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Please stop telling me to watch Robert Sepehr.
Читать полностью…This new paper on 200 years of Scandinavian genetics shows there was an influx of British DNA during the Viking era (peaking in South Sweden and Central Norway). Modern Nords still have more British/Irish DNA than pre-Viking era Nords did, but less than Vikings did. Modern Scandinavians are more pure Nordic genetically than Viking era ones were, likely because the population exploded since then and cities are repopulated by rural folks as elsewhere in the world.
They found a Viking era woman in central Sweden of pure British/Irish ancestry and I presume she was a slave, but have not looked at the details of her burial. There is also evidence of a little British ancestry creeping in prior to the Viking age - with a 5th c. girl in Denmark of mostly British ancestry - considered to be the result of backflow from the Anglo-Saxon migrations.
Attic Greek Sphinx shaped lekythos (oil-flask) 5th century BC with beautifully preserved colours revealing a pale face with blushing cheeks beneath golden curls. Hardly a middle eastern phenotype
Читать полностью…From the old twitter days. Yes Evola really said this, but he may have been joking a bit
Читать полностью…Extent of the Boat Grave Culture, prior to its expansion in the Viking age. The use of boats in burials was a common practice across the North Sea and the Western Baltic during the Late Migration Era. The Vikings then preserved and expanded this tradition from the 8th to the 11th century
Читать полностью…How the art on razors can help us to understand the solar cult of the Nordic Bronze Age. A video from the British Museum.
Depiction of a ritual boat voyage of the Nordic Bronze age
Читать полностью…Stone Age Herbalist's appearance on Jive Talk in which he discussed the political battle ground of archaeology
Читать полностью…The extent of the Roman road network in Britain might go some way to explaining in which places Celtic paganism survived longest.
Christianity spread via the Romans and thrived in Wales from where missions were sent to Ireland and elsewhere. The Welsh sent a mission to North Devon as late as the 6th century, and they sent St. Petroc to Cornwall in the 6th c. too where there he found many pagans.
The Western Isles of Scotland were converted by the Irish, probably in the 6th century also, but animal sacrifices and other pagan activities were recorded there as recently as the 17th c, by Martin Martin!
West Scotland, Cornwall and North Devon are the only places the Roman roads didn't lead to.
Ask me anything in a personal voice chat with me and other patrons this Wednesday night
Here is my Living DNA result. It is mostly correct as far as I can tell except that Somerset is missing and what is Cornish should really be classed as Devon.
Also my some of my Scottish ancestry is actually fromt the West so maybe this has been conflated as Irish since I know my Scots ancestors were not all From Aberdeenshire.
A sacred tree, connecting the Sky Father and the Earth Mother.
The Axis Mundi can take the shape of a tree as well as a mountain.
‘Mountains are often looked on as the place where sky and earth meet, a “central point” therefore, the point through which the Axis Mundi goes, a region impregnated with the sacred, a spot where one can pass from one cosmic zone to another.’
Mircea Eliade – Patterns in Comparative Religion (read more here: The Serpent Symbol in Tradition by Dr. Charles William Dailey).
It was Johann Gustav Cuno in his
Forschungen Im Gebiete der Alten Völkerkunde: Die Skythen 1871 who first posits the great plain of Northern Europe as the only possible place in the world from which the majority of Indo-European languages could have dispersed.
In this region, he argued, and no other, the conditions of life are not too easy, or the struggle for existence too hard, to make possible the development of such a great energetic race.
Now we know that the Corded ware culture expanded in all directions across this plain, the Eastern boundary of which is the Urals from which the Aryans of Asia have their origin, while to the West they eventually became Celtic, Italic, Germanic, Slavic and Baltic speakers.
Cuno was wrong to think PIE originated on the Northern European plain (although the Ukrainian steppe is included as part of the greater definition of the plain, but he wasn't using that definition), but it certainly was the main point of dispersal for IE languages
The Origin of the Aryans by Issac Taylor, 1892.
Though largely outdated, I am amused by some of the things scholars got right back then. They assigned the Neolithic Britains to the "Iberian" racial type, and the Beaker folk to the "Celtic" type. Incongruous labels for a correctly identified racial distinction.
TLDR for the new Horse DNA paper:
1.Modern horses were domesticated by Yamnaya in Europe.
2.Sintashta who were white Europeans bred Yamnaya horses to be more suitable for riding and Sintashta horses replaced all other domestic horses from 2200 BC.
Read a longer summary of the new findings regarding horse domestication on my blog!
In the late Viking age there was a smaller influx of Baltic DNA (mostly female mediated) which was limited to Gotland and the area around Sigtuna. There is also a very small signal of Southern European influx, which they measure using Sardinians as a proxy, but imo is actually from French people, and this signal is limited to Southern Sweden and Denmark (see graph above).
Читать полностью…New paper on Scandinavian genetic history from the Roman Iron Age on.
Will go over it when I have time - I already did a post about the pre-print. For now, just want to bring your attention to this massive, gold adorned berserker, with bear skin and a hawk on his arm. Even before the Migration era, Nordic folk were influenced by Romans.
