Read Pin Message for Rules~ • use English only✅ • avoid Religion❌ • teasing Girls & DM not allowed🚫 • let everyone Speak🗣️ • don't Abuse or Disrespect • Sex & Pornography😡prohibited • don't spam or promote 👉 @f1ajeet
1.Kaleidoscopic (Adj)-with many different aspects that keep changing. तेज़ी से बदलता हुआ
2.Genome (N)-the complete set of genes or genetic material present in a cell or organism.
3.Paraphernalia (N)-miscellaneous articles, especially the equipment needed for a particular activity. सामग्री
4.Grapple With (Phrasal Verb)-to try to deal with or understand a difficult problem or subject.
5.Beast (N)-something formidably difficult to control or deal with.
6.Consortium (N)-a group made up of two or more individuals, companies, or governments that work together to achieving a common objective.
7.Shore Up (Phrasal Verb)-to support or help (something).
8.Regime(N): Rule, authorities, control, शासन.
9.Anticipate(V):regard as probable; expect or predict.पहले ही विचार कर लेना
10.Tariffs(N): tax, duty
11.Imbalance(N):disproportion, असंतुलन
12.Poised(Adj):ready to do a particular thing at any moment:
13.Spur(N):encouragement, stimulus
14.Cautiously(adverb):in a careful and well-considered way that avoids risk. सावधानी से
A fool can ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years
There is no right way to do wrong things.
Nothing is right, nothing is wrong, everybody has a different opinion
Why we have man dominating words?
Practice makes man perfect
Man-made, mankind, chairman
are you more worried about
🔰Body Part Idioms🔰
●Cross your fingers - For good luck
●Fell on deaf ears - People wouldn't listen to something
●Get cold feet - Be nervous
●Giving the cold shoulder - Ignore someone
●Have a change of heart - Changed your mind
●I'm all ears - You have my full attention
●It cost an arm and a leg - It was expensive
●Play it by ear - Improvise
●See eye to eye - Agree
●Slipped my mind - I forgot
●Speak your mind - Say what you really feel
Informal 🆚 Formal
🔸say sorry - apologiz(s)e
🔸go up - increase
🔸go down - decrease
🔸set up - establish
🔸look at - examine
🔸blow up - explode
🔸find out - discover
🔸bring about - cause
🔸put off - postpone, delay
🔸rack up - accumulate
🔸make up - fabricate
🔸stand for - represent
🔸find out - discover, ascertain
🔸leave out - omit
🔸point out - indicate
🔸go against - oppose
🔸get in touch with - contact
🔸It’s about - It concerns
🔸need to - required
🔸think about - consider
🔸get - obtain
🔸put up - tolerate
🔸deal with - handle
🔸seem - appear
🔸show - illustrate, portray
🔸start - commence
🔸keep - retain
🔸free - release
🔸get on someone’s nerves - bother
🔸ring up - call
🔸show up - arrive
🔸let - permit
🔸fill in - substitute
🔸block - undermine
1.Decrepit (Adj)-old and no longer in good condition.
2.Radiated (V)-spread out, extend, diverge, make known.
3.Epidemiologists (N)-a medical scientist who studies the transmission and control of epidemic diseases. महामारीविद्
4.Cornerstone (N)-basic principles or facts. आधार
5.Imperative (N)-something that demands attention or action or an unavoidable obligation or requirement. अनिवार्य, जरूरी
6.Scourges (N)-something that causes a lot of trouble or harm. विपत्ति
7.Fight Shy Of (Phrase)-to try to avoid something. टालना, बचना
8.Contentious (Adj)-causing , involving, or likely to cause disagreement and argument. विवादास्पद
9.Readouts (N)-an official statement summarizing the points discussed during a meeting or phone call between diplomats or political figures.
10.Dwell On (Phrasal Verb)-to spend a lot of time thinking or talking about something unpleasant.
11.Afflicted (Adj)-grievously affected or troubled (as by a disease). पीड़ित
12.Detrimental (Adj)-tending to cause harm. हानिकारक
13.Walked Out (Phrasal Verb)-To end a friendship or relationship.
●DAWN ON/UPON:-To understand
●DIE FOR :-To have a great wish
●DIE DOWN:- Gradually disappear
●DIE OUT :-To get extinct
●DO WITHOUT :-TO Manage without
●DO AWAY WITH :-To abolish
●DONE WITH:- Have no relation
●DO FOR:- Save the purpose
●DEAL WITH:- To handle
●DRAG ON :- To stretch
●DRIVE OUT :-To make someone run away
1.Overlooking (V)-to ignore something, or to not pay attention. अनदेखी करना
2.Catastrophe (N)-a great and sudden disaster or misfortune. बरबादी, दुर्गति
3.Condemned (V)-to express strong disapproval of.
