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My theorized family tree of Sredny Stog which is the best archeological candidate for the proto-Indo-European homeland. This culture interacted with the neighboring EEF populations. They were mostly nomadic but also had some settlements. Stone axes and pottery with Corded patterns were common artifacts. Regarding physical anthropology, their skulls had similarities with the Yamnaya. The Balkan offshoots were the first to break off and probably represents Proto-Anatolian. There is evidence of these groups forming trade networks and ruling over EEF groups (Usatovo and Ezero). This resulted in hybrid cultures with both steppe and EEF elements. This may also explain the dilution of steppe ancestry in Bronze Age Anatolia as some Anatolian speaker my have been assimilated EEF. Afanasievo was probably the next to break off and made an amazing and swift trek to Mongolia. Yamnaya and Corded Ware were likely the last to take off from the homeland.
Читать полностью…The Gundestrup cauldron 200 BC-300 AD
Читать полностью…A classic infographic but an important point.
As Fyrgen wrote in the comments;
"Christians assume that anyone using the term 'Judeo-Christian' is trying to force the two modern religions together. When I use that term I'm referring to their origins. I'm well aware of the modern differences."
One may have many reasons for how and why they diverged, and why they are now different, but the relationship and origins which they share is important enough not to dismiss it as irrelevant. For some these origins are a major problem because we are spiritually and culturally chained to our enemy, and we can never be free and in control of our own house so long as that is the case.
Working on a video about the Kivik Bronze age tomb with CGI animations!
a Vedic prayer (10.173) for the Rājasūya ritual in which a king is consecrated.
I have brought you here; remain among us. Stay steadfast and unwavering. Let all the people want you, and let the kingship never fall away from you.
Stay right here- do not slip away, but stay unwavering, like a mountain. Stand steadfast here, like Indra, and here uphold the kingdom.
Indra has supported him firmly with a firm oblation. Let Soma - and Brahmanaspati also speak up for him.
Firm is the sky and firm the earth, and firm are these mountains. Firm is all this world, and firm is this king of all the people.
Steadfast let King Varuna, steadfast the god Brhaspati, steadfast let Indra and Agni maintain your steadfast kingship.
With a firm oblation we touch the firm Soma. Thus let Indra make all the people who bring tribute yours alone.
This is King Charles II
Following the execution of his father, he attempted to defeat the dictator, Cromwell, but Charles was beaten at the Battle of Worcester in 1651.
Charles had very dark hair & was known as 'The Black Boy'
Parliamentary wanted posters described him as 'a tall black man'.
Loyal publicans named their pubs 'The Black Boy' after him, or 'The Royal Oak' in reference to his hiding spot after the Battle of Worcester.
In Haringey, collaborators in the colonisation of England renamed 'Black Boy Lane', which was a reference to a pub that once stood there.
Happily, an unknown patriot has now effaced the new name.
We must not allow the erasure of our history
EHG-“Eastern Hunter Gatherer.”🦌🦌🦌
It is an acronym created by the Harvard lab for referring to northern Russian hunter gatherers.
But I don’t think it is the right name to refer to these hunter gatherers as.
Because the word “Eastern” inside of it implies they lived over all of eastern Europe.
They did not. As you can see on the map EHG is only documented in northern Russia.
Therefore, I think a better name to use is northern Russian hunter gatherers.
What Harvard calls EHG, I call northern Russian hunter gatherers.
A boy and an ancient Scythian Balbal in the Kyiv Botanical Garden, 1968
Читать полностью…Clip of that time I was chased by Woden and his wild hunt through the ghostly oak forest of Wistman's wood on Dartmoor
The British Government leaves our people to rot so we have to take care of one another, if you can help Emma out then drop into her comments or contact her.
One thing I've learned on this issue is that if you offer to pay a landlord 6 months rent up front then it often cuts through a lot of blather, I don't know if that's doable in this situation though.
How beautiful they are, the lordly ones
who dwell in the hills, in the hollow hills.
They have faces like flowers
and their breath is a wind
that blows over summer meadows filled with dewy clover.
Their limbs are more white than shafts of moonshine,
They are more fleet than the March wind,
They laugh and are glad and are terrible
When their lances shake and glitter
Ev’ry green reed quivers.
How beautiful they are,
How beautiful,
The lordly ones in the hollow hills.
Written by by William Sharp (1855 - 1905), as Fiona Macleod.
Musical arrangement by Rutland Boughton 'Faery song' 1919
There are many barrows situated on the coastal cliffs of Northern Devon and Cornwall, dating to the 1000 years following the invasion of the Indo-European Beaker folk ~2400 BC. The type seen in the West Country is usually the ‘bowl barrow’ which can sometimes have a ditch, like this spectacular example at Menachurch point barrow [SS 2022 0890] near Bude. Such barrows are situated on high places such as moors, hills, or in this case on a high coastal cliff. These people left no written records, but we can get an idea of why they built their barrows in such places from written evidence of related Indo-European cultures; In the Iliad, the Greek hero Achilles orders his men to build a funeral pyre for Patroclus by the shore where a joint barrow for them would later be erected looking down upon the sea:
“They did as fleet-footed Achilles requested, first quenching the fire with wine to its edge, where there were embers; then, in tears, collecting the white ashes of their gentle comrade, placing them in a golden urn sealed with a double layer of fat, and covering it with a soft linen cloth they took it to his hut. Next they traced the circuit of his barrow, setting a ring of stones around the pyre then piling earth inside.”
