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Many cannot have been used as lids and are confirmed to have been used as amulets. It depends on size and context.
“. There are differences in diameter, the way they are worn and the patterns between the decorative discs of the west (Pl. 69,1-5) and the east (Pl. 69,6-1). The patterns made using the openwork technique include geometric, theriomorphic and anthropomorphic-figurative motifs, whereby the smaller-diameter decorative discs on the vests predominantly show depictions of cross-shaped patterns, riders, triple swirls of snake-shaped animals and, rarely, horse griffins (Pl. 69,1-5), which are generally closer to ancient Mediterranean art. On the vests, the decorative discs are often provided with cast-on buckle frames (hanging loops) and were attached directly to the belt. On the other hand, these are often equipped with a loose ring made of bone or bronze and were worn at the bottom of a pendant, from which other devices, some with an amulet function, were also hung, as the end of the pendant. Typical motifs of the eastern decorative discs are multi-zone geometric patterns (including swastikas and stepped swirls), circling animals (birds of prey) and animal heads in style I
as well as figurative representations of a presumably more indigenous-pagan character (Pl. 69,6-11). Due to the motifs and the way they were worn, the decorative discs are unanimously regarded as amulets, as they were worn together with other presumed amulets on a belt pendant (amulet capsules, rock crystal pendants, porcelain snail shells, decorative keys, discs and tips from deer antlers, bear teeth, club amulets) in the pelvic and leg area, which were perhaps intended to protect the female genital area in particular (as symbols of fertility). 10° Just as with the more Christian symbols and motifs, the animal ornaments on the decorative discs are also likely to have a magical-religious protective meaning.” Behrens in vol 135 of Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde
Yuletide pilgrimage to an ancestral tomb in Wimbledon, of John Rowsell who died 1792. The stone next to it of his mother Sarah who died in 1754 was vandalised sometime this year before I could get to it. I lifted it back upright.
Funny to think the stone stood here undisturbed for 270 years before some accursed creature defiled it.
I remember my ancestors at Yuletide and ask them to help me
I worked with a graphic designer to make a British version showing 10,000 years of South British genetic history.
@genoshistoria also helped with stats
Helmaberandz, Hlewedafrawjaz,
Fangiz, Brūnaz, Frōdaz, Wakraz,
Hwatamōdaz, Hariblindijandz
I love Greek history and culture but this is true. The whole debate about Elgin marbles is like the George Floyd hysteria.
The flaw in his argument is that his universal idea of man isn’t universal, it comes from Britain. the same culture that stepped up to preserve these works.
Frank Behrens wrote that the Zierscheiben must be amulets which were worn along with other kinds of amulets including crystals, snail shells, keys, bear teeth etc all dangling in the pelvic and thigh area. Therefore they may have specifically been intended to protect the female genital area.
Ibn Fadlan wrote that when approaching a funeral pyre a Germanic pagan would cover his arse with his hand to prevent a spirit from entering him. If malicious beings can enter the body through an orifice, then naturally a woman would seek to use magical protection around her vagina.
Zierscheibe set in an ivory ring, from Lent, Netherlands, 5th century
Photo Matt Bunker
Another culturally modified object; an Anglo Saxon pendant made from a Roman cameo depicting a man wearing a Phrygian cap, possibly a Dacian, Persian and/or a follower of Mithras. Found in Ewell, Surrey, 7th Century.
Читать полностью…A fragment of Andronovo pottery with a Swastika from the Akmola region, Kazakhstan, 2000BC-900BC. Many centuries later, the same variation of the Swastika was used on an Anglo Saxon burial urn at Spong Hill in the 6th Century.
Читать полностью…Check out my special podcast on Hearthfire radio
Читать полностью…British Beaker Folk likely regarded the rhombus shape as having religious significance. They wore enormous gold rhombus shapes and they carved the same shapes on the slabs of their stone cists.
If only we knew what it meant...
