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In this short clip, I solemnly entered the 5000 year old giant tomb of Zambujeiro in Portugal!

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Clip of CGI animations of Norse mythology from the Gosforth Cross in Cumbria, England (created by R Molyneaux)

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The Vikings LOVED the look of exotic items and animals!

Did you know that the Buddha statuette featured above was discovered in Sweden and that it dates to the 6th century AD?

What is now known as the "Helgö Island Buddha" was found in a Viking trading town on Helgö Island in Lake Mälaren, Sweden. The statuette was found along with an Irish crosier and an Egyptian Coptic christening ladle.

Additionally, the Gokstad ship which was part of a Viking burial dating to the late 9th century AD had two peacocks placed inside of it (see image 2 for the 3D reconstruction). The Vikings liked the look of exotic, colourful and flashy things!

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More Old English facts;

The word man, mann (*mannaz) originally referred to humanity as a whole, or at least the limit of humanity that the northern European people knew. This is why mennish, mennisc (*manniskaz) meant human.

However wer, wer (*weraz, cognate with Latin vir) was a male, a man, a husband. The phrase 'husband and wife' or 'man and woman' were paired as wer and wīf, and these terms were also used to describe the genders of things or words as werlīc (*weralīkaz, werly; virile, masculine) or wīflīc (*wībalīkaz, wifely; feminine). And thus one of the many amusing words for man's tōl, his tool, was his werlim, his wer-limb.

This means that a werewolf, werwulf (werawulfaz), cannot be female. It is not just a human-wolf, but a male-wolf, not just mythical, but part of the transformation of the masculine Männerbund warrior into a wolf-like state.

Also of interest is the word world, weorold (*weraldiz), which literally means wer-eld, or age of man, where the world refers to the age of heroic men who uphold and defend its borders and order, rather than to its spatial location (which is Middangeard or Miðgarð, *Midjagardaz). I haven't yet seen any signs of feminists complaining that the world is 'sexist' by it being the age of men, but it's only a matter of time, though the reaction of women to 'equal' drafting in war suggests that they're not interested in a 'wīfald' either.

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Literally just talking about handful of indios who were taken to Europe after 1492. Mostly speculation about how they "felt" about it

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Wassailing traditonally takes place on 12th night of the old Julian calendar around 17th Jan, but many will be doing it this weekend. To those I say WASSAIL!

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This bronze figurine was found in 1865 at Frøyhov in Norway, a place name indicating a cult of Freyr. The object dates to 160-190 AD and has an elder Futhark runic inscription which is one of the oldest ever found.
It is sometimes translates as a name 'Inga(n)da', a form which features the other name of the god Freyr "Ing". Germanic *ing seems best to be etymologised as a reflex of IE *h2neḱ-/h2nenḱ- ‘reach, attain’ and the Frøyhov form taken either to be a maker’s inscription or a theonym, the figurine itself is likely to be an idol of InguiFreyr

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Steppe lads keep winning

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Karol Shauer is undoubtedly one of the best historical artists working today.

This is his reconstruction of the world famous Bad Dürrenberg Shaman, a Mesolithic Western Hunter Gatherer woman.

It's not easy to reconstruct a type that doesn't exist any more, especially the further back in time we go.

You can see the pronounced cheekbones and robust mandible these people tended to have.

And yet she wouldn't be totally out of place in Europe today either.

In fact I think I saw her the other day shopping in the high street in Romford town centre.

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Ice covered Bronze age barrows at Priddy, England. Photo by David R Abram

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New paper with some finds about ancient Aegean.

"Biological and cultural connectedness within the Aegean is also supported by the finding of consanguineous endogamy practiced at high frequencies, unprecedented in the global ancient DNA record"

"we also report extraordinarily high levels of consanguinity (~50% of the 27 individuals) estimated from the runs of homozygosity (ROH) by performing hapROH on the genotyping data...Coupling the evidence for frequent distant relatives and cousin–cousin unions suggests that those individuals formed a small endogamous community that regularly practiced first-cousin intermarriages."

