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Heart of the Monster
The Nez Perce tribe tells many wonderful Coyote stories. In some of these tales, real landmarks are mentioned to teach the children geography and to help them appreciate the landscape. In one of the most famous Nez Perce stories, Coyote creates all of the human Indian tribes by cutting out the heart of a great monster. Near the town of Kamiah, on the Clearwater River, stands a tall rocky hill that represents the heart of the great beast. This area is protected as an important Nez Perce cultural and historic site.
We have included a written version of this famous Nez Perce oral story so that you can experience this enjoyable piece of Idaho folklore. Next time you are near Kamiah, stop and visit “the heart of the monster.” You won't be disappointed.
One day, Coyote noticed it was very quiet. “I wonder where all the animals have gone,” he thought. “I think I’ll go look for them.” He searched for his friends everywhere—in the mountains, the forest, and near the rivers, but no one was around. Tired and ready to give up, Coyote sat down to rest.
“Lima, lima, lima,” shrieked a voice from below him. It was Meadowlark. Because Coyote hadn't been paying attention, he had sat down upon the poor bird and broken her leg. She was very angry, but Coyote made her a deal to calm her down. “I will make you a new strong leg out of wood if you tell me where everyone went.”
Meadowlark agreed. “Everybody has been swallowed up by a ferocious monster,” she said and then gave Coyote directions to where the beast was last seen.
After fixing the bird's leg, Coyote packed his fire-making supplies and some knives and set out to find the monster. When he arrived where Meadowlark had directed him, he couldn’t believe his eyes. Before him was a gigantic monster lying on his belly. The creature was so big that his back reached as high as the nearby mountains.
Coyote approached the great beast fearlessly, hoping it would open its giant mouth and swallow him up. But the monster just lay there and looked at him suspiciously. Coyote had a reputation as a troublemaker and the monster didn’t want to be tricked.
Coyote tried a different plan. He walked up to the fearsome creature with a sad look on his face. “Help me,” he asked the beast. “I am lonely. You have swallowed all the animals and now I have no one to talk with. Please eat me too, so I can be with my friends.” Coyote was so sincere that he convinced the monster that he was telling the truth. The beast opened up his mouth and sucked Coyote down his cavernous throat.
Once inside, Coyote set immediately to work. He called for all the animals who were trapped inside to help him start a fire and then he began to cut away at the monster's heart. When the beast saw the smoke coming from his belly and felt the great pain in his chest, he knew that Coyote had tricked him. But by then, it was too late. Coyote finished slicing out the monster's heart and all of the animals were free.
In celebration of the escape, Coyote carved up the body of the great monster. Whenever he sliced off a piece, he would throw it far away in a different direction. Wherever these pieces landed, they turned into the human tribes that inhabit the Earth today. When Coyote was satisfied that he was finished, he turned to the other animals to show them what he had done. Everyone was very thankful of Coyote’s rescue, but Fox noticed a problem. “Friend Coyote,” he said. “You have done a good job making humans, but you have created all these people far away from here. You forgot to make a tribe where we are standing.”
Fox was right. Coyote thought hard and then came up with an idea. He washed the monster's blood from his hands and let the drops sprinkle on the ground. This blood turned into the Nez Perce tribe.
Let me know if you need any additional information or assistance.
The devil simultaneously rebels against God and seeks his approval. He creates a victim narrative where God owes him. He is deeply envious and hates what he wants to be.
From satans point of view he’s the “good” guy. He doesn’t see that his burning torment is self imposed from his struggle against truth. In his delusions he creates a world of fantasy that is so inverted that existence itself is never ending pain for him. Pain that is the fault of his creator.
Look around. It’s everywhere
Your spirit comes into the egg as soon as it is fertilized.
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Multi-Millionaire Earl Nightingale shares life changing advice about the secret to succeed at anything in life
Yours, Richard Wilson.
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Balcony while we're gone
Power washing (PMX)
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Siding at some point
Stop one-way signs Wood!
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Cut the cables!
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Parking sticker (John) police 🚔
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Noall & the boys hradshots
Looking for an electrician ⚡️ in Berea area
Today if possible
Call/text me 4403636400
128 x 56"
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2 outside corners with vertical outside trim
Plaster walls
25' wire
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5" or less hole
32" screen door
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I get threshold
Steve gets doors and hardware: knobs &hinges
Huge news in Poland today: Several Polish soldiers protecting border from aggressive foreign men throwing rocks and spears responded by shooting their weapons in air or into ground.
For this they were arrested by Polish military police, handcuffed and taken away infront of their comrades. Their fellow soldiers collected money to pay legal fees.
This happened a while back, and the soldiers are boiling about this. Although government and minister of defence must have known about this, they did nothing about it. It was revealed in the media yesterday
The Polish border guard who was stabbed by a “migrant” with a makeshift spear has died.
More blood on the hands of anyone who thinks these people are just poor little angels looking for a better life.
They are not refugees. They are not migrants. They are human bioweapons in a hybrid war.
Sacred Geometry
start by drawing 3 points in the shape of a triangle.
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Did we just discover a way to stay ELECTRIC (Pineal) & MAGNETIC (Pituitary)?
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CLE -> BOS overbooked
BOS -> CPH left almost 30 mins late due to baggage issues
Plane arrived CPH 7:28
We got to PC 7:47
Got to gate E6 7:52 for 8:05 flight
Girls said we just missed the shuttle
100 + 85 crowns for breads & coffee
Ukrainian bear made this to help people resub to
I really apologize for all of the tech problems. Gonna address all this stuff and changes I’m going to make moving forward. Thank you for your patience and I’m not taking it for granted, I’m doing everything I can to have these issues addressed.
Secure file transfer (Mega/Dropbox)
Comments in videos with timestamps would be great
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1or2 sided printing?
The use of the singular pronouns "I", "my"
Do we need bank account for trust? Or just as beneficiary?
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Are we putting Noall in any kind of danger?
What powers does the trustee have that can hurt us?
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Is Daniel a beneficiary of the trust? Who is "The beneficiary"?
9.21 Add crypto?
Can we add successor trustees down the line as we go?
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Steve G
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1 utility knife blade
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