Yo se nadar y tu que sabes hacer?
Yo conozco un lugar hermoso en Colombia y tu?
Cual oración esta correcta?
1. ¿El libro es de el profesor?
2. ¿El libro es del profesor?
Could you give an adjective?
1. Los lapices son ____
2. La falda es ______
3. El coche ______
¿Cuánto? and ¿Cuántos? mean “how much” or “how many,” respectively. From shopping and spending to cooking and planning, you’ll want to ask for quantities and amounts. Note that these two questions words must match gender and plurality, and have two other forms: ¿Cuánta? and ¿Cuántas? Here are several common questions you can use to quantify and calculate.
1. ¿Cuánto cuesta el aceite? How much does the oil cost?
2. ¿Cuánto arroz quieres? How much rice do you want?
3. ¿Cuánta harina necesitamos? How much flour do we need?
4. ¿Cuántos kilos de manzanas compraste? How many kilos of apples did you buy?
Puedes dar algún ejemplo?
Por qué?
¿Por qué? means “why?” If explanation is what you seek, look no further than ¿por qué? (why?) and its relative, porque (because). Get the answers to these common burning questions and more, when you ask for reasons. You can also make suggestions and accept invitations using this helpful question word.
1.¿Por qué el vuelo está retrasado? Why is the flight delayed?
2.¿Por qué no aceptan dinero en efectivo? Why don’t they accept cash?
3.¿Por qué decidiste aprender inglés? Why did you decide to learn English?
4.¿Por qué no viniste a la reunión? Why didn’t you come to the meeting?
Benefits of Second-Language Learning at an Early Age
🗯️ Early second language learners have stronger executive function than their counterparts. This means that they’re often better at planning, focusing, and achieving goals. They’re also better multitaskers and critical thinkers, and some research suggests that bilingualism also provides a significant creativity boost.
💬 Kids have so much to learn about the world. Language can be an awesome way to pique their interest and provide a cross-curricular learning opportunity!
Did you know Spanish is the official language of 18 countries? Each of those countries—from Argentina to Venezuela—has a distinct culture of its own. Even Spanish itself varies between regions, both in sound and substance, and regional slang and idioms provide a window into worlds your child may not otherwise encounter.
A que edad empezaste a aprender tu segunda lengua?
¿Dónde? means “where.” If you want to know where an event is happening, or where you should buy a gift, this question word will help you locate people, objects, places, and events. Here are several common questions you can use to find what you need:
1.¿Dónde están los servicios?
Where are the restrooms?
2.¿Dónde queda tu casa?
Where is your house located?
3.¿Dónde nos quedamos esta noche?
Where are we staying tonight?
Puedes dar algunos ejemplos?
¿Cómo? simply translated means “how.” From getting around a city to preparing food, you’ll have questions about processes. You can ask for descriptions and characteristics to get to know people and your surroundings, and you can show interest by asking how people are doing. Here are several common questions you can use to navigate through your day.
1.¿Cómo llegas a la estación de metro?
How do you get to the subway station?
2. ¿Cómo preparas el arroz con leche?
How do you prepare the rice pudding?
3. ¿Cómo se dice ___ en español?
How do you say ___ in Spanish?
Puedes dar algunos ejemplos?
The most common Spanish question words
1. ¿Qué?
¿Qué? means “what.” From meal planning to sightseeing, you’ll want to know what specific nouns should be on your list. Here are several common questions you can use to find out the essentials:
1.¿Qué sitios debería visitar cuando estoy en Málaga?
What places should I visit when I’m in Málaga?
2.¿Qué necesito para viajar a Buenos Aires?
What do I need in order to travel to Buenos Aires?
3.¿Qué platos son típicos en Costa Rica?
What dishes/meals are typical in Costa Rica?
4. ¿Qué hay que hacer antes de viajar?
What must be done before traveling?
puedes dar algunos ejemplos?
Harina P.A.N
Corn flour is an essential ingredient in the cuisine of many Latin American countries, particularly Venezuela and Colombia. The issue is that making flour is long and labor intensive, which is why Venezuelan engineer Luis Caballero Mejías invented pre-made flour.
When his product was eventually released as Harina P.A.N, it changed the lives of arepa and tortilla-lovers everywhere. Sure, countless brands now sell this type of flour but the original still has a hold on the market, expanding from as far as Argentina to the US.
Where would we be without Maggi's famous chicken soup cubes and seasonings? I wouldn't want to know. The brand has augmented the region’s definition of good instant soup.