4.Blockade (N)-an act or means of sealing off a place to prevent goods or people from entering or leaving. नाकाबंदी
5.Wrap Up (Phrasal Verb)-to stop talking. बातचीत बंद करना
6.On All Fronts (Phrase)-in every area of activity.
7.Oust (V)-drive out or expel (someone) from a position or place. बाहर निकालना, बेदखल करना
8.Teetering On The Brink (Idiom)- close to being in a specified state or condition.
1.Underscores (V)-to emphasize the importance of something.
2.In The Wake Of (Phrase)-happening after an event or as a result of it.
3.In A Bind (Idiom)-in a difficult situation.
4.Constricted (V)-to limit or restrict.
5.Pessimism (N)-a tendency to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen. निराशावाद
6.Bleak (Adj)-offering little or no hope. निराशाजनक
7.Forecast (V)-to foresee and act in advance of. पूर्वानुमान
8.Bumped Up (Phrasal Verb)-to increase something.
9.Banking On (Phrasal Verb)-to depend on something.
10.Fillip (N)-something which acts as a stimulus or boost to an activity. प्रोत्साहन
11.Skyrocketing (V)-(of a price, rate, or amount) increase very steeply or rapidly. बढ़ना
12.Conundrum (N)-a confusing and difficult problem or question. पहेली, समस्या
1. Evaded- बच निकलना
2. Grilled- भुना हुआ
3. Gratification- संतुष्टि
4. Encroachment- दबाव
5. Pragmatic- व्यावहारिक
6. Inciting- उकसाने
7. Invigorates- मज़बूत करना, मोरचाबंदी करना
8. Millennium- हजार सालों का समय
9. Snuffed- पता लगाना
10. Vouching- प्रत्ययन,ideation
11. Mettle- उत्साह
12. Remorse- पछतावा
13. Culled- चुनी गई
14. Doused- पानी में कूदना
15. Blaze- ज्वाला
16. Poaching- अवैध शिकार
17. Remanded- हवालात भेजना
18. Maverick- अपरंपरागत
19. Abuzz- गूँजता हुआ
20. Lured- लुभाना, लालच
21. Cordon- घेरा fence
22. Melange- combination
23. Shun- सावधान!
24. Crumbles- कमज़ोर पड़ना
Lurk- छिप कर बैठना
Cantonments- छावनी
Garrisons- सैन्य दुर्ग
Valour- वीरता
Heyday- जमाना, आनंद का समय
Outthrust – बाहर की ओर निकला हुवा
Sardonic- उपहासपूर्ण
Exquisitely- नज़ाकत से
Reminiscent- याद कराने वाला
Silt- कीचड़
Dredged up उल्लेख करना
Insinuates- इशारा करना
Deft- निपुण
Riveting- दिलचस्प
Homily- धर्म उपदेश
Tawdry- सस्ता
Squirrel- गिलहरी
Fey- र्मूखता भरा
Wee- पेशाब करना या जरा सा
Goad- उकसाना
Perversely- विकृत रूप से
Mashed- कुचला
Chord- डोरी, स्वर संयोग
Slithering- सरकते हुए जाना
Ogled- आसक्तिपूर्ण ढंग से घूरना
Sumptuously- वैभवपूर्ण ढंग से
Impeccable- त्रुटिहीन
Chopping- काटना
Surreal- अद्भुत, अवास्तविक
Outstanding- अप्रतिम, उत्कृष्ट
Testament- साक्षी, वसीयत
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
Did peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
There is no right way to do wrong things.
