Telegram channel for the subreddit "r/Eminem" By @swapnil1998 Part of @r_channels
Wasn’t he already crowned as highest/fastest selling rapper?
Has there been any moment you thought Eminem’s day’s of fame were over?
What Eminem song is this
Day 2.. drawing every eminem album until i reach TDOSS as a colourblind person. Will start adding the covers for reference
Eminem is probably the only thing keeping me sober
I was born in 1996, when I was a child my mum would turn the radio off because we weren’t allowed to swear/listen to swear words. I was always pissed cos I liked Eminem. Fast forward a few years - my older brother got a CD player. When he got a job he bought Recovery on CD and 14yr old me fell in love with eminem. I downloaded all his top songs onto my pink iPod nano and since then I’ve loved every song I’ve heard.
Recently I’ve been going through shit with benzos and more and I am being weaned off them and someone suggested listening to Recovery and the second Ozzys intro in ‘Going Through Changes’ started I was hooked. Been listening to it on repeat & then he brings out new shit, Coup de Grace is so fucking apt (Temporary fucking killed me - my Dad died when I was 16).
I wanna go back to things so badly but I’m keeping my shit together (kinda) by listening to Eminem and going for a walk whenever it’s too much. I’ve lost 2 jobs, had to drop out of my studies, couldn’t afford rent all from the pills & drinks over the years. I go home in 3 days and I hope that one day have 16 years sober like him
All 4 on the same song, who will have the best verse
Let's imagine you and Eminem were roommates. Everything in great, until it's revelead that Eminem has an odd habit of sleepwalking and butt fucking everything in the way, including you. What would you do in this situation?
Eminem once said: _____
Do you think it’s possible Eminem is gay?
My art Instagram is obayozo3
Is this actually true?
What's Eminems greatest 4th album after the holy trinity?
For me, it's Relapse. Hands down.
Eminem bullied me in High School
Eminem bullied me in high school. Only problem I was in high school from 2016-2020 and Eminem was already like 45 by that point. He didn’t go to the same school I went to or even live in the same state for that matter. It was so bizarre to find him waiting for me outside at the bus stop every afternoon just to make fun of me in front of my crush or knock things out of my hands. One time I sang an Eminem cover at a school talent show and the whole crowd cheered after I had finished, letting me know I did well but after the applause had died down, Eminem stood up from the very back of the audience and booed me really aggressively and made sure that everyone knew it was his song and he can do it better. Another time he even told my bus driver that I had crabs and if he lets me on the bus I’m liable to get everyone on the bus infested which was just a total lie. I’ve never met Eminem before this started happening and am from a pretty small remote town in Tennessee. The final time I ever saw him was at my graduation ceremony, somehow he had gotten involved with the whole program and was standing on stage beside my high school’s principal shaking the students’ hands. When it was my turn to walk across the stage and I locked eyes with Eminem for the final time, he gripped my hand firmly and said “no one will ever believe what I’ve done to you, but know that you are going to be a better man because of it.” I’m still not sure why a millionaire musician would randomly decide to start doing this to someone, or how it affected me into being a better person in the long run, but at least I have this story to tell.
Is that a tank top? Or a new bra?
Best song on relapse?
Which one of you did this on Dre's 2001 album Wiki page?
Eminem and LL Cool J are reportedly shooting a music video for their newest collaboration “Murdergram Deux” from LL Cool J’s newest album ‘The FORCE’
Did I fill it right?
What's the easiest and hardest song to rap (TDOSS)
Drawing every eminem album cover from memory in order as a colourblind person
Proof’s Son NASAAN was on the new Big Sean album !
If you had to get rid of one of these Eminem features, which one would it be?
6 years ago, Em dropped "Kamikaze." What are y'all thoughts on this surprise project many years after it's release?