🟥 American True Hero [TRUMP] [Base]
First signs of this token have appeared on listing, no guaranties it will be listed ⚠️0x4ce4079a01CEDc9549bFB16173A6f68119783676
💰 MC: $166.4K
, PR: $0.0₅35
🔈 VOL 24h: $4K
, 1h: $0
💧 Liquidity: $138K
├ locked: 0%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~1
👭 Holders: 8 total ‼️
├ top 10 hold 20.29% ‼️
└ 100% of top 10 are fake ‼️
📆 Age: 21 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 0.00%
/ 0.00%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
✅ Baby Tiger [BBT] [Base]
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉0x8A638Ea79f71f3B91bDC96BbdF9fb27C93013D60
🔢 Recents Place: 2
💰 MC: $20.8M
, PR: $0.01
🔈 VOL 24h: $40K
, 1h: $2K
💧 Liquidity: $228K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~90
🔐 Security:
├ ❌ Slippage modifiable (hp risk)
└ ❌ Can be minted
👭 Holders: 13108 total
├ top 10 hold 46.12% ‼️
└ 63% of top 10 are fake ‼️
👦🏿 Owner: Renounced ✅
📆 Age: 136 days, 21 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 0.00%
/ 0.00%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
twitter | telegram | website
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
🟨 Peanuts Brother [Wally] [Solana]
Token is officially listed but it still can get untracked ⚠️AFy7FjjKWhQjyebp1dWoJwKUxiPwop9Y7LDFBcPYpump
💰 MC: $2.8M
, PR: $0.003
🔈 VOL 24h: $2M
, 1h: $52K
💧 Liquidity: $402K
├ initial: $26K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~7
👭 Holders: 8286 total
└ top 10 hold 19.67% ‼️
📆 Age: 16 days, 23 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
twitter | telegram | website
smartest/AFy7FjjKWhQjyebp1dWoJwKUxiPwop9Y7LDFBcPYpump">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
🟥 Baby Tiger [BBT] [Base]
First signs of this token have appeared on listing, no guaranties it will be listed ⚠️0x8A638Ea79f71f3B91bDC96BbdF9fb27C93013D60
💰 MC: $21M
, PR: $0.011
🔈 VOL 24h: $38K
, 1h: $263
💧 Liquidity: $227K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~92
🔐 Security:
├ ❌ Slippage modifiable (hp risk)
└ ❌ Can be minted
👭 Holders: 13108 total
├ top 10 hold 46.12% ‼️
└ 63% of top 10 are fake ‼️
👦🏿 Owner: Renounced ✅
📆 Age: 136 days, 21 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 0.00%
/ 0.00%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
twitter | telegram | website
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
🟥 DNA [DNA] [Solana]
First signs of this token have appeared on listing, no guaranties it will be listed ⚠️DiSetnR7k57wmfvywJhUVjPwWfg54SdQKxQdJEBYW23B
💰 MC: $221.2K
, PR: $0.0₁₁53
🔈 VOL 24h: $60K
, 1h: $14K
💧 Liquidity: $36K
├ initial: $14K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~6
👭 Holders: 1260 total
└ top 10 hold 9.56%
📆 Age: 2 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
smartest/DiSetnR7k57wmfvywJhUVjPwWfg54SdQKxQdJEBYW23B">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
✅ KANZZAI [KAAI] [Ethereum]
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉0xa7d48da33cF6AC74Ed2Ba71b7E33005DC51ADbB7
🔢 Recents Place: 15
💰 MC: $3.1M
, PR: $0.031
🔈 VOL 24h: $518K
, 1h: $518K
💧 Liquidity: $200K
└ mc/liq ratio: ~15
🔐 Security:
├ ❌ Slippage modifiable (hp risk)
└ ❌️ Anti whale system
👭 Holders: 187 total ‼️
├ top 10 hold 12.64%
└ 63% of top 10 are fake ‼️
👦🏿 Owner: 0xbf954cc2...‼️
📆 Age: 2 days, 7 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 4.00%
/ 4.00%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦄 unibot
website | twitter | KanzzAI">message_board | chat | explorer | technical_doc
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener | 🦄 uniswap
🟥 Staked USDX [sUSDX] [🌟BNB]