Nothing is right, nothing is wrong, everybody has a different opinion
⚠️ 40 Commonly Used and Popular English Idioms
●A blessing in disguise
Meaning: A good thing that initially seemed bad
●A dime a dozen
Meaning: Something that is very common, not unique
●Adding insult to injury
Meaning: To make a bad situation even worse
●Beat around the bush
Meaning: Avoid sharing your true viewpoint or feelings because it is uncomfortable
●Beating a dead horse
Meaning: giving time or energy to something that is ended or over
●Bite the bullet
Meaning: To get an unfavorable situation or chore over with now because it will need to get finished eventually
●Best of both worlds
Meaning: The choice or solution has all of the advantages of two contrasting things at the same time
●Biting off more than you can chew
Meaning: Not having the capacity to take on a new assignment or task that is just too taxing
●By the skin of your teeth
Meaning: Just barely making it
●Don’t judge a book by its cover
Meaning: Not judging something by its initial appearance
●Doing something at the drop of a hat
Meaning: Doing something at the moment of being asked
●Don’t count your chickens before they hatch
Meaning: Not to count on something happening until after it’s already happened
●Caught between a rock and a hard place
Meaning: Making a choice between two unpleasant choices
●Costs an arm and a leg
Meaning: Something that is overpriced or very expensive
●Cutting corners
Meaning: Not performing a task or duty correctly in order to save time or money
●Devil’s advocate
Meaning: To take the side of the counter-argument, or offer an alternative point of view
●Feeling under the weather
Meaning: Not feeling well, or feeling sick
●Fit as a fiddle
Meaning: Being in good health
●Getting a taste of your own medicine
Meaning: Being treated the way that you have been treating others
●Getting a second wind
Meaning: Having energy again after being tired
●Giving the benefit of the doubt
Meaning: Believing someone’s story without proof even though it may seem unbelievable
●Giving someone the cold shoulder
Meaning: ignoring someone
●Going on a wild goose chase
Meaning: doing something that is pointless
●Heard it on the grapevine
Meaning: Hearing rumors about someone or something
●Hitting the nail on the head
Meaning: Performing a task with exactness
●Killing two birds with one stone
Meaning: Accomplishing two different tasks in the same undertaking
●Letting someone off the hook
Meaning: Not holding someone responsible for something
●Letting the cat out of the bag
Meaning: Sharing information that was intended to be a secret
●No pain, no gain
Meaning: You have to work hard in order to see results
●On the ball
Meaning: Doing a good job, being prompt, or being responsible
●Once in a blue moon
Meaning: Something that doesn’t happen very often
●Piece of cake
Meaning: A task or job that is easy to complete
●Pulling someone’s leg
Meaning: Joking with someone
●Speak of the devil
Meaning: When the person you have just been talking about arrives
●Stealing someone’s thunder
Meaning: Taking credit for someone else’s achievements
●Straight from the horse’s mouth
Meaning: Reading or hearing something from the source
●The last straw
Meaning: The last difficulty or annoyance that makes the entire situation unbearable
●The elephant in the room
Meaning: An issue, person, or problem that someone is trying to avoid
●Throwing caution to the wind
Meaning: Being reckless or taking a risk
●Your guess is as good as mine
Meaning: To not know something
✍ 20 Familiar English Idioms
▪️A snowball effect
Meaning: Something has momentum and builds on each other, much like rolling a snowball down a hill to make it bigger
▪️An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Meaning: Apples are healthy and good for you
▪️Burning bridges
Meaning: Damaging a relationship beyond repair
▪️Every dog has his day
Meaning: Everyone gets their chance to do something big
▪️Fit as a fiddle
Meaning: Excellent health
▪️Go down in flames
Meaning: To fail in a spectacular manner
▪️Getting a second wind
Meaning: Having energy again after being tired or worn out.
Hindi vs English
Why we don't give importance to Hindi as compare to other language?
and if someone not speaking good English, why we make fun?
is it ok to make fun of teachers and crack jokes on them?
