Our chat: @quetal Buy ads: https://telega.io/c/spanish Admin contact: @famoso Language, culture, new horizons. Your compass to the world of Spanish-speaking countries 🌍📚
MIRA ESTE CORTOMETRAJE! And let us know what do you think.
Es un cortometraje de un minuto que plantea la problemática actual de la especie humana.
We continue practicing our way to express our opinion about something.
Check this video and share tu opinion!
Que piensas acerca de este cortometraje?
Que mensaje quieren transmitir? Comenta!
Nos gusta saber que opinas, no dudes en dejar tu punto de vista!
Este mes practicaremos un poco nuestra manera de pensar y reflexionar frente a ciertos videos
(it wont take your more than 5 minutes and you can practice a lot of skills together)
Que piensas acerca de este cortometraje?
Que mensaje quieren transmitir? Comenta!
Y tambien existen cosas que nos encantan de las personas es decir caracteristicas de su personalidad que nos gustan.
A mi me encantan las personas que son cariñosas.
Hablemos de climas:
Uno de mis climas favoritos en cuando hace calor porque puedes hacer muchas cosas.
A veces hay actitudes o características que no nos gustan mucho de las personas.
A mi no me gustan las personas arrogantes que les gusta presumir que poseen mas cosas que los demás. Y a ti que características no te gustan?
Vamos a conocer un poquito de vocabulario acerca del interior de un auto!
Tu sabes conducir-manejar?
HERRAMIENTAS QUE DEBERIAS SABER EN ESPAÑOL: Tienes una caja de herramientas en tu casa?
Читать полностью…Has estado en alguna situación de emergencia en tu vida?
Читать полностью…Conocías este vocabulario acerca de la cocina?
Читать полностью…Te gusta cocinar? O prefieres pedir a domicilio?
Читать полностью…DIPHTHONG: "IA"
Diphthongs occur when an unstressed “i”, “u”, or “y-ending” appears next to another vowel in the same syllable. Their vowel sounds do not change, but they blend together to form a single syllable.
One such vowel combination, “ia”, is pronounced like the “eo” in the English word “neon,” except that it is a somewhat shorter sound. Note that when there is a written accent over the letter “i”, the diphthong is “broken” and the two vowels are pronounced separately.
Diphthongs occur when an unstressed “i”, “u”, or “y-ending” appears next to another vowel in the same syllable. Their vowel sounds do not change, but they blend together to form a single syllable.
One such vowel combination, “eu”, does not have an English equivalent. It sounds like a combination of the “ay” of the word “say” and the “oo” of the word “boot.” Note that when there is a written accent over the letter “u”, as in the word “transeúnte,” the diphthong is “broken” and the two vowels are pronounced separately.
In Spanish, the letters “k” and “w” are found only in foreign words. The “k” is pronounced like an English “k” without the puff of air. The “w” is pronounced like the “b/v” when it occurs between vowels.
Diphthongs occur when an unstressed “i”, “u”, or “y-ending” appears next to another vowel in the same syllable. Their vowel sounds do not change, but they blend together to form a single syllable.
One such vowel combination, “au”, is pronounced like the “ow” in the English word “owl,” except that it is a somewhat shorter sound. Note that when there is a written accent over the letter “u”, the diphthong is “broken” and the two vowels are pronounced separately.
The Spanish “g” has three separate sounds: hard, soft and an “h” sound. After a pause and when followed by “a”, “o”, “u”, and when following the letter “n”, the hard Spanish “g” closely resembles the “g” in the word “got.” The soft “g” sound is not like any English sound, and will require considerable practice. This sound normally occurs between vowels. Finally, when “g” comes before “e” or “i”, it sounds like the “h” in the word “hot” except that it is “raspier.”
The Spanish “z” is pronounced differently in Spain than in Latin America. In Spain, it is pronounced like the “th” in the English word “think.” In Latin America, it is pronounced like the letter “s”.
The Spanish “b” (be larga) and “v” (be corta) are pronounced exactly alike. These letters have two separate sounds, hard and soft. At the beginning of a word and after “m” or “n”, the hard Spanish “b/v” closely resembles the “b” in the word “boy,” except that the lips are held tense. In other situations, the “b/v” is pronounced like an English “b” in which the lower lip doesn’t touch the teeth. (This is a sound that does not exist in English.)
