Hanya mampu berdiam diri 🥀 》 29 . 04 . 2020 《 Official bot ; @humblemebot Creator ; @blldwnn
every girls are beautiful by their own way . so , dont be insecure . you are more than pretty 💗
°🥀 @silencewordss
being emotional isnt dramatic . it's how you express the pain you feel inside .
°🥀 @silencewordss
i may sounds desperate , but all i want is only you .
°🥀 @silencewordss
it's been a few years we lost contact . dont you miss me ? :)
°🥀 @silencewordss
get up , move on . your life is precious , dont let those clowns bring you down .
°🥀 @silencewordss
i can accept everything from you , why cant you do the same ?
°🥀 @silencewordss
my heart is fragile , please take care a good care of it .
°🥀 @silencewordss
i hope you understand when i say " im fine "
°🥀 @silencewordss
im sorry if my words hurt you , cuz i never intended to do so ")
•` — @silencewordss 🥀
i think i've been quite for too long , so i need to act now .
°🥀 @silencewordss
when i say i want it , i mean it and i got it .
°🥀 @silencewordss
yes im an introvert but that doesn't mean you can be a pervert towards me .
°🥀 @silencewordss
It hurts when you have a crush on someone that have a good relay with your bestfriend ,)
°🥀 @silencewordss
one day bila kau dah rasa kehilangan baru kau akan tahu apa itu penyesalan yg sebenar.
°🥀 @silencewordss
with our situation now , i've lost every motivation i had .
°🥀 @silencewordss
i just hope that you are fine without me .
°🥀 @silencewordss
i hate everyone . but when it comes to you , my simp mode is on 😭
°🥀 @silencewordss
you know you cant laugh and laugh on the same joke , but why you keep crying on the same reason ?
°🥀 @silencewordss
no matter how hard it is , you still need to accept the fate that you're not the one for them .
°🥀 @silencewordss
dont mind me . im just missing someone that never gonna miss me back .
°🥀 @silencewordss
i never treat people badly unless they treat me like a trash :)
°🥀 @silencewordss
remember the day we promise to stay together ? yeah , you broke the promise .
°🥀 @silencewordss
no matter how hard you try to hide , im still gonna find it out .
°🥀 @silencewordss
even if you really need to go , say goodbye at least :)
°🥀 @silencewordss
i try my best to not became heartless but the more im trying , the more i hurt .
°🥀 @silencewordss
when tiktok said " bila kau bagitau kawan kau siapa crush kau , they will slowly fall for him "
I feel that ,)
°🥀 @silencewordss
semua org buat kesilapan.
jgn jadi mcm guru discipline.
mcm kau tak pernah buat salah.
°🥀 @silencewordss