Evening Dear Hikers, Due to unfortunate events we are sorry to tell you that our Camping Trip to Wenchi is Postponded Untill Further Notice.
ቆንጅዬ ካምፒንግ ወደ ቆንጅዬዋ ወንጪ ከስንሴት ሀይኪንግ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 💦💦💦💦💦Camping Trip to the Beautiful #Lake_Wenchi💦💦💦
📅Hiking Date :- Jun 24 & 25 (ሰኔ 17 እና 18)
🏔 Hiking , Socializing, Playing, Music Performance (if any), Swimming, Mud Bath, Horse riding (#self_sponsored ) , Boating and so on
🥗 4 Meals
📷 Photography
🚍 Transportation
💧Bottled water
🌺 Boating
🔵 Guide & Entrance fee
💦Hiking #Cost 3400 birr
💦Departure: Piasa (Taitu Hotel)
💦Departure Time - 12:00 LT
for more join
🌋 @sunsethiking
📷 @sunsetphotography
🎫 tickets available at 👇
@Gebriel_19 (0984740577)
@ribki (0926743929)
🏞 Okay for Beginners, mid and Advance
#Sunsethiking is hosting a Fun day hike to "Abaye lake and hot spring"
📅Hiking Date :- May 28, 2021 (ግንቦት 20).
💵 Hiking #Cost:- 1800 ETB only
🛫Departure: Piasa (Taitu Hotel)
⏰Departure Time - 12:00 Am LT
🎉🎊Package includes🎋🎊
🚍 Transportation
🌲 Bottled water
🌺 Guide + scout
🍂 photography 📷
💐 Breakfast
🏖 lunch
🚫 ID/ PASSPORT Mandatory!
👉 walking hour: 3-5 hour (up to 12 km of walking)
suitable for: Medium, some basic skill required
for more join the
🔸channel @sunsethiking🍁
🔻📷 @sunsetphotography🍁
🎫 tickets available at
@Ribki ( +251926743929)
@Gebriel_19 (+251984740577)
We are on Instagram as @sunsethiking. Follow us for more Awesome trips. https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=rcoerg6gqkvj&utm_content=ed7l5hp
Читать полностью…Dear Sunset Hiking Family, thanks for confirming your presence. Here are some #Tips and #Requirements for Errer.
1. Be punctual #piassa, Tayitu Hotel arrive at 12:00 LT (12:30 LT is departure time). in order to enjoy more time in Errer, the departure time must be abided ❗️❗️❗️✔️
2. Bring your ID card or hold something that represents you. (Mandatory)
3. The weather forecast calls for partly cloudy and light rain with a high temperature of 16°c. Hiking in the rain can be fun. Sometimes, the weather forecast may be wrong. However, here are some tips for hiking.
🔹Avoid cotton & Jeans
🔹Evaluate your footwear. Waterproof boots and shoes keep feet drier initially, making them a good option for colder conditions.
🔹 Pack dry clothes. Extra clothing is already one of the Essentials.
🔹Stay hydrated:- If you’re actively hiking, it’s good to drink a liter of water every two hours. 🍂
❗️It is preferable if you hike in a flexible mood ✔️
4. Leave No Trace: Don’t throw away any kind of trash. ♻️ Feel Responsible
5.🎒 Pack a small bag for your belongings. 🥗🍩 🍌 Aside from the breakfast, water, and lunch that we provide, it's recommended/optional to bring extra food, fruits, and water or energy drinks because hiking demands you to consume more calories than you normally would.
6. Be Social and friendly!
The Unique feature of Sunset Family is being Families!
So Feel Free and Chillout
❗️Don’t encourage begging, don't give money to children in the community. You can help the local children by bringing school supplies or clothing.
For any Kind of Question
Hiking #outdoor #photography
Hiking to the majestic Mt. #Eerer with #Sunset Family.
📅Hiking Date :- May 7, 2023 (ሚያዝያ 29, 2015)
💵 Hiking Cost #1400 ETB only
🛫Departure: Taitu Hotel (Piyassa)🍁
⏰Departure Time - 12:00 LT 🍂🌴🍁
🚫 ID Card/Passport/Driving License is mandatory!
Brought to you by
for more join the
🔸channel @sunsethiking🍁
🔻📷 @sunsetphotography🍁
🎫 tickets available at
@Ribki / +251926743959
@Gebriel_19 / +251984740577
Hiking #outdoor #photography
Hiking to the majestic Mt. #Eerer with #Sunset Family.
