🏢Квартира в аренду
🗺 Адрес: Мтацминда улица Вукол Беридзе 2
💵Цена:900 $
⭕️комната: 3
⭕️Количество спален:2
⭕️Ванная комната:1
⭕️Квадратный метр:120
Требуется оплата за первый и последний месяц
если вы заинтересованы, пожалуйста, свяжитесь: @nikusha_sharashenidze Тел:579336627
📧 office.tghome@gmail.com
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address:mtatsminda vukol veridze street 2
⭕️Bedroom amount:2
⭕️Square meter:120
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: Telegram: @nikusha_sharashenidze Tel: 579336627
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Квартира в аренду
🗺 Адрес: Ваке, Чавчавадзе 39
💵Цена: 2000$
⭕️комната: 5
⭕️Количество спален: 4
⭕️Ванная комната: 2
⭕️Квадратный метр: 200кв
🏨этаж: 10/12
Требуется оплата за первый и последний месяц
если вы заинтересованы, пожалуйста, свяжитесь: @GeorgeTghome Tel: 579336631
📧 office.tghome@gmail.com
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Квартира в аренду
🗺 Адрес: Сабуртало, Датуашвили 7
💵Цена: 900$
⭕️комната: 2
⭕️Количество спален: 1
⭕️Ванная комната: 1
⭕️Квадратный метр: 58кв
🏨этаж: 6/13
Требуется оплата за первый и последний месяц
если вы заинтересованы, пожалуйста, свяжитесь: @GeorgeTghome Tel: 579336631
📧 office.tghome@gmail.com
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: v. chiqovanis street
⭕️Bedroom amount:1
⭕️Square meter:65
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: politkovsakya street
⭕️Bedroom amount:1
⭕️Square meter:40
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: yifshidzis street
⭕️Bedroom amount:3
⭕️Square meter:160
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: yazbegis av.
💵Price: 1500$
⭕️Bedroom amount:3
⭕️Square meter:170
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: wavwavadzis av.
⭕️Bedroom amount:2
⭕️Square meter:140
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: baxtrionis street 11
⭕️Bedroom amount:2
⭕️Square meter:125
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: tamarashvilis street
⭕️Bedroom amount:2
⭕️Square meter:70
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: tamarishvili street
💵Price: 1050$
⭕️Bedroom amount:2
⭕️Square meter:82
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: mindelis street 12
⭕️Bedroom amount:2
⭕️Square meter:60
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: aleqsadzis street
⭕️Bedroom amount:2
⭕️Square meter:96
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: saburtalo
⭕️Bedroom amount:2
⭕️Square meter:100
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: mndelis street 11
⭕️Bedroom amount:2
⭕️Square meter:65
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Квартира в аренду
🗺 Адрес: Сабуртало, Бахтриони 29
💵Цена: 1500$
⭕️комната: 5
⭕️Количество спален: 4
⭕️Ванная комната: 2
⭕️Квадратный метр: 137кв
🏨этаж: 3/9
Требуется оплата за первый и последний месяц
если вы заинтересованы, пожалуйста, свяжитесь: @GeorgeTghome Tel: 579336631
📧 office.tghome@gmail.com
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Квартира в аренду
🗺 Адрес: Сабуртало, Амашукели 23
💵Цена: 1100$
⭕️комната: 2
⭕️Количество спален: 1
⭕️Ванная комната: 1
⭕️Квадратный метр: 64кв
🏨этаж: 14/19
Требуется оплата за первый и последний месяц
если вы заинтересованы, пожалуйста, свяжитесь: @GeorgeTghome Tel: 579336631
📧 office.tghome@gmail.com
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: wyondidelis street
⭕️Bedroom amount:1
⭕️Square meter:45
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: cxvedadzis street
💵Price: 1500$
⭕️Bedroom amount:1
⭕️Square meter:70
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: lublianis street
⭕️Bedroom amount:3
⭕️Square meter:128
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: iashvilis street
⭕️Bedroom amount:4
⭕️Square meter:200
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: petre iberis street
💵Price: 800$
⭕️Bedroom amount:3
⭕️Square meter:100
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: wavwavadzis av.
⭕️Bedroom amount:2
⭕️Square meter:132
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: cincadzis street 22
⭕️Bedroom amount:2
⭕️Square meter:100
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: tatiashvilis street
⭕️Bedroom amount:2
⭕️Square meter:75
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: mickevichis street 25
⭕️Bedroom amount:2
⭕️Square meter:85
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: universitetis street
⭕️Bedroom amount:3
⭕️Square meter:187
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: tamarashvilis street 13
⭕️Bedroom amount:2
⭕️Square meter:122
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Apartament for Rent
🗺Address: tarxnishvilis street18
⭕️Bedroom amount:2
⭕️Square meter:100
First and last month payment is required
if you are interested please contract following contact: @ani_tghome Tel: 592133664
Instagram: tbilisi_rent_sell Facebook: Tghomerealestateagency Tiktok: tbilisiapartments
🏢Квартира в аренду
🗺 Адрес: isani - https://maps.app.goo.gl/azu9qdRGqFbeMZT68
💵Цена: 700$
⭕️Количество спален:1
⭕️Ванная комната:1
⭕️Квадратный метр 45
🏨этаж: 8 /12 min 6 mesacev
Требуется оплата за первый и последний месяц
если вы заинтересованы, пожалуйста, свяжитесь: @ApartmentTbilisi