Читать полностью…★★ *Some important words with their Synonym*
★ Amazing------Incredible, Fantastic, Fabulous, Astonishing, Extraordinary
★ Answer------Respond
★ Awful ------Terrible, Abominable, Dreadful
★ Bad------Evil, Spoiled, Imperfect, Infamous, Dismal
★ Beautiful------Gorgeous, Ravishing, Dazzling, Exquisite, Stunning
★ Begin ------Initiate, Commence, Inaugurate
★ Big------Huge, Enormous, Gigantic, Humongous, Substantial, Mammoth
★ Break------Rupture, Fracture, Shatter
★ Calm------Serene, Peace, Tranquil
★Come ------Approach, Arrive
★ Cool------Chilly, Frosty, Icy
★ Cut------Chop, Slash, Slit
★ Dangerous------Hazardous, Risky, Precarious
★ Decide------Determine, Settle
★ Definite------Certain, Positive, Obvious
★ Delicious------Savoury, Titbit, Delectable
★ Describe------Portray, Characterise
★ Destroy------Demolish, Slay, Ruin, Raze
★ Difference------Disagreement, Inequity, Dissimilarity
★ Dull------Boring, Uninteresting, Monotonous, Humdrum, Dreary
★ End------Terminate, Conclude, Cessation
★ Explain------Elaborate, Interpret
★ Fall------Drop, Descend, Topple
★ Famous------Well-known, Renowned, Eminent, Illustrious
★ Fast------Quick, Rapid, Hasty, Snappy
★ Fat------Stout, Corpulent, Chubby, Bulky
★ Funny ------Amusing, Humorous, Droll
★ Get------Acquire, Obtain, Secure, Procure, Gather
★ Good------Excellent, Fine, Wonderful, Superior, Gracious, Superb, Splendid, Genuine, Sterling, Top-notch
★ Great------Worthy, Distinguished, Grand, Considerable, Mighty
★ Happy------Pleased, Delighted, Elated, Joyful, Ecstatic, Jubilant, Jaunty
★ Hate------Despise, Loathe, Abhor, Abominate
★ Have------Possess, Own, Acquire
★ Help------Aid, Assist, Support, Encourage, Relieve
★ Hide------Conceal, Cover, Mask, Veil
★ Idea------Thought, Concept, Notion
★ Important------Necessary, Vital, Critical, Indispensable, Valuable, Essential, Famous, Notable.
Macabre (Adj)-frightening or unpleasant, and usually involving death, decay, or violence. भयावह
Читать полностью…#The_Hindu_Vocabulary
▪️Give up (phrasal verb) – sacrifice, forgo (परित्याग करना)
▪️In principle (phrase) – in general, in essence (साधारण तौर पर)
▪️Sign up (phrasal verb) – commit, conclude (हस्ताक्षर करना)
▪️Specifics (स्पिसिफिक्स) (noun) – details, niceties (सुनिश्चित वर्णन)
▪️Equation (इक्वैश़न) (noun) – the situation, the problem, the case (समीकरण)
▪️Beat down (phrasal verb) – quell, suppress (तपना)
▪️Ally (ऐलाइ) (noun) – partner, supporter, confederate (मिलाना)
▪️Trustworthy (ट्रस्ट्वर्दी) (adjective) – dependable, reliable, truthful (विश्वसनीय)
▪️Obtain (अब्टैन) (verb) – win, acquire (हासिल करना)
▪️In the face of (phrase) – despite, regardless of (के बवजूद भी)
▪️Polarise (verb) – separate into two opposing groups (विपरीत करना)
▪️Break away (ब्रेक अवे) (phrasal verb) – leave, split with, separate from (अलग हो जाना)
▪️Humble (हम्बल) (adjective) – modest, unassertive, submissive (नीचा दिखाना)
▪️Wiser (वाइज़) (comparative adjective) – sensible, prudent (सूचना देना)
▪️Accommodative (अकामडैटिव) (adjective) – accommodating, cooperative, helpful (सरल)
▪️Pursue (पर्सू) (verb) – engage in, follow, conduct (खोजना)
▪️First-past-the-post (phrase) – (जो ज्यादा मत पाया वह जीता)
▪️Stick (स्टिक) (verb) – adhere, remain, persist (बर्दाश्त करना)
▪️Arithmetic (ऐरिथ्मेटिक) (noun) – calculation, reckoning, tally (अंकगणितीय)
▪️Trail (ट्रैल) (noun) – path, route (खींचना)
▪️Add up (phrasal verb) – be convincing, make sense (योग करना)
▪️Fancy (फैन्सी) (verb) – wish for, want, desire (कल्पना करना)
▪️Contend with (phrase) – cope with, face, take on (दावे के साथ कहना)
▪️Formidable (फॉर्मिडबल) (adjective) – strong, powerful, mighty (साहस तोड़ने वाला)
☀️A Piece of cake (Idiom) - Easy to understand or perform
☀️Birds of same feather (Idiom) - people having similar characters, backgrounds, interests, or beliefs
☀️At one's wits end ( Idiom) - in a state where one does not know what to do.
☀️Go a long way (Idiom) - To be adequate or helpful for a significant amount of time.
☀️En bloc (Idiom) All together or all at the same time.
🔰 Phrases🔰
☀️Cut through - To get quickly and directly through or past
☀️Chip in - Help
☀️Do away with - put an end to; remove
☀️High tide - Highest Point
☀️Adhere to - to follow a particular set of beliefs or a fixed way of doing something
✍🏻bitch up
☑️: to ruin or spoil; to frustrate.
☑️: plain-speaking, outspoken.
