For protection from many things like evil eyes, jealousy, harmful events, etc.
If it is evening time, select evening adhkar from the menu.
Your status with Allah is like His status with you when you are alone.
منزلتك عند الله كمنزلته عندك إذا خلوت.
The prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, "Blessed is he who finds in his record(of deeds) a lot of Istighfãr( seeking forgiveness)."
سنن ابن ماجه3818
"If you obey most of those on earth they will mislead you from Allah's way"
Qur'an 6:116
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:
" The most helpless person is the one who doesn't make Duaa "
Last hour of Friday...
Sa'at Alistijaba.🤍
When fix what is between you and Allah (Subhanahu Wa Taala), work towards perfecting your worship towards Him and always rectify your intentions, everything else will slowly fall into place as it's meant to...
Among the first to be interceded for by the Prophet ﷺ are those who sent most salah upon Him, and the best day to send salah upon Him ﷺ is Friday.
Shaykh Abdul Aziz At-Tarefe حفظه الله
قال محارب بن دثار رحمه الله:
"إن الرجل ليعمل الذنب ، فيجد له في قلبه وهناً" !!
[ التوبة لابن أبي الدنيا 123 ]
Muharib bin Dithar, may God have mercy on him, said:
“A man commits a sin and finds weakness for it in his heart.”
[Repentance to Ibn Abi Al-Dunya 123]
كَيفَ يلْحق السّابِقينَ كسلانٌ أعرج؟
• ابن الجوزي
How does a Lazy lame catch up with the former?
• Ibn al-Jawzi
قال الشيخ ابن عثيمين رحمه الله
إنَّ الدعاءَ للميِّتِ أفضَلُ، حتى من الصدقةِ والحجِّ والعُمرةِ.
فتاوى سؤال على الهاتف
Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen, may God have mercy on him, said
Supplication for the dead is better, even than charity and Hajj and Umrah.
Question fatwas on the phone
عن زيد بن عبدالله بن عمر قال:
*«ما سمعت ابن عمر يذكر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قطّ إلا بكى.»*
On the authority of Zaid bin Abdullah bin Omar, he said:
*"I never heard Ibn Umar mention the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, except that he wept."*
سبحان الله 100
الحمد لله 100
لا إله إلا الله 100
الله أكبر 100
It removes your sins...
Evils have a wheel that drives them; if one evil comes and does not stumble because no one forbids it another will come after it. So it is legislated to forbid evil even if it does not change; it is sufficient that it disrupts what comes after it.
المنكرات لها عجلة تسير بها، إذا جاء واحد فلم يتعثّر بإنكاره جاء بعده آخر، فيُشرع إنكار المنكر ولو لم يتغيّر فيكفي أنه يعطل ما بعده
Whenever you see a sinner, know that there is nothing between him and you except the mercy of Allah for Allah either protected you from his sin or concealed it from you. It is narrated: “Do not rejoice over the mishaps of your brother so that Allah has mercy on him and subjects you to trials.”
[Happiness & Tranquility]
Nothing waters hearts with happiness and tranquility like the Qur’ān, and nothing causes the soul to live with humility like prostrating to Allah. Whoever is deprived of a remembering tongue and a prostrating forehead proceeds behind a fake happiness.
لا يسقي القلوب بالسعادة والطمأنينة كالقرآن، ولا يعمر النفس بالخشوع كالسجود لله، ومن حُرم اللسان الذاكر والجبين الساجد سار خلف سعادة وهمية
#جنود الله...
Every night as you lay in bed, ask yourself:
"What did I do today to deserve Jannah?"
•When reading the Qur'an
You feel Reborn with every verse
It teaches you patience, peace, love
It teaches you how to survive.
It's better to leave the rope rather than holding it for too long because it will give you nothing but only pain in your hands.✨🍂
Читать полностью…إنما الفقرُ والغنى بعد العرض على الله
الفضيل بن عياض
Poverty and wealth are only after being presented to Allah swt.
Al-Fudayl bin Iyad
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم:
"إذا أراد الله عزَّ وجلَّ بأهلِ بيتٍ خيرًا أَدخل عليهم الرِّفق …".
رواه الإمام أحمد في المسند، وهو صحيحٌ.
ومن معاني الرّفق:
- لين الجانب
- لطافة القول
- طلاقة الوجهِ
- الأخذ بالأسهل
اللهمَّ وفِّقْنا.
The prophet Peace Be Upon Him said:
“If Allah , the Mighty and Majestic, desires good for the people of a household, He brings kindness to them…”
It was narrated by Imam Ahmad in Al-Musnad, and it is authentic.
Among the meanings of kindness are:
- Soft side
- Nice to say
Facial fluency
Take the easiest
Oh Allah , grant us success.
الخاسر، هو الذي يظن أنَّ الله لا يغفر له.
_ابن رجب رحمه الله.
The loser is the one who thinks that Allāh does not forgive him.
_ Ibn Rajab, may Allāh have mercy on him.
« لا عَارَ ولا عَيبَ بَعدَ الكُفرِ بالله أعظَمُ مِنَ الكَذب ».
“There is no disgrace or fault after disbelief in God greater than lying.”
قال رسول ﷲ ﷺ لأصحابه:
«لا أدري ما تحدثون بعدي»، فبكى أبو بكر، ثمَّ بكى، ثمَّ قال: أئنَّا لكائنون بعدك؟.
- موطَّأ الإمام مالك.
The Messenger of Allah, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to his companions:
“I do not know what you will do after me.” Abu Bakr cried, then cried, then said: Are we going to be after you?
- Muwatta Imam Malik.