In the Old English epic poem Beowulf, the hero is killed by a dragon and then buried by the sea in a barrow erected over his funeral pyre. Beowulf was a legendary Geat from Sweden whose culture was very similar to that of the Anglo-Saxons who preserved his story for us. Building his barrow on the coast, looking Westward to Denmark would have sent a clear message to foreign visitors: “We, the Geats, are the kinsmen of the great Beowulf, and this is OUR land!” A barrow is not just a funerary monument, it is also a doorway to another world, linking the dead to the living, and in a practical sense, it is a declaration of ownership: if you can point to a barrow on the hill overlooking your farm and say “there lies my kinsman” then you have a stronger claim to the land than anybody.
"Because the correlation between sociopolitical complexity and moralizing religion appears to result from shared evolutionary drivers, rather than from direct causal relationships between these two variables, our results amount to a rejection of the Big Gods hypothesis."
This is interesting simply as a rebuttal of the asinine argument that Christianity was a "civilising" force in Europe. However it argues only from a materialist perspective, viewing cultures and religions as responses to socio-economic necessities - thus missing the main reason for religion and the essential nature of the way it is experienced. I do not accept arguments that attempt to categorise human cultures into a progressive series of developmental stages as Marxists traditionally do. However I do think it very clear that religions are affected by technology; whether that be technology which facilitates urban living (leading to early moralising religions in the Middle East), or communication technology like literacy (essential for Christianity to spread), the printing press (fundamental to the rise of Protestantism), or the internet (now an important tool for the revival of paganism).
Intersting paper/letter first published in 2019 but shouted down by Beheim in 2021, has now been refined and checked and confirmed to be correct in its conclusion that "the largest increases in social complexity do indeed precede Big Gods in world history and that Big Gods did not contribute to the evolution of sociopolitical complexity as predicted by the Big Gods hypothesis."
This supports a narrative of history in which the most vital and creative period of a culture occurs under a particularist religion, but this becomes universalist as a political necessity to sustain a more urban and likely multi-ethnic empire. "Become monotheist to appease the boat people"
Decent indie cgi short film about Ancient Greece
Admiring a Viking ship in Denmark, 2016
Читать полностью…Sorry to nitpick but I don't think Catharism derives from Catholicism as the diagram shows, rather it derived from a Gnostic cult that survived within Byzantium and spread to Western Europe. Not that this changes anything they are saying here though.
See my post about my visit to the land of the Cathars here
Working on a video about the Kivik Bronze age tomb with CGI animations!
Читать полностью…Greatly has Rán afflicted me.
I have been despoiled of a great friend.
Empty and unoccupied I see the place
which the sea has torn my son. (Egil's Saga)
The name Rán means 'theft' ‘robbery’ or 'to plunder' in ON. In OE the word Rân meant the very same - robbery or rapine. The name still survives in the term ransacked. She was known to drown sailors and drag ships to her watery kingdom and is the subject of Kipling’s poem ‘Harp Song of the Dane Women’ as the Old Grey Widowmaker.
Image – Ran, by Jim Lyngvild
The educational system has been overrun and elite universities are teaching these future leaders to abandon their country, culture and people to our historical and national adversaries.
A balbal in Kyrgyzstan with the characteristic pose found on many Indo-European idols
Читать полностью…Imagined late Bronze Age Pre-Celtic man from Ireland (800-700bc). Incorporating the Gleninsheen Gorget, Clonycavan Man (Hairstyle), and the Enniscorthy Ear Spool. Created by 'Ancient Europeans' reconstructions
Читать полностью…Tjelvar's grave. Gotland island, Sweden.
Читать полностью…Emma Shaw, above, has moved from Peru to Somerset and is looking to rent a house for her family thereabouts. Please contact her if you can help
Читать полностью…Judging from the number of ox skulls at the Northumbrian royal site of Yeavering, King Raedwald’s contemporary in the north also presided over these animal sacrifices. Confirmation appears to come from the Old English Martyrology of the 9th-Century, which explains why November was Blood-Month: this was because the heathen ancestors had “always made sacrifices during that month, that is, that they presented and declared to their devil-idols the cattle which they wanted to give”.
If Raedwald really is the man in Mound 1 at Sutton Hoo, he was buried with the hammer-axe lying at his feet. He accepted Christian baptism for political reasons, but it seems Raedwald went to the afterlife as both king and heathen priest.
Looking out to sea from a Bronze age barrow. Bude, Cornwall
Читать полностью…Corded ware and Bell Beaker were very similar
Читать полностью…"Although societies in all regions possessed beliefs about appeasing supernatural agents through the performance of rituals, the degree of supernatural enforcement of morality in human affairs varied widely. The first appearance of moralizing religion in our sample was in Egypt, where the concept of supernatural enforcement of Maat (order) is attested by the late Second Dynasty, around 2800 BCE. While partially moralizing aspects of morality appear sporadically in local religions throughout Eurasia (e.g., Mesopotamia around 2200 BCE, Anatolia around 1500 BCE and China around 1000 BCE) fully moralizing religions where moralizing supernatural concern is primary (MSCP) do not appear again until the spread of transnational religions began during the first millennium BCE...Our Retake analysis shows that there is a strong statistical association between sociopolitical complexity and moralizing religion...contrary to the Big Gods hypothesis, we find no evidence for the causal effect of moralizing religion on socio-political complexity (SPC1). We also tested for the opposite possibility – that high levels of sociopolitical complexity facilitated the rise of moralizing religion. Our regression provides support for the effect of SPC1 on moralizing religion."
In other words, the rise of urbanite civilisations was not due to the rise of moralising religious doctrine, rather it was the rise of dense populations, urbanism, and mass dependence on complex social systems which led to a corruption of traditional religions and of the oldest gods into moralising religions with finger wagging gods and hall-way monitor priests..according to this paper
Quick-Clip of a CGI reconstruction of the largest Viking age monument in the world - the stone ship of Jelling!
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