"Fullerö is situated 5km north of old Uppsala (Sweden), directly north of the famous Valsgärde boat burial ground. The burial from Fullerö is a richly furnished inhumation male chamber burial radiocarbon dated to the late Roman Iron Age, 242–385 CE 95.4% probability (1732±29BP, Ua-53935). Although the grave had been opened and robbed, it was still remarkably richly furnished and unique. The chamber burial was placed in a mound belonging to the first generation of mounds that started to be erected in the early Roman Iron age in the region north of lake Mälaren. The burial chamber is the largest c.10 m2 (NNE–SSW) of all known in the lake Mälar region and northern Sweden from CE 200–700. The human skeletal parts that remained were a collar and a rib bone with healed trauma belonging to a middle-aged large, muscular male, emphasising the impression that the grave was built for a trained male warrior. The gold finger rings, one of them the largest gold finger ring ever found in Sweden, were probably military honours; the chainmail, belt and the boar-like tusks, and canines from pigs, probably for a horse fitting, may indicate that the man had been in Roman service. In the grave was a worn gold coin used as a pendant, struck for the Roman emperor Maximian Hercules 291CE. Bones from a dog and a goshawk were found in the chamber, as well as a phalanx from a bear, suggesting that bear skin was placed with the deceased. The goshawk represents the earliest evidence of hunting with birds of prey in the region, a tradition that otherwise belongs to the 6th century. The numerous (more than 20) domestic species in the mound filling are interpreted as animals used for the burial feast."
I created a simple timeline to represent the earliest Corded Ware samples with high steppe ancestry. I included a slide with their dna modeled in Vahaduo with a simple G25 model I put together. Note that I am using Yamnaya in place of Sredny Stog because the samples are unpublished. I noticed the earliest samples are females. It looks like the Corded Ware were moving whole families from the steppes and Poland into the Baltics and Bohemia.
Читать полностью…me when i am listening to RECONSTRUCTED BRONZE AGE LURS
Читать полностью…Viking Age painting found on a piece of wood in the famous 10th century boat burial from Ladby, Denmark. Very rare
Читать полностью…Nordic Bronze age funeral procession with bronze shields, ceremonial axes, horse-drawn carriage and ship.
From a 1930's school poster used in Sweden.
Odin as Jupiter
A page from an Icelandic rune poem manuscript "AM 687d 4" - which constitutes one of the oldest presentations of Icelandic rune poems. That is to say - the occasionally rather cryptic explication of just what each rune is to mean. The relevant word of interest is highlighted in red and the poem says: "o er alldingautr ok asgardz iofjur ok vjalhallar visi Jupiter Oddviti".
In English it means: "Oss is the Aged Gautr and Ruler of Asgard and Chief of Valhalla, Emperor Jupiter". The term Oddviti as Emperor - meaning it in the more archaic Roman sense of the term: Imperator ("War-Leader").
I have been working with the epic heavy metal artist Christian Sloan Hall again, this time to produce some artwork of Western Steppe Herders for my upcoming video on the Yamnaya people. It is hard to reconstruct eneolithic people of the steppe due to lack of evidence for much of their material culture, but we did our best and drew on many sources to try and get it right. Now I shall explain why he depicted them this way....
Читать полностью…Related…a Bronze Age axe from Gotland, with a bindrune carved on it during the Iron Age.
Читать полностью…The church father Tertullian asked "What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?" and the Anglo-Saxon monk Alcuin asked "What has Ingeld to do with Christ?" Tertullian believed that heresy began with Greek philosophy and likewise Alcuin believed that Germanic heroes such as Ingeld were blasphemous distractions to Christian faith. Both held similar beliefs that pre-Christian teachings and heroic legends should be dismissed and ignored.
However these may be early examples of the 'Celebration Parallax.' Indeed, what does Athens have to do with Jerusalem? What does Ingeld have to do with Christ? What does Israel and its history have to do with the European peoples?
More anomalies in consumer genomics
As I said in the post above, Ancestry considers I have low Scots/irish ancestry (Scot 6%, Eire 4%) which in stark contrast to the company who produced the attached image (can't remember who they are) that inflated it to the very wrong and impossible 38%!
So I uploaded my genome to the Living DNA site and paid the small fee for them to reanalyse my ancestry there and they reckon I am 9% Irish and 8.8% Scottish. This sounds more realistic, if a bit high.
It is impossible to work out the real % myself because many of my ancestors in Scotland were actually English, many in Ireland were actually Scottish and English, and some in England were actually Scottish and Irish. It gets far too complicated to work out since they were all mixed a lot.
Anyway, since none of the companies have agreed on the same figure, I must conclude that none are reliably able to distinguish Scots/English/Irish ancestry. I have no Welsh ancestry as my last Welsh ancestor is 7 generations removed
Ten years ago I first started reading the work of @paulwaggenerofficial
I was training to run the Rome marathon and succeeded in achieving my target time. I had a skinny runner physique and wanted to switch gears so I started Paul's centurion method. Within a year I had progressed to power lifting in a gym and MMA training which I have continued for the last 9 years.
I had never owned a smart phone. I got my first one ten years back and gradually I became more dependent on various apps; from maps to notes to podcasts. I had done fine without them all my life but I finally succumbed to becoming a cyborg.
I made a lot of changes in my social circle that year which changed my fate for the better and led me to where I am. I was filming an independent documentary called From Runes to Ruins which was released the following April. The doc led to the rise of the STJ channel which was miniscule back in '13.
It's amazing to see how the decisions I made ten years back have determined all the good and bad things in my life now. Worth thinking about if you are in your late twenties.
The above is also a proto chad vs virgin meme
Читать полностью…Hegel described the discovery of Indo-European philology as the discovery of a new world
Читать полностью…Oh dear.
This article has no basis in fact.
Some American tribes embraced the introduction of horses so thoroughly that they became important or even vital to their cultures.
But no there were no American domesticated horses before the Spanish introduced them.
As I said in my post yesterday that doesn't take anything away from those American cultures.
That would be like saying modern American firearms culture isn't important because gunpowder was invented in China.
Anyway, you might this article being shared around online as if being on the BBC website gave it's assertions some validity.