A sweet and romantic way to express fondness for your loved one, this Chinese love saying is for partners that love nothing more than each other's company. Whether you’re enjoying the small things or some of life’s biggest moments, the one person you always want by your side is your significant other, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
اگر کاری را که همیشه می کنی انجام دهی، چیزهایی به دست میاری که همیشه داشتی!
🎢🎡อย่าฟังคำวิจารณ์ ก้าวต่อไป ไปตามทางของตัวเอง ไม่ต้องห่วงคนอื่น.
به انتقادها گوش نده، پیش برو، مسیرت رو بساز. بدونِ اینکه نگران بقیه باشی.
🐲🌆家和万事兴。 (Jiāhé wànshìxīnɡ)
If the family lives in harmony, all affairs will prosper.
Explanation: Family comes first. If the family is divided, then things will fall apart, and nothing in their lives will be successful
🎢🎡Don't tell people your dreams, show them.
رویاهات رو برای آدم ها تعریف نکن، نشونشون بده.
عمل کردن بهتر از حرف زدن است.
🎢🎡번영은 사랑의 띠입니다.
موفقیت با عشق ارتباط مستقیم دارد.
🎢🎡Don’t let your dreams just be dreams.
نزار رؤیاهایت فقط رؤیا باقی بمانند.
🎢🎡ไม่มีความลับสู่ความสำเร็จ เป็นผลจากการเตรียมตัว ทำงานหนัก และเรียนรู้จากความล้มเหลว.
هیچ رازی برای موفقیت وجود ندارد. موفقیت فقط نتیجه آمادگی، کار سخت و یادگیری از شکست است.
هیچ چیز جای سخت کوشی را نمی گیرد.
افراد موفق همیشه پاسخ درست را نمیدانند، اما به هر حال آنها همیشه در حال حرکت هستند.
🎢🎡 บางคนฝันถึงความสำเร็จ ขณะที่บางคนตื่นมาทำงาน.
برخی افراد آرزوی موفقیت میکنند، در حالی که برخی دیگر بیدار میشوند و کار میکنند.
🐲🌆不怕慢, 就怕站。(Bù pà màn, jiù pà zhàn.)
— Be not afraid of growing slowly, only of staying still.
怕 (pà) — to fear, to be afraid
慢 (màn) — slow
站 (zhàn) — to stop, to halt
When literally translated word for word, the saying actually is, “Do not be afraid of slow, only be afraid to stop.”
The main idea here is that the only thing you should fear is staying in one phase and never progressing. No matter how slowly you think you are moving towards a goal, slow progress is always better than no progress at all!
🐲🌆有情饮水饱,无情食饭饥。(yǒuqíng yǐnshuǐ bǎo, wúqíng shí fàn jī)
“Having love, drinking water will fill you up, without love, eating food will leave you hungry.”
If you’re looking for a Chinese proverb that demonstrates just how committed you and your partner are to each other, this might just be the best of any Chinese sayings about love.
If you see the rest of your life in your fiancee, they’re probably the one! It’s important to be able to envision a future with your partner, and if you see the rest of your life with your fiance, they’re probably the one!
🐲🌆道不同,不相为谋。 (Dào bùtóng, bù xiāng wéi móu)
Men of different principles don’t work well together.
Explanation: The closest friends are those who have similar goals to you, this way you have somebody who understands you and pushes you further to achieve your goals.
🐲🌆有情饮水饱,无情食饭饥。 (Yǒuqínɡ yínshuǐbǎo, wúqínɡ shífànjī)
With love water is enough; without love, food doesn’t satisfy.
Explanation: “Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.” Everything is better in life when you have love in it.
🐲🌆当我看着你,我看到我的未来岁月在我的眼 (Dāng wǒ kànzhe nǐ, wǒ kàn dào wǒ de wèilái suìyuè zài wǒ de yǎn)
When I look at you, I see the rest of my life in front of my eyes.
Explanation: This proverb is commonly featured in vows when two people are to be wed.
🐲🌆凡人不可貌相, 海水不可斗量。 (Fánrén bù kě màoxiàng, hǎishuǐ bù kě dòuliàng)
Man cannot be judged by looks; seas cannot be measured by the cup.
Explanation: If you judge people purely based on the way they look then you may miss out the truest of friends. Don’t judge a book by its cover.
🐲🌆不能一口吃成胖子。(Bùnéng yīkǒu chī chéng pàngzi )
You can’t get fat with one mouthful.
Explanation: If you want something you have to be patient and persevere because good things take time. Things aren’t accomplished straight away, don’t give up.
🐲🌆 笨鸟先飞 Bènniǎoxiānfēi
English equivalent: A slow sparrow should make an early start (lit. Clumsy birds have to start flying early). Meaning that people who struggle to learn need to work harder than the “smart” ones to compensate.
🐲🌆 塞翁失马,焉知非福 Sàiwēngshīmǎ, yān zhī fēi fú
English equivalent: A blessing in disguise (the old man lost his mare, but it all turned out for the best). Used when something bad that happened to you actually brings you something good (e.g. You miss your plane but meet the love of your life on your way back home).
🐲🌆 书是随身携带的花园。 (Shū shì suí shēn xié dài de huā yuán.) — A book is a garden you carry around with you.
随身 (suí shēn) — to carry on one’s person
携带 (xié dài) — to take along
This is by far one of the most beautiful quotes in Chinese I have ever come across. A book can be many things, but I had never compared a book to a garden before, though it completely makes sense. A garden is a place of nurturing, growth and love, and we should never underestimate how much we can learn and grow from reading.
🐲🌆 今日事,今日毕。 (Jīn rì shì, jīn rì bì.) — Today’s task is for today to complete.
毕 (bì) — to complete; finished
Procrastination is a widely shared setback. Many of us have a tendency to put off even the simplest tasks because we are either not in the mood, or the task itself is not enjoyable. Leaving everything to the last minute does not do anything for you in the long run, except build bad habits.
Thus, if you set out to accomplish something for the day, then get it done, or at least, get as much of it done as time permits.
🐲🌆 熟能生巧。 (Shú néng shēng qiǎo.) — Experience can breed skill.
熟 (shú) — experience, practice
巧 (qiǎo) — skill; skilled; timely
Though some people are naturally gifted, the truth is that practice makes perfect. You have to put the time and work in if you want to master anything, may that be Mandarin Chinese, a technical skill or an artistic pursuit.
🐲🌆 欲速则不达。 (Yù sù zé bù dá.) — Haste will not get you anywhere.
欲 (yù) — appetite, passion; to desire
速 (sù) — fast, rapid; velocity
则 (zé) — but, then; norm, standard; to imitate
达 (dá) — to attain, to amount to
Literally meaning, “Want something in haste but cannot there,” this Chinese quote is emphasizing that speeding up does not mean you will necessarily cross the finish line faster.
We have to stop being in a rush all the time, and stop looking for instant gratification. It is better that you take your time so that your progress is nice, steady and consistent.
It is like the saying, “Don’t run before you can walk.”
از چیزایی که مردم میگن نترس ایده های خودتو دنبال کن.
🎡🦜ถ้าทำสิ่งที่ยิ่งใหญ่ไม่ได้ ก็จงทำสิ่งเล็กๆ ในทางที่ยิ่งใหญ่.
اگر نمیتوانید کارهای بزرگ انجام دهید، چیزهای کوچک را با روش عالی انجام دهید.
تا وقتی امید داشته باشی، راهت رو پیدا خواهی کرد.