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1.Canvassing (N)-the activity of trying to persuade people to support someone or something. पक्षप्रचार, मतार्चन

2.Backlash (N)-a strong negative reaction by a large number of people, especially to a social or political development. प्रतिक्रिया

3.Coalition (N)-a group of two or more political parties working together to win an election or govern an area. गठबंधन

4.Ripples (N)-Sudden instances of a particular emotion. लहर

5.Optimistic (Adj)-hopeful and confident about the future. आशावादी

6.Accrue (V)-to increase in number or amount over a period of time.

7.Vituperative (Adj)-marked by harshly abusive criticism. निंदात्मक

8.Speak Out (Phrasal Verb)-express one's feelings or opinions frankly and publicly.

9.Revelations (N)-a surprising and previously unknown fact that has been disclosed to others. खुलासे

10.Brought To The Fore (Phrase)-to move something forward or make something more prominent or noticeable.

11.Rooted In (Idiom)-based on something; connected to a source or cause.

12.Defamation (N)-the action of damaging the good reputation of someone. मानहानि

13.Underscored (V)-to emphasize the importance something.

14.Raked Up (Phrasal Verb)- to make known or public.

15.Detriment (N)-the state of being harmed or damaged.

16.Stubbornly (Adv)-in a way that is difficult to move, remove, or improve.

17.Bumper (Adj)-larger in amount than usual.

18.Augured (V)-to be a sign of what may happen in the future.

19.Brought To The Fore (Phrase)-to emphasize something or make it more noticeable.

20.Edible (Adj)-suitable or safe for eating. खाने योग्य

21.Wane (V)-to become weaker in strength or influence. कम होना

22.Firm Footing (N)-a firm contact or grip.

23.Lingering (Adj)-prolonged, protracted or lasting a long time.

24.Unrelenting (Adj)-continuous, sustained, endless, persistent, eternal, perpetual. निरन्तर

25.Dizzying (Adj)-extremely rapid.

26.Feed Into (Phrasal Verb)-to have an effect on something.

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👉🏻Wreck havoc-cause a lot of damage

👉🏻In the works-ongoing, happening, occuring

👉🏻lie ahead-be going to happen

👉🏻all bets are off-the outcome is unpredictable

👉🏻In the wake of-as a result of some event

👉🏻Set up-establish, start, begin


👉🏻don't put all your eggs in one basket-don't put all your resources in a single thng

👉🏻it's Greek to me-it's not understandable to me

👉🏻Open Pandora's box-to find a source of great problems and troubles

👉🏻Make a face- to show disappointment or displeasure

👉🏻Let the cat out of the bag-to reveal secret carelessly or by mistake


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✍🏻bitch up
☑️: to ruin or spoil; to frustrate.

☑️: plain-speaking, outspoken.

✍🏻get burned up
☑️: to become exhausted through physical exertion.

☑️: like for like; similar to tit-for tat.

✍🏻That's chalk
☑️: that's inevitable; a foregone conclusion; slang for that's great.

✍🏻cheek somebody up
☑️: to be impertinent to somebody.

✍🏻clap somebody up
☑️: to applaud somebody; similar to applaud to the echo.

✍🏻cold in the arm, leg
☑️: an inflammation of the arm or leg.

✍🏻curry-favor someone
☑️: give somebody an unfair advantage because of personal connections; curry somebody's favor.

✍🏻cut-up with someone
☑️: to flirt.

✍🏻cut your grass
☑️: to usurp someone else's prerogative or exclusive right or privilege.

✍🏻decide your mind
☑️: to make a decision.

✍🏻what the diggins
☑️: an exclamation of surprise.

✍🏻dive up
☑️: to dive into the water and bring something up.

✍🏻doggy after someone
☑️: to follow someone about constantly.

✍🏻don 't-care-'f-I
☑️: not caring, especially about social norms.

✍🏻draw hand
☑️: to make a leading or beckoning gesture.

✍🏻eat off someone
☑️: to eat at someone else's expense.

✍🏻fowled of doing something
☑️: engaged in doing something.

✍🏻pick up gap seed
☑️: to gather information for gossip.

