First signs of this token have appeared on listing, no guaranties it will be listed ⚠️0x18eF464fD73Ed484c12339eAa5d5E3C8f6C48180
💰 MC: $558K
, PR: $0.006
🔈 VOL 24h: $95K
, 1h: $2K
💧 Liquidity: $89K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~6
🔐 Security:
├ ❌ Slippage modifiable (hp risk)
└ ❌️ Anti whale system
👭 Holders: 278 total
├ top 10 hold 36.43% ‼️
└ 56% of top 10 are fake ‼️
👦🏿 Owner: 0xd8db1490...‼️
📆 Age: 2 days, 22 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 5.00%
/ 5.09%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦄 unibot
twitter | telegram | website | docs
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener | 🦄 uniswap
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉0x105DD4727C09feAcE2158Ed125Fa45382058df6C
🔢 Recents Place: 15
💰 MC: $90.6K
, PR: $0.0₉22
🔈 VOL 24h: $84K
, 1h: $84K
💧 Liquidity: $41K
└ mc/liq ratio: ~2
👭 Holders: 59 total ‼️
├ top 10 hold 4.55%
├ 50% of top 10 are fake ‼️
└ 🔥burned 3.51%
👦🏿 Owner: 0x8c57ad62...‼️
📆 Age: 2 days, 20 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 5.00%
/ 5.33%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
twitter | telegram | website
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener | 🥞 pancakeswap | 👃🏻 niffer | 🛡 staysafu | 📊 bscscan
🟨 DeepBook Protocol [Unknown symbol 😢] [Sui]
Token is officially listed but it still can get untracked ⚠️0xdeeb7a4662eec9f2f3def03fb937a663dddaa2e2
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
website | twitter | chat | explorer | technical_doc | source_code
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
🟥 Wirex Pay [WPAY] [Solana]
First signs of this token have appeared on listing, no guaranties it will be listed ⚠️BERpabY4yVJqSQLYrQcnJQkcB6u9RfnfFUwfSWybyZxR
💰 MC: $512.8M
, PR: $0.051
🔈 VOL 24h: $14K
, 1h: $0
💧 Liquidity: $183M
└ mc/liq ratio: ~2
🔐 Security:
├ ❌️The top 10 users hold more than 70% token supply
├ ❌️One user holds a large amount of the token supply
├ ❌️Low amount of liquidity in the token pool
└ ❌️The top users hold more than 80% token supply
👭 Holders: 33 total ‼️
└ top 10 hold 100.00% ‼️
📆 Age: 6 days, 18 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
smartest/BERpabY4yVJqSQLYrQcnJQkcB6u9RfnfFUwfSWybyZxR">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
🟥 Tyler [TYLER] [Base]
First signs of this token have appeared on listing, no guaranties it will be listed ⚠️0x65e570b560027F493f2b1907e8e8e3B9546053bD
💰 MC: $713.9K
, PR: $0.0₃71
🔈 VOL 24h: $160K
, 1h: $8K
💧 Liquidity: $81K
├ locked: 43%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~8
👭 Holders: 719250 total
├ top 10 hold 24.15% ‼️
└ 89% of top 10 are fake ‼️
📆 Age: 15 days, 10 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 0.01%
/ 0.00%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
twitter | telegram | website
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
✅ Peter Todd [PETER TODD] [Solana]
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉2WJXUViAryEpJGvbCPpJ9PbmmhrPCPtEKiHrsuSs3F4D
🔢 Recents Place: 2
💰 MC: $17.4M
, PR: $0.0₉83
🔈 VOL 24h: $9K
, 1h: $1K
💧 Liquidity: $31K
├ initial: $29K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~557
👭 Holders: 1075 total
└ top 10 hold 55.46% ‼️
📆 Age: 23 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
twitter | telegram | website | discord | cmc
smartest/2WJXUViAryEpJGvbCPpJ9PbmmhrPCPtEKiHrsuSs3F4D">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