✍🏻get burned up
☑️: to become exhausted through physical exertion.
☑️: like for like; similar to tit-for tat.
✍🏻That's chalk
☑️: that's inevitable; a foregone conclusion; slang for that's great.
✍🏻cheek somebody up
☑️: to be impertinent to somebody.
✍🏻clap somebody up
☑️: to applaud somebody; similar to applaud to the echo.
✍🏻cold in the arm, leg
☑️: an inflammation of the arm or leg.
✍🏻curry-favor someone
☑️: give somebody an unfair advantage because of personal connections; curry somebody's favor.
✍🏻cut-up with someone
☑️: to flirt.
✍🏻cut your grass
☑️: to usurp someone else's prerogative or exclusive right or privilege.
✍🏻decide your mind
☑️: to make a decision.
✍🏻what the diggins
☑️: an exclamation of surprise.
✍🏻dive up
☑️: to dive into the water and bring something up.
✍🏻doggy after someone
☑️: to follow someone about constantly.
✍🏻don 't-care-'f-I
☑️: not caring, especially about social norms.
✍🏻draw hand
☑️: to make a leading or beckoning gesture.
✍🏻eat off someone
☑️: to eat at someone else's expense.
✍🏻fowled of doing something
☑️: engaged in doing something.
✍🏻pick up gap seed
☑️: to gather information for gossip.
✍🏻grind somebody up in your heart
☑️: to bear a grudge against somebody.
✍🏻in quest
☑️: to admit defeat in playing cards or marbles.
✍🏻keep somebody hot
☑️: to be at a person's heels, getting in his/her way.
✍🏻land somebody off
☑️." to drop someone off from a car or boat.
✍🏻lay on your chest/stomach
☑️: to cause indigestion or nightmares (of food eaten late at night).
✍🏻make him know
☑️: to scold or punish.
✍🏻make your break
☑️: to seize an opportunity to do what one has been wanting to do.
✍🏻mix fool with sense
☑️: to attempt to deceive someone by interspersing lies with the truth.
✍🏻one mind tell me
☑️: To have a vague contradictory feeling (that something would happen, etc.).
✍🏻own something to somebody
☑️: to confess something to somebody.
✍🏻pick somebody's mouth
☑️: to get information by engaging in seemingly casual conversation.
✍🏻pick up for somebody
☑️: to take somebody's side of the argument.
✍🏻pitch a stink
☑️: to object vehemently, cause a commotion.
✍🏻poke death with a stick
☑️: to court danger, to tempt fate.
✍🏻rap someone up
☑️: to applaud someone, especially for a generous donation to a church.
1.Pushing Through (Phrasal Verb)-to make a plan or suggestion be officially accepted or put into use.
2.Confrontation (N)-a hostile or argumentative situation or meeting between opposing parties. आमना-सामना, टकराव
3.Boycotting (V)-refuse to cooperate with or participate in (a policy or event). बहिष्कार करना
4.Belatedly (Adv)-delayed beyond the usual time.
5.Stay Away (Phrasal Verb)-to avoid someone or something. दूर रहना
6.Round The Corner (Phrase)-coming very soon or about to happen.
7.Manoeuvring (V)-move skilfully or carefully.
8.Legitimacy (N)-the quality of being reasonable and acceptable. वैधता
9.Fishing For (Phrasal Verb)-to seek some kind of information.
10.Offences (N)-a breach of a law or rule; an illegal act. अपराध
11.Sedition (N)-speech, writing, or behaviour intended to encourage rebellion or resistance against the government. राजद्रोह, विद्रोह
12.Enmity (N)-a feeling of hostility or ill will. शत्रुता
13.Malicious (Adj)-harmful, menacing, or vindictive.
14.Dissenters (N)-a person who disagrees with a government or a powerful organization. विरोधी
15.Marred (V)-to spoil something, making it less good or less enjoyable. बिगाड़ना
16.Deemed (V)-regard or consider in a specified way.
17.Running Out (Phrasal Verb)-(of a supply of something) be used up. समाप्त हो जाना
18.Status Quo (N)-the present situation. यथा स्थिति
19.Taking Cognisance Of (Idiom)-to notice or give attention to (something).
20.Recalcitrant (Adj)-refusing to obey orders. आज्ञा न माननेवाला, उद्दण्ड
21.Vigil (N)-carefulness, watchfulness, alertness, caution. सतर्कता
22.Mutations (N)-a significant and basic alteration.
