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1.Hampered (V)-hinder or impede the movement or progress of. बाधा उत्पन्न

2.Enclaves (N)-a portion of territory surrounded by a larger territory whose inhabitants are culturally or ethnically distinct. परिक्षेत्रों

3.Demography (N)-the study of populations.

4.Accentuated (V)-make more noticeable or prominent. जोर देना, अधिक सुस्पष्ट करना

5.Alienation (N)-the action of causing to become unfriendly.

6.Deliberate (V)-to think or talk seriously and carefully about something. विचार-विमर्श करना

7.Precarious (Adj)-(of a situation) not safe or certain. संकटपूर्ण, अनिश्चित, अस्थिर

8.Heavy Hand (Phrase)-a way of dealing with people that is very harsh or severe, and often unfair.

9.Buttressed (V)-to support or strengthen.

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Advice helps to get over the problems or not?

Should we take advice?

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Whom you revive if you get a chance?

Family vs Nation, whom to serve?

Beauty vs Brain

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Sunday Funday 13-June-2021

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Multitasking is Good or Bad

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Imagination and Creativity

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Parents Control is Good or Not

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Cricket vs other Sports

Neglecting other Sports

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1.Kaleidoscopic (Adj)-with many different aspects that keep changing. तेज़ी से बदलता हुआ

2.Genome (N)-the complete set of genes or genetic material present in a cell or organism.

3.Paraphernalia (N)-miscellaneous articles, especially the equipment needed for a particular activity. सामग्री

4.Grapple With (Phrasal Verb)-to try to deal with or understand a difficult problem or subject.

5.Beast (N)-something formidably difficult to control or deal with.

6.Consortium (N)-a group made up of two or more individuals, companies, or governments that work together to achieving a common objective.

7.Shore Up (Phrasal Verb)-to support or help (something).

8.Regime(N): Rule, authorities, control, शासन.

9.Anticipate(V):regard as probable; expect or predict.पहले ही विचार कर लेना

10.Tariffs(N): tax, duty

11.Imbalance(N):disproportion, असंतुलन

12.Poised(Adj):ready to do a particular thing at any moment:

13.Spur(N):encouragement, stimulus

14.Cautiously(adverb):in a careful and well-considered way that avoids risk. सावधानी से

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A fool can ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years

There is no right way to do wrong things.

Nothing is right, nothing is wrong, everybody has a different opinion

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Private Colleges vs Public Colleges

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Why we have man dominating words?

Practice makes man perfect

Man-made, mankind, chairman

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are you more worried about


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🔰Body Part Idioms🔰

●Cross your fingers - For good luck
●Fell on deaf ears - People wouldn't listen to something
●Get cold feet - Be nervous
●Giving the cold shoulder - Ignore someone
●Have a change of heart - Changed your mind
●I'm all ears - You have my full attention
●It cost an arm and a leg - It was expensive
●Play it by ear - Improvise
●See eye to eye - Agree
●Slipped my mind - I forgot
●Speak your mind - Say what you really feel

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Informal 🆚 Formal

🔸say sorry - apologiz(s)e
🔸go up - increase
🔸go down - decrease
🔸set up - establish
🔸look at - examine
🔸blow up - explode
🔸find out - discover
🔸bring about - cause
🔸put off - postpone, delay
🔸rack up - accumulate
🔸make up - fabricate
🔸stand for - represent
🔸find out - discover, ascertain
🔸leave out - omit
🔸point out - indicate
🔸go against - oppose
🔸get in touch with - contact
🔸It’s about - It concerns
🔸need to - required
🔸think about - consider
🔸get - obtain
🔸put up - tolerate
🔸deal with - handle
🔸seem - appear
🔸show - illustrate, portray
🔸start - commence
🔸keep - retain
🔸free - release
🔸get on someone’s nerves - bother
🔸ring up - call
🔸show up - arrive
🔸let - permit
🔸fill in - substitute
🔸block - undermine

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Telegram vs Whatsapp

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Phone : Boon or Bane

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Rarest Blood "Golden Blood" Rh-null

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Money is Happiness & Everything?

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Should Childrens be more imaginative

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Being indecisive in not Good

Nobody will tell you when to Run (what to Do)

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1.Decrepit (Adj)-weak and in poor condition, esp. from age or long use. जर्जर, पुराना

2.Dwellings (N)-a house, flat, or other place of residence. आवास

3.Litany (N)-a report or description.

4.Exhortation (N)-the act of strongly encouraging or trying to persuade someone to do something. प्रोत्साहन

5.Conundrum (N)-a problem that is difficult to deal with. समस्या

6.Deluge (N)-a severe flood. बाढ़

7.Rehabilitation (N)-the action of restoring something that has been damaged to its former condition. पुनर्वासन

8.Salvaged (V)-to try to make a bad situation better.