🟨 Peter Todd [PETER TODD] [Solana]
Token is officially listed but it still can get untracked ⚠️2WJXUViAryEpJGvbCPpJ9PbmmhrPCPtEKiHrsuSs3F4D
💰 MC: $17.4M
, PR: $0.0₉83
🔈 VOL 24h: $9K
, 1h: $1K
💧 Liquidity: $31K
├ initial: $29K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~557
👭 Holders: 1075 total
└ top 10 hold 55.46% ‼️
📆 Age: 23 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
twitter | telegram | website | discord | cmc
smartest/2WJXUViAryEpJGvbCPpJ9PbmmhrPCPtEKiHrsuSs3F4D">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
🟨 OGLONG [OGLG] [Solana]
Token is officially listed but it still can get untracked ⚠️D4R5MEE6eAywxURZJzwyVPcKxrzsSCgHV3VN667LLLv4
💰 MC: $9M
, PR: $0.004
🔈 VOL 24h: $2M
, 1h: $15K
💧 Liquidity: $166K
├ initial: $3K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~54
👭 Holders: 6068 total
└ top 10 hold 11.21%
📆 Age: 1 days, 13 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
twitter | telegram | website
smartest/D4R5MEE6eAywxURZJzwyVPcKxrzsSCgHV3VN667LLLv4">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
🟥 CDOGE [CDOGE] [Solana]
First signs of this token have appeared on listing, no guaranties it will be listed ⚠️5CB5Q7GkxxwduBgq9LboGuHpA2LMJLydy7uwKEhENnAD
💰 MC: $171.1K
, PR: $0.002
🔈 VOL 24h: $38K
, 1h: $3K
💧 Liquidity: $31K
├ initial: $28K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~5
🔐 Security:
├ ❌️The top 10 users hold more than 70% token supply
├ ❌️One user holds a large amount of the token supply
└ ❌️The top users hold more than 80% token supply
👭 Holders: 633 total
└ top 10 hold 88.85% ‼️
📆 Age: 21 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
twitter | telegram | website
smartest/5CB5Q7GkxxwduBgq9LboGuHpA2LMJLydy7uwKEhENnAD">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
✅ CARV [CARV] [Base]
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉0xc08Cd26474722cE93F4D0c34D16201461c10AA8C
🔢 Recents Place: 14
💰 MC: $31.4M
, PR: $0.276
🔈 VOL 24h: $7K
, 1h: $7K
💧 Liquidity: $10K
├ locked: 0%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~3118
👭 Holders: 2747 total
├ top 10 hold 8.55%
└ 71% of top 10 are fake ‼️
👦🏿 Owner: 0xa92b9adf...‼️
📆 Age: 0 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 0.00%
/ 0.00%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
website | twitter | Carv">message_board | chat | explorer | technical_doc | source_code
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
✅ Hawk [Hawk] [BNB]
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉0xE846D164B88eD2e1209609fea3cf7a3D89D70D2D
🔢 Recents Place: 4
💰 MC: $4.7M
, PR: $0.0₄60
🔈 VOL 24h: $7K
, 1h: $956
💧 Liquidity: $245K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~19
👭 Holders: 3478 total
├ top 10 hold 10.01%
├ 89% of top 10 are fake ‼️
└ 🔥burned 2.34%
👦🏿 Owner: Renounced ✅
📆 Age: 253 days, 22 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 5.00%
/ 5.00%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
twitter | telegram | website | hawkkillshib">youtube | reddit
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener | 🥞 pancakeswap | 👃🏻 niffer | 🛡 staysafu | 📊 bscscan
✅ XPAY [XPAY] [Ethereum]
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉0xD160fdAd4b3Cf8Ff6eC5E1ec3343c6d21Df19BC0
🔢 Recents Place: 2
💰 MC: $1.1M
, PR: $0.0₅25
🔈 VOL 24h: $1M
, 1h: $179K
💧 Liquidity: $146K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~7