✍🏻grind somebody up in your heart
☑️: to bear a grudge against somebody.

✍🏻in quest
☑️: to admit defeat in playing cards or marbles.

✍🏻keep somebody hot
☑️: to be at a person's heels, getting in his/her way.

✍🏻land somebody off
☑️." to drop someone off from a car or boat.

✍🏻lay on your chest/stomach
☑️: to cause indigestion or nightmares (of food eaten late at night).

✍🏻make him know
☑️: to scold or punish.

✍🏻make your break
☑️: to seize an opportunity to do what one has been wanting to do.

✍🏻mix fool with sense
☑️: to attempt to deceive someone by interspersing lies with the truth.

✍🏻one mind tell me
☑️: To have a vague contradictory feeling (that something would happen, etc.).

✍🏻own something to somebody
☑️: to confess something to somebody.

✍🏻pick somebody's mouth
☑️: to get information by engaging in seemingly casual conversation.

✍🏻pick up for somebody
☑️: to take somebody's side of the argument.

✍🏻pitch a stink
☑️: to object vehemently, cause a commotion.

✍🏻poke death with a stick
☑️: to court danger, to tempt fate.

✍🏻rap someone up
☑️: to applaud someone, especially for a generous donation to a church.


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✅Most common American idioms (part 1)

❗️She is a peach.
▪️She's sweet and helpful.

❗️He's full of beans.
▪️He's not telling the truth.

❗️It's not my cup of tea.
▪️I don't care for that.

❗️He's full of baloney.
▪️He doesn't know what he's talking about.

❗️It's just sour grapes.
▪️They have resentment.

❗️That's corny.
▪️It's sentimental, old, and not funny anymore.

❗️I'm in a pickle.
▪️I'm in a dilemma.

❗️He brings home the bacon.
▪️He brings home the family money.

❗️She's in a stew.
▪️She's upset.

❗️He's the top banana.
▪️He's the headman.

❗️He's the salt of the earth.
▪️He's a very good person.

❗️She's worth her salt.
▪️She's a valuable employee.

❗️They're two peas in a pod.
▪️If you see one you see the other.

❗️I'm nuts about you.
▪️I'm in love with you.

❗️It's a piece of cake.
▪️It's quite simple.

❗️You can't have your cake and eat it too.
▪️You can't use it and save it.

❗️He's a real ham.
▪️He's just an actor (a bad actor.)

❗️It's a hard nut to crack.
▪️It's a difficult problem to solve.

❗️He's a bad egg.
▪️He cannot be trusted.

❗️We need to break the ice.
▪️Everyone's a little tense - lets be friendly.

❗️We'll get a baker's dozen.
▪️We'll get 13 items (one extra.)

❗️He's got a finger in every pie.
▪️He has many deals going.

❗️You'll have to take potluck.
▪️Be happy with what we have on hand.


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🔰 Improve your Vocabulary

✍ Stop saying VERY too often in speech or while drafting a letter.