23.Seropositivity (Adj)-Indicating a positive reaction to a serological blood test, especially one testing for the presence of antibodies.
24.Spate (N)-a large number of things happening within a period of time.
25.Chaos (N)-general lawlessness and disorder. उथल-पुथल, अराजकता
26.Unleashed (V)-to suddenly release a violent force that cannot be controlled.
27.Abhorrent (Adj)-hateful or disgusting. घृणास्पद
28.Plausible (Adj)-likely to be true.
29.Agents Provocateurs (N)-a person who intentionally encourages people to do something illegal.
30.Recalcitrant (Adj)-having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline. आज्ञा न माननेवाला, उद्दण्ड
31.Unenviable (Adj)-difficult, undesirable, or unpleasant. अवांछनीय
32.Bringing The Culprits To Book (Idiom)-to punish someone and make that person explain their behaviour.
33.Salvage (V)-to try to make a bad situation better. क्षति से बचाना
34.Nip In The Bud (Phrase)-to stop a bad situation from becoming worse by taking action at an early stage of its development.
35.Clunkers (N)-an old vehicle or machine that is in very bad condition.
36.Hybrids (N)-a vehicle with an engine that uses both petrol and another type of energy, usually electricity.
37.On The Cards (Phrase)-likely to happen.
38.Weigh In (Phrasal Verb)-to give an opinion or enter a discussion or argument.
39.Scrappage (N)-a government programme that gives drivers a financial incentive to replace old cars with newer, more fuel-efficient ones.
40.Envisioned (V)-to consider as a possibility. आगे की सोचना
41.Guzzlers (N)-a car, truck, etc. that uses large amounts of petrol very quickly.
42.Gestation (N)-(the period of) the development of ideas, thoughts, or plans.
43.Turbulent (Adj)-characterized by conflict, disorder, or confusion; not stable or calm. अशांत
44.Hit Out At (Phrasal Verb)-to make a verbal attack upon (someone).
45.Intimidate (V)-to frighten (someone) with threats. धमकाना, भय दिखाना
46.Antagonism (N)-actively expressed opposition or hostility. विरोधी
47.Jarring (Adj)-having a harshly concussive, disagreeable, or discordant effect.
48.Showing Off (Phrasal Verb)-boastfully display one's abilities or accomplishments.