First signs of this token have appeared on listing, no guaranties it will be listed ⚠️0x7788A3538C5fc7F9c7C8A74EAC4c898fC8d87d92
💰 MC: $182.6M
, PR: $1.014
🔈 VOL 24h: $9K
, 1h: $261
💧 Liquidity: $36K
├ locked: 0%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~5056
🔐 Security:
└ ❌ Can be minted
👭 Holders: 1708 total
└ top 10 hold 0.00%
👦🏿 Owner: 0x3f9a06ad...‼️
📆 Age: 34 days, 7 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 0.00%
/ 0.01%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener | 🥞 pancakeswap | 👃🏻 niffer | 🛡 staysafu | 📊 bscscan
✅ Renzo Restaked SOL [ezSOL] [Solana]
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉ezSoL6fY1PVdJcJsUpe5CM3xkfmy3zoVCABybm5WtiC
🔢 Recents Place: 1
💰 MC: $11.2M
, PR: $279.51
🔈 VOL 24h: $12K
, 1h: $12
💧 Liquidity: $3M
└ mc/liq ratio: ~3
🔐 Security:
├ ❌️More tokens can be minted by the owner
├ ❌️The top 10 users hold more than 70% token supply
└ ❌️Low amount of liquidity in the token pool
👭 Holders: 1015 total
└ top 10 hold 76.68% ‼️
📆 Age: 18 days, 23 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
website | twitter | chat | explorer
smartest/ezSoL6fY1PVdJcJsUpe5CM3xkfmy3zoVCABybm5WtiC">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
🟥 Renzo Restaked SOL [ezSOL] [Solana]
First signs of this token have appeared on listing, no guaranties it will be listed ⚠️ezSoL6fY1PVdJcJsUpe5CM3xkfmy3zoVCABybm5WtiC
💰 MC: $11.3M
, PR: $275.83
🔈 VOL 24h: $12K
, 1h: $3K
💧 Liquidity: $3M
└ mc/liq ratio: ~3
🔐 Security:
├ ❌️More tokens can be minted by the owner
├ ❌️The top 10 users hold more than 70% token supply
└ ❌️Low amount of liquidity in the token pool
👭 Holders: 1015 total
└ top 10 hold 77.58% ‼️
📆 Age: 18 days, 22 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
smartest/ezSoL6fY1PVdJcJsUpe5CM3xkfmy3zoVCABybm5WtiC">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
✅ ChatGPT [CHATTY] [Solana]
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉9EwutmiMiLHoH5hj5aCLMDJUdsLZVg926ZmDdr8Ppump
🔢 Recents Place: 1
💰 MC: $9.2M
, PR: $0.009
🔈 VOL 24h: $9M
, 1h: $584K
💧 Liquidity: $668K
├ initial: $33K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~13
👭 Holders: 11871 total
└ top 10 hold 10.81%
📆 Age: 3 days, 13 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
twitter | telegram | website
smartest/9EwutmiMiLHoH5hj5aCLMDJUdsLZVg926ZmDdr8Ppump">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
First signs of this token have appeared on listing, no guaranties it will be listed ⚠️0x726a54E04f394b6e44e58a2D7CB0fEc61361D10E
💰 MC: $8.7M
, PR: $0.0₃87
🔈 VOL 24h: $100K
, 1h: $1K
💧 Liquidity: $101K
├ locked: 0%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~86
🔐 Security:
└ ❌ Blacklist
👭 Holders: 6872 total
├ top 10 hold 97.81% ‼️
└ 70% of top 10 are fake ‼️
👦🏿 Owner: 0xd6c7ef11...‼️
📆 Age: 29 days, 4 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 0.00%
/ 0.00%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener | 🥞 pancakeswap | 👃🏻 niffer | 🛡 staysafu | 📊 bscscan
Token is officially listed but it still can get untracked ⚠️0xd86aE498DBe9A19aeeCeA1D8b48cd3752dB79492
💰 MC: $283.7K
, PR: $0.0₉68
🔈 VOL 24h: $912K
, 1h: $13K
💧 Liquidity: $50K
└ mc/liq ratio: ~5
🔐 Security:
├ ❌ Transfer pausable (hp risk)
└ ❌️ Anti whale system
👭 Holders: 457 total
├ top 10 hold 18.54% ‼️
└ 100% of top 10 are fake ‼️
👦🏿 Owner: Renounced ✅
📆 Age: 1 days, 21 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 0.00%
/ 0.00%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
twitter | telegram | website
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener | 🥞 pancakeswap | 👃🏻 niffer | 🛡 staysafu | 📊 bscscan
