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What better day to watch a documentary about an Ancient Cannabis Cult?? #420

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Of the schitzo British origin theories, the Israelite and Scythian ones were always weak compared to the Trojan one. The Trojan origin myth, though it identifies us with the losers of the Trojan war, still connected the medieval and early modern British to their heroes, the Greeks and Romans whose example has been the basis of our civilization.
Now, by divine irony, we shall, though we no longer believe ourselves to be Trojans, know Trojan grief that our real ancestors never imagined. The grief of losing one's homeland.

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This clip shows the Sintashta roots of the Scythians

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This incredible Anglo Saxon sword pommel was recently unearthed in Brightstone, Isle of Wight, 6-7th Century. The inscription makes me think of the Sigdrífumál…

“Victory-runes learn, if thou longest to win, And the runes on thy sword-hilt write;
Some on the furrow, and some on the flat, And twice shalt thou call on Tyr.”

“Sigrúnar skaltu kunna, ef þú vilt sigr hafa,
ok rísta á hjalti hjörs, sumar á véttrimum,
sumar á valböstum, ok nefna tysvar Týr.”

Note how the Tir rune is boldly carved twice; once on each side.

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"[S]ince the Germanic peoples constitute the last wave of Indo-Europe expansion, and since, prior to their encounter with Christianity, they had minimal interaction with non-Indo-European peoples, it is likely that at the time of their encounter with Christianity they embodied Indo-European social and ideological traditions somewhat more authentically than the older and more socioculturally heterogeneous Greek and Roman branches of the Indo-European family. For these reasons, as well as the immediate sociopolitical reality of intertribal competition and military conflict with Rome, the Indo-European warrior ethos, with its emphasis on high group solidarity and individual courage, was preserved by the Germanic peoples throughout the periods of contact with Christianity in late antiquity and the early Middle Ages and perhaps beyond. Littleton has noted that "European society of the eleventh and twelfth centuries though professing belief in a religious system having its roots in the Semitic tradition, was nevertheless an I-E speaking one and, as such, heir to the common I-E ideology."

The prominence of the comitatus and its warrior ethic as a distinguishing feature of early medieval Germanic society has lead Mary Crawford Clawsey to assign it a Germanic origin. Although she does not employ an Indo-European comparativist approach to the comitatus, Clawsey argues that "this institution, wherein a noble served his lord in return for material rewards and the opportunity to win glory, and in fear of shame if he failed to live up to his oath, persisted among the Germanic pooples, though not necessarily in the same precise form in every tribe, long after they had given up their pagan religion and in many cases their language. Not only did the institution of the comitatus persist among the Germanic peoples according to Clawsey, but also, "there is little evidence of its independent existence elsewhere.""

— James C. Russell, The Germanization of Early Germanic Christianity.

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This painting of the Scythian Ares was used in my latest doc, but I forgot to credit the artist. She is called Mariya Kunovska aka Bendis

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The new Skythian doc is also on Odysee SurvivetheJive:c/scythian-gods-the-iron-age-religion-of:c" rel="nofollow">

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Learn about the gods of the Scythian steppe barbarians, their bloody animal and human sacrifices, their enormous elaborate burials, their exquisite artwork and their shamanic religious practices!

Please click like, and share this video wherever you can. It helps me a lot and ensures people will see it!

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Achilleas Vassileiou - The Warriors Of Salamis (bronze). Salamis, Greece.

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Could dyslexia be a throwback to a Neolithic way of seeing which is also associated with preliterate depictions of faces and being more violent? This twitter thread explains the theory

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Early access to my new Scythians doc now available to patrons

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Maybe my words were a bit strong before. I don't really want to police terminology,, I'm just giving advice on what words I think are more appropriate for the Indo-European speakers. You're not necessarily stupid if you choose to use different words, but many aren't even aware of why the word Aryan isn't used, and think its because of WWII, but that isn't true so I wanted to attack this

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This is a great way of putting it. Haplogroup is not related to ethnicity, it is more like the badge of your paternal heritage. I tried to explain in this video years ago

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Odin ritual at Beaghmore stone circles in N.I

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TGO ran a poll on whether the PIE speakers should be called Aryan or IE and the responses reveal how confused most people are about why the shift happened.

Early on in IE studies there was an erroneous belief that Sanskrit was the most archaic of all IE languages and that it therefore represented an early break from PIE. But this was corrected in the 19th c. when people pointed out that is just because Vedic Sanskrit, as a liturgical language, is preserved in the Bronze age form. Hindi is actually less conservative than Icelandic or Lithuanian and the ancestors of those languages at the time the Rigveda was composed were most likely more archaic than Vedic. Now everyone knows Proto-Indo-Iranic (PII) is not an early break-off from PIE at all but emerged about 1000 years AFTER PIE was spoken.

