A channel dedicated to the worst country in Asia. South Korea is an eternal reminder of how Capitalism and Globalism will do more damage to a people than any number of nuclear bombs ever could. Also Kimchi stinks (in both meanings). 天の許さぬ叛逆を!!!
🇰🇵🇵🇸 Just in - The President of North Korea declares his support for Palestine
The Supreme leader is more honourable than Saudi Arabia or all the others quietly watching in fear
The Korean Identity was Cultivated, Nurtured and Birthed by the Japanese Empire
When the Japanese Empire took control, the native tribes of the Korean peninsula had no sense of "Koreanness". It was the Japanese Empire that carefully cultivated the Korean identity thereby giving birth to the modern Korean nation. Sadly, many Koreans are taught to hate Japan despite the fact that Koreans would not even exist as a people had it not been for the Japanese Empire bringing about their ethnogenesis.
The Flame of Yamato: How North Korea kept alive the Spirit of the Japanese Empire
Japanese rule of the Korean Peninsula: 1910 ~ 1945A Pictorial Journal
8 Facts About the Governance of the Korean Peninsula by the Japanese Empire
Korean Places Before and After Japanese Annexation
Treatment of Criminals: Before vs After
Seoul Station
Korea under the Japanese Empire was governed by a Korean Supermajority:
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
Korean Hate channel congratulates Japan for making it until the Round of 16.
And this post serves as a reminder that the Qatar World Cup shows the world how a football match (and other sport events) should not be a breeding ground for the spread of western degeneracy.
"I Couldn't Participate in Korean Independence Movement, But I Will Participate in Boycott", Poster for boycott campaign against Japanese products, South Korea, (2019)
Korea single-handedly dragged the average Asian pp size down
Читать полностью…TheFascifist:c/The-Flame-of-Yamato:e" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@TheFascifist:c/The-Flame-of-Yamato:e
Читать полностью…The Flame of Yamato: How North Korea kept alive the Spirit of the Japanese Empire
A Lecture by B.R. Myers
A Production by The Fascifist
i injected meth into my veins and I am about to hijack a plane and crash into Seoul killing civilians banzai wish me luck
Читать полностью…American "Civilization"
(from "Civilta Americana")
"The recently deceased John Dewey was applauded by the American press as the most representative figure of American civilization. This is quite right. His theories are entirely representative of the vision of man and life which is the premise of Americanism and its 'democracy'.
The essence of such theories is this: that everyone can become what he wants to, within the limits of the technological means at his disposal. Equally, a person is not what he is from his true nature and there is no real difference between people, only differences in qualifications. According to this theory anyone can be anyone he wants to be if he knows how to train himself.
This is obviously the case with the 'self-made man'; in a society which has lost all sense of tradition the notion of personal aggrandizement will extend into every aspect of human existence, reinforcing the egalitarian doctrine of pure democracy. If the basis of such ideas is accepted, then all natural diversity has to be abandoned. Each person can presume to possess the potential of everyone else and the terms 'superior' and 'inferior' lose their meaning; every notion of distance and respect loses meaning; all life-styles are open to all. To all organic conceptions of life Americans oppose a mechanistic conception. In a society which has 'started from scratch', everything has the characteristic of being fabricated. In American society appearances are masks not faces. At the same time, proponents of the American way of life are hostile to personality.
The Americans' 'open-mindedness', which is sometimes cited in their favor, is the other side of their interior formlessness. The same goes for their 'individualism'. Individualism and personality are not the same: the one belongs to the formless world of quantity, the other to the world of quality and hierarchy. The Americans are the living refutation of the Cartesian axiom, "I think, therefore I am": Americans do not think, yet they are. The American 'mind', puerile and primitive, lacks characteristic form and is therefore open to every kind of standardization.
In a superior civilization, as, for example, that of the Indo-Aryans, the being who is without a characteristic form or caste (in the original meaning of the word), not even that of servant or shudra, would emerge as a pariah. In this respect America is a society of pariahs. There is a role for pariahs. It is to be subjected to beings whose form and internal laws are precisely defined. Instead the modern pariahs seek to become dominant themselves and to exercise their dominion over the entire world."
Maybe admiral yi was good but too much credit to themselves and too little credit to the Ming dynasty
Читать полностью…Due to the fragile Americans censoring our channel yet again, we have started a 3rd channel and relegated the previous two. Subscribe to the new American Hate 3.0! Back and better than ever before!
Korea also did make it but as you know, the sole purpose of this channel is to trigger Koreans
Читать полностью…"There is no mercy for traitors"
The traitors of the South will never be allowed to exist. Their crimes of submitting to the imperialist West and not standing up for their freedom has lead to their internal decay of not being able to be selfl-reliant.
🇰🇷🇷🇺🇺🇦 Samsung is reported to have removed the letter "Z" from the names of its smartphones in some European countries.
Folding screen smartphones no longer have the "Z" that has been the brand name of the series since the launch in 2020. For example, Galaxy Z Fold3 is now simply called Galaxy Fold3. The same goes for the Galaxy Flip3.
Recall that in addition to the most popular recognition sign of the RF Armed Forces, at least "V" and "O" are still used.
But they don't seem to get that kind of fame yet.
Understanding North Korea and the Juche Ideology
A Production by The Fascifist
Script by Judas and Zoltanous HN
Guys can you help me find which one is the girl among these euro-korean dates
Читать полностью…Google "American Values" and this is what comes up. Honestly, it seems quite accurate.
Читать полностью…Well, in all honesty, Korean ARE cocky and arrogant. I remember once hearing something like "Japanese are savages that we Koreans civilized, blah blah blah". And for a language (korean) that is based on a "seniority based" level while addressing others, as if trying to sell itself as a very formal and respectful language. They do feel superior to everyone else. I see that everyday. Who wouldn't be upset about a bunch of foreigners coming into your country and thinking they're superior to you?
Читать полностью…This was 8 years ago...masks, RT-PCR tests, quarantine camps, fear mongering, gay emergency vaxx..Koreans are useful cucks of the NWO