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Now they're coming for English statues and even a shopping mall in Jarrow, the hometown of St. Bede, Anglo-Saxon historian of the English people. Such statues have received an "audit" for their "symbolism";
"Vikings could be connected to the far-Right, according to a police-backed audit of monuments linked to “oppressive behaviour”.
Northumbria Police took part in a review of statues and landmarks to establish which sites might be associated with slavery and other forms of oppression, according to documents seen by The Telegraph.
The audit determined that several sites related to the Vikings could have “associations with far-Right symbolism”, the internal documents state.
The sites in question include a modern sculpture of two Viking warriors and a shopping centre in Jarrow, South Tyneside, where the local council launched the review of statues in the wake of Black Lives Matter protests."
My two heathen folk albums and book are back in stock in the Fyrgen store. You can opt to have them signed or even dedicated if you like. It's a much-appreciated way of helping to support me.
Читать полностью…NEW STJ FILM!
The rock art from the tomb of Bredarör at Kivik in Sweden is a window into the forgotten world of the Nordic Bronze Age. In this film I visited the great rock barrow with my mate The Golden One, and I interpret all the esoteric imagery, including; sun-wheels, solar crosses, war chariots, armed warriors and ritual axes and boats. With the latest archaeological data, 3D scans and new CGI animations of the art, this film gives a new perspective on a tomb which is 3400 years old!
Koryos warband of the Bell beaker folk by Moccus Art
Читать полностью…Details from the art work of an Anglo-Saxon queen along with the artist's description from Instagram
Читать полностью…I am disgusted that someone would do this. I visited the so called Stone of Destiny at Tara 3 years ago. Geoffrey Keating (a 16/17thC historian) claimed that the real Lia Fáil was taken to Scotland, where it is now known as the Stone of Scone. Some people believe Keating so much that they are willing to desecrate what to many Irish people is a sacred place. Keating was not at all reliable, but even if he is right, it still would not change the fact that the Hill of Tara is an ancient holy place and people come from far and wide to enjoy it, including the alleged Lia Fáil. This grafitti is an eyesore and is the work of a degenerate who ought to be flogged.
Antipodean heathen calendar for dingos and kiwis by Willhjalmaz
Читать полностью…This is how much CHG that Indo-Europeans score in G25.
Around 35% on average.
Based on this Harvard says……
“Hey, since they have Caucasian ancestry that means it is possible their Indo-European language came from the Caucasus.”
No, it is not possible, Harvard !!
CHG lived frickin 10,000 years ago. It’s way too old to have spoken Indo-European.
Tacitus mentions Germanic seeresses in book 4 of his first century CE Histories:
The legionary commander Munius Lupercus was sent along with other presents to Veleda, an unmarried woman who enjoyed wide influence over the tribe of the Bructeri. The Germans traditionally regard many of the female sex as prophetic, and indeed, by an excess of superstition, as divine. This was a case in point. Veleda's prestige stood high, for she had foretold the German successes and the extermination of the legions. But Lupercus was put to death before he reached her.
And another 1000 gone since this post!!
Читать полностью…I went to Carlisle, Cumbria, today. Here's what the museums there were pushing with rewriting English history with the narrative that we were always multi-racial.
It feels like these museums are being externally forced to placate this kind of anti-White propaganda lest they be deprived of funding, as clearly no one cares about any of these 'diversity' exhibitions, but on the other hand, it does seem that museums themselves are fully invested in propping it up and 'decolonising' their own exhibitions.
Lost over 1000 followers here on Telegram this year already! Highly irregular
Читать полностью…New article on Britain's rich folk traditions
Читать полностью…Reconstruction of a Scythian king from barrow Arzhan-2, burial number 5 - 7th century BC.
The reconstruction was carried out by Moscow specialists from the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology
Heimdallr brings forth the gift of the gods to mankind [1907] by Nils Asplund
Detail of mural located at the auditorium of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Let me tell you of the days of high adventure!