Very accurate —> Exact
Very afraid —> Fearful
Very angry —> Furious
Very bad —> Awful
Very beautiful —> Gorgeous
Very big —> Massive
Very boring —> Dull
Very bright —> Luminous
Very busy —> Swamped
Very calm —> Serene
Very careful —> Cautious
Very cheap —> Stingy
Very clean —> Spotless
Very clear —> Obvious
Very cold —> Freezing
Very colorful —> Vibrant
Very confused —> Perplexed
Very creative —> Innovative
Very crowded —> Bustling.
Very clever —> Intelligent
Very cute —> Adorable
Very dear —> Cherished
Very deep —> Profound
Very dirty —> Filthy
Very dull —> Tedious
Very difficult —> Arduous
Very dry —> Arid
Very eager —> Keen
Very easy —> Effortless
Very evil —> Wicked
Very empty —> Desolate
Very excited —> Thrilled
Very exciting —> Exhilarating
Very expensive —> Costly
Very fancy —> Lavish
Very fast —> Quick
Very fat —> Obese
Very fierce —> Ferocious
Very friendly —> Amiable
Very funny —> Hilarious
Very glad —> Overjoyed
Very good —> Excellent
Very great —> Terrific
Very happy —> Ecstatic
Very heavy —> Leaden
Very hungry —> Starving
Very hurt —> Battered
Very large —> Huge
Very lazy —> Indolent
Very long —> Extensive
Very loose —> Slack
Very huge —> Colossal
Very little —> Tiny
Very light —> Luminous
Very lively —> Animated
Very lovely –> Adorable
Very mean —> Cruel
Very messy —> Slovenly
Very nice —> Kind
Very noisy —> Deafening
Very often —> Frequently
Very old —> Ancient.
Very open —> Transparent
Very pale —> Ashen
Very perfect —> Flawless
Very poor —> Destitute
Very powerful —> Compelling
Very pretty —> Beautiful
Very quick —> Rapid
Very quiet —> Hushed
Very rainy —> Pouring
Very rich —> Wealthy
Very sad —> Sorrowful
Very short —> Brief
Very slow —> Sluggish
Very scared —> Petrified
Very scary —> Chilling
Very serious —> Grave
Very sharp —> Keen
Very shiny —> Gleaming
Very shy —> Timid
Very simple —> Basic
Very skinny —> Skeletal
Very smooth —> Sleek
Very soft —> Downy
Very sorry —> Apologetic
Very special —> Exceptional
Very sure —> Certain
Very smart —> Intelligent
Very small —> Petite
Very stupid —> Idiotic
Very strong —> Forceful
Very sweet —> Thoughtful
Very talented —> Gifted
Very tall —> Towering
Very tasty —> Delicious
Very thirsty —> Parched
Very tight —> Constricting
Very tiny —> Minuscule
Very tired —> Exhausted
Very ugly —> Hideous
Very upset —> Distraught
Very warm —> Hot
Very weak —> Frail
Very wet —> Soaked
Very wide —> Expansive
Very willing —> Eager
Very windy —> Blustery
Very wise —> Sage
Very worried —> Distressed


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1. A bad workman always blames his tools.

●This proverb is used when someone blames the quality of their equipment or other external factors when they perform a task poorly.

Example: X: The turkey isn’t cooked well because the oven is not functioning well. Y: Well, it’s the case of a bad workman blaming his tools.

2. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

●Things we already have are more valuable than what we hope to get.

Example: X: Why did you turn down that job offer when you don’t have anything concrete in hand at the moment? Y: Well, I’m confident I’ll land one of the two jobs I interviewed for last week. And they’re better than this one. X: In my opinion, you should’ve taken it. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.

3. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

●When people we love are not with us, we love them even more.

Example: When I was with her she always fought with me but now she cries for me on phone. I think distance made her heart grow fonder.

4. A cat has nine lives.

●Cat can survive seemingly fatal events.

Example: I haven’t seen him for several weeks, but I wouldn’t really worry about him. Everyone knows a cat has nine lives.

5. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

●One weak part will render the whole weak.

Example: No matter how confident the team is, it is as strong as its weakest link – its defence.


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basic Tense for beginners♥️

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Kis semester me hain aap?

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Fir mene req dali recheck ki

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Yrr smj hi nhi aa raha

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Same chiz mere sath h

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I, he, you, she, we, they

interrogative negative
Wh family interrogative
Wh family interrogative –ve

indefinite present
continuous past
perfect future
perfect continuous

Verbs : eat, run, see, sleep, talk, like.........

I eat
I do not eat
Do i eat
Do i not eat
What do i eat
What do i not eat

I am eating
I am not eating
Am i eating
Am i not eating
What am i eating
What am i not eating

I have eaten
I have not eaten
Have I eaten
Have i not eaten
What have i eaten
What have i not eaten

I have been eating since/for
I have not been eating since/for
Have i been eating since/for
Have i not been eating since/for
What have i been eating since/for
What have i not been eating since/for

Similarly form sentences in past and future

after completing I pronoun switch to he, they, you etc

After completing all pronoun
switch verbs🔥

Practice 5-10 verbs daily and see the results😇

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🔰Phrasal Verbs🔰

●Drive off- force to go away

●Shrug off- to treat something as if it is not important or not a problem

●Wind up- to find yourself in an unexpected and usually unpleasant situation

●Dispose of- to get rid of someone or something

●Stave off- to stop something bad from happening

●Weed out- to get rid of unwanted things or people from a group:

●Hit upon- to think of an idea when you didn't expect or intend to

●Shake off- to get rid of an illness

●Trump up- to give or use false information

●Skittle out- to dismiss (batsmen) quickly


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▪️A back-stabber : A person is a back-stabber who unexpectedly betrays your trust.