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉TPP9Pq2LQwtrwfyUDLSyFsKJwJjFouf45B
🔢 Recents Place: 1
💰 MC: $551.7K
, PR: $0.0₃55
🔈 VOL 24h: $121K
, 1h: $259
💧 Liquidity: $97K
├ initial: $38K
└ mc/liq ratio: ~5
👭 Holders: 394 total
└ top 10 hold 24.70% ‼️
📆 Age: 2 days, 17 hrs
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
twitter | telegram | website
smartest/TPP9Pq2LQwtrwfyUDLSyFsKJwJjFouf45B">🌞 photon | 😎 sun pump | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
✅ BALTO [BALTO] [Ethereum]
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉0xc77336FdD91e22c737B0f5EC33f4c429Caa1D13b
🔢 Recents Place: 6
💰 MC: $640.5K
, PR: $0.0₅18
🔈 VOL 24h: $7K
, 1h: $3K
💧 Liquidity: $74K
├ locked: 0%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~8
👭 Holders: 84 total ‼️
├ top 10 hold 25.31% ‼️
└ 22% of top 10 are fake
👦🏿 Owner: Renounced ✅
📆 Age: 6 days, 15 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 0.40%
/ 2.90%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦄 unibot
website | twitter | chat | explorer
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener | 🦄 uniswap
✅ Solana Mascot [LUMIO] [Solana]
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉9vHizhLqqpTEhVduy12qL6goNMa4GDguLhhiiDKRpump
🔢 Recents Place: 1
💰 MC: $1.4M
, PR: $0.001
🔈 VOL 24h: $1M
, 1h: $118K
💧 Liquidity: $158K
├ initial: $35K
├ locked: 200%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~8
👭 Holders: 1551 total
└ top 10 hold 6.54%
📆 Age: 2 days, 9 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
twitter | telegram | website
smartest/9vHizhLqqpTEhVduy12qL6goNMa4GDguLhhiiDKRpump">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
✅ Pnut's Sister [chloe] [Solana]
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉8g32ps7JWAL7EDkmBhW49dkUCHRq1Des1Hg8sPSb3ou3
🔢 Recents Place: 1
💰 MC: $1.2M
, PR: $0.001
🔈 VOL 24h: $2M
, 1h: $96K
💧 Liquidity: $183K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~6
👭 Holders: 4302 total
└ top 10 hold 23.01% ‼️
📆 Age: 13 days, 6 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
twitter | telegram | chloepnutsister">tiktok | website
smartest/8g32ps7JWAL7EDkmBhW49dkUCHRq1Des1Hg8sPSb3ou3">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
✅ Peanuts Brother [Wally] [Solana]
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉AFy7FjjKWhQjyebp1dWoJwKUxiPwop9Y7LDFBcPYpump
🔢 Recents Place: 1
💰 MC: $2.9M
, PR: $0.003
🔈 VOL 24h: $2M
, 1h: $47K
💧 Liquidity: $411K
├ initial: $26K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~7
👭 Holders: 8286 total
└ top 10 hold 19.67% ‼️
📆 Age: 16 days, 23 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
twitter | telegram | website
smartest/AFy7FjjKWhQjyebp1dWoJwKUxiPwop9Y7LDFBcPYpump">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
🟨 Baby Tiger [BBT] [Base]
Token is officially listed but it still can get untracked ⚠️0x8A638Ea79f71f3B91bDC96BbdF9fb27C93013D60
💰 MC: $21M
, PR: $0.011
🔈 VOL 24h: $38K
, 1h: $263
💧 Liquidity: $227K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~92
🔐 Security:
├ ❌ Slippage modifiable (hp risk)
└ ❌ Can be minted
👭 Holders: 13108 total
├ top 10 hold 46.12% ‼️
└ 63% of top 10 are fake ‼️
👦🏿 Owner: Renounced ✅
📆 Age: 136 days, 21 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 0.00%
/ 0.00%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
twitter | telegram | website
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
✅ DNA [DNA] [Solana]
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉DiSetnR7k57wmfvywJhUVjPwWfg54SdQKxQdJEBYW23B
