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Modern genetic variation in Scandinavia is not so much due to Viking era migrants from Britain and the Baltic, but rather due to subsequent Uralic influence from the North with the result that, as one would expect, Southern Nords have less Uralic admixture and are therefore differentiated genetically from those in the North who have more.

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

This new paper on 200 years of Scandinavian genetics shows there was an influx of British DNA during the Viking era (peaking in South Sweden and Central Norway). Modern Nords still have more British/Irish DNA than pre-Viking era Nords did, but less than Vikings did. Modern Scandinavians are more pure Nordic genetically than Viking era ones were, likely because the population exploded since then and cities are repopulated by rural folks as elsewhere in the world.

They found a Viking era woman in central Sweden of pure British/Irish ancestry and I presume she was a slave, but have not looked at the details of her burial. There is also evidence of a little British ancestry creeping in prior to the Viking age - with a 5th c. girl in Denmark of mostly British ancestry - considered to be the result of backflow from the Anglo-Saxon migrations.

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

"Viking Age mass immigration shows up in Swedish DNA", says the ludicrous headline in the Swedish state media.

But in the interview with the researcher, Anders Götherström, professor of molecular archaeology, it is clear that we're dealing with some individuals from the British Isles, fewer ones from Eastern Europe, and even fewer ones from Southern Europe. He also says that these individuals typically didn't leave descendants in Scandinavia (because they were slaves or for other reasons didn't reproduce).

Surely this means the mass immigration we're seeing today from Africa and the Middle East is nothing new... This is how it's always been. We've always had replacement-level mass immigration!

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“My favorite drinkin’ buddy! Let’s get some mead!”

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Sweden's tallest runestone stands at 4.6 m (15'). The runes reveal it was raised by Herulfr in memory of his sons Var and Thorgut. I visited it ten years ago.

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How auspicious that this news is published the day before lunar Yule! A non-academic has solved a riddle that stumped academics. Ben Bacon, a normal man from London, studied ice age cave paintings and deciphered a kind of lunar calendar which pertains to the gestation cycles of various animals measured in moons.

"He collaborated with a team including two professors from Durham University and one from University College London and, by working out the birth cycles of similar present-day animals, they deduced that the number of marks on the cave paintings was a record, by lunar month, of the animals' mating seasons"

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Central Asians used to be Indo-European speaking. 💪

Specifically, they were mostly Iranian-speaking and derived from the Andronovo culture (before that Corded Ware).

Also, these central Asian Iranians had significantly higher levels of Indo-European ancestry than the Indo-Iranians in southern Asia today (with some exceptions).

The highest levels existed in the Scythian Tagar culture.

They had about 67% Corded Ware ancestry which translates to 47% “Proto-Indo-European” ancestry.

This is on par with the levels of Indo-European ancestry in northern Europe. 🤯🤯

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Survive the Jive: All-feed


Interestingly, a similar hogback exists in Sockburn in County Durham. In that one, the man only has 1 arm in the mouth of a beast. Likely representing the god Tyr when his hand was taken by Fenrir.

So what does the scene here at St Oswald’s really depict? Odin being devoured by wolves at Ragnarok? Or even the death of Christ, portrayed by a recently Christianised people still very much aware of their Pagan/Norse heritage?

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You can learn more about these hogback graves below in my recent film on medieval stone monuments

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Map of regions mentioned in the Bible.

This is doing the rounds and some are surprised the Iberians and Gauls get a mention - however they are only mentioned in passing as places the Romans had subjugated, there are no actual Gauls in the Bible as a people or as characters.

Scythians are mentioned once in the Bible (Col 3:11) with the Greek word Skuthes, but not the region of Scythia which is probably why the steppe is not marked here. Unlike the Gauls, the Scythians are mentioned here in explicitly ethnic terms in distinction to Greeks and Jews.

This makes them the only non-mediterranean white people properly mentioned in the entire text. It has very little relevance to Northern people.

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

What were the pre-Indo-European peoples of Britain and Ireland like? New evidence shows they were ruled by inbred god kings who looked different to the men they ruled...

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You can read all about the pre-Christian Germanic calendars in Nordberg's 2006 article - an English summary begins on page 147

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A deep dive on the god Tyr

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Mp3 of my Milleniyule appearance

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This year pagan Yule falls on the same day as 12th night in the Gregorian calendar but traditionally Wassailing takes place on the 12th night of the old Julian calendar which is about 17th January on our modern calendar. Both can coincide with the full moon of Yule depending on the year. I wonder if this is because Wassailing once took place on the Yule moon?