9.Precipitation (N)-water that falls from the clouds towards the ground, especially as rain or snow.

10.Hovel (N)-a small home that is dirty and in bad condition.

11.Squalid (Adj)-dirty, untidy, and in bad condition. घटिया

12.Imperative (N)-an essential or urgent thing. अनिवार्य

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There is no right way to do wrong things.

Nothing is right, nothing is wrong, everybody has a different opinion

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⚠️ 40 Commonly Used and Popular English Idioms

●A blessing in disguise
Meaning: A good thing that initially seemed bad

●A dime a dozen
Meaning: Something that is very common, not unique

●Adding insult to injury
Meaning: To make a bad situation even worse

●Beat around the bush
Meaning: Avoid sharing your true viewpoint or feelings because it is uncomfortable

●Beating a dead horse
Meaning: giving time or energy to something that is ended or over

●Bite the bullet
Meaning: To get an unfavorable situation or chore over with now because it will need to get finished eventually

●Best of both worlds
Meaning: The choice or solution has all of the advantages of two contrasting things at the same time

●Biting off more than you can chew
Meaning: Not having the capacity to take on a new assignment or task that is just too taxing

●By the skin of your teeth
Meaning: Just barely making it

●Don’t judge a book by its cover
Meaning: Not judging something by its initial appearance

●Doing something at the drop of a hat
Meaning: Doing something at the moment of being asked

●Don’t count your chickens before they hatch
Meaning: Not to count on something happening until after it’s already happened

●Caught between a rock and a hard place
Meaning: Making a choice between two unpleasant choices

●Costs an arm and a leg
Meaning: Something that is overpriced or very expensive

●Cutting corners
Meaning: Not performing a task or duty correctly in order to save time or money

●Devil’s advocate
Meaning: To take the side of the counter-argument, or offer an alternative point of view

●Feeling under the weather
Meaning: Not feeling well, or feeling sick

●Fit as a fiddle
Meaning: Being in good health

●Getting a taste of your own medicine
Meaning: Being treated the way that you have been treating others

●Getting a second wind
Meaning: Having energy again after being tired

●Giving the benefit of the doubt
Meaning: Believing someone’s story without proof even though it may seem unbelievable

●Giving someone the cold shoulder
Meaning: ignoring someone

●Going on a wild goose chase
Meaning: doing something that is pointless

●Heard it on the grapevine
Meaning: Hearing rumors about someone or something

●Hitting the nail on the head
Meaning: Performing a task with exactness

●Killing two birds with one stone
Meaning: Accomplishing two different tasks in the same undertaking

●Letting someone off the hook
Meaning: Not holding someone responsible for something

●Letting the cat out of the bag
Meaning: Sharing information that was intended to be a secret

●No pain, no gain
Meaning: You have to work hard in order to see results

●On the ball
Meaning: Doing a good job, being prompt, or being responsible

●Once in a blue moon
Meaning: Something that doesn’t happen very often

●Piece of cake
Meaning: A task or job that is easy to complete

●Pulling someone’s leg
Meaning: Joking with someone

●Speak of the devil
Meaning: When the person you have just been talking about arrives

●Stealing someone’s thunder
Meaning: Taking credit for someone else’s achievements

●Straight from the horse’s mouth
Meaning: Reading or hearing something from the source

●The last straw
Meaning: The last difficulty or annoyance that makes the entire situation unbearable

●The elephant in the room
Meaning: An issue, person, or problem that someone is trying to avoid

●Throwing caution to the wind
Meaning: Being reckless or taking a risk

●Your guess is as good as mine
Meaning: To not know something

✍ 20 Familiar English Idioms

▪️A snowball effect
Meaning: Something has momentum and builds on each other, much like rolling a snowball down a hill to make it bigger

▪️An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Meaning: Apples are healthy and good for you

▪️Burning bridges
Meaning: Damaging a relationship beyond repair

▪️Every dog has his day
Meaning: Everyone gets their chance to do something big

▪️Fit as a fiddle
Meaning: Excellent health

▪️Go down in flames
Meaning: To fail in a spectacular manner

▪️Getting a second wind
Meaning: Having energy again after being tired or worn out.

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Hindi vs English

Why we don't give importance to Hindi as compare to other language?

and if someone not speaking good English, why we make fun?

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If you would be the PM of nation


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is it ok to make fun of teachers and crack jokes on them?