🔢 Recents Place: 1
💰 MC: $265K
, PR: $0.0₁₁63
🔈 VOL 24h: $73K
, 1h: $25K
💧 Liquidity: $39K
├ initial: $14K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~6
👭 Holders: 1272 total
└ top 10 hold 9.56%
📆 Age: 3 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
website | twitter | chat | explorer
smartest/DiSetnR7k57wmfvywJhUVjPwWfg54SdQKxQdJEBYW23B">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
🟨 DNA [DNA] [Solana]
Token is officially listed but it still can get untracked ⚠️DiSetnR7k57wmfvywJhUVjPwWfg54SdQKxQdJEBYW23B
💰 MC: $215.3K
, PR: $0.0₁₁51
🔈 VOL 24h: $60K
, 1h: $13K
💧 Liquidity: $35K
├ initial: $14K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~6
👭 Holders: 1260 total
└ top 10 hold 9.56%
📆 Age: 2 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
website | twitter | chat | explorer
smartest/DiSetnR7k57wmfvywJhUVjPwWfg54SdQKxQdJEBYW23B">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
✅ Staked USDX [sUSDX] [BNB]
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉0x7788A3538C5fc7F9c7C8A74EAC4c898fC8d87d92
🔢 Recents Place: 1
💰 MC: $182.8M
, PR: $1.015
🔈 VOL 24h: $9K
, 1h: $322
💧 Liquidity: $36K
├ locked: 0%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~5057
🔐 Security:
└ ❌ Can be minted
👭 Holders: 1708 total
└ top 10 hold 0.00%
👦🏿 Owner: 0x3f9a06ad...‼️
📆 Age: 34 days, 8 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 0.00%
/ 0.01%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
website | twitter | USDX.money">message_board | chat | explorer | technical_doc | source_code
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener | 🥞 pancakeswap | 👃🏻 niffer | 🛡 staysafu | 📊 bscscan
🟨 Staked USDX [sUSDX] [BNB]
Token is officially listed but it still can get untracked ⚠️0x7788A3538C5fc7F9c7C8A74EAC4c898fC8d87d92
💰 MC: $182.6M
, PR: $1.014
🔈 VOL 24h: $9K
, 1h: $261
💧 Liquidity: $36K
├ locked: 0%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~5056
🔐 Security:
└ ❌ Can be minted
👭 Holders: 1708 total
└ top 10 hold 0.00%
👦🏿 Owner: 0x3f9a06ad...‼️
📆 Age: 34 days, 7 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 0.00%
/ 0.01%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
website | twitter | USDX.money">message_board | chat | explorer | technical_doc | source_code
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener | 🥞 pancakeswap | 👃🏻 niffer | 🛡 staysafu | 📊 bscscan
🟨 Renzo Restaked SOL [ezSOL] [Solana]
Token is officially listed but it still can get untracked ⚠️ezSoL6fY1PVdJcJsUpe5CM3xkfmy3zoVCABybm5WtiC
💰 MC: $11M
, PR: $275.83
🔈 VOL 24h: $12K
, 1h: $3K
💧 Liquidity: $3M
└ mc/liq ratio: ~3
🔐 Security:
├ ❌️More tokens can be minted by the owner
├ ❌️The top 10 users hold more than 70% token supply
└ ❌️Low amount of liquidity in the token pool
👭 Holders: 1015 total
└ top 10 hold 77.58% ‼️
📆 Age: 18 days, 22 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
website | twitter | chat | explorer
smartest/ezSoL6fY1PVdJcJsUpe5CM3xkfmy3zoVCABybm5WtiC">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉0x726a54E04f394b6e44e58a2D7CB0fEc61361D10E
🔢 Recents Place: 1
💰 MC: $9M
, PR: $0.0₃90
🔈 VOL 24h: $101K
, 1h: $3K
💧 Liquidity: $103K
├ locked: 0%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~87
🔐 Security:
└ ❌ Blacklist
👭 Holders: 6872 total
├ top 10 hold 97.81% ‼️
└ 70% of top 10 are fake ‼️
👦🏿 Owner: 0xd6c7ef11...‼️
📆 Age: 29 days, 4 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 0.00%
/ 0.00%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
website | twitter | chat | explorer | technical_doc | source_code