Compare the map of Amber trade routes with the map of Middle Bronze Age amber burials. interments containing glass and/or gold (mostly female) are marked in yellow
Читать полностью…Medieval Irish depiction of Roman soldiers seizing Jesus. They have been depicted much like contemporary Vikings in terms of fashion. Anglo-Saxon Christian sources sometimes compared Vikings to enemies of the Jews in the Old Testament
Читать полностью…7thC Anglo-Saxon annular brooch. Kingsfield,Faversham, Kent.
The two ravens indicate it is a Wodenic artefact
NEW VIDEO: President Trump descends from several Celtic and Germanic tribes from Germany, Britain and Scandinavia. In this video I describe the sources of his ancestry; the Gaels, Vikings, Suebi and other warrior peoples who made him a fighter
6th century Copper alloy swastika brooch with curved arms terminating in raven heads, square central setting with red enamel.
Anglo-Saxon, Mildenhall, Suffolk. British Museum
Today is the full moon of the first month of Yule. Hail the Mothers and our forebears!
Читать полностью…I think that the way the gods are present in the world, the way they reveal themselves, is best explained by the representations in Salin Style I and II. If you spend a long time looking at such art, trying to decipher the hidden figures, faces and animals, then you will acquire the eye that is needed. Pictures speak more than words.
Читать полностью…Zierscheibe variants with swastikas and zoomorphic swastikas. Also variants like the zoomorphic bird headed swastika but with just 4 birds instead.
-Die durchbrochenen Zierscheiben der Merowingerzeit
Dorothee Renner. Röm.-German. Zentralmuseum zu Mainz, 1970
STJ suggests the face / mask on this coin could be Woden. The serpent is certainly a Wodenic symbol, whilst the OE name for a red deer was hēahdeor - the High Deer. The OE word hēah is cognate with Hár – a byname used by Woden!
Читать полностью…Various German zierscheiben (ornamental discs) from Germanischer Schmuck by Rudolf Helm
Читать полностью…Battersea Shield
Quite fascinating details on this Iron Age, Celtic La Tène style, shield that was dredged up from the bed of the River Thames at Battersea in London in 1857.
It is bronze cover on wood with enamel accentuated decor that depicts overt swaztika.
It is theorized that this shield, having no battle damage, and being so decorative with holy or important symbolism, was a votive offering that was cast into the river for the Gods and spirits.
NEW EPISODE — Radio North Sea International — The Barbarians are Back
In this episode Tom describes how the popular fascination with medieval fantasy is a consequence of the intolerable conditions of modernity. He explains how this phenomenon will not go away and weighs up the positives vs negatives of fantasy and escapism. At the end there is a reading from Beowulf.
In this artwork by Graman, King Rædwald's spear is being guided by a manifestation of Woden. This motif is depicted on several Germanic artefacts and is encapsulated
in the words of a Gothic king who said:
'láti svá Óðinn flein fliúga'
"may Odin let the spear fly as I say"
Good news for slavic community a research paper is coming to show their ethnogenesis
Before this paper hint came we posted model about slavs although some people objected using balkanic source but being rich in farmer dna it makes sense as you can see in paper
Not only that some nationalists even claimed balts and their language isn't much older than slavs but this paper seems to challenge that thing
Хорошие новости для славянской общины: выходит научная работа, которая проливает свет на их этногенез.
До появления намеков на эту работу мы опубликовали свою модель происхождения славян, хотя некоторые возражали против использования балканского источника. Однако, учитывая высокое содержание ДНК земледельцев, это представляется логичным, как видно из самой работы.
Более того, некоторые националисты даже утверждали, что балты и их язык не намного старше славянских, но эта работа, похоже, ставит это утверждение под сомнение.
Modern Y and Mitochondrial haplogroup origins in North Atlantic Europe
Читать полностью…Norse-Irish Gallowglass: Drawing by Albrecht Dürer, 1521
The haircuts of the men on the right resemble descriptions of Viking haircuts from 500 years earlier. It seems this style remained in fashion among Norse-Gaels for some time after the Viking age
Buckle from a female burial grave no. B 85 from the Avar cemetery Kölked-Feketekapu B, Hungary. Gilded bronze decorated with niello
photo Matt Bunker
Early 6th century Spatha found in Snartemo Norway. Among the other grave goods found with it is the extremely rare swastika patterned textile, pictured here with a modern reproduction
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