Читать полностью…Northern Europeans have historically been unique in their unwillingness to celebrate their own heritage. This is evident when looking at the history of the Kivik tomb in Sweden which is the subject of my next film. In 1838 Sven Nilsson proposed that Celts built the barrow/cairn, but later in 1862 he switched to Phoenician settlers! He believed that the rock art depicted a cult of the Semitic god Baal! How ridiculous!
It wasn’t until the late 19th century that experts agreed that this ancient Swedish tomb was indeed Swedish!
The painting of the Kivik cist above is by Arvid Fougstedt in1936
Three Iron-age mini-idols were discovered in 2002 Lunda, close to Strängnäs in Sörmland, which the local authorities erroneously present as "guldgubbarna" (golden geezers) but this term is properly restricted to 2D figures on beaten gold foils. These 3cm tall 3D figurines were found in what may have been a cult house near to a settlement, a burial ground, a sacrificial area and a 40 metre long mead-hall built around 500 AD.
Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg wrote:
“Two of them are cast in bronze and fully or partially gilded. The third is carved from a solid piece of gold. Slightly kneeling and with their hands on their stomachs, they stand confidently there, also with their sexes erect…The nudity could indicate that they are images of gods.”
She speculated that one could represent Njörðr. Similar Mini-idols were in use among Greeks and Romans, as portable personal items of devotion. Such idols can themselves be votive offerings to the deity they depict.
Returning to the subject of rangles (read more), the Oseberg ship burial gives us a clue as to how they were used. It contained 5 ornately carved wooden beast heads, each of which held rope in its mouth and was associated with a unique rangle rattle, some with ornate gold work on them. Each of the rattles was attached by a rope to its metal hook. In addition the rattle-rope passed through the mouth of the associated animal head post. As far back as 1905 Shetelig and Gustafson proposed that the beasts and rangles were used during the funeral rite as a kind of fence for the sacred area (known as a Gard) which was inside the ship that was later buried beneath a barrow. It seems the rangles and beasts protected the ritual area from evil supernatural forces.
Читать полностью…Video by Wodenwyrd, featuring music from his album 'Futhorc'.
Читать полностью…Wow I've finally got 20k followers on Telegram somehow! Thank you all. At the same time Twitter has blocked me from posting or following anyone but hasn't said why and none of my posts have been flagged. Highly irregular.
Читать полностью…the jingle jangle of the metal tangle that is the viking rangle
The ancient spiritual wisdom of Europe teaches us that the clan is made up of all those family members now alive, and all those who have ever lived. It is a unity that transcends time and space. We are intimately connected to all those ancestors, no matter how long ago they lived or on what continent they died. The kinship bond is not limited by time, and blood is thicker than the cold water of the Atlantic Ocean!
This connection brings with it strength and wisdom. But it also carries the responsibility to bring honor to the family line, to enrich it with noble deeds, and to carry it on into the future.
Some ways to "revolt against the modern world" - Do all these things with your family: 1. Study your genealogy. Get a feel for your ancestors....2. Pass that heritage on to your children...3. Set up a family museum, or gallery, or shrine. 4. At Yuletide, honor your unknown ancestors...They still live on, in you! 5. Decorate the graves of your ancestors on their birthdays, or death-days.
"Those who do not honor their past, forfeit their right to a future."
- Stephen McNallen
"The description of modern and postmodern ideologies as “religions” is now so widespread as to be cliché, but it is not without truth in some sense. As the divine is no longer experienced, mankind’s religious impulse is populated with other objects of “worship”. Most of these, rather than according with the group-oriented tendency of religion, will tend instead to prioritise the individual in some way. Indeed, the tendency of Wiccans or other pseudo-pagans to select some god at whim from around the world and across history, to which they may not have any tangible connection whatsoever, is an example of the utter dissolution of proper religiosity."
New documentary about Berserkers featuring yours truly
I also interviewed Simon Costin, director of the Museum of British Folklore back in 2010
Читать полностью…The man behind the "haaail haaiil" StJ theme tune was good enough to grace my podcast with an interview. Dan Capp of Wolcensmen discusses the pagan themes in the lyrics of some of my favourite selections from his discography in this musical podcast....
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