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener | 🥞 pancakeswap | 👃🏻 niffer | 🛡 staysafu | 📊 bscscan
Token is officially listed but it still can get untracked ⚠️0x726a54E04f394b6e44e58a2D7CB0fEc61361D10E
💰 MC: $8.7M
, PR: $0.0₃87
🔈 VOL 24h: $100K
, 1h: $1K
💧 Liquidity: $101K
├ locked: 0%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~86
🔐 Security:
└ ❌ Blacklist
👭 Holders: 6872 total
├ top 10 hold 97.81% ‼️
└ 70% of top 10 are fake ‼️
👦🏿 Owner: 0xd6c7ef11...‼️
📆 Age: 29 days, 4 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 0.00%
/ 0.00%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
website | twitter | chat | explorer | technical_doc | source_code
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener | 🥞 pancakeswap | 👃🏻 niffer | 🛡 staysafu | 📊 bscscan
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉0xd86aE498DBe9A19aeeCeA1D8b48cd3752dB79492
🔢 Recents Place: 1
💰 MC: $286.7K
, PR: $0.0₉68
🔈 VOL 24h: $912K
, 1h: $14K
💧 Liquidity: $50K
└ mc/liq ratio: ~5
🔐 Security:
├ ❌ Transfer pausable (hp risk)
└ ❌️ Anti whale system
👭 Holders: 457 total
├ top 10 hold 18.54% ‼️
└ 100% of top 10 are fake ‼️
👦🏿 Owner: Renounced ✅
📆 Age: 1 days, 21 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 0.00%
/ 0.00%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
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🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener | 🥞 pancakeswap | 👃🏻 niffer | 🛡 staysafu | 📊 bscscan
🟨 ChatGPT [CHATTY] [Solana]
Token is officially listed but it still can get untracked ⚠️9EwutmiMiLHoH5hj5aCLMDJUdsLZVg926ZmDdr8Ppump
💰 MC: $9.8M
, PR: $0.01
🔈 VOL 24h: $9M
, 1h: $561K
💧 Liquidity: $693K
├ initial: $33K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~14
👭 Holders: 11752 total
└ top 10 hold 10.81%
📆 Age: 3 days, 13 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
twitter | telegram | website
smartest/9EwutmiMiLHoH5hj5aCLMDJUdsLZVg926ZmDdr8Ppump">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
✅ DChef [DChefSol] [Solana]
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉Eoo3LNvzyMm5K1jfwY7PkSdxBSBgXYJJ7DERTdFBpump
🔢 Recents Place: 3
💰 MC: $997.2K
, PR: $0.0₃100
🔈 VOL 24h: $227K
, 1h: $2K
💧 Liquidity: $140K
├ initial: $28K
├ locked: 200%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~7
👭 Holders: 1086 total
└ top 10 hold 23.45% ‼️
📆 Age: 24 days, 15 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
twitter | telegram | website | instagram | tiktok
smartest/Eoo3LNvzyMm5K1jfwY7PkSdxBSBgXYJJ7DERTdFBpump">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
✅ Paradox [PARADOX] [Base]
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉0x3c4b6Cd7874eDc945797123fcE2d9a871818524b
🔢 Recents Place: 2
💰 MC: $6.3M
, PR: $6.3
🔈 VOL 24h: $2M
, 1h: $60K
💧 Liquidity: $474K
├ locked: 0%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~13
👭 Holders: 19276 total
├ top 10 hold 19.82% ‼️
└ 50% of top 10 are fake ‼️
📆 Age: 9 days, 10 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 0.00%
/ 0.00%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
twitter | telegram | website | warpcast
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
Token is officially listed but it still can get untracked ⚠️TPP9Pq2LQwtrwfyUDLSyFsKJwJjFouf45B
💰 MC: $564.8K
, PR: $0.0₃56
🔈 VOL 24h: $126K
, 1h: $291
💧 Liquidity: $99K
├ initial: $38K
└ mc/liq ratio: ~5
👭 Holders: 394 total
└ top 10 hold 24.65% ‼️
📆 Age: 2 days, 16 hrs
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
twitter | telegram | website
smartest/TPP9Pq2LQwtrwfyUDLSyFsKJwJjFouf45B">🌞 photon | 😎 sun pump | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener