The sickest, rudest, most offensive, inappropriate & politically incorrect jokes — we've got them all!
A man is laying in the hospital, waiting to be the first person in history to receive a brain transplant.
A doctor comes in and says, "Congratulations! But unfortunately, since this is a new procedure, your insurance isn't going to cover it all. So we're going to give you 3 choices for brains and you can decide which you can afford."
The man says to the doctor, "Okay, what are they?"
The doctor says, “Well, first there's the engineer brain, that's $100 an ounce. Then there's the astrophysicist brain, that'll cost you $200 an ounce. Finally, there's the politician brain. That's the most expensive at $1000 an ounce."
The man looks at the doctor, surprised… “that's absurd! Why is the politician brain so expensive?"
The doctor turns to him and says, “Sir, do you have any idea how many politicians it takes to get an ounce of brain?"
Me and my friends started a band. We’re called 999 megabyte.
We still don’t have a Gig
Never hire someone named Peter as your file manager.
Because it's an outdated profession, we have computers to do that now.
My girlfriend got a shitty haircut and she’s crying.
I don’t know what she’s crying about, I’m the one that has to get a new girlfriend.
Nothing worse than after sex, looking down and seeing that limp used condom hanging there. Particularly when you weren't wearing one when you started!
How many friendzoned guys does it take to change a lightbulb?
None - they just compliment it and get pissed that it won’t screw.
What's the difference between a cougar and a leopard?
A leopard can drag something twice its weight up a tree.
A cougar can drag someone half her age into bed.
Dentist: "That's the biggest cavity I've ever seen. That's the biggest cavity I've ever seen."
Patient: "I heard you the first time. You didn't have to say it twice."
Dentist: "I didn't. That was my echo."
It's always so awkward when you're watching a movie with your parents and a sex scene comes on
Really ruined my family's screening of Backdoor Anal Sluts 5.
My buddy said he's ambidextrous.
I said that must be pretty handy.
A woman is milking a cow when an angry bull busts loose and goes charging across the field straight for her.
A farmhand sees what is happening and starts yelling and waving his arms to warn her. The bull is charging, the farmhand is screaming his head off, but the woman just keeps milking the cow. At the last moment before she is trampled and gored, the bull checks up, lowers his head, and skulks off in another direction while she keeps on milking.
Seeing this, the astonished farmhand runs up and says, “Wow! I thought you were dead for sure! Weren’t you afraid of that bull?”
And she says, “I would have been, but this cow is his mother in law.”
My wife gazed at me and bit her lip seductively.
Unfortunately it was her top lip so she just looked like a piranha.
Leonardo DiCaprio, sitting on a park bench, watching a 26 year old girl walking by
he says, "I bet she was a looker in her day"
I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do.
And for the people who like country music, denigrate means "put down".
Do you think Pavlov thought about feeding his dog every time he heard a bell ring?
My son asked me what that thing on the back of a racecar is called.
I told him, I can't tell you because it's a spoiler.
People these days are so judgemental
I can tell just by looking at them
What is Jesus’ least favorite sport?
Getting a haircut is sort of like having sex
You never want to hear someone say "uh oh" during it
Apparently there are 3 marriage rings
The engagement ring, the wedding ring and the suffering.
My friend: "Bro, you want this pamphlet?"
Me: "Brochure"
I paid $500 for a belt
It was a huge waist
The sweet thing my wife says every time after sex:
Happy Birthday!
I walked into the bottle-o, the guy behind the counter asked, "Do you need help?"
I replied, "Yes, but I will take the Whiskey instead."
Today, my optometrist told me that my prescription had worsened significantly.
I did not see that coming.
What game do most of us play during working hours?
Call Of Duty
Did you hear uber have a new food delivery service via catapult?
Uber yeets
My religious girlfriend keeps going on about how God is everywhere. But one day I caught her out.
During some energetic sex I accidently thrust into the wrong hole causing her to scream out
“Oh GOD not in there”.
Strong people don't put others down.
They lift them up and slam them on the ground for maximum damage.
The Englishman says “I will die for honor.”
The Frenchman says “I will die for liberty.”
The Spaniard says “I will die for God.”
The Russian says “I will die.”