▪️A bad omen : An indication that something bad is about to happen.

▪️A ballpark figure : An approximate estimate of how-many or how-much.

▪️A barefaced-lie : A bold and brazen untruthful statement; a shameless, obvious lie.

▪️A bit beyond my ken : Above my level of understanding; beyond my ability to grasp.

▪️A bit dicey :  A little risky.

▪️A bit dodgy :  Dishonest.

▪️A bit much :  Over-exaggerated.

▪️A bit obtuse  : A little dull and stupid.

▪️A brainwave :  An unexpected clever idea or insight.


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(1)To be at sixes and sevens-A state of total confusion and disorder

(2)To break the ice- To break the awkward silence

(3)To put one's foot down- To be firm about something

(4)Backstairs influence-Influence exerted secretely

(5)Long in the tooth- Rather old

(6)A brazen faced fellow- Impudent fellow

(7)To see pink elephants- To have hallucination due to excessive alcoholic intake

(8)Elbow room-To give enough space to move or work in

(9)French leave- Leave without permission

(10)To commit to memory- To learn by heart

(11)To burn a hole in the pocket- Money that is spent quickly

(12)To bury the hatchet- To make peace

(13)To beggar discription- Something beyond discription

(14)To beat the air- Efforts that are vain or useless

(15)To provide against a rainy day- To provide for a possible future, in time of difficulty or need


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1.Vowed (V)-to make a determined decision or promise to do something.

2.Victor (N)-the winner of a game, competition, election, war, etc. विजेता

3.Backlash (N)-a strong, negative reaction to something, esp. to change. 

4.Backyard (N)-the territory close to a particular country, regarded with proprietorial concern.

5.Pull Back (Phrasal Verb)-to withdraw from close action or move backwards. हटना

6.Peacekeepers (N)-a member of an international military force whose job is to prevent or stop fighting in a place.

7.Clout (N)-power or influence.

8.Fragile (Adj)-easily destroyed or threatened.

9.Close On The Heels Of (Phrase)-very soon after something else.

10.Placebo (N)-a harmless substance given to a sick person instead of medicine, without telling them it is not real. प्रयोगिक औषध

11.Efficacy (N)-the ability to produce a desired or intended result. प्रभावकारिता

12.Curbing (N)-something that restrains or holds back. रोकने

13.Scaled Up (Phrasal Verb)-to increase the size, extent, or effect of.

14.Ramped Up (Phrasal Verb)-increase the level or amount of something sharply. बढ़ाना

15.Implausible (Adj)-difficult to believe; not probable. अविश्वसनीय, अकल्पनीय

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🔰Ways to Describe People

✍🏻1. Absent minded:- very forgetful or inattentive

✍🏻2. Big headed:- arrogant

✍🏻3. Hot-headed:- gets angry quickly

✍🏻4. Nosy:- curious about others

✍🏻5. Early bird:- a person who gets up/arrives early

✍🏻6. Night owl:- a person who enjoys staying up late at night

✍🏻7. Daredevil:- a reckless person who enjoys doing dangerous things

✍🏻8. Troublemaker:- someone who intentionally causes problems for other people

✍🏻9. Couch potato:- a person who takes little or no exercise and watches a lot of television.


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1- Idiom: Apple of someone's eyes

Meaning: a person or thing that someone loves very much

Sentence: His youngest daughter is the apple of his eye as she is his firstborn.

2- Idiom: A left-handed compliment

Meaning: An insult in the pretense of expression of appreciation.

Sentence: She said she liked my hair, but it turned out to be a left-handed compliment when she asked how long I'd been dyeing it.