🔐 Security:
├ ❌ Slippage modifiable (hp risk)
└ ❌️ Anti whale system
👦🏿 Owner: Renounced ✅
📆 Age: 3 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 0.00%
/ 0.00%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦄 unibot
twitter | telegram | website
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener | 🦄 uniswap
🟨 Hawk [Hawk] [BNB]
Token is officially listed but it still can get untracked ⚠️0xE846D164B88eD2e1209609fea3cf7a3D89D70D2D
💰 MC: $4.8M
, PR: $0.0₄61
🔈 VOL 24h: $6K
, 1h: $6
💧 Liquidity: $247K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~19
👭 Holders: 3477 total
├ top 10 hold 10.01%
├ 89% of top 10 are fake ‼️
└ 🔥burned 2.34%
👦🏿 Owner: Renounced ✅
📆 Age: 253 days, 22 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 5.00%
/ 5.00%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
twitter | telegram | website | hawkkillshib">youtube | reddit
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener | 🥞 pancakeswap | 👃🏻 niffer | 🛡 staysafu | 📊 bscscan
First signs of this token have appeared on listing, no guaranties it will be listed ⚠️EE5oQmJAgefygVACQpcjqo66dtGnPt98vBrjnD9BN36W
💰 MC: $674.9K
, PR: $0.0₁₁67
🔈 VOL 24h: $49K
, 1h: $9K
💧 Liquidity: $44K
├ initial: $14K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~15
👭 Holders: 1410 total
└ top 10 hold 4.90%
📆 Age: 3 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
smartest/EE5oQmJAgefygVACQpcjqo66dtGnPt98vBrjnD9BN36W">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
🟨 XPAY [XPAY] [Ethereum]
Token is officially listed but it still can get untracked ⚠️0xD160fdAd4b3Cf8Ff6eC5E1ec3343c6d21Df19BC0
💰 MC: $907.4K
, PR: $0.0₅22
🔈 VOL 24h: $1M
, 1h: $183K
💧 Liquidity: $135K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~6
🔐 Security:
├ ❌ Slippage modifiable (hp risk)
└ ❌️ Anti whale system
👦🏿 Owner: Renounced ✅
📆 Age: 3 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 0.00%
/ 0.00%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦄 unibot
twitter | telegram | website
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener | 🦄 uniswap
🟨 COFFEE [COFFEE] [Ethereum]
Token is officially listed but it still can get untracked ⚠️0x18eF464fD73Ed484c12339eAa5d5E3C8f6C48180
💰 MC: $558K
, PR: $0.006
🔈 VOL 24h: $95K
, 1h: $2K
💧 Liquidity: $89K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~6
🔐 Security:
├ ❌ Slippage modifiable (hp risk)
└ ❌️ Anti whale system
👭 Holders: 278 total
├ top 10 hold 36.43% ‼️
└ 56% of top 10 are fake ‼️
👦🏿 Owner: 0xd8db1490...‼️
📆 Age: 2 days, 22 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 5.00%
/ 5.09%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦄 unibot
twitter | telegram | website | docs
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener | 🦄 uniswap
✅ Tyler [TYLER] [Base]
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉0x65e570b560027F493f2b1907e8e8e3B9546053bD
🔢 Recents Place: 1
💰 MC: $795.7K
, PR: $0.0₃80
🔈 VOL 24h: $176K
, 1h: $18K
💧 Liquidity: $87K
├ locked: 43%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~9
👭 Holders: 719254 total
├ top 10 hold 24.15% ‼️
└ 89% of top 10 are fake ‼️
📆 Age: 15 days, 11 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 0.00%
/ 0.00%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
twitter | telegram | website
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
🟨 WPAY [WPAY] [Polygon]
