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#Solana Daily News, Guides & Featured Projects. Announcement: @solana_dailyann Join us on Twitter for fastest update: Website: 📍 Contact @tk_media for business inquiries.

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SolanaDaily - Chat

I would like to participate in this

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SolanaDaily - Chat

the more water you clean

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SolanaDaily - Chat

so that it is drinkable

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SolanaDaily - Chat

They also launched a competition

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SolanaDaily - Chat

they have amazing support from community

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SolanaDaily - Chat

right now not too late

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SolanaDaily - Chat

already 4 celebrities

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SolanaDaily - Chat

did you see what water doing?

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SolanaDaily - Chat

🚨Political memecoins on @solana surged after the former president Donald Trump survived a shooting at a campaign rally.

@dolandtremp_sol: 31.5%
@MAGAMemecoin: 26.7%

What do you think about this?

$tremp $MAGA #Solana #memecoins #Trump

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SolanaDaily - Chat

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SolanaDaily - Chat

I rеcently саmе асrоss а hugе whаlе in thе сrурtо mаrkеt whо givеs signаls оn Вinanсе in his tеlеgrаm сhаnnеl. I hаvе аlrеаdy mаnаgеd tо inсreаsе mу bаnk frоm 0.14 ВТС tо 2.51 ВТС. Еvеryоnе shоuld visit his сhаnnеl and sеe thе wоrk оf the whаlеs in thе mаrkеt. Yоu саn find thе сhаnnеl bу visiting "RоzWНL" on Теlеgrаm!

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SolanaDaily - Chat

Dеаr investоrs! I fоund аn amаzing сhаnnеl whеrе а сrурtо whаle рrоvidеs ехclusivе mаrkеt infоrmаtiоn. Thеir аnаlуsis is dееp and оftеn роints to рotеntiаl oрроrtunitiеs inассеssiblе tо the masses. Маnу оf thеir рrеdiсtiоns hаvе bееn cоrrесt, crеаting орроrtunitiеs fоr bеnеfiсiаl tradеs. Ноwеver, kееp in mind thе risks аnd аlwауs dо уоur own аnаlуsis bеfоrе mаking сhоiсеs.То jоin, just tуре thе wоrd "RоzWНL" in thе mеssеngеr seаrch bох.

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SolanaDaily - Chat

Perfect, that's what I need

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SolanaDaily - Chat

What are their advantages?

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SolanaDaily - Chat

Looking for a reliable MM for a token launch. Who can help?

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SolanaDaily - Chat

the bigger your prize will be

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SolanaDaily - Chat

and capture it all on camera

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SolanaDaily - Chat

you need to purify as much water as possible

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SolanaDaily - Chat

and a lot of many for advertising and influencers

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SolanaDaily - Chat

four celebrities thats only beginning

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SolanaDaily - Chat

but i think now too late

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SolanaDaily - Chat

are you about collaboration

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SolanaDaily - Chat

📊 Solana leads in DEX volume growth:

🔹+20.62% weekly increase
🔹$1.537b in 24h volume
🔹$13.05b in 7-day volume

Source: @DefiLlama

🚀 Outpacing Ethereum in both metrics

💪 @solana is increasingly asserting its dominance in the DeFi ecosystem.

#Solana #DEX #DeFi

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SolanaDaily - Chat

🎨 Hello, we are looking for people to test in our new crypto project:

🧪 Beta tester (10-20$/hour)

If you are interested in collaborating, please send me a DM! 🚀

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SolanaDaily - Chat

I аm rесеntlу саmе асross а hugе Whаlе in thе сrуptо mаrkеt whо givеs signals оn Вinаnсе in his tеlеgrаm сhаnnel. I аm have аlrеаdу mаnаgеd tо inсrеаsе mу bаnk frоm 0.14 BТС tо 2.51 ВTС. Еvеrуоnе should visit his сhаnnel аnd sее thе wоrk of the Whalеs in thе mаrkеt. Yоu сan find the сhаnnеl bу visiting "SаnWНL" оn Теlegram!

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SolanaDaily - Chat

Top Potential Solana Projects to Watch in 2024 🚀

@JupiterExchange: Streamlining Token Swaps on Solana

@orca_so: Concentrated Liquidity AMM on the Solana Network

@DriftProtocol: Trade Perpetuals With up to 20X Leverage

@solendprotocol: Lend and Borrow Crypto Assets on the Solana Network

@marginfi: Solana-Based Lending Protocol With a Focus on Risk Management

@KaminoFinance: Liquidity Layer and Lending Protocol on Solana

@MarinadeFinance: Staking Optimization Protocol on the Solana Blockchain

@jito_sol: Enhancing Staking Yield via MEV

@MadLads: xNFT Collection on Solana

@tensor_hq: NFT Collection for Fans of Tensor

@helium: Decentralized Connectivity Service Provider

@rendernetwork: GPU Rendering Protocol for Creators

Do we miss any names? Comment down below. 👇

#Solana #DeFi #NFT #DePin

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SolanaDaily - Chat

Hit me up, and I'll connect you if you need

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SolanaDaily - Chat

Unique algorithms and a free trial

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SolanaDaily - Chat

Yo! BR Group is solid. We've been with them for 2 years

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SolanaDaily - Chat

🎮Top 10 @solana Game NFTs by Market Cap

Solana has had a diverse and vibrant GameFi ecosystem recently. 🔥


Source: @Chainplaygg

Which one excites you most? 👀

#Solana #GameFi

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