📅Hiking Date :- May 7, 2023 (ሚያዝያ 29, 2015)
💵 Hiking Cost #1400 ETB only
🛫Departure: Taitu Hotel (Piyassa)🍁
⏰Departure Time - 12:00 LT 🍂🌴🍁
🎉🎊Package includes🎋🎊
🚍 Transportation
🐓 Lunch
🌲 Bottled water
🌺 Guide
🍂 photography 📷
💐 Snack
🌷 So Much Fun 😍
🚫 ID Card/Passport/Driving License is mandatory!
Brought to you by
for more join the
🔸channel @sunsethiking🍁
🔻📷 @sunsetphotography🍁
🎫 tickets available at
@Ribki / +251926743959
@Gebriel_19 / +251984740577
Dear Sunset Hiking Family, thanks for confirming your presence. Here are some #Tips and #Requirements for koremash.
1. Be punctual #piassa, Tayitu Hotel arrive at 12:00 LT (12:30 LT is departure time). in order to enjoy more time in Koremash, the departure time must be abided ❗️❗️❗️✔️
2. Bring your ID card or hold something that represents you. (Mandatory)
3. The weather forecast calls for partly cloudy and light rain with a high temperature of 17°c. Hiking in the rain can be fun. Sometimes, the weather forecast may be wrong. However, here are some tips for hiking.
🔹Avoid cotton & Jeans
🔹Evaluate your footwear. Waterproof boots and shoes keep feet drier initially, making them a good option for colder conditions.
🔹 Pack dry clothes. Extra clothing is already one of the Essentials.
🔹Stay hydrated:- If you’re actively hiking, it’s good to drink a liter of water every two hours. 🍂
❗️It is preferable if you hike in a flexible mood ✔️
4. Leave No Trace: Don’t throw away any kind of trash. ♻️ Feel Responsible
5.🎒 Pack a small bag for your belongings. 🥗🍩 🍌 Aside from the breakfast, water, and lunch that we provide, it's recommended/optional to bring extra food, fruits, and water or energy drinks because hiking demands you to consume more calories than you normally would.
6. Be Social and friendly!
The Unique feature of Sunset Family is being Families!
So Feel Free and Chillout
❗️Don’t encourage begging, don't give money to children in the community. You can help the local children by bringing school supplies or clothing.
ውድ የሰንሴት ሃይኪንግ ቤተሰቦችቦች፣ አብረዉን ስለሚጓዙ እናመሰግናለን። ለጉዞ የሚከተሉትን ምክሮች እና ግዴታዎ ይከተሉ፡፡
1. በሰዓቱ ፒያሳ፣ ጣይቱ ሆቴል 12:00 LT ይገኙ (12:30 LT መነሻ ሰዓት ነው)። በኮረማሽ ብዙ ጊዜ ለማሳለፍ የመነሻ ሰዓቱ መከበር አለበት ❗️❗️❗️✔️
2. 🌤 መታወቂያ ወይም እርስዎን የሚገልጽ ነገር ይያዙ። (ግዴታ ነው)
3. የአየር ሁኔታ ትንበያው ከፍተኛው 17 ዲግሪ ሴልሺየስ ከፊል ደመናማ እና ቀላል ዝናብ እንደሆነ ያስቀምጣል። በዝናብ ውስጥ የእግር ጉዞ ማድረግ አስደሳች ሊሆን ይችላል፡፡ አንዳንድ ጊዜ የአየር ሁኔታ ትንበያ የተሳሳተ ሊሆን ይችላል፡፡ ሆኖም፣ እዚህን ምክሮች ይከተሉ።
🔹ከጥጥ እና ከጅንድ የተሰሩ አልባሳትን ባያደርጉ ይመከራል።
🔹ውሃ የማያስገቡ ጫማዎችን ያድርጉ
🔹ተጨማሪ ደረቅ ልብሶችን ይያዙ
🔹አይጥማዎ፡- በእግር የሚጓዙ ከሆነ በየሁለት ሰዓቱ አንድ ሊትር ውሃ መጠጣት ጥሩ ነው።
4. ቆሻሻ አይጣሉ። ♻️ ሀላፊነት ይሰማዎዎ
5. 🎒 እቃዎትን የሚይዝ ትንሽ ቦርሳ ይዘው ይምጡ፣ 🥗🍩 🍌 ከምናቀርበው ቁርስ፣ውሃ እና ምሳ በተጨማሪ ምግብ፣ ፍራፍሬ እና ውሃ ወይም ሃይል መጠጦችን ይዘው መምጣት ይችላሉ፡፡ በእግር ጉዞ ወቅት ብዙ ካሎሪ እንደሚጠቀሙ ይረዱ፡፡
6. ማህበራዊ እና ተግባቢ ይሁኑ!