3- Idiom: A sight for sore eyes

Meaning: a person or thing that one is extremely pleased or relieved to see.

Sentence: After being away from home for so long, my friends and family were a sight for my sore eyes.

4- Idiom: Bread and Butter

Meaning: someone’s livelihood

Sentence: Coaching football and basketball to young boys and girls is her bread and butter.

5- Idiom: Back to Square one

Meaning: Having to start all over again; start working on a plan from the beginning because your previous attempt failed completely

Sentence: After days of working hard on the college project, because of the computer failure we are back to square one.

6-Idiom: Call a spade a spade

Meaning: Speak frankly and directly

Sentence: After hours of discussion and meetings, I believe it's time to call a spade a spade.

7- Idiom: Down to earth

Meaning: simple, decent, realistic; practical, and straightforward.

Sentence: She is very down to earth, not at all attracted by the glamour world.

8- Idiom: Empty vessels make the most noise

Meaning: Those who know or have little knowledge often shout the loudest

Sentence: Ram tells as if he's an expert on everything, but empty vessels make the most noise.

9- Idiom: Flesh and blood

Meaning: Human nature, a normal human being

Sentence: This baby is his mother's flesh and blood

10- Idiom: Good Samaritan

Meaning: A person who unselfishly helps others,

Sentence: He's such a good samaritan that he helped the accident victim reach the hospital.

11- Idiom: Hit the bull’s eye

Meaning: get something exactly right, or be on target.

Sentence: The finance minister’s speech on attracting new investments hit the bull’s eye as can be seen by increasing FDI.

12- Idiom: In the good books

Meaning: be in somebody’s favor or good opinion.

Sentence: The fact that he always managed to be in the good books of the bosses surprised one and all.

13- Idiom: Jam on the brakes

Meaning: to press the brakes suddenly and in a hard way.

Sentence: I had to jam on the brakes because a kid suddenly appeared from nowhere and crossed the road.

14- Idiom: Let the cat out of the bag

Meaning: To share a secret that wasn’t supposed to be shared.

Sentence: Ramesh let the cat out of the bag about my surprise birthday party.

15- Idiom: Make a beeline for

Meaning: To hurry directly toward someone or something

Sentence: When ram enters a party, he always makes a beeline for the dessert section.

16- Idiom: Notch up

Meaning: to achieve something like a win or a record

Sentence: Rafael Nadal notched up another win this week, so he's now won six matches in a row.

17- Idiom: Once bitten, twice shy

Meaning: Afraid of doing a thing again

Sentence: After he left her she refused to go out with anyone else for a long time - once bitten, twice shy, I suppose.

18- Idiom: Put the cart before the horse

Meaning: To put a thing in the wrong order.

Sentence: Mohit always puts the cart before the horse, when he practices maths.

19- Idiom: A slap on the wrist

Meaning: A small punishment

Sentence: Samar got away with a slap on the wrist after defacing the school property.

20- Idiom: Set one's teeth on edge

Meaning: to induce an unpleasant sensation, to repel, irritate

Sentence: The noise of the machine in the next room really set my teeth on edge.


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Group Rules~

• use English only✅
• avoid Religion❌
• teasing Girls & DM not allowed🚫
• let everyone Speak🗣️
• don't Abuse or Disrespect
• Sex & Pornography😡prohibited
• don't spam or promote

~if anyone misbehaving, just report to @f1ajeet

⚠️Girls Teasing & Safety⚠️

If anyone teasing or irritating you in DM/inbox, Report

How to report~

• First check he is common in any of my group before complaining

• Forward his one text message if not common in any of my Group

• otherwise inform name with DP details or SS & username(if any)

(We just need a searchable name and DP for identifying correct person)

🔥 Safety Tip🔥
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Anyone wanna join CA firm at NSP as paid Article

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Commerce graduate are required including freshers

Stipend upto 10k and 9hrs of shift 10am to 7pm

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To ab no found aa raha

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Mera jb result aaya tha mera charo me ab ab aaya tha

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Kya karna chaiye ab koi bta do pls

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Mera no record found kar rha h

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