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

In the late Viking age there was a smaller influx of Baltic DNA (mostly female mediated) which was limited to Gotland and the area around Sigtuna. There is also a very small signal of Southern European influx, which they measure using Sardinians as a proxy, but imo is actually from French people, and this signal is limited to Southern Sweden and Denmark (see graph above).

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So what was it that motivated the steppe herders to move west into the lands of the Cucuteni-Trypillia culture?

Hmmm no idea, could have been anything.

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Mycenaean daggers, made of silver and gold. 1550-1500 B.C.

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The statue 'Tors Fiske' by Anders Wissler in Stockholm (1903) depicts Thor fighting the Midgard serpent. Photo 2013

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In the Galleria Borghese 2017

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Please subscribe to my second YouTube channel for live streams and interviews with interesting people

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I do not think the motif on the above mentioned hogsback is Tiw and Fenriz, rather it is an example of the "man between two beasts" motif which I have mentioned in videos, and is found in many examples of Germanic art including this one (pictured) on the lid of the Sutton Hoo purse

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An interesting find at St Oswald’s church just outside of Whitby. Known as ‘St Oswald’s Gingerbread Man’.

This is a ‘hogback’. A type of grave marker that resembles the back of a large pig. This grave, discovered and restored in 2007, depicts a man being attacked by 2 beasts. Wild Boars? Makes me wonder whether this is a reference to an older myth or if indeed the poor fellow that was buried underneath did actually have his arms consumed by boars or hogs. Ironic, given the type of grave it is.

There were many other great archeological pieces in the church. Clear fusions of Norse mythology with Christianity. Not uncommon at all in Yorkshire.

Also pictured is a 12th century Green Man that I liked a lot.

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Regions/Peoples mentioned in Beowulf

I made this mostly from memory so apologies if I missed any out.

Angles = Denmark/Germany/England
Jutes, Danes = Denmark
Frisians = Netherlands
Franks= Germany/France
Heaðo-Reamas =Norway
Gifthas = Poland?
Geats, Wulfings, Brondings, Swedes = Sweden

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

"Many of the myths are concerned with the conception of a journey to the Other World, through the cold and darkness that acted as a barrier. The rich symbolism of roads and bridges, dark holes and caves leading to the underworld, the open burial mound, the journey through the air in bird form, all this emphasises the belief in a passage between the worlds both for men and other beings…The underworld, either below the earth or the waves, is the abode of darkness and death, threatening always to destroy the ordered world of light and overrun the inhabited earth. Yet at the same time it is the place from which new life comes, and to which the gods may look for their brides. We are reminded from time to time in the myths that the seemingly dead earth sends up shoots in spring, that wisdom may come from the sea depths, and that the characteristics of dead men appear again in m their children's children.

Finally in this picture of gods and monsters, we find the idea of the continual re-enactment, l'éternel retour, as Mircea Eliade calls it. The gods themselves were doomed to fall before the powers of darkness, and heaven and earth to pass away. But re-birth must follow destruction, and a newly cleansed earth and heaven emerge from the sea and the flames. The sons of the gods and the survivors of mankind would again people earth and heaven, new dwellings arise in Asgard, and green fields once more yield their harvest on middle earth."

Hilda Ellis Davidson ‘Gods and Myths of Northern Europe’

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The megalith culture of Portugal and Spain is pretty much the same culture that built Stonehenge in Britain and Newgrange in Ireland. I went to Portugal to see some cool stone circles and look at the connections.

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

I agree with @fyrgen that Yule is a festival relating to the sun and I believe that the horse sacrificed at Yule for the king represents the sun just as it does in many other royal Indo-European horse sacrifices as I explained in the video on that subject.

But I believe, based on Nordberg's work, that the exact day(s) of the main festival of the annual (therefore solar) celebration of two Yule months was determined by the moon.

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Ten years on. Myself on a Viking boat in Sweden - 2013

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I am wearing the very Indo-European Sky Father hoodie from STJ's merch range

Funny story, I went camping with this hoodie on one time and another group of lads said that they liked the look of it and asked if Dyeus Phtr on the front was Poseidon. I said no, it's Jupiter, then told them about the Indo-European origin of this god and showed them the Sky Father video

Represent our ancestors and their culture openly with a variety of highly aesthetic designs based on ancient European motifs, here

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

There’s a lot of channels talking about Yule and its difference to the actual Sunstede. Many folk will be celebrating Yule on the January full-moon. This falls on the 6th but those who worship or honour the Disir may find it interesting that the 7th January is called Distaff day, also called Roc(k) day. This day honours the spinners – the distaff being the spinners tool but also the staff used by the hellerune or vǫlva.

Art – Volva by Piotr Arendzikowski

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