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★★ *Some important words with their Synonym*

★ Amazing------Incredible, Fantastic, Fabulous, Astonishing, Extraordinary

★ Answer------Respond

★ Awful ------Terrible, Abominable, Dreadful

★ Bad------Evil, Spoiled, Imperfect, Infamous, Dismal

★ Beautiful------Gorgeous, Ravishing, Dazzling, Exquisite, Stunning

★ Begin ------Initiate, Commence, Inaugurate

★ Big------Huge, Enormous, Gigantic, Humongous, Substantial, Mammoth

★ Break------Rupture, Fracture, Shatter

★ Calm------Serene, Peace, Tranquil

★Come ------Approach, Arrive

★ Cool------Chilly, Frosty, Icy

★ Cut------Chop, Slash, Slit

★ Dangerous------Hazardous, Risky, Precarious

★ Decide------Determine, Settle

★ Definite------Certain, Positive, Obvious

★ Delicious------Savoury, Titbit, Delectable

★ Describe------Portray, Characterise

★ Destroy------Demolish, Slay, Ruin, Raze

★ Difference------Disagreement, Inequity, Dissimilarity

★ Dull------Boring, Uninteresting, Monotonous, Humdrum, Dreary

★ End------Terminate, Conclude, Cessation

★ Explain------Elaborate, Interpret

★ Fall------Drop, Descend, Topple

★ Famous------Well-known, Renowned, Eminent, Illustrious

★ Fast------Quick, Rapid, Hasty, Snappy

★ Fat------Stout, Corpulent, Chubby, Bulky

★ Funny ------Amusing, Humorous, Droll

★ Get------Acquire, Obtain, Secure, Procure, Gather

★ Good------Excellent, Fine, Wonderful, Superior, Gracious, Superb, Splendid, Genuine, Sterling, Top-notch

★ Great------Worthy, Distinguished, Grand, Considerable, Mighty

★ Happy------Pleased, Delighted, Elated, Joyful, Ecstatic, Jubilant, Jaunty

★ Hate------Despise, Loathe, Abhor, Abominate

★ Have------Possess, Own, Acquire

★ Help------Aid, Assist, Support, Encourage, Relieve

★ Hide------Conceal, Cover, Mask, Veil

★ Idea------Thought, Concept, Notion

★ Important------Necessary, Vital, Critical, Indispensable, Valuable, Essential, Famous, Notable.

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Macabre (Adj)-frightening or unpleasant, and usually involving death, decay, or violence. भयावह

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▪️Give up (phrasal verb) – sacrifice, forgo (परित्याग करना)
▪️In principle (phrase) – in general, in essence (साधारण तौर पर)
▪️Sign up (phrasal verb) – commit, conclude (हस्ताक्षर करना)
▪️Specifics (स्पिसिफिक्स) (noun) – details, niceties (सुनिश्चित वर्णन)
▪️Equation (इक्वैश़न) (noun) – the situation, the problem, the case (समीकरण)
▪️Beat down (phrasal verb) – quell, suppress (तपना)
▪️Ally (ऐलाइ) (noun) – partner, supporter, confederate (मिलाना)
▪️Trustworthy (ट्रस्ट्वर्दी) (adjective) – dependable, reliable, truthful (विश्वसनीय)
▪️Obtain (अब्टैन) (verb) – win, acquire (हासिल करना)
▪️In the face of (phrase) – despite, regardless of (के बवजूद भी)
▪️Polarise (verb) – separate into two opposing groups (विपरीत करना)
▪️Break away (ब्रेक अवे) (phrasal verb) – leave, split with, separate from (अलग हो जाना)
▪️Humble (हम्बल) (adjective) – modest, unassertive, submissive (नीचा दिखाना)
▪️Wiser (वाइज़) (comparative adjective) – sensible, prudent (सूचना देना)
▪️Accommodative (अकामडैटिव) (adjective) – accommodating, cooperative, helpful (सरल)
▪️Pursue (पर्सू) (verb) – engage in, follow, conduct (खोजना)
▪️First-past-the-post (phrase) – (जो ज्यादा मत पाया वह जीता)
▪️Stick (स्टिक) (verb) – adhere, remain, persist (बर्दाश्त करना)
▪️Arithmetic (ऐरिथ्मेटिक) (noun) – calculation, reckoning, tally (अंकगणितीय)
▪️Trail (ट्रैल) (noun) – path, route (खींचना)
▪️Add up (phrasal verb) – be convincing, make sense (योग करना)
▪️Fancy (फैन्सी) (verb) – wish for, want, desire (कल्पना करना)
▪️Contend with (phrase) – cope with, face, take on (दावे के साथ कहना)
▪️Formidable (फॉर्मिडबल) (adjective) – strong, powerful, mighty (साहस तोड़ने वाला)

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