Basically, people in the Aegean were marrying their cousins from the Neolithic through to the Bronze age, especially on the smaller islands.

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On a lighter note, new Ancient North Eurasian lore just dropped:

"the Ancient North Eurasians may have developed steam baths to cleanse the skin and respiratory organs, as well as perhaps serving some sort of spiritual function. Kurbel speculates that this may explain why sauna-type steam baths are typical of Northwest European and Native American populations, who perhaps inherited this practice from their Ancient North Eurasian ancestors" - Wiki

[Study source]

Images are West Siberian Hunter-Gatherers of the Tarim Basin (85% ANE ancestry) and Eastern European Hunter-Gatherers of Russia (75% ANE ancestry).

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German Cheddar Man hoax just dropped: "How Nazis whitewashed a prehistoric shaman's remains." (source)

"Nazis thought the grave belonged to a white man. But the 9,000-year-old human remains were of a powerful woman of color."

- It was a Western Hunter-Gatherer, whose closest living relatives are Northeast Europeans, like Finns.

"In prehistoric times, women weren't inferior to men. They received sumptuous burials and held important social and political positions."

- Humans have always given important women rich burials, that proves nothing about the existence of a patriarchal culture. Even the giga-patriarchal Proto-Indo-Europeans gave women nice burials.

"People who differed physically or psychologically from a perceived norm were not cast out but could rise to important positions."

- There was no physical difference. They were a Western Hunter-Gatherer, like everyone around them.

"Nine thousand years ago, it might have been normal for a colored female, who was physically different from the average person in her community, to become a powerful spiritual or political leader."

- It was not a "colored female," WHG were not "colored" (shorthand for non-European). Their only major descendants are Europeans, and their closest living relatives are Northeast Europeans.

"The shaman is not the only one of her kind. [...] the "Man of Neuessing," who is 34,000 years old, didn't have white skin either. The man, known as the "oldest Bavarian," lived in the Ice Age in what is now southern Germany — and was black."

- Again, this other person was not "Black." No relation to Africans and probably didn't even have black skin because HIrisplex-S, used to make skin pigmentation predictions, is totally useless (see this post).

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Standing on a bronze age barrow mainly made of stones, atop a ridge over lake Eköln in Sweden

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A simple comparison of an early Polish Corded Ware sample and some Corded Ware samples after interactions with the EEF Globular Amphora culture. The early Polish Corded Ware sample is very similar to Yamnaya samples except for a little extra EEF and hunter gather admixture. I included an artistic piece of a Polish Corded Ware burial and an artistic reconstruction of a Globular Amphora male.

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Here's a clip of the time I trod an Iron-Age holy ritual road to a Bronze-age burial ground in Sweden. Amazing that this survives in the forest even today...

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I recently visited a Danish shaman who lives in Cornwall to learn more about how one becomes a shaman and what it entails

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Shine on you crazy diamond

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The latest academic lunacy. This from the University of Sheffield suggests: "for tens of thousands of Aztecs, Maya, Totonacs, Inuit and others - enslaved people, diplomats, explorers, servants, traders - the reverse was true: they discovered Europe."

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Only three Thor’s hammer pendants have been found in Lincolnshire, an area that came under Scandinavian rule in the late 9th and early 10th centuries.

This includes this gold one, discovered in Toynton near Spilsby - one of only two found so far in Britain.

Now in the Usher Collection, Lincoln

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Esoteric 90s Britpop rave reference

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The newly found 2000 year old runes of the elder futhark were found at Hole, Ringerike, Norway. It was found inside a cremation pit, beneath a barrow, next to three other barrows. Accompanying bone fragments came from a male.

There are several inscriptions; besides runes, also a grid and indecipherable symbols. The most prominent runes spell out a name; 'idiberug' (The final rune could be a reversed 'n', but more likely a 'g'.). This could be Idibera, Idibergu or Idiberga. If it is a woman's name, maybe the wife of the deceased?