(1) To bite the dust- To get defeated
(2) Ethnic cleanising- The mass killing of members of one ethnic group
(3) To drink like a fish- To drink excessive amounts of alcohol
(4) To crack someone up- To make someone laugh
(5) To have an axe to grind- To have private reason for doing something
(6) Dry run- A rehersal of a performance before the real one
(7) To go to the extra mile- To make a special effort to achieve something
(8) feeding frenzy- An episode of frantic competition for something
(9) Flesh and blood- A person's physical body and their needs & frailties
(10) Flea market- A street market selling second hand books
(11) To chew someone out- Reprimand someone severely
(12) Dark horse- Unexpected winner
(13) To burn the midnight oil- To work or read late into the night
(14) Head over heels- To be madly in love
(15) Through thick and thin-To be together under all circumstances
(1) Reproducing or memorizing word for word- Verbatim
(2) One whose attitude is eat, drink and be merry- Epicurean
(3) Afternoon theatrical or musical performance- Matinee
(4) The person who sneers at the aims and beliefs of his fellowman- Cynic
(5) Careful in the spending of money , time etc- Economical
(6) The man who is womanish in his nature- Effeminate
(7) Someone who keeps bees- Apiarist
(8) The study or practice of dancing or composing ballets- Choreography
(9) That is absolutely necessary to do- Indispensable
(10) To reduce to nothing- Obliterate
(11) An obviously true or hackneyed statement- Truism
(12) That which cannot called back- Irrevocable
(13) set of persons with exclusive interests- Coterie
(14) Ready to believe anything- Credulous
(15) One who goes place to place beggings alms- Mendicant
✅ Important Words
Roiled - उत्तेजित
Gird - बाँधना
Run up - जल्दी से बनाना, पहुंच जाना
Retribution – प्रतिकार, बदला
Wielding - उपयोग करना
Band - टोली बनाना या झुण्ड
Unprecedented - अभूतपूर्व
In the midst of - के बीच में
Rush out –बिकने के लिए तेजी से उपलब्ध करना
Subside – कम होना
Stout - बहादुर
Endurance - सहनशीलता
Firmness - दृढ़ता
Horizon – क्षितिज, सीमा
Marred- दाग धब्बेदार, बिगड़ा रूप
Backlash- प्रतिघात
Get away- निकलना
Carry down – नीचे लाना
Equipped- हथियारों से लैस
Nudge- कुहनी से छूना, कोंचना
Claw back- कर लगाकर वसूली करना
Narrative- विवरणात्मक
Steep- सीधी ढाल, अत्यधिक
Mortuary- मुर्दाघर
Bludgeon- लाठी से अंधाधुंध मारना
Rendered- प्रस्तुत करना
Theft- चोरी
Surveillance- निगरानी
Revs up- विद्रोह ग्रस्त
Quarry- खदान
Flaying- कटु आलोचना करना
Veiled- अस्पष्ट
Penny- धन
Wedlock- विवाह
Pesticide- कीटनाशक
Turn out- उपस्थिति
Kick up- पाव से मारना, तेज करना
Ablaze- जलता हुआ
Maimed- घायल, अपंग
Obliquely- टेढ़ा
Flutter- तेज़ रफ्तार से धड़कना
Revamped- मरम्मत करना
Take off- हटाना
Allays- दबाना, शांत कर देना
Beckons- संकेत करना
Wilderness- निर्जन प्रदेश
Expedition- अभियान, शीघ्रता
Sleigh-एक तरह की गाडी जिसे डॉग या हॉर्स के द्वारा बर्फ पर खीचा जाता है
Look out for- सावधान रहना
Trek- लंबी पैदल यात्रा
Potable- पेय/पीने योग्य
Shortly- शीघ्र
Thereafter- तब से
Fervent- उत्सुकता से
Contest- प्रतियोगिता
Meltdown- परमाणु दुर्घटना या पिघलना
Directive- सूचित करनेवाला, आदेश
Moisture- नमी
Peter out- समाप्त होना
Blow over- दूर हो जाना
Swerving- मोड़
Break out- अचानक फैलना
Stymie- बाधाएँ डालना
Adamant- अटल
Dilemma- दुविधा
Sundry- विभिन्न
Manoeuvre- चाल
Headquarters- मुख्यालय
Dalliance- आमोद प्रमोद
Languish- कमजोर होना, दुर्बल
Clumsy- बेढंगा, फूहड़
Stoop- नीचे गिरना
Seductive- आकर्षक, सम्मोहक
Incendiary- विद्रोहात्मक, भड़काने वाला
Eventually- अंत में
Passed away- गुजर जाना , मर जाना
Manuscript- हस्तलिखित
Looking forward to-उत्सुकता से प्रतीक्षा करना
Mirage- मरीचिका, धोखा
Sacrosanct- अतिपवित्र
Composite- संयोजन, मिश्रित
Palatial- आलीशान
Simmering- गुनगुनाहट
Eerily- अस्वाभाविक भयानकतापूर्ण ढंग से
Septuagenarian- सत्तर वर्ष की अवस्था का मनुष्य
Cache- गुप्त भंडार
Blow up- बढा चढा कर कहना
Robbery- डकैती
Personnel- कर्मचारी संबंधी
Ecstatic- अति आनंदित
Groan- कराहना
Numerous- बहुत से
Rejuvenation- कायाकल्प
Maul- आसानी से पराजित कर देना
Ammunition- युद्ध उपकरण/लड़ाई का सामान
1. Audience – a number of people listening to a lecture.
2. Altruist – one, who considers the happiness and well-being of others first
3. Atheist – a person who does not believe in God
4. Anthropologist – one, who studies the evolution of mankind
5. Autocracy – government by one person
6. Autobiography – the life history of a person written by himself
7. Amputate – to cut off a part of a person’s body which is infected
8. Arsenal – a place for ammunition and weapons
9. Archives – a place where government or public records are kept
10. Amateur – a man who does a thing for pleasure and not as a profession
11. Aristocracy – government by the nobles
12. Aquatic – animals/plants ere which live in water
13. Amphibian – animals which live both on land and sea
14. Ambidexter – one, who can use either hand with ease