And yet, Maggi is actually Swiss, which is like finding out that Papá Noel doesn’t exist. Still, I doubt Swiss people appreciate Maggi as we do, so we'll give it honorable Latin food brand status and include it here. Its chicken soup got us through many colds throughout our lives, so it's only fair.
And that’s it! Our favorite Latino food brands that no Latino household can be without. Let us know if we’ve missed any essentials from your childhood!
If you buy a dairy product in Colombia, chances are that it's Alpina. The company was founded in 1945 by Swiss immigrants escaping the horrors of World War II (hence the name).
Over time, it became the country's favored brand for milk, cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products like arequipe, Colombia's version of dulce de leche.
As of 2015, Alpina accounted for 72% of lactose beverages in Colombia. Production has also expanded to Ecuador, Venezuela, and the US. Its products are sold in said countries and throughout Central America.
Spanish Exclamations for Every Situation
¡Hala! Wow! / Go!
¡Híjole(s) !Jeez! / Goodness!
¡Hombre!/¡Mujer! Man! / Woman!
¡Hostia! Damn! / Damn it! / Oh, wow!
¡Joder! Damn! / Damn it!
¡Madre mía! My goodness!
¡Menos mal! Luckily! / Whew!
¡Ojalá! May it be so! / I hope so!
¡Ojo! Watch out! / Be careful!
¡Olé! Hurrah!
Sabes alguna?
Spanish Exclamations for Every Situation
Spanish interjections and exclamations are most prevalent in conversation. You might encounter them in writing as well, but as we said above, they tend to be spur of the moment expressions for lively conversations.
There’s a slight difference between an “interjection” and an “exclamation,” but it won’t affect the way you use them. As their name suggests, interjections get inserted into what we’re saying. They are either single sounds used to express an emotion (ouch!) or brief phrases used as exclamations (oh my!).
¡Aguas! Watch out! (Used primarily in Mexico)
¡Ajá!¡ Uh-huh! / ¡Aha!
¡Anda! Wow! / Come on!
¡Ándale! Come on! / Right!
¡Ay! Ouch! Oh!¡
Bravo! Well done!
¡Buen provecho! Bon appetit!
Spanish Exclamations for Every Situation
¡Sale! Okay! / Sure! (Used primarily in Mexico)
¡Santo remedio! Bingo! / Voilà!
¡Uf! Ugh!
¡Uy! Wow! / Ouch! / Oh! / Ow!
¡Vale! Okay! / Sure! (Sp.)
¡Válgame Dios! Oh my God! / Oh my goodness! / Good God!
¡Vaya! Wow! / Damn! / Well!
¡Venga! Come on!
¡Ya está! That’s it!
Conoces alguna?
Por vs. Para
What do por and para mean in Spanish?
Many resources will tell you simply that both por and para both mean “for,” which is sometimes true, but the meanings depend on the context of the sentence. You will never hear a native Spanish speaker use them interchangeably, as they follow distinct patterns of usage. That’s why it can be helpful to focus on comparing and contrasting the ways they are used in real life contexts.
por can mean:
Because of
By way of
Instead of
On someone’s behalf
In the
By contrast, para can mean:
In order to
By (a deadline)
According to
¿Cuál? means “which.” It is also used in many cases to express “what?” Unfortunately ¿qué? (what) and ¿cuál? are not always interchangeable. You’ll use this expression frequently to offer choices, or to distinguish between options! Here are several common questions you can use to decide between options.
1. ¿Cuál? Which? What?
2. ¿Cuáles? Which ones?
3. ¿Cuál es tu nombre? What is your name?
4. ¿Cuál es tu numero? What is your number?
5. ¿Cuál prefieres? Which one do you prefer?
¿Quién? means “who.” You will also see the plural ¿Quiénes? when you’re asking about more than one person. When learning new names or surveying a crowd, find out who the characters are!
1. ¿Quién? Who? (the answer is one person)
2. ¿Quiénes? Who? (the answer is more than one person)
3. ¿Quién es el presidente de Chile? Who is the President of Chile?
4. ¿Quién hizo el pastel? Who made the cake?
5. ¿Quiénes son tus primos? Who are your cousins?
Cuando means “when.” From the next milestone soccer match to your friend’s birthday party, you’ll want to know when things are happening, so you can make it there on time! Here are several common questions you can use for time questions.
1.¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? When is your birthday?
2.¿Cuándo empieza el partido? When does the match begin?
3. ¿Cuándo debemos entregar la tarea? When do we have to hand in the assignment?
4.¿Cuándo aprendiste el italiano? When did you learn Italian?
Cual es el articulo personal que nunca olvidas para tus viajes?
-Yo nunca olvido mis audifonos