የሰንሴት ልዩ ባህሪ በቤተሰባዊ መንፈስ መሆን ነው! ስለዚህ ነፃነት ይሰማዎ እና ዘና ይበሉ!
🚫💴 ልመናን ላለማብርረታታት በማህበረሰቡ ውስጥ ላሉ ህፃናት ገንዘብ አይስጡ። የትምህርት ቤት ቁሳቁሶችን ወይም አልባሳትን በማምጣት የአካባቢውን ልጆች መርዳት ትችላላችሁ።
For any Kind of Question
⛰ውድ የሰንሴት ኃይኪንግ ቤተሰቦች ስንጠብቀው የነበረው የጉዞ መርሐግብራችን በልዩ ሁኔታ ዝግጅቱ ተጠናቆ እንሆ እናንተን ለማስደሰት በሶስት ተከታታይ ጉዞዎች ተመልሰናል።
ስለአብሮነታችሁ ከወዲሁ እያመሰገንን መልካም የጉዞ ወቀት ይሆን ዘንድ ምኞታችን ነው።
ሰንሴት ይለያል።
'......ከምነው ሸዋ ባሻገር’
ምዕራፍ 3/Final
By - @That_Sami
My Pencil and My chronicle
'......ከምነው ሸዋ ባሻገር’
ምዕራፍ 2
By - @That_Sami
My Pencil and My chronicle
'......ከምነው ሸዋ ባሻገር’
ምዕራፍ አንድ
By - @That_Sami
Dear Sunset family, hope you enjoyed the entire event and #arrived safe at home. We are truly thankful for your presence. hope you have enjoyed it well.
🔴 photos are posted at @sunsetphotography
⚫️and Post z photo u captured on our group @sunsethikers and on your social media also with Tagging #Moment_with_sunset_hiking❗️
More hiking events will be announced in the coming weeks.
Stay tuned ✔️
🍂Sunset Hiking Family
Your #1 Hiking Choice ✔️
Special Discount for The Special Hikers💚💚💚💚
3400❌ 3000✅
For Couples 5800 ETB💚
📅Hiking Date :- Jun 24 & 25 (ሰኔ 17 እና 18)
🥗 4 Meals
📷 Photography
🚍 Transportation
💧Bottled water
🌺 Boating
🔵 Guide & Entrance fee
💦Hiking #Cost 3000 birr
💦Departure: Piasa (Taitu Hotel)
💦Departure Time - 12:00 LT
for more join
🌋 @sunsethiking
📷 @sunsetphotography
🎫 tickets available at 👇
@Gebriel_19 (0984740577)
@ribki (0926743929
Good Morning Beautiful Hikers, we hope you all are having a Great Start of the Weekend.
Due to unfortunate events we are about to postpond our trip to Abaye tomorrow untill further notice.
We will get back to you with an updated program.
Good day!
Dear Sunset family, hope you enjoyed the entire event in a very lovely and Funny Vibe, You Guys Are Amyzing🥰🥰🥰!!!
Hope you all arrived safe at home.
We are truly thankful for your presence.
Promise we will come back Soon with another Beautiful and exciting Hiking/Camping❤️❤️
Thanks All of you FAM 🙏
Like usual
💧All photos will be posted at @sunsetphotography(Photographer result ), our group @sunsethikers( Hikers Result ) and our channel @sunsethiking
💧Tag your moment on your social media also with Tagging #Sunset Hiking ❗️
Stay tuned ✔️
Love 🙏❤️
🍂Sunset Hiking Family
Your #1 Hiking Choice ✔️
🥾 Things You Need To Know Before You Go
🚌 60 km Driving Distance from Addis Ababa.
⛰ 3101m Elivation from sea level
🚵 It is also the best mountain for Mountain Biking (we will have that one on the next trip😉)
🏞 At the top you can experience a stunning view of Addis Ababa & Bishoftu city.
📍 Bishoftu is the Closest City to Mt. Errer and its currently safe to travel.
#BOOKNOW and Visit the Majestic Errer Mountain with Sunset Hiking.
