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This is the video I can no longer monetise because it includes images of the hanged god. Outrageous decision by YouTube
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The Porta Maggiore basilica (Rome), is an underground temple possibly used by a Neopythagorean mystery school

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I love this little naked character in the margin of the illuminated Anglo-Hiberno manuscript known as the Barberini Gospels. Dated to the 8th century, when the English were only just Christian, the art is of the insular Celtic-Germanic style but with non insular influences. Who knows what this little chap represents if anything?

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

I built this small harrow (ON: hörgr or OE: hearg) which I dedicated to Freyja and the disir. The term is usually translated as "altar" or "shrine" but definitely has association with stones.

In Hyndluljóð Freyja, when praising her devotee Ottar, speaks these words which reveal it was indeed a pile of stones.

He made me a high altar
of heaped-up stones:
the gathered rocks
have grown all bloody,
and he reddened them again
with the fresh blood of cows;
Ottar has always
had faith in the ásynjur

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Hoskins speculates on the pagan origin of ST. Michael's church at Brentor in Dartmoor, Devon.

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Here's the figure from Posth et al (2023) Palaeogenomics of Upper Palaeolithic to Neolithic European hunter-gatherers that Genos Historia was talking about in that previous post.
As you can see the old Iberian Goyet cluster was dark skinned and eyed. The Oberkasssel WHG were dark skinned and light eyed. The Sidelkino EHG were light skinned and dark eyed, and the SHG were medium skinned and light eyed.

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"Fearlessness is better than a faint-heart for any man who puts his nose out of doors. The length of my life and the day of my death were fated long ago."

Anonymous lines from For Scirnis

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Bell beaker stemmed from a Corded Ware “tribe”, who in circa 2500 BC expanded across a vast area.

This area covers more than 1,600 kilometers from north to south and 1,600 kilometers from east to west. 😱😱😱😱😱

Think about that. Bell Beaker was one “tribe” who took over an area that vast. WOW. 😱😱

We don’t yet know which specific “tribe” gave rise to Bell Beaker but many, based on archaeology, think this proto-Beaker ancestor lived in the Netherlands.

We don’t have any ancient DNA from Corded Ware Netherlands yet so this hasn’t been able to be proven.

But ancient DNA has proven Bell beaker derives from Corded Ware
. We just don’t know for sure yet which specific Corded Ware “tribe” was their ancestor.

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Me at the Thomas Carlyle monument yesterday

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Documentary about the Russian Finnic Mari people who are still pagan. There culture is Finnic but their blood has high levels of admixture from Indo-Europeans.

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The IE honeypot? First they send brides as gestures of good will, these act as scouts to report back on resources to their menfolk. then comes the koryos?

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English pagans photographed by Life magazine in 1964

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The migration path, as suggested by archeological and genetic evidence, of the Andronovo culture.

1. Sredny Stog c. 4500 BC – 3500 BC is theorized to be the ancestor of both the Corded Ware and the Yamnaya.

2. Middle Dnieper culture 3200—2300 BC is considered an early variation of the Cordef Ware culture and is believed to be where the Fatyanovo–Balanovo culture emerged.

3. The Fatyanovo–Balanovo 2900–2050 BC culture then became the Abashevo culture.

4. The Abashevo culture
c. 2300 – 1850 BC (with influences from the Yamnaya derived Poltavka culture) later formed the Sintashta culture.

5. The Sintashta culture 2050–1900 BC gave rise to the Andronovo.

6. The Andronovo c. 2000 BC – 1450 BC was related to the Srubnaya culture that went westward into Ukraine and Western Russia.

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

Aryans looked like Ryan Gosling?!

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YouTube and Meta are both restricting and deleting images of hanged men but not of crucified men. Religious iconography of Odin worship should be protected but isn't

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This paper claims that late bronze age Iberians were using steel 2900 years ago, based on tests on very hard stone stelae that could have only been carved with steel

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The Fyrgen Podcast - Episode 27: Théodish Belief with Þórbeorht Hláford

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The word 'Theodish' is known yet little understood among heathens. To fathom the fullness of Theodish Belief we welcome the nowtidely cyning of the Wínland Ríce, Þórbeorht Hláford. Having spoken well of Þórbeorht's book 'To Hold the Holytides' on The Fyrgen, I was blessed to hold this in-depth talk with him. We speak of: Kingship, folklore, Anglo-Saxon vs Norse awakening, Þórbeorht's wayfaring from Anglican to Théodsman, the healing of folkways and how doing so gives one steadiness through nowtidely ordeals.