Token is officially listed but it still can get untracked ⚠️0x7abe9edf5c544a04da83e9110cf46dbc4759170c
👭 Holders: 10 total ‼️
├ top 10 hold 100.00% ‼️
└ 80% of top 10 are fake ‼️
website | twitter | chat | explorer | technical_doc | announcement
🟨 Tyler [TYLER] [Base]
Token is officially listed but it still can get untracked ⚠️0x65e570b560027F493f2b1907e8e8e3B9546053bD
💰 MC: $758.7K
, PR: $0.0₃76
🔈 VOL 24h: $162K
, 1h: $9K
💧 Liquidity: $84K
├ locked: 43%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~9
👭 Holders: 719250 total
├ top 10 hold 24.15% ‼️
└ 89% of top 10 are fake ‼️
📆 Age: 15 days, 10 hrs
️✂️ Tax B/S: 0.01%
/ 0.00%
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
twitter | telegram | website
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
✅ OGLONG [OGLG] [Solana]
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉D4R5MEE6eAywxURZJzwyVPcKxrzsSCgHV3VN667LLLv4
🔢 Recents Place: 3
💰 MC: $9M
, PR: $0.004
🔈 VOL 24h: $2M
, 1h: $15K
💧 Liquidity: $165K
├ initial: $3K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~54
👭 Holders: 6068 total
└ top 10 hold 11.21%
📆 Age: 1 days, 13 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
twitter | telegram | website
smartest/D4R5MEE6eAywxURZJzwyVPcKxrzsSCgHV3VN667LLLv4">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
✅ CDOGE [CDOGE] [Solana]
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉5CB5Q7GkxxwduBgq9LboGuHpA2LMJLydy7uwKEhENnAD
🔢 Recents Place: 1
💰 MC: $190K
, PR: $0.002
🔈 VOL 24h: $38K
, 1h: $3K
💧 Liquidity: $32K
├ initial: $28K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~5
🔐 Security:
├ ❌️The top 10 users hold more than 70% token supply
├ ❌️One user holds a large amount of the token supply
└ ❌️The top users hold more than 80% token supply
👭 Holders: 633 total
└ top 10 hold 89.18% ‼️
📆 Age: 21 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
twitter | telegram | website
smartest/5CB5Q7GkxxwduBgq9LboGuHpA2LMJLydy7uwKEhENnAD">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
🟨 CDOGE [CDOGE] [Solana]
Token is officially listed but it still can get untracked ⚠️5CB5Q7GkxxwduBgq9LboGuHpA2LMJLydy7uwKEhENnAD
💰 MC: $188K
, PR: $0.002
🔈 VOL 24h: $38K
, 1h: $3K
💧 Liquidity: $32K
├ initial: $28K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~5
🔐 Security:
├ ❌️The top 10 users hold more than 70% token supply
├ ❌️One user holds a large amount of the token supply
└ ❌️The top users hold more than 80% token supply
👭 Holders: 633 total
└ top 10 hold 89.18% ‼️
📆 Age: 21 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
twitter | telegram | website
smartest/5CB5Q7GkxxwduBgq9LboGuHpA2LMJLydy7uwKEhENnAD">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
🟥 Peter Todd [PETER TODD] [Solana]
First signs of this token have appeared on listing, no guaranties it will be listed ⚠️2WJXUViAryEpJGvbCPpJ9PbmmhrPCPtEKiHrsuSs3F4D
💰 MC: $15.3M
, PR: $0.0₉73
🔈 VOL 24h: $8K
, 1h: $299
💧 Liquidity: $29K
├ initial: $29K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~523
👭 Holders: 1075 total
└ top 10 hold 55.46% ‼️
📆 Age: 23 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
twitter | telegram | website | discord | cmc
smartest/2WJXUViAryEpJGvbCPpJ9PbmmhrPCPtEKiHrsuSs3F4D">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
🟥 OGLONG [OGLG] [Solana]
First signs of this token have appeared on listing, no guaranties it will be listed ⚠️D4R5MEE6eAywxURZJzwyVPcKxrzsSCgHV3VN667LLLv4
💰 MC: $9M
