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A video by Alaruno on the bonfire traditions

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Each year I share my May day playlist - mainly old folk songs which were sung on May day/Beltaine/Valborg/Walpurgisnacht

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“Mutations defy traditional thinking. The results suggest that complex information that is accumulated in the genome through the generations impacts mutation, and therefore mutation-specific origination rates can respond in the long-term to specific environmental pressures,” said Prof. Livnat.

This new study shows humans do not evolve merely due to random gene mutations proving more advantageous in the environment, but rather from a NON-RANDOM process of mutations which are DIRECTED by the environment over several generations. Blood and soil far more connected than scientists previously realised.

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Generations since your ancestors lived.

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Learn about the gods of the Scythian steppe barbarians, their bloody animal and human sacrifices, their enormous elaborate burials, their exquisite artwork and their shamanic religious practices!

Please click like, and share this video wherever you can. It helps me a lot and ensures people will see it!

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Why would Indo-Europeans think snakes drank milk?

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On this day in 686, the last pagan Anglo Saxon kingdom, Wihtwara, fell.
Wihtwara was invaded by Wulfhere of Mercia in 661, yet paganism endured, until Cædwalla of Wessex invaded in 686. King Arwald died in battle in the initial invasion, along with the majority of the island’s inhabitants. His sons escaped to the Ytene Forest, but were eventually captured and forced to convert to Christianity before being put to the sword, severing the royal line of Wihtwara. They were collectively canonized as “Saint Arwald”.
But, according to local folklore, one of his sons escaped from his captors and threw himself onto a fallen tree, impaling himself. With his last breath, he dedicated his death to Woden.
Undoubtedly burdened by his abominable actions, Cædwalla made a pilgrimage to Rome to be formally baptized, where he died of his injuries sustained during the invasion. May he rot in Wyrmsele. What’s really funny is because he hadn’t yet been baptized when he invaded Wihtwara, many claimed he was a Pagan to further emphasize Saint Arwald’s canonization.
On “Saint” Arwald’s Feastday, I instead remember the conviction of our ancestors, choosing a dignified death over dishonour.

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St George is an incarnation of the ancient mythological dragon slayer.

Invoking his name in battle brings strength to your arm and courage to your heart.

Happy St George's Day!

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On New Year's eve 2015/16 I visited a Sigurd stone in Sweden and made this short film

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Post above strictly for swedes and oldf*gs

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New artistic reconstruction of a Yamnaya man created by TheChadPastoralist
and myself. We did not have pigmentation data on this specific skull but Yamnaya samples are mostly predicted to have dark brown to black hair and brown eyes. His skin pigmentation was given an intermediate tone.

Note on the clothing and necklace:

We took inspiration from steppe stelae to create his tunic. There was a stelae that showed a v neck shaped design. We are unsure if the Yamnaya dyed their clothing but they used ochre in their burials so it might be a possibility that they used it to add coloring to clothing (this is just speculation and artistic license).

The necklace was created with bone beads and a hammer bone pin. It is possible the pins could have also been worn as jewelry as some had holes drilled in the top.

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After writing tons of articles (many in my recent book and on my patreon) reading great books (Barry Cunliffe #1)..and watching any video online, I can find...there is finally a definitive Scythian documentary! Must watch!

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Thanks to all of you who make Survive the Jive possible. Especially my patrons, to whom I have so much to be grateful for, but also to everyone who watches and has shared my films over the years.

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This "based" anti-woke Jewish writer Liel Leibovitz, editor at large for Tablet, and author of "How the Talmud Can Change Your Life" says that Trans ideology is the same as the Celtic cult of Toutatis and that paganism is a threat to "America's Judaeo-Christian" values. So when atheists and Jews empower Antifa terrorists to murder white Americans, that's because people are worshipping Odin. Why? Because apparently pagans had no "credo" and therefore sanctified each sharp transformation" of their behaviour. They worshipped change. Ignore the actual recorded conservatism of Greece and Rome. Ignore the very reason pagans like Redbad rejected Christianity is because they wished to uphold traditions and NOT change. Trans kids is all the fault of pagans so you better unite with your greatest ally to destroy them for the good of Judeo-Christian values!

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4 years ago I celebrated May eve (valborg) in Uppsala by the great old barrows. They lit a mighty bonfire. Happy May day everyone!

