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Bardic ceremony at the festival of Saint-Brieuc, Brittany. Les fetes Bretonnes de Saint-Brieuc. Une ceremonie bardique. Illustration for Le Petit Journal, 29 July 1906

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Raymond Hames smashes the myths of egalitarian hunter-gatherers

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The Early Europeans Farmers (EEF) were not:
-weak and incapable of violence

The EEF were:
-innovators and builders
-tribes that slaughtered and enslaved eachother

We must do away with the idea that the EEF were matriarchal pacifists that couldn't fight and sustained themselves solely on grain. The EEF were patrilineal people and viewed their ancestry as stemming from the father of the tribe just as the Western Steppe Herders did, as evidenced by the Neolithic Irish EEF elite buried at Newgrange that belonged to a WHG lineage (I2a), and was inbred so as to preserve WHG phenotypic traits (and subsequently in all likelihood viewed themselves as belonging to the WHG race of their forefathers as well). Additionally, the Talheim Death Pit dating to 5000 BC at the time of the Linear Pottery Culture in Neolithic Germany is one of the many examples of mass murder and extreme violence amongst the EEF. The Talheim Death Pit contained the skeletons of sixteen dead children, nine adult males and seven adult women that display evidence of several traumatic wounds to the skulls.

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💥📚New video!

Book recommendation. The Pagan Book of Days by Nigel Pennick.

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Runestone DR26 from Læborg, Denmark has a clear engraving of Thor's hammer.

Side A :rhafnukatufi : hiau : runaR : þasi aft
Side B þurui : trutnik : sina

Translation: "Tófi, of Hrafn's lineage, cut these runes in memory of Þyrvé, his queen."

Shared by Scott Shell

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"Christians had severed the traditional bond between religion and a 'nation' or people. The ancients took for granted that religion was indissolubly linked to a particular city or people. Indeed, there was no term for religion in the sense we now use it to refer to the beliefs and practices of a specific group of people or of a voluntary association divorced from ethnic or national identity. The idea of an association of people bound together by a religious allegiance with its own traditions and beliefs, its own history, and its own way of life independent of a particular city or nation was foreign to the ancients. Religion belonged to a people, and it was bestowed on an individual by the people or nation from which one came in or in which one lived." - James C. Russell

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Did you think it was just statues of slave owners they were after?

A Welsh government apparatchik, Dawn Bowden, deputy minister for the arts has released 'guidance' recommending the removal or boxing up of statues of 'old white men' in order to 'create the right historical narrative'.

Our history is being abolished because we are white and they hate us for it. Plain and simple.

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Happy Saint Patrick's day! What better way to celebrate than to crack open a Guinness and learn about the last 5000 years of history of the emerald Isle? #StPatricksDay #IrishStudies2020 #Ireland #SaintPatricksDay #IrishHistory

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In 1998 shifting sands of Holme beach on the North Norfolk coast, England, revealed The Seahenge...

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Top 3 reasons you struggle to understand Evola

1. You don’t have a background in the esoteric. You will lose more than half of the meaning of his content if you don’t understand the symbolic value of it. There is some built-in gatekeeping here.

2. You can’t get out of the mindset of linear time. Much of Evola deals with the supra-historical and attempting to pin that down to timeline rooted in historicity will confuse and frustrate you. A metaphysical and cyclical view of history is required.

3. You lack imagination. Evola deals with the realm of myth, which is very real and true, but is also ineffable. Myth takes form in the imagination. It’s not easily reduced to discursive thought and attempting to pin it down with concrete language usually means missing the mark.

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

To believe that the statues of the gods, such as they were fabricated by the ancients, participated of a divine influence, as much as the substances from which they were composed is capable of admitting, must appear ridiculous to every one who is ignorant that the construction of these statues was the result of the most consummate theological science, and that from their apt resemblance to divine natures they became participants of divine illumination. For, as Sallust well observes, in his treatise On the Gods and the World, (chap. 15) "As the providence of the gods is every where extended, a certain habitude or fitness is all that is requisite in order to receive their beneficent communications. But all habitude is produced through imitation and similitude; and hence temples imitate the heavens, but altars the earth; statues resemble life, and on this account they are similar to animals; and prayers imitate that which is intellectual; but characters, superior ineffable powers; herbs and stones resemble matter; and animals which are sacrificed the irrational life of our souls."

