Swop.fi is an instant crypto exchange based on smart contracts (AMM). Twitter : https://twitter.com/Swopfi Medium : https://medium.com/swop-fi Support group in Russian: https://t.me/swopfi_ru
If you'd like to invest in WEST, do your own research first
some info here: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/waves-enterprise/
the easiest way is to use wx.network
what are you trying to do exactly? I need to better understand your case
Читать полностью…could you please provide more details
1) do you use swop.fi or units-testnet.swop.fi?
2) what liquidity pool did you invest in?
3) what error you get?
When I swap Waves to west can I transfer from it direct to exchanger in network of waves?
Читать полностью…How to find waves on my metamask because I can't find it
Читать полностью…could you please provide more details
1) do you use swop.fi or units-testnet.swop.fi?
2) what liquidity pool did you invest in?
3) what error you get?
i was fine until I used your site and non of my money arrived back at my wallet
Читать полностью…Admins in Swop.fi:
- @maygreen91 (Swop.fi
- @serkanbayar (Enno Wallet
- @AndreiCoub
- @petrwaves
- @vladislav_sailor (Swop.fi
- @Sasha52653 (Sasha
Note: These are up-to-date values
from the results of the tests I did, I can understand well the performance and objectives of this project were made as it should be. testnet is an excellent first step to take before mainnet. the team has made a good decision and it's been great. I hope the team can build this project continuously and gradually so that it can become one of the best protocols in this ecosystem.
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