Diphthongs occur when an unstressed “i”, “u”, or “y-ending” appears next to another vowel in the same syllable. Their vowel sounds do not change, but they blend together to form a single syllable.
One such vowel combination, “ai” (or “ay” word ending), is pronounced like the English word “eye,” except that it is a somewhat shorter sound. Note that when there is a written accent over the letter “i”, the diphthong is “broken” and the two vowels are pronounced separately.
The Spanish “c” has two separate sounds, hard and soft. When appearing in the combinations “ca”, “co” and “cu”, the hard Spanish “c” closely resembles the English “k” sound. The difference is that when pronouncing the hard Spanish “c” there is no puff of air, as there is with the English “k”. When appearing in the combinations “ce” and “ci”, the “c” is softer. Spaniards pronounce this like the “z”, while Latin Americans pronounce it like the “s”.
The Spanish “d” has two separate sounds, hard and soft. At the beginning of a word and after “n” or “l”, the hard Spanish “d” closely resembles the “d” in the word “dog.” The difference is that when pronouncing the hard Spanish “d”, the tongue touches the back of the front teeth (rather than the gum ridge, as in English). In other situations (particularly between vowels) the “d” is softer, closely resembling the “th” sound in the word “this.”
Una pizzería con cocineros robots
Una pizzería de París ha abrazado de lleno esta revolución tecnológica. El local se llama Pazzi, y está en el barrio de Beaubourg. Sus clientes van allí no solo para comer una sabrosa pizza. También para contemplar un espectáculo asombroso: robots “cocineros” que preparan su comida sin ayudantes humanos.
Una serie de brazos metálicos lo hacen todo.
Primero aplastan la masa y añaden los ingredientes (tomate, queso, jamón, champiñones… ). Luego meten la pizza en el horno, la sacan y la cortan en porciones con la precisión de un reloj suizo.
El inventor Sébastien Roverso
tardó ocho años en desarrollar estos robots. Él está convencido de que son el futuro de la cocina.
Que piensas acerca de los robots?
habra espacio para los seres humanos en un futuro?
“Intonation” refers to pitch, or the rising and falling of one’s voice. Intonation is important because it can change the meaning of an utterance. In Spanish, questions which elicit information end in a falling pitch. This is the same pattern as normal statements, but information questions are never confused with statements because they always begin with question words.”
Millonarios en el espacio
¿Qué puedes hacer en el planeta Tierra cuando tienes millones de dólares?
Asistir a fiestas exclusivas, conducir coches de lujo, comprar una isla virgen… Estas cosas son divertidas las cien primeras veces. Pero luego aburren.
Por eso, ir al espacio se ha convertido en la nueva obsesión de los superricos.
Richard Branson (presidente de Virgin Galactic) se puso el traje de astronauta. En su nave espacial, Branson alcanzó el límite de la atmósfera terrestre, a 89 kilómetros de altitud.
vivirías una experiencia similar?
Barcelona es la mejor ciudad del mundo (según The Telegraph)
El diario británico The Telegraph ha publicado una lista de las mejores ciudades para visitar en 2022. Una urbe española, Barcelona, ocupa el primer lugar de la clasificación.
The Telegraph recomienda a todos los turistas viajar a Barcelona, por estas razones:
Su clima: el sol brilla sobre la ciudad 2500 horas cada año.
Su arquitectura: con edificios como la Sagrada Familia o espacios como el Parque Güell, Barcelona ofrece a los viajeros un sinfín de delicias visuales.
Gastronomía: el periódico habla de “una explosión de sabores” para describir la cocina barcelonesa.
Sus playas: la ciudad está bañada por el mar. Hay varios kilómetros de playa donde los turistas pueden bañarse, tomar el sol y pasear.
Su carácter: Barcelona es un lugar moderno, abierto a gente de todas las culturas y tendencias.
Has estado en Barcelona?
Si no, Te gustaría visitar Barcelona?
“Intonation” refers to pitch, or the rising and falling of one’s voice. Intonation is important because it can change the meaning of an utterance. In Spanish, simple yes/no questions end in a rising pitch, conveying a meaning of uncertainty.