But because we know the speakers of PII referred to themselves as Aryans, there emerged a trend among academics early on to conflate PIE and PII and refer to the speakers of both as Aryans. J. G. Rhode in 1820 posited the theory that the Aryans came from Central Asia (which was correct) but this meant, due to contemporary assumptions, that people also thought PIE was from Central Asia, and this erroneous belief persisted among academics for some 50 years and among less learned folks for far longer. Many Indo-Europeanists; Grimm, Muller, Pott, Lassen, Schleicher believed PIE came from Asia until the tide changed when Dr Latham in 1851 posited that PIE came from Europe. Subsequent scholarship has vindicated Latham but it has taken a long time to prove that Ukraine is the real homeland of PIE.

Once we learned that PIE was European, the Asiatic term Aryan became inappropriate to describe them. The Nazis used it, but Nazis also believed in silly Asian origin ideas that were already disproven in their time. “Aryan” was still used by scholars such as Issac Taylor to refer to PIE people as recently as 1892 in his book ‘Origin of the Aryans’, although he begins the book with an entire chapter on ‘the Aryan controversy’ where he explains why the term Aryan is no longer appropriate to refer to PIE.

The PII (Sintashta and Andronovo cultures) called themselves Aryans and are an important historic culture which it is useful to refer to with this word. Calling their ancestors in Europe from 1000 years earlier, by a PII word, even if it has a PIE origin, is like calling Bell Beakers “Romans” or calling the British “Americans”.

This isn’t about political correctness or the Nazis, this is about using a word that makes sense. When you say ‘Aryan’, you not only look like a Neo-Nazi, you also look like you don’t understand the field of IE studies at all. Very, very bad idea to promote this.

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Brilliant documentary about the excavation of a Scythian barrow in the Altai region by a French team

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clytemnestra: man-grudge is proof a man's reached his heights
Agamemnon: and only he women go looking for fights

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Thread on the truth about Saint Boniface and why he was executed

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The much neglected topic of the Frisian variant of Germanic paganism is fascinating

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I never covered this bird man in the new film. Maybe it is is Papaios or maybe Thagimasidas, a tribal ancestor-deity of the Royal Scythians who was not part of the main Scythian heptarchy I listed in the doc. Or maybe it is someone else entirely. The wings show some near Eastern influences. He is like a griffin man.

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This weekend was the 17th anniversary of the creation of my channel! True, it didn't become Survive the Jive until 14 years ago though

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The new linen garments are now live!

– Hanseatic Linen Shirt.
– Argonaut Linen Shorts.

100% Linen. Proudly made in Lithuania 🇱🇹

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Quick FAQ RE: Skythians - these are the top misunderstandings on the internet

- They did NOT come from Iran
-They were not Scottish, Pictish or Celtic
-They did not speak Turkic languages
-They were not Vikings
-They were not Slavic
-They did not believe in gender equality

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Had a nice hike yesterday carrying this 20kg lump over the moor

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An idol of Thor holding a Mjölnir? From Lund, Sweden. It is believed to have been a handle for a tool, probably an awl or stylus.

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An attempt at authentic masked theatre in this production of Aeschylus' Agememnon. The use of drums and the chorus speaking in rhythm also makes this feel like it was intended to in the 5th century BC

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Did you know that……

Your Y DNA/Y chromosome is 99% the same as the Y chromosome that your x15 grandfather carried back in the 1500s?

There was someone in the 1500s who had a chromosome in his DNA that was near identical to yours.

This is because of how Y DNA is inherited. Fathers pass down exact copies of their Y chromosomes to their sons. This is done over successive generations with little change.

Y DNA is like a BADGE that passed down generation after generation.

It is a badge in the same way a surname is. Your surname is identical to the surname your great x10 grandfather carried in the 1700s. Surnames are passed down the exact same way as Y DNA is.

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Better to offer a tinny than nothing at all!

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TLDR of above for thickos

People used to think Aryans (Proto-Indo-Iranians) and PIE were the same thing so they called PIE Aryans.

Now we know they are different people separated by thousands of km and 1000 years so it is stupid to refer to them with the same word.

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Norse myth tells of Nine Worlds, but the Nine Herbs Charm tells us of Seven Worlds.

Which two worlds exist in Norse lore but not in English isn’t known, however some of the worlds are attested in English, such as Middangeard, Hell and Múspell. The following names are often used by English heathens -

Middangeard (Midgard) – Tolkien’s ‘Middle Earth’ and found in Beowulf.
Múspell (Muspelheimr) - realm of fire
Hell – The underword
*Ésageard (Asgard) – The Gods enclosure
*Ælfham (Alfheimr) – Home of the Elves
*Eotenham (Jötunheimr) – Home of the Eoten
*Nifolham (Niflheimr) – Nifol is OE for darkness (fog). An alternative form was neowel
*Sweartælfham (Svartalfheimr) – home to the dark elves. ‘Dark elves’ is not attested in OE however there is reference to wuduælfen wood-elves, wæterælfen water-elves and sǣælfen sea-elves.
*Wanham / *Wenaham (Vanaheimr) – Home to the Wan gods.

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