There are also three runes on the right side that spell the first runes of the fuþark; f, u and þ - like ABC.

This is a revolutionary find that sets back the date of the earliest runic usage in Scandinavia. Expect a lot more info on this in future.

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Two new runestones were uncovered in an archaeological dig in Hole municipality, Norway. The oldest dateable runestones yet!

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Possible origin of I1 - a new clue

A Neolithic skeleton of Germany's TBK culture has been found with a paternal haplogroup which is very closely related to the Nordic Bronze age I1 - it has 52/62 mutations of I1. It is called OST003, dates to 3200-3000 BC but surprisingly, despite being in a Neolithic farmer style grave, had hunter gatherer tools and is mostly of WHG ancestry (see image). He seems to have been some kind of semi integrated TBK provincial type.

Based on this clue, it seems most likely I1 was first a WHG lineage that was very rare and nearly went extinct but survived somehow among some TBK farmers in Germany and got brought into Scandinavia with Indo-Europeans of the Single grave culture who mixed with Bell Beaker folk and Battle axe folk to create the modern Nordic people. This lineage then became prominent in the Nordic Bronze age.

More evidence could prove this wrong watch this space

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They also show that the male replacement in Greece by Indo-Europeans (WES) was not as severe as in Britain or Iberia

"Studies have shown that in some regions of Europe—like the Iberian Peninsula, Central Europe and Britain—the large-scale gene flow associated with the Eurasian Steppe during the BA resulted in the prevalence of the Y chromosome R1a and R1b haplogroups or even involved male-biased admixture. For the Aegean, we also estimated a significantly lower WES-ancestry proportion on the X chromosomes of the male individuals compared to most of the autosomes, which is consistent with male-biased admixture (Extended Data Fig. 3). However, only four out of the 30 male individuals dating post-sixteenth century BC (LBA and IA) carry the R1b1a1b Y haplogroup. The remaining—as well as the EBA/MBA ones—attest to the high prevalence of Y haplogroups J and G/G2 (39 and 10 out of 59, respectively;. These were already present in Early Holocene Iran/Caucasus and among Anatolian and European farmers and very common in the Chalcolithic Anatolia and the Levant as well, further highlighting the importance of the contacts between the Aegean and southwest Asian populations since the Early Neolithic."

As earlier studies have shown, the Aegean not only received steppe DNA from the North but also got constant admixture from Anatolians with CHG admixture from the East.

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Circle of Iron (aka the silent flute) is an interesting film originally co-written by Bruce Lee as a series of Buddhist parables conveyed through a sort of Conan style medieval fantasy setting. Lee was supposed to star in it but died before it was made. It is quite low budget and cheesy, but it isn't stupid - rather it is filled with Zen philosophy. I enjoy these kind of mythopoetic stories.

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So far if we believe MSM and certain online people:

WHG were black POC
EEF were Middle Eastern POC
WSH were Middle Easterners who looked just like Indians for some reason

Mix these different POC together and you get white people who are not POC...except that there is no such thing as white people, that is a racist construct invented in the modern era, but the designation "POC" which is defined by negation as "those who are not white" is legitimate because of the historic injustices experienced by some POC at the hands of some white people in recent centuries. Also you can extend the term "POC" all the way back to the stone age, but calling a person from the Iron-Age white, even if they are identical to modern white people, is anachronistic and unscientific.

Make sense to you?

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The rise and decline of inscriptions in the Roman Empire

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Reconstruction of a wooden bucket with bronze attachments from Watersmeet Cemetery, near Leatherhead in England. This is one of the most sophisticated examples of an early Saxon bucket. The bucket would have been about 20cm high. The motifs may have a connection to the living and the dead, or something else alongside the bucket's practical function.

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My home altar. A shrine of cofgodas (OE for house gods) equivalent to the Roman lararium. The idols represent the Uppsala Trimūrti. It is very wet here so my house is essentially an island at times.

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