily have been more than one lying here for us to stand on."
"You're right. At least we're on the same page."
A man who owned a sausage factory was showing his arrogant asshole son around his factory.
Try as he might to impress his snobbish son, his son would just sneer and look down his nose at everything.
They approached the heart of the factory, where the father thought, "This should impress him!"
He showed his son a machine and said, "Son, this is the heart of the factory. With this machine here we can put in a pig, and out come sausages."
The son, unimpressed, said, "Yes, but do you have a machine where you can put in a sausage and out comes a pig?"
The father, "Yes son, we call it your mother."
I'm a social vegetarian.
I don't like meat-ing people.
Today I found out that there are breeds of fish with no eyes
Or rather, breeds of fsh
My daughter came and asked me "what's gays?"
I said "they are men who love other men"
Then she asked "what's penetrating gays?"
"Uuuh can you read me the whole sentence?"
"He stared at me with a penetrating gaze"
What is a little known fact about foot fetish guys?
They won't switch to the metric system
What is an electrical engineers favorite song?
Watt is love, Baby don't hertz me, Don't hertz me, N-ohm more
How does a Mother become single?
When she moves Father away.
Someone asked me if Steve Jobs would have been a better president than Donald Trump?
That's like comparing apples to oranges.
I love the way the earth rotates
It makes my day
My grandpa died because we couldn’t remember his blood type.
He kept telling us to "be positive." It’s really tough without him.
A blind girl said I have a big di*k.
Turns out, she was just pulling my leg.
R.I.P. boiling water.
You'll be mist.
A guy was working on his job, then his boss asks him:
-"Have you ever seen a Penguin?"
-"I have never seen one", the guy replies
The guy goes to human resources:
-"Hello, why are you here?"
-"My boss sent me here because i have enever seen a penguin"
The guy, now sad and unemployed, goes to his house
-"Why are you here so early?" his wife asks
-"They fired me" the guy replies
-"How so?" says his wife
-"My boss sent me to human resources and they fired me because i have never seen a penguin"
-"YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN A PENGUIN?" asks his wife in shock and disbelief
His wife divorces the guy and leaves the house, he is left living with his son
-"Why did mom divorce you?" his son asks
-"My boss sent me to human resources and they fired me, then your mom left me because i have never seen a penguin" he replies
The son kicks him from the house and now he's homeless, the next day, a police officer asks him
-"Why are you here in this situation? last week you had a great family and a good job and a big house"
-"My boss sent me to human resources and they fired me, then my wife left me, and my son kicked me from the house because i have never seen a penguin"
-"YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN A PENGUIN? SIR YOU ARE UNDER ARREST! You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to talk to a lawyer and have him present with you while you are being questioned. If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, one will be appointed to represent you before any questioning, if you wish one"
The guy is sent to court to decide his sentence, the judge asks
-"Why are you here sir?"
-"My boss sent me to human resources and they fired me, then my wife left me, and my son kicked me from the house and i got arrested because i have never seen a penguin"
Now the guy, unemployed, divorced, homeless and with a life sentence goes to prison, in prison his cellmates ask him how he got in prison
-"My boss sent me to human resources and they fired me, then my wife left me, and my son kicked me from the house, got arrested and got a life sentence because i have never seen a penguin"
His cellmates in rage ask him -"WHY YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN A PENGUIN? WE'LL GIVE YOU A LESSON" then they lynch him and he dies.
In heaven, Saint Peter asks him -"How did you die?"
He replies -"My boss sent me to human resources and they fired me, then my wife left me, and my son kicked me from the house, got arrested, got a life sentence and got killed by my cellmates because i have never seen a penguin"
The guy goes to hell, there, the devil asks him -"Why are you here?"
The guy responds -"My boss sent me to human resources and they fired me, then my wife left me, and my son kicked me from the house, got arrested, got a life sentence, got killed by my cellmates, and go to hell because i have never seen a penguin"
-"HOW HAVE YOU NEVER SEEN A PENGUIN" says the devil, them the guy gets thrown into a bottomless pit, much later, he reaches the bottom, there is another guy down there named John and John asks him -"Why are you here"
The guy replies -"My boss sent me to human resources and they fired me, then my wife left me, and my son kicked me from the house, got arrested, got a life sentence, got killed by my cellmates, then go to hell, and then et thrown into this bottomless pit with a bottom"
-"Why" asks John
-"Because i have never seen a penguin"
-"Me neither".
Politicians and diapers have one thing in common: they should both be changed regularly…
and for the same reason.
Lance is a very uncommon name nowadays
Back in medieval times, people were called Lance a lot.
What’s the worst thing to say in an elevator?
"It's a good thing they don't have metal detectors at the entrance".
On the first day of Trevor's freshman year in college, his English professor asked the students to state their names and one interesting fact about themselves.
Trevor said, "My brother and I know the definition of every single word in the English language."
A wave of laughter rolls through the auditorium. The professor raised her hands to the students. "Is that so?" she asked.
"Yes, ma'am, absolute truth."
She wrote the word supercilious on the board. "OK, Trevor, what does this word mean?"
He looked at the board for a moment and said, "That's one that my brother knows."
A pregnant woman is in the hospital and she starts screaming, “Couldn’t, wouldn’t, don’t, won’t!” The nurse asked the doctor, “Is she losing her mind?”
The doctor replied, "No, those are just contractions."
"How did you find the steak?" the waiter asked
I said "it was super easy, it was right next to the potatoes."
Why can’t a leopard hide?
Because he’s always spotted.