📷 Leul Mekonnen
Memories of Errer Mountain
Credit: @Gebriel_19
Everyone wants to Go to the top of the Mountain🌾but All the Happiness and Growth occurs while you are climbing it,
🍂The Closer you are to the top, the further u are from your Anxiety ! 🌿🌱🌴
Dear Sunset family, hope you enjoyed the entire event in a very lovely and Funny Vibe 😂😂😂😂+ arrived safe at home. Today was Amazing @Koremash 🙈🙈! And we are truly thankful for your presence.
Promise we will come back Soon wz Beautiful and exciting Hiking menu ❤️❤️
Thanks All of you FAM 🙏
Like usual
💧All photos will be posted at @sunsetphotography(Photographer result ), our group @sunsethikers( Hikers Result ) and our channel @sunsethiking
💧Tag your moment on your social media also with Tagging # Moment with Sunset Hiking Family ❗️
Stay tuned ✔️
Love 🙏❤️
🍂Sunset Hiking Family
Your #1 Hiking Choice ✔️
Dear Families,
Thank you for confirming your presence. We are #fully_booked and cannot accommodate additional request for Koremash's event. We would like to forward you at our upcoming hiking.
Stay safe, stay tuned!
Channel - @sunsethiking
Group - @sunsethikers
Photogrpahy - @sunsetphotography
#Sunset_Hiking 🌿🌾
Hiking to "Koremash", Menelik armory depot.
📅Hiking Date :- Mar 26, 2023 ( መጋቢት 17, 2015)
🛫Departure:- Piyasa Tayitu Hotel
⏰Departure Time - 1:00Am Local time 🚩
💵 contribution per person:- 1100 ETB
and for foreigners 25 dollar
🧲 Package 🧲
🚍 - Transportation
🔴 Breakfast 🍛
⚪️ Bottled water
🔵 Entrance with Guide
🔴 Photograph 📷
⚫️ Lunch 🥙
🔅trekking, historical place visitation,
talent performance(if any) and fun game.
Suitable for:
🔻 medium
🔸 average fitness
🔹 average basic skill required
🚫 ID or Passport is Mandatory!
For more info join
👉 channel @sunsethiking
👉 📷 @sunsetphotography
🎫 reservation @Gebriel_19 (0984740577 or 0926743929)
እንኳን ለገና በዓል በሰላም አደረሳችሁ እያልን ከዚህ ቀደም እንደምናረገው በጥያቄና መልስ የካርድ ስጦታ ስላዘጋጀን ይሳተፉ ይሸለሙ
As we wish you a happy Christmas, as we have done in the past, we have prepared a card gift with questions and answers, so participate and win prizes.
Dear Sunset hiking families,
We created the Sunset Hiking family over the course of three years. We've conducted over 30 hiking and camping trips in the last few years. We visited more than 15 new destinations. We now have over 5000 members. We are most grateful for the opportunity to create the Sunset family through friendship, marriage, and family.
We promise to see you with new destination and festivals this year in order to strengthen our family. All of this is based on our country's peace. May Ethiopia be ruled by peace.
ዉድ የሰንሴት ሃይኪንግ ቤተሰቦች፣
በዚህ ሦስት ዓመታት ጊዜ ውስጥ የሰንሴት ሃይኪንግ ቤተሰቦችን ፈጥረናል። ባለፉት ጥቂት አመታት ከ30 በላይ የእግር ጉዞ እና የአዳር ፕሮግራሞችን አዘጋጅተናል እንዲሁም ከ15 በላይ አዳዲስ መዳረሻዎችን ጎብኝተናል፡፡ አሁን ከ5000 በላይ አባላት አሉን። የሰንሴት ሃይኪንግ ቤተሰቦችን በጓደኝነት፣ በጋብቻ እና በቤተሰብ በመፍጠራችን በጣም አመስጋኞች ነን።
ቤተሰብነታችንን ለማጠናከር በዚህ አመት በአዳዲስ ቦታዎች እና በተለያዩ ፕሮግራሞች እንደምናገኝ ቃል እንገባለን፡፡ ይህ ሁሉ በአገራችን ሰላም ላይ የተመሰረተ ነው። ኢትዮጵያ በሰላም ትተዳደር ዘንድ እንመኛለን።
Happy new year
መልካም አዲስ ዓመት
Bara Haaraa Gaarii
ርሑስ ሓድሽ ዓመት
🌋Hiked location: #Ensaro
Photo by: Teda Alex
(#Sunset_hiking #Photographer)
📅Hiking Date :- July 10, 2022 (ሃምሌ 3, 2014)
Life is so much better when you’re surrounded by trees, breathing mountain air, and looking at mountains and waterfalls. Ahmed Nuru, thank you very much for the wonderful video of Ensaro memories
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