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Artistic reconstruction, created by myself and TheChadPastoralist, of a British Bell Beaker man from Bronze Age Northumberland. His people descended from Dutch Bell Beakers who in turned descended from the Western Corded Ware derived Single Grave Culture. They carried the R1b haplogroup and probably spoke an unknown North Western Indo-European language. Phenotype info is unknown but based on published phenotype data on British Bell Beakers, there were several samples with brown hair and blue eyes. His hair style was based on a pair of golden hair ornaments likely used for braids (found in a separate burial than this individual).

Photo credit for original artifact photo (edited and blended into the reconstruction):

The Portable Antiquities Scheme used under the
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

But souls that live according to virtue shall, in other respects, be happy; and when separated from the irrational nature, and purified from all body, shall be conjoined with the gods, and govern the whole world, together with the deities by whom it was produced.

Sallust, On the Gods and the World Chapter 21

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It's Lupercalia. A time for Roman lads to get naked, tear through the streets and whip young girls with goat skin thongs. This will make them fertile and will purify the city so please do it

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"immigrants" as in white people who were the first to till the soil and who asked for nothing from the previous inhabitants when they came and mixed with them 1500 years before they built Stonehenge. The urge to slap the braindead retard who put this sign up is enormous

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Top:Ostrogothic Gold and Garnet Buckle with Crystal Loop 6th century AD
Bottom: Merovingian Gold and Garnet Swastika Brooch, 5th-6th century AD

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Ludwig Fahrenkrog “Das heilige Feuer”

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You visit a dolmen on the night of a full moon and see her. How do you open?

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King Karl XIV Johan visiting the burial mounds at Uppsala in 1834
Oil on canvas by Johan Way

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Bronze age Nordic women sometimes wore very very provocative short skirts. Thomas Froncek describes this in his book The Norhmen, and the theory that maybe only high class women wore them as a kind of boast that they could dress how they liked without being raped or harassed because they were so powerful. Other women in the Nordic Bronze age wore very long dresses but that isn’t so interesting to look at. The artwork if called Rites at Dawn by Christian Sloan Hall

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This year, if all goes to plan, I will visit the amazing Neolithic sites of Carnac in Britanny, France. Less than 200 miles from my house in Devon, but 1000 miles away culturally. I also hope to visit the USA and attend a blot there

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

Horse headed maces from elite burials of the Pontic steppe and the very early (before 4000 BC) Suvorovo culture expansion into the Danube valley where they dominated the settled civilisations of Old Europe (building kurgans right by the settlements. I believe the young people call this being "mogged").

But look, horse head maces are NOT evidence they were riding horses while wielding long hafted bludgeoning weapons as they rode down the fleeing farmers.

It's merely evidence they really liked horses AND bashing people over the head.

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An article by Stone age Herbalist about the Corded Ware folk in the Baltic who mixed with Hunter-gatherers and took the AnPrim pill

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In 2015 the media reported on a Roman skeleton from London dubbed Lant Street girl. The preliminary DNA analysis showed she had blue eyes and blonde hair, yet cranial analysis (Macromorphoscopics) led to a study published in the Journal of Archaeological Science concluding that she had “likely African ancestry”

The BBC went further saying, “her skeleton.. suggested she had Sub-Saharan African ancestry” and thus she magically became a “black Briton”

However Dr Redfern told me the follow up DNA study in which her ancestry would be determined was due to be published in 2019. I never heard anything about this though...

Isotope analysis showed she lived for a time in Roman North Africa (not black) and the media dressed this with lies. The silence on the follow up study is just like that around the DNA analysis of Beachy Head lady who they had claimed was black, but turned out to be from Cyprus!

Imagine writing that a blonde haired, blue eyes Roman was black and taking yourself seriously as a journalist.

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

According to Vedic beliefs, one inherits three debts with birth.

The first is repaid to the gods with sacrifices.
The second is repaid to the Rishis (sages) through religious study.
The third is repaid to the forefathers by having children of your own.

