Hanya mampu berdiam diri 🥀 》 29 . 04 . 2020 《 Official bot ; @humblemebot Creator ; @blldwnn
i just hate it when people never care how much i've been hurt trough their words .
°🥀 @silencewordss
i have a lot of time to do my homework but nevermind i don't feel like wanna do it :(
°🥀 @silencewordss
as you get matured , you'll never care about what people say anymore .
°🥀 @silencewordss
believe it or not , our tears are enjoying the time they were released from the pain we hold for this long time .
°🥀 @silencewordss
stay healthy , stay safe and stay away from me anyways .
°🥀 @silencewordss
i was about to stand up again but as soon as you come back , im falling apart for the multiple times .
°🥀 @silencewordss
╰─► °•*👸🏻*•°
The true story of a princess is a struggle , not just an eye of romance
➻ 「 @dreamstoryyy 」
I wish I can be myself, but if I become myself , is there still anyone who wants to be friends with me ?
°🥀 @silencewordss
mau ucapkan cinta tapi takut salah.
mau ucapkan syg tapi bkn kekasih.
alangkah bahagianya kalau dia tahu aku ada hati padanya.
°🥀 @silencewordss
im happy being who i am . cuz i know at least im not fake .
°🥀 @silencewordss
satu hari nanti , semua akan menjauh . ketika itu kau hanya mampu berharap pada Allah dan diri sendiri . so don't expect too much on human .
°🥀 @silencewordss
sifat menahan kemarahan adalah lebih mulia daripada membalas dendam
through this year , i learnt that life will never be easy . so , congratulations if you still live in a 'happy' lifestyle .
°🥀 @silencewordss
is it just me or i actually don't know what i'm feeling right now .
°🥀 @silencewordss
no one would notice how mad you are until it turns into tears .
°🥀 @silencewordss
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” — Albert Einstein
just know that i'm still living and breathing but now in pain :)
°🥀 @silencewordss
I hate myself . why ? because my tears do not stop flowing . Why do I have to cry for someone who has hurt me a lot .
°🥀 @silencewordss
bila aku cakap aku tak nak kau stay dgn aku tapi kau tetap stay juga tapi bila aku cakap aku nak kau stay dgn aku apsal kau pergi ? sakit tau tak !!
kalau kwn kau tetiba berubah
first thing yg kau kena buat ialah fikir apa yg kau buat sampai dia berubah . bknnya kau pegi membawang .
°🥀 @silencewordss
how can i fall for someone like you ?
✨ bij ✨
°🥀 @silencewordss
if you don't like who i am , just keep quiet and leave .
°🥀 @silencewordss
if you want to leave , just leave . don't do any dramatic scene here anymore .
°🥀 @silencewordss