, PR: $0.004
🔈 VOL 24h: $2M
, 1h: $16K
💧 Liquidity: $165K
├ initial: $3K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~54
👭 Holders: 6080 total
└ top 10 hold 11.21%
📆 Age: 1 days, 13 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🠀soltrading | 🐶 bonk
twitter | telegram | website
smartest/D4R5MEE6eAywxURZJzwyVPcKxrzsSCgHV3VN667LLLv4">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
✅ RoboKiden [KIDEN] [Avalanche]
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉0xCc5c80B4ecEF7E6561Bb4721d8AC3E80B4503a96
PR: $0.156
🔈 VOL 24h: $715
, 1h: $0
📆 Age: 4 hrs
🎯BUY: Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro
website | twitter | chat | technical_doc
🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
✅ Wet Ass Pussy [WAP] [Solana]
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉Bz7vVzQhm2KMW1XgcrDruYega1MiwrAs1DQysrx4tFkp
🔢 Recents Place: 3
💰 MC: $16.4M
, PR: $0.016
🔈 VOL 24h: $8M
, 1h: $264K
💧 Liquidity: $563K
├ locked: 172%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~29
👭 Holders: 10414 total
└ top 10 hold 9.90%
📆 Age: 1 days, 14 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
twitter | telegram | website
smartest/Bz7vVzQhm2KMW1XgcrDruYega1MiwrAs1DQysrx4tFkp">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
Token is tracked and soon will be listed 🎉EE5oQmJAgefygVACQpcjqo66dtGnPt98vBrjnD9BN36W
🔢 Recents Place: 1
💰 MC: $565.8K
, PR: $0.0₁₁57
🔈 VOL 24h: $52K
, 1h: $12K
💧 Liquidity: $40K
├ initial: $14K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~14
👭 Holders: 1416 total
└ top 10 hold 4.88%
📆 Age: 3 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🠀soltrading | 🐶 bonk
website | twitter | chat | explorer
smartest/EE5oQmJAgefygVACQpcjqo66dtGnPt98vBrjnD9BN36W">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
Token is officially listed but it still can get untracked ⚠️EE5oQmJAgefygVACQpcjqo66dtGnPt98vBrjnD9BN36W
💰 MC: $674.9K
, PR: $0.0₁₁67
🔈 VOL 24h: $49K
, 1h: $9K
💧 Liquidity: $44K
├ initial: $14K
├ locked: 100%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~15
👭 Holders: 1410 total
└ top 10 hold 4.90%
📆 Age: 3 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
website | twitter | chat | explorer
smartest/EE5oQmJAgefygVACQpcjqo66dtGnPt98vBrjnD9BN36W">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
🟨 Wet Ass Pussy [WAP] [Solana]
Token is officially listed but it still can get untracked ⚠️Bz7vVzQhm2KMW1XgcrDruYega1MiwrAs1DQysrx4tFkp
💰 MC: $16.6M
, PR: $0.017
🔈 VOL 24h: $8M
, 1h: $257K
💧 Liquidity: $566K
├ locked: 172%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~29
👭 Holders: 10337 total
└ top 10 hold 9.90%
📆 Age: 1 days, 14 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
twitter | telegram | website
smartest/Bz7vVzQhm2KMW1XgcrDruYega1MiwrAs1DQysrx4tFkp">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener
🟥 Wet Ass Pussy [WAP] [Solana]
First signs of this token have appeared on listing, no guaranties it will be listed ⚠️Bz7vVzQhm2KMW1XgcrDruYega1MiwrAs1DQysrx4tFkp
💰 MC: $16.6M
, PR: $0.017
🔈 VOL 24h: $8M
, 1h: $257K
💧 Liquidity: $566K
├ locked: 172%
└ mc/liq ratio: ~29
👭 Holders: 10337 total
└ top 10 hold 9.90%
📆 Age: 1 days, 14 hrs
🎯BUY: 🐴 trojan | Ⓜ️ maestro | 🅿️ maestro pro | 🦋 soltrading | 🐶 bonk
twitter | telegram | website
smartest/Bz7vVzQhm2KMW1XgcrDruYega1MiwrAs1DQysrx4tFkp">🌞 photon | 🐓 birdeye | 😈 raydium | 🧰 dextools | 🦅 dexscreener