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May day celebrations in Britain, particularly in the West Country, are notably pagan in their aesthetics. This documentary looks at one such celebration in Cornwall and one in Devon. Each very different but clearly both containing rites of pagan origin.

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This is a handy chart for showing approx how many ancestors you have in each generation, how much you inherit from a person of each set back, and how far back each set is likely to have lived.

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This can vary a lot. Personally I can get back 1000 years in only 26 generations, not 40!

While it is said that on average people have 20 gens every 500 years, I reckon on several lines I have just 11 generations for every 500 years. Probably because many of my ancestors had children later in life. This probably evens out a lot the further back you go though, so that 20 per 500 becomes a good average for anybody once you go back 1500-2000 years or so

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Shooting day tomorrow. That means I am checking a kit inventory and preparing to hit the road in the morning. I shall be accompanied, for the first time in 10 years (except for work I did with WHO 5 years ago), by a professional videographer to help me get some decent footage. I'm off to Cornwall to collect footage for a couple of different films due to be published later this year. I travelled to Cornwall for a shoot late last year as well, and that footage is also due to be used in my next film.

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The Greek scholar Procopius' description of the Germanic and British peoples is a valuable resource. He is not entirely reliable, since his claims about lack of horsemanship are contradicted by archaeological evidence. There is also the problem of what is meant by Brittia vs Brettania. Brittia, an island, is clearly Britain, but then what does he mean by Brettania? He says it is as far West as Hispania so it may be that it means Armorica. Alternatively, knowledge of Britain in the South had declined so much that people had divided it into two semi legendary regions by Procopius' time. Procopius even describes Brittia as an island to which the souls of the dead are ferried - a trope from Celtic myth. Thule more clearly refers to Scandinavia.

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The Niederdollendorfer Bilderstein is a sculptured stone that stems from the transition period from paganism to christianity of the Germanic tribe of the Franks.

It was found in Niederdollendorf (Königswinter, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany) during railway construction works in 1901. The interpretation of the figures and ornamentations is still a matter of debate. The Niederdollendorfer Bilderstein did not function as a gravestone. Instead itself was found in an otherwise empty grave. The front side most likely shows a Germanic warrior. The right hand and the left shoulder are touched by a two-headed snake, while a similar animal is seen near the sword. The other side also shows a figure with a disc on his chest, solar radiance emitting from his head and a lance in his hand. It could represent a god

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Today is Saint George's day. He was popular in England before the Norman conquest but was not the patron Saint of England in the Anglo-Saxon era. King Edward III made St George the patron saint of England in 1350, after forming the Order of the Garter in St George’s name. Although St. George is a popular Saint in many nations, his tradition in England can be seen as a continuation of a much older one, that of the dragon slayer. The Germanic hero Sigurd, known as Sigeweard to the English and Siegfried to the Germans, is the archetypal dragon slayer in northern heroic myth. Happy Sigeweard's day ;)

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The serpent, the dragon; call it Vritra, Hydra, Python, Typhon, Jörmungandr, Fafnir, Zmey, Vishap, or by its Christian name, Satan. The enormous reptile is a symbol of the enemy of our people as Eliade explains in the quote. It is therefore clear what the dragon slayer represents.
Although St. George is a popular Saint in many nations, his worship in England is a continuation of the ancient Indo-European tradition. The Germanic hero Sigurd, known as Sigeweard to the English and Sigfried to the Germans, is the archetypal dragon slayer in Germanic heroic myth.

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The same linguistic logic behind Celtic from the West (British isles), and Out of India.

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Once, when wandering deep in the forests of Sweden I believe I encountered the hulder. I had stopped to rest beneath a tree beside a large granite rock and in a half waking dream I saw three beautiful girls. They were swaying and they sang "dansa med oss!" "Dance with us"

I wanted to follow them as they waded into a dark lake singing "gör som vi gör" 'do as we do' still swaying rhythmically. Hypnotised I followed but feared to go further, and they seemed to know this, singing "lyssna och lär, Missa inte chansen" but then i saw their tails and sat up awake. Realising the skogsirens had tried to lure me to a watery carameldansen grave.

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Met these sound folk at the Exeter "day of Dance" morris dancing meet up today. Note the based Gilton thunor's hammer

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Quotes from my talk at Pagan Futures

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Will you steal his sandwich?

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Handy map which shows, as my Skythian film does, the migration routes of Aryans from Fatyanovo to Skythian

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