15. Alimony – allowance paid to wife on legal separation
16. Anthology – a collection of poems
17. Abdication – voluntary giving up of the throne in favor of someone
18. Arbitrator – a person, appointed by two parties to solve a dispute
19. Astronomer – a person, who studies stars, planets and other heavenly bodies
20. Astrologer – a person who studies the influence of heavenly bodies on human beings
21. Anthology – a collection of poems
22. Axiom – a statement which is accepted as true without proof
23. Agenda – a list of headings of the business to be transacted at a meeting
24. Anarchist – one, who is out to destroy all governance, law, and order
25. Almanac – an annual calendar with positions of stars
26. Bigamy – the practice of having two wives or husbands at a time
27. Bibliophile – a lover and collector of books
28. Bouquet – a collection of flowers
29. Bureaucracy – government by the officials
30. Belligerent – a person, nation that is involved in the war
31. Biennial – an event which happens once in two years
32. Blasphemy – the act of speaking disrespectfully about sacred things
33. Creche – a nursery where children are cared for while their parents are at work
34. Cosmopolitan – a person who regards the whole world as his country
35. Chauffeur – one, who is employed to drive a motor car
36. Curator – a person in charge of a museum
37. Carnivorous – one, who lives on flesh
38. Cannibal – one, who feeds on human flesh
39. Contemporaries – belonging to or living at the same time
40. Cloakroom – a place for luggage at the railway station
41. Cynosure – the centre of attraction
42. Connoisseur – a critical judge of any art and craft
43. Crusade – a religious war
44. Choreographer – one, who teaches dancing
45. Cacographist – a person, who is bad in spellings
46. Calligraphist – a person, who writes beautiful handwriting
47. Cynic – one, who sneers at the aims and beliefs of his fellow men
48. Convalescent – one, who is recovering health
49. Cavalry – soldiers, who fight on horseback
50. Cardiologist – a person, who is specialist in heart diseases
51. Cartographer – one, who draws maps
52. Dormitory – the sleeping rooms with several beds especially in a college or institution
53. Drawn – a game that results neither in victory nor in defeat
54. Elegy – a poem of lamentation
55. Epitaph – words which are inscribed on the grave or the tomb in the memory of the buried
56. Ephemeral – lasting one day
57. Effeminate – a person who is womanish
58. Emigrant – a person who leaves his own country and goes to live in another
59. Edible – fit to be eaten
60. Egotism – practice of talking too much about oneself
61. Encyclopedia – a book that contains information on various subjects
62. Epicure – one, who is devoted to the pleasure of eating and drinking
63. Florist – one, who deals in flowers
64. Fastidious – one, who is very -selective in one’s taste
65. Fanatic or Bigot – one, who is filled with excessive and mistaken enthusiasm in religious matters
66. Fatal – causing death
67. Fatalist – one, who believes in fate
68. Facsimile – an exact copy of handwriting, printing etc.
1. OBFUSCATE (VERB): (उलझाना): confuse
Synonyms: baffle, bewilder
Antonyms: clarify, explicate
Sentence:- The new rule is more likely to obfuscate people than enlighten them.
2. BRINK (NOUN): (कगार): fringe
Synonyms: periphery, threshold
Antonyms: center, middle
Sentence:- This woman could bring me to the brink of insanity.
3. INTERMITTENT (ADJECTIVE): (सविराम): irregular
Synonyms: fitful, infrequent
Antonyms: regular, frequent
Sentence:- The holiday lights are intermittent and flicker on and off constantly.
4. HERALD (NOUN): (अग्रदूत): messenger
Synonyms: adviser, bearer
Antonyms: pupil, student
Sentence:- A herald sent forward to announce the coming of a king.
5. INSULAR (ADJECTIVE): (संकुचित विचारवाला): narrow-minded
Synonyms: circumscribed, parochial
Antonyms: broad-minded, unbiased
Sentence:- Only a few people live in their insular neighborhood in the coldest part of Alaska.
6. JINX (NOUN): (अशुभ): curse
Synonyms: hex, hoodoo
Antonyms: boon, luck
Sentence:- He regarded her as a jinx because she had lost her husband.
7. INERTIA (NOUN): (जड़ता): laziness
Synonyms: passivity, sluggishness
Antonyms: action, activity
Sentence:- After a large meal, inertia usually keeps me on the couch all day.
8. IMMACULATE (ADJECTIVE): (शुद्ध): unspoiled
Synonyms: exquisite, neat
Antonyms: dull, defiled
Sentence:- The soldier was reprimanded for ruining his immaculate uniform.
9. TRIUMPHAL (ADJECTIVE): (विजयोल्लास से परिपूर्ण): victorious
Synonyms: triumphant, conquering
Antonyms: depressed, discouraged
Sentence:- He made his triumphal entry into the capital.
10. INKLING (NOUN): (आभास): idea
Synonyms: clue, hunch
Antonyms: knowledge, information
Sentence:- The records give us an inkling of how people saw the world.