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Reconstruction of Cees, a man of the Single Grave Culture in the Netherlands
Читать полностью…Old English influence on Tolkien's work
The author Nigel Pennick calls the swastika a symbol of Woden. It's certainly a symbol that is connected with the runic formula ALU and appears not only on the gold Bracteates (along with ALU and ravens) but also the burial urns found in England (along with the ALU formula). Woden is a god of the dead.
Bracteates are gold amulets which may be connected to the Proto-Germanic *aluh which means amulet. In OE the formula could mean ale or ealu (why we use both ale and mead during our hearth's rituals - depending on the blot). One bracteate spells the word Wodinas in runes along with a swastika.
The inclusion of ravens in the imagery of the 'Alugod's' head/hair shows the Alu-god to be Woden. The Greek word ἀλύω or alúō means 'to wander in the mind' and is cognate with the Latin alūcināri meaning 'to dream', whilst also being the root of the word hallucinate. Though these words are non-Germanic they do remind me of the concept of Wod.
I believe that the Alugod is clearly Woden and that the swastika is his symbol.
Credit to STJ for first suggesting this idea.
This preprint from Harvard uses a new ancIBD method to determine the relationship between Corded Ware and Yamnaya. Unsurprisingly they find that ¼ of CW ancestry comes from GAC. The other ¾ shares recent co-ancestry with Yamnaya of late 3rd millennium BC and this, they claim, is evidence against “the hypothesis that the steppe ancestry in the Corded Ware primarily reflects an origin in as-of-now unsampled cultures genetically similar to the Yamnaya”
This is important for Harvard’s house of cards theory regarding PIE not being from Sredny Stog. I am not clear as to whether this cousin matching method reliably precludes a common Sredny Stog origin, or whether it can be confused by more recent intermarriage between CW and Yamnaya.
This article title is example of the misconception that Indo-Europeans were not from Europe.
“Steppe people swept INTO Europe.”
No, they didn’t. They already lived in Europe.
The mainstream talks about Indo-Europeans like they were Mongolian-esq nomads from Asia who "swept into Europe."
Quotes article
Science. Thousands of horsemen may have swept into Bronze Age Europe, transforming the local population
Performed a small scale Disirblot on the full moon of Hreþe last night. Lit fire, burned incense and poured a mead libation onto the harrow in honour of Freyja, Hreþe, and all the disir
Читать полностью…Archaeological recreation of a Sintashta culture chariot, archaeologists Ivan Semyan and Igor Chechushkov
Читать полностью…This clip concerns the English goddess of the month of March: Hrēþe
Читать полностью…There may be evidence that not only the Yamnaya but perhaps the Sredny Stog also rode horses. This interesting article by the Museum Scythian Blog by Cooper Axe argues that a burial in Hungary of a man buried in a steppe like tradition may relate to the Sredny Stog culture or one of its early offshoots.
The revolutionary composite bows used by steppe Turks had precedents among Scythian recurve bows and this experimental study shows that the compound bow seems to originally to have been an Aryan innovation among the bronze age Sintashta
Ancestor cry. TIL Yamnaya expansion was driven by endless quest to find animal penises to use as aphrodisiacs
Читать полностью…It turns out that those of us that had it revealed to us in a dream that the Yamnaya rode horses were right all along. They really were horse riders!
Take note of this pre-Yamnaya burial (Grave 1) from Hungary. This particular burial is fascinating because, like other IE burials, it had similar features:
-Grave 1 is oriented SE-NW, with the skull slightly supported, facing east.
-The shape of Grave 1 was outlined by red ochre sprinkle and a discrete clump of red ochre was pronounced near the left pelvis.
-The deceased was laid in a supine position, with characteristic raised legs at the knees; the flexed arms were laid parallel to the body with the hands resting on the thighs.
This horseman was aged between 25 to 35 years old and had a 13.2cm long obsidian blade alongside 5 beads made of coiled copper plate, as well as 5 bigger cylindrical stone beads buried with him.
Читать полностью…Reconstruction of a Paleolithic European, belonging to the Gravettian culture, made for the recent Posh 2023 paper.
