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The Poetic Edda has so many ritual layers to it.

Grímnismál 42 describes the use of fire to communicate with the gods, and Hyndluljóð 10 mentions reddening a stone hörgr with sacrificial blood. The Hávamál describes offerings on trees, and an initiation ritual.

“…come words of wisdom from the withered lips
of him left to hang among hides,
to rock with the rennets
and swing with the skins.”
~Hávamál 133, Bray

The practice of placing offerings to Odin in trees is widely attested among the Germanic peoples. In Russia, the Mari people place the skins of sacrificed animals in trees in sacred groves.

This is also practiced by the Buryat and Yakut peoples; whose shamans will climb these sacrificial trees, known as gift trees (Belekh Mas) to the Yakut, during initiation rituals to communicate with the spirits who come to these trees to accept their offerings.
Sometimes Buryat shamans will hang upside down from the branches, to facilitate heightened circulation of blood to the brain and enter altered states of consciousness.

The Hávamál doesn’t just describe Odin’s trial on Yggdrasil; it describes a ritual that mortals can replicate.

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

Highly recommend you check out Hearthfire radio, not only for my exclusive content there, but other great content from the top Heathen creators in the world

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A new series of YouTube videos filmed during my sea voyage across the North sea. Part one here

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Early access for patrons to part 3 of Hyperborean Odyssey in which I visit Skara Brae in Orkney and talk about Gaelic myths in the Hebrides

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How did the THOTS of Lycia defeat the hero Bellerophon? I talk Greek mythology in Lycia - clip from this film on YouTube

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There were only 158 years between the first Christian mission to Northumbria when Aidan founded a monastery at Lindisfarne, and the first Viking raid on it in 793. By that time the Gaels had taken the pagan knotwork from the Anglo-Saxon Northumbrians back to Iona and integrated it into their manuscript art to create the typical medieval "Celtic knotwork" style.

The aesthetic of British Christianity had barely been established before it was attacked by foreign pagans. I expect many natives were still pagan as well in 793.

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

Who is more Stog? Fst genetic distance to the Proto-Indo-European Sredny Stog culture

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I remember when I saw this Odin mask in Visby back in 2017. They put the eye back in, but I think they should have left it out as the previous owner intended!

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This account from Gerald of Wales reveals how the awenyddion (seers/shamans) of the Welsh achieved divine knowledge through trances and dreams

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Cistercian monk named Rudolf 'Summa fratris Rudolfi de confessionis discretione' in manuscript UB Breslau written between 1235 and 1250 says :

In order to be happy and successful in worldly matters, certain women indulge in god-hated fantasies: on Christmas night they set the table for the Queen of Heaven- whom the people call Frau Holle - so that she will help them."

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We consecrated the new godpole over the weekend during the twilight of the Equinox, surrounded by golden fields, happy spirits and changing leaves.

To Wodanaz, Thunraz, and Fraujaz, we hail you with endless devotion!
For our lives, our health, and our prosperity, we thank you!


Godpole by @perkunasl

#pagan #religion #animism #paganism #nature #culture

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What is the meaning of these WEIRD ancient rock carvings from Släbro in Sweden? 🇸🇪🗿🤷 Full video on YouTube

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A clip from the talk with🥚RAW EGG NATIONALIST🥚who explains why dairy was good for our Yamnaya ancestors and it's good for us too! 🥛 See the full interview in the previous post

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Bit of bouldering today

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Analysis of arrow heads at the site of the Bronze Age battle of Tollense in North Germany suggests the fight was between local defenders and an invading army from Bavaria.

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

NEW EPISODE — Radio North Sea International — Stone Age to Viking Age in the Northern and Western Isles: Farmers, herders, Picts, Gaels and Vikings

Tom Rowsell takes us through 9000 years of history, telling the story of the far flung islands of Scotland which have been settled by successive waves of invaders. The lecture lets you know which ancient archaeological sites are worth visiting in the Hebrides, Orkneys and Shetlands during the cruise. Starting with the hunter gatherers, then the first farmers of the Neolithic who were replaced by Bronze Age invaders from Eastern Europe who were themselves challenged by a new culture of Celtic speakers in the Iron Age, the story ends with the Viking raiders and merchants who arrived in medieval times. The timeline is revealed through the latest archaeological and genetic evidence from this region and beyond.

Get signed up for only $12/mo. to get behind the paywall and access this episode.

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Don’t miss the latest Hyperborean Odyssey in which I examine a site with continuous settlement from the Bronze age to the Viking age on an island 100 miles North of Britain!

Thule, Picts and Vikings in Shetland! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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Get your privileged cishet male arse down to Cornwall to get womansplained about periods and witches

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What is the meaning of these WEIRD ancient rock carvings from Släbro in Sweden? 🇸🇪🗿🤷 Full video on YouTube

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In this clip from part 3 of Hyperborean Odyssey, I cruise past the island of Iona - the heart of Christianity in Northern Britain which was destroyed by Vikings.

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Early access for patrons to part 3 of Hyperborean Odyssey in which I visit Skara Brae in Orkney and talk about Gaelic myths in the Hebrides

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

This new artwork of a draugr by Joan Oliveras shows him wearing the helmet from grave 14 at Vendel. You can see a reconstruction in this video.

Listen to Dave Martel the Bog Lord go off about the undead in this stream

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

While the filídh (elite poets/seers) of the Gaels in Ireland had a technique of dream divination known as Imbas Forosnai. It required them to chew raw flesh before sleeping. You can see the entire film about dream divination on YouTube

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

How did pagans induce prophetic dreams? The techniques varied regionally. Here's how the Nordic Germanic Heathens did it. Full film on YouTube

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

Many worshippers of Odin in this day and age view Valhall as some form of “heaven”. When in reality, if the sources are observed from an objective standpoint, Valhall is a specific destination for those who have died in mutual combat with another human being.

This video underlines this function and uses the legendary hero Sigurd as an example for this point. Sigurd was attested many times by Germanic people as being one of the greatest men to have walked the earth. A legendary warrior and man on honor. But the sources show us that even he is subjected to a fate in Hel. This is due to Sigurd’s murder, a death which could not be considered mutual combat.

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How did the THOTS of Lycia defeat the hero Bellerophon? I talk Greek mythology in Lycia - clip from this film on YouTube

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Survive the Jive: All-feed

FamilyTreeDNA produces a very different result from 23andme, ancestry or Living DNA.

My Irish which should be about 10% is inflated to 30% (probably adding the 10% Scot and part of my English ancestry). The rest of my English ancestry is lumped in with Central Europe and Scandinavia without any of it being labelled English!

This result is as if I had a pure Scandinavian grandparent, which I do not.

Such an erroneous result is due to the fact that England shares much ancestry with Denmark and this service chooses to privilege continental categories over England with the result that a man who is 80% English can appear to have no English ancestry at all!

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A lecture on archaeology of Neolithic Europe with a focus on the megalithic culture in Wales

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New artwork of Api the snake legged goddess of the Scythians (by Evgeny Kray). Learn more in this documentary SCYTHIAN GODS: The Religion of the Steppe Horse Lords

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To give a sacrificial victim to Odin they had to be spear wounded and hanged.

Odin was himself a necromancer and necromantic rites were very important in Norse paganism. They included speaking with the dead at tombs.

It is possible to interpret the crucifixion and resurrection as the story of a rabbi inadvertently given to Odin by the Romans resulting in his reappearance after death as a ghost or draugr.

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