I believe the same applies to Germanic pagans, of course. When we study the Eddas we are repaying our debt not merely to Snorri but to all the ancient goðar who passed on the sacred knowledge so that it could be written down by Christians and then rediscovered at a time decreed by Wyrd, for the pioneers of the spiritual revolution.

Some people focus too much on one, but a man must repay all three.

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Survive the Jive: All-feed


How time flies! The last time I did an AMA was a full 12 months ago! JIve Talk has been all about interviews since then, so now is the time to do a good ol' fashioned AMA. Get in there for 3pm Eastern America time, 8pm UK time, 9pm Swedish time

Feel free to ask me about the Kivik video if it raised some questions

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

I really appreciate all my patrons who allow me to do what I do. My channel is always growing, but my patron numbers have fallen over the last year, and over the last month. If you can help at all it will make all the difference for me. You can become a patron on either of the below platforms and will access exclusive content as well as ensuring this project continues.

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

Likewise I advise those who cherish the ways of freedom and shun the yoke of slavery as something evil, to beware lest by an excessive and ill-timed thirst for freedom they fall into the affliction of their ancestors, the excessive anarchy they experienced as a result of their unmeasured passion for liberty. For the Sicilians before the reign of Dionysius and Hipparinus lived happily, as they thought, faring sumptuously and ruling their rulers; they it was who, without any legal judgment, stoned to death the ten generals who preceded Dionysius, in order not to be subject to any master, not even justice and the law, but to be altogether and absolutely free. This is why tyranny came upon them. Both servitude in excess and liberty in excess are very great evils, but in due measure both are great goods. Due measure is found in obedience to God, the absence of measure in obedience to men. And the god of wise men is the law; of foolish men, pleasure.

Plato(?), Letter VIII 354d-e

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Harvard has for years insisted Indo-Europeans have ancestry from Armenia. In this blog post Davidski explains why this is very unlikely.

Dear David, Nick, Iosif...let me tell you about Yamnaya

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

Here I am relaxing on the so called "holy island" of Lindisfarne in 2010. The site of the first Viking raid on the British isles

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My uncle built this dolmen from the remains of another that had been used for a local farmer's wall. It was built for my cousin’s wedding in Scotland and rather resembles an altar

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“Jive has wares if you have coin” (at Tuktuk, Samosir Island Toba Lake)

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page 51 of “Heroes of the dawn” (1914)

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Photo by Steph Wilson based on 18th century depictions of pre-Roman Britons

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Adventures in the standing stones - Aikey Brae recumbent stone circle, Aiberdeenshire - one of my earliest memories that I hope will become one of her earliest memories.

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While the headline is correct; this article is a joke.

They call the Notting Hill Carnival a good example of folklore and try to tie the concept of English folklore to Wicca and (for some reason) Extinction rebellion.

The final irony though, is claiming "these customs are not nationalistic" while the thumbnail is the Abbots Bromley Horn dance, where the only people who can take part have to come from 2 ancestral Abbots Bromley families.

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

Not sure what "cope" means.

There were Corded Ware horses but like really ancient horse remains everywhere it's not known if they were ridden. They used local horses from central Europe rather than steppe ones.

However there were Neolithic era horse remains from groups like the Globar Amphora culture that had some interbreeding with Yamnaya horses.

When the steppe horse breed was developed by Sintashta horse breeders into a bigger, stronger, faster, fitter horse capable of pulling chariots at incredible speed, it was so superior to all preceding breeds across Europe that it quickly replaced them all. It also spread into Anatolia and eventually the Near East, from there into Arabia and North Africa and on finally to today where their descendants are everywhere in the world.

With the Botai maybe they corralled and milked horses. After all there are many stages between wild and fully domesticated. But there's no good evidence they were ridden.

Horses were domesticated on the Pontic Steppe.

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The West Country Pisky or Pixie is likely cognate with Swedish pysk which also refers to a supernatural being.

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A small carving of Thor holding Mjolnir from Lund, Sweden. Thought to have been a handle for a tool, likely an awl or a stylus.

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Nordic Bronze age rock art from Sweden reveals some of the predecessors of the Viking longship

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