Notice, how they make him look very African.
They give him black skin not brown skin.
They also give him African-esq facial features.
They do give him straight hair. But besides that they make him look African.
Sigh. We are all now accustomed to this kind of dishonesty from “the experts.”
They want people to believe European hunter gatherers were basically Africans in terms of phenotype. There is zero evidence for this. It is all conjecture.
Source for the reconstruction (shown to me from Kati Pohl).
An ice skate found in a likely Andronovo context is the same as those found thousands of miles west in Europe. This shows the Aryans in Asia maintained links with their homeland
I recently posted a fibula from Denmark which featured the Odinic dual bird motif except the "ravens" had the bodies of beasts and were therefore griffins. The use of two griffins instead of two birds is not unique to Denmark. I saw the above 6th/7th c. Alemannic buckle from La Roche-sur-Foron in Southern France at a museum in Geneva. The two griffins have the stylised curly beaks of the dual "raven" motif found across the Germanic world. The griffin is absent in Germanic myth but is seen in Germanic art, perhaps due to Scythian influence.
Читать полностью…Six gold serpents (two shown here) were found with the Staffordshire hoard.
Читать полностью…More photography from Jim Lyngvild
- The Death of Baldur.
The Norse name Baldur / Baldr is cognate with the OE name Bealdor which meant prince or hero. ‘Beald’ gives us our modern day word ‘bold’ and may also be connected to the Baltic word báltas meaning white. Baldur is also known to us English as Bældæġ, which according to Rudolf Simek means 'shining day', from the OE bæl meaning fire + dæġ or day.
A new reconstruction of a woman of the Fatyanovo culture. The Fatyanovo culture is ancestral to the Indo-Iranians (Aryans) of the Andronovo culture, who captured India and Iran, lived in the territory of modern Russia and were genetically close to modern northern Europeans.
Via @odal24
BIG NEWS: Woden invoked in 5th century runes.
iʀ Wōd[i]nas weraʀ
"He (is) Wodin’s man"
The runic inscription is on one of the Vindelev bracteates. Not only is it a long inscription (34 runes) where most of the words aren’t attested in other runic inscriptions in the Proto-Norse language, but it is also the oldest written source mentioning Óðinn by name. It also reinforces the evidence from other bracteates that the swastika is the symbol of Woden.
An occultist and polytheist asks left wing pagans how they reconcile their beliefs with their politics
Since YouTube have restricted this video for some nefarious anti-pagan reason, I request that you watch/share it on Odysee or Rumble instead.
हरिद्रा haridrā means turmeric and comes from hari meaning "yellow" and this is from the same root from which the Sanskrit word हलदी haladi comes. In the RigVeda it says Indra is haladi which can mean he was gold, or yellow
Читать полностью…Indo-Europeans first arrived in Italy with the Bell Beaker culture in circa 2300 BC.
However, they only settled northern Italy. Specifically only the Po Valley.
Bell beaker did not touch the rest of Italy.
We have three DNA samples from Beaker folk in the Po Valley of Italy.
Two have Steppe admixture and one is of entirely “native Italian farmer” origin.
One of the ones with Steppe admixture is a male and belongs to y haplogroup R1b L151>P312.
The signature Bell beaker y haplogroup 💪
Olalde, I., Brace, S., Allentoft, M. et al. The Beaker phenomenon and the genomic transformation of northwest Europe. Nature 555, 190–196 (2018).
Amazingly, this burial mound in Romania was constructed around 2800-2500 BC for a Yamnaya horseman.
It was reused for a horse burial thousands of years later in the medieval period.
Just a coincidence... right?
horse riding was already a common activity for some Yamnaya individuals as early as ~3000 BC and this analysis of evidence of horse riding on human skeletons finds earliest horse riding on the European steppe. So Yamnaya really were horse riders. I bet Sredny stog were too
They say miracles are past, and we have our philosophical persons, to make modern and familiar, things supernatural and causeless. Hence is it, that we make trifles of terrors, ensconcing ourselves into seeming knowledge, when we should submit ourselves to an unknown fear.
William Shakespeare, All's Well That Ends Well, II, iii, 1-6