Statues therefore, through their habitude or fitness, conjoin the souls of those who pray to them with the gods themselves: and when we view the ancient mode of worshiping images in this light, we shall find it equally as rational as any other mode of conduct in which a certain end is proposed to be obtained by legitimate means. Some of these statues were called Diopeteis, or such as descended from heaven, "because, (says Jamblichus apud Phot. p. 554) the occult art by which they were fabricated by human hands was inconspicuous."

And we are informed by Proclus on Euclid, in his comment on the definition of Figure, "that this occult or theurgic art fashioned some of the resemblances of the gods, by characters, in an ineffable manner; for characters of this kind manifest the unknown powers of the gods: but others it imitated by forms and images; fashioning some of them erect and others sitting; and some similar to a heart, but others spherical; and others it expressed by different figures.

And, again, some it fabricated of a simple form, but others it composed from a multitude of forms; and some of these were sacred and venerable, but others domestic, exhibiting the peculiar gentleness of the gods: and some it constructed of a severe aspect; and lastly, attributed to others different symbols, according to the similitude and sympathy pertaining to the gods." Let not the reader, however, confound this scientific worship of the ancients with the filthy piety, as Proclus in his hymn to the Muses justly calls it, of the Catholics: for it is surely one thing to worship the images of those giant-like Barbarians called Saints, and another to reverence the resemblances of divinity; since the former conduct is horridly impious and full of delusion and insanity; but the latter is beautifully pious, is replete with real good, and is divinely wise.

— Thomas Taylor

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For God is my witness that our country is a sort of secondary divinity, and our first and greatest parent.

Hierocles, On How We Ought to Conduct Ourselves Towards Our Country

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The Bamberg Idols: these three sandstone statues were found in the Regnitz River in Bamberg, central Germany. Very similar to Yamnaya stelae.

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Occasionally people on forums and social media attempt to classify my phenotype

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You can hear the roots of North American English dialects in this 90 year old recording of a man from Somerset in England's West Country

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Carnac Neolithic standing stones, Brittany, France in 1956

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Diagram of modern human origins

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Irish history for St Paddy's day

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In this clip I show how Tom Booth, one of the main men behind the too dark Cheddar man reconstruction, was motivated by extreme left political beliefs.

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Woden is also the god of transformation and would thus be linked to the art of alchemy. My theory about the runic 'formula' ALU, aided by the work of Wulf Ingessunu, essentially places it as an alchemical principle. This, I believe, partly explains the presence of these runes upon funerary urns; the greater alchemical work serves perhaps its most important purpose at the point of death.


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Doing a quick map of Mesolithic populations and realised it doesn't really show something.

In fact the WHG (they're looking to call it the Villabruna cluster now) was by far the dominant population, contributing significantly to the SHG and EHG populations and there was WHG gene flow into Anatolia too.

And yes this is showing modern sea levels, don't start crying about Doggerland, just let it go.

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Fragment from a Greek red-figure calyx crater found in Taranto, Italy - 400-390 BC. It depicts a gilded and/or polished bronze statue of Apollo in his temple at Delphi. Beneath the temple was a chamber in which his oracle would receive and relate prophecies

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I don't agree with all his Celtic from the West nonsense, but I bought Barry Cunliffe's book about the Scythians, and its really good. A bit behind on the genetic stuff but very informative on other matters. He delivered a talk summarising his book at Google HQ

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Hat decorations from Bronze age woman of the Abashevo culture on the European steppe at Samara, Russia.

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Main Y haplogroups among Anglo-Saxons

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For that element in us which is divine and intellectual and one - or, if you so wish to term it, intelligible - is aroused, then, clearly in prayer, and when aroused, strives primarily towards what is like to itself, and joins itself to essential perfection.

Iamblichus, On the Mysteries 1.15

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When Julius Caesar demanded that Germanic tribes desist from raiding in Gaul, he found that the German leader was none too respectful – and all too willing to risk open conflict with Rome.

“I am not impressed,” he concluded, “by Caesar’s threat to punish my ‘oppression’ of these people. No one has ever fought me without bringing destruction upon himself. Let him attack whenever he pleases. He will discover what German valour is capable of. We have never known defeat, we have had superb training in arms, and for fourteen years have never sheltered beneath a roof.

- The Conquest of Gaul, Julius Caesar, 1st Century BC

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These were made by Germanic pagans nearly 4000 years after Yamnaya/Beaker anthropomorphic stelae. Now that's continuity!

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The CEADDA Western names.

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art by Sergey Arzamastsev

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