More about The Wínland Ríce at: Website | TheodishBelief">YouTube | Instagram | Pinterest | Spellstów Magazine
Find Þórbeorht's and others' books at: Háliggyld Books

Become a patron and get new episodes early (Patreon / SubscribeStar / Substack), consider making a donation, or buy some merch. This podcast is only possible with your support. Info and an archive of past episodes at

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The Norse word hörgr means "cairn" (pile of stones) so some consider it originally referred to a primitive shrine made of stones. It is cognate with a Celtic word carrac meaning "cliff"

Old Norse for "barrow" is Haugr which is cognate with Old English hlaewe which also means "barrow", whereas hearg can refer to either a kind of "shrine/temple" or to a "cairn" and is cognate with hörgr. hlaewe became howe in early modern English while hearg became harrow.

The use of the words hints at the interchangeable ritual function of temples and cairns and it may be that the temple building replaced an older tradition of a stone altar/pile previously used in earlier Germanic religion.

Edit: previously I confused hörgr and haugr from Old Norse but they do not have a shared etymology afaik - sorry

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HRH the King has written to the Odinist Fellowship of the UK wishing all members well.

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

One new result from the paper is that Mesolithic northern Russians, aka “EHG”, had a higher frequency of light skin genes than all other European hunter gatherers. *Per Figure 5 in the paper.

In fact, the frequency of light skin genes in EHG is close to that in modern Europeans. It is only slightlu lower than modern Europeans.

EHG has a higher frequency of light skin genes than the later Yamnaya culture !! 😱😱

Basically, EHG were “white skinned.” Yamnaya mostly white but also many individuals were probably olive.

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A quadruple burial discovered in Eulau, Germany in 2005 turned out to be the oldest example of a nuclear family social structure ever discovered. The 4,600-year-old Corded ware grave consists of two parents and two young sons all buried together after being killed in a violent attack on their settlement.
The modern Western notion of a family, which leftists try to ascribe to 1950's America, is at least as old as the Indo-Europeans, if not older.

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"I think Scandinavian Paganism, to us here, is more interesting than any other. It is, for one thing, the latest; it continued in these regions of Europe till the eleventh century; 800 years ago the Norwegians were still
worshippers of Odin. It is interesting also as the creed of our fathers; the men whose blood still runs in our veins, whom doubtless we still resemble in so many ways."

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This film is about shamanic practises in modern Siberia among the Mongolic Buryat people, but in the final part of the film they travel 500km West to Arkaim, the largest settlement of the Aryan Sintashta culture in the Bronze age, where the ruins of their town survive today. The narrator points out that many esoteric schools in Russia today consider this place to be sacred and the Buryat shaman does too simply because it is on the border of Asia and Europe, where certain energies colide.

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My personal journey through India discovering my ancestry there as well as some incredible Hindu temples

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Few know of the Scandinavian hero Starkad. Not only was he a hero among the Vikings, believed to have been personally blessed by the god Odin, but he remained a hero in the 1500's when he was placed on the Carta Marina - the first ever detailed map of Scandinavia, as a representation of the Northern most Nordic people. Even as recently as the 19th century he endured as a folkloric giant who fished for salmon in the Jämtland region of northern Sweden. What this film shows is that the giant hero is actually far older than previously realised and has mythic parallels as far away as India!

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uz beaker voke done a proper job m'dearz!
Genomic analysis of ancient individuals from south-western England

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When I first held this particular artifact, I could’ve sworn my heart stopped for a few seconds. (Viking strap end depicting Odin and his wolves)

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New artistic reconstruction of an Andronovo male based on a Russian anthropology bust (this interpretation shows him a lot younger).

The Andronovo culture descended from the Sintashta culture who in turn descended from the Eastern Corded Ware. They mostly carried R1a which was the main y haplogroup of Eastern Corded Ware groups. They were around 60-70% steppe and were genetically similar to modern Northern Europeans. Their language was theorized to speak Proto-Indo-Iranian.

Thanks to @TheChadPastoralist and @blaze41761 and @ice_age_art from Instagram for your feedback and assistance.

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I travelled hundreds of miles filming these 7 Nordic pagan monuments for this film. Highly recommend you visit at least one, or failing that, watch the film!

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