📚 Ingliz tili kurslari 📈IELTS 7+ 📌 Юнусабадский район, улица Богишамол, 3-дом Tashkent 🌐 www.teachme.uz. Facebook ✅ facebook.com/teachmeuzb Instagram ✅ instagram.com/teachme_uz ⏰ Иш вакти : 08:00 - 21:00 📞 +99871 203 33 02
“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”
― Theodore Roosevelt
Examine knowledge📈
O'z ustingizda ingliz tilini o'rganish uchun qattiq mehnat qilib, bilimingizda qanday sinashni bilmayapsizmi?
Level(darajangizni) qandayligini topolmayapsizmi?🤷♂️🤷♀️
Bizning Teach Me o'quv markazimizda o'quvchilar bilimlarini takomillashtirish uchun, hamda ularning qayerda xato qilishlarini o'rganib aynan o'sha xatolar ustida ko'proq izlanishlari uchun har hafta "Mock day" tashkil etilmoqda. Har bir Mock dan so'ng markazimiz malakali o'qituvchilari tomonidan foydali maslahatlar ulashilmoqda🔥
Albatta, siz bizning o'quv markazimizda ingliz tilini mukammal darajada o'rganasiz, hamda biz orqali siz o'z bilimlaringizni imtihondan o'tkazib borish imkoniyatiga egasiz, unutmang biz faqatgina Cambridge Esol tasdiqlagan materiallardangina foydalanamiz bu esa sizning real-english materialdan foydalanayotganingizni tasdiqlaydi✅ 💣
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📚Top 5 books📚
Assalomu alaykum Teach Me o'quv markazining aziz o'quvchilari!
Bugun sizlarga o'quv markazimiz tomonidan ingliz tilini o'rganishda juda ham samarali deb topilgan 5 ta super-effective ingliz tili kitoblarini ulashmoqchimiz📖💣
•English Grammar in Use (Cambridge).
•Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (OALD).
•The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS.
•Vocabulary for IELTS Advanced. (Cambridge University Press).
•Cambridge IELTS (1-15).
Yuqoridagi 5ta kitob nafaqat O'zbekiston bo'ylab balki butun dunyoda ingliz tilini o'rganishda qo'llanadigan 5ta eng zarur ya'ni best-seller kitoblar hisoblanadi🎖🔥
Vaqtingizni behuda sarflamang zero, siz ushbu kitoblarni yaxshi o'zlashtirsangiz albatta sizda yuksak darajada o'sish kuzatiladi📈
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Speaking Club🗣
Assalomu Aleykum Teach Me o'quv markazimiz aziz ilm o'rganuvchilari.👨🎓
Haftaning har yakshanba kuni Teach Me o'quv markazimizda ,,Speaking club" ekanligidan xabaringiz bor va bu safargi Speaking Club har doimgisidan ko'ra hissiyotlarga boy o'tdi deya olamiz💥
Markazdagi "Speaking Club" ni o'quvchilarimiz bilan energetik o'tkazish maqsadida asli amerikalik, ingliz tili o'qituvchisi Harrison mehmon sifatida tashrif buyurdi. Uchrashuvimiz davomida o'quvchilarimiz Harrison bilan yaqindan suhbat qurishdi.🗣️
Native speaker bilan uchrashuv, barcha o'quvchilarimizga motivatsiya va master-klass vazifasini o'tadi.🔥🇺🇸
Speaking Club haqidagi fikrlaringizni izohlarda yozib qoldiring👇
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Assalomu aleykum Teach Me o'quv markazi aziz ilm o'rganuvchilari!
🗣Bugun sizlarga o'quv markazimiz kelajagi uchun kecha-yu kunduz tinim bilmay mehnat qilayotgan, o'z ustida ishlab bilimlarini mustahkamlayotgan va siz aziz o'quvchilarga ushbu bilimlarni ustalik bilan yetkazib berayotgan o'quv markazimiz o'qituvchilaridan biri Umidjon haqida ma'lumot bermoqchimiz.
Mr. Umidjon Foundation ya'ni boshlang'ich ta'limot bo'limidan o'quv markazimizda dars bermoqdalar. Ularning shaxsiy yutuqlaridam o'quv markazimiz faxrlanadi. Chunki IELTS imtihonidan 7.0 ball olganlar🔥
Agarda Foundation kurslarida sizga yordam zarur bo'lsa albatta biz bilan bog'laning va Mr.Umidjon sizga o'z bilimlarini o'rgatishga tayyor😊
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Bugun biz sizda "Disney"ning eng yaxshi 4 filmini taqdim etamiz.
1️⃣ "Into the woods" (2014).
2️⃣ "Beauty and the beast" (2017).
3️⃣ "Enchanted" (2007).
4️⃣ "Mary Poppins" (2018).
🎦 Yuqoridagi filmlar dunyo bo'yicha eng mashhur va eng ko'p ko'rilgan hisoblanadi. 🥇
Bu filmlar orqali siz o'zingizning so'z boyligingizni va dunyo qarashingizni o'zgartirishingiz mumkin.🤯
Teach Me o'quv markazi sizlarga ushbu filmlarni tomosha qilishni tavsiya etadi.🎬🎬
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Break the english🚀
Ingliz tilini o'zlashtirishda ko'plab muammolarga duch kelyapsizmi? Ularni qanday bartaraf etishni bilmayapsizmi?🤷♂🤷♀
Unda Teach Me sizga 0dan 6oyda ingliz tilida mukammal bo'lish imkonini beradi!🙂
O'quvchilar o'zlashtirish samaradorligini oshirish maqsadida hozirda biz yangicha ta'lim metodi ya'ni informatsion texnologiyalardan foydalanmoqdamiz💻
Qo'shimcha qilganda, o'quvchilarni dars davomida aktivligini saqlab qolish maqsadida dars jarayonida bir necha ko'ngilochar mashg'ulotlar uyushtirib ishtirkochilarga bir qator qulayliklar yaratilmoqda🔥
Biz bilan ingliz tilini tez va mukammal o'rganing, darslar haqidagi savollaringizni izohlarda yozib qoldiring!
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💥Teach Me Learning Centre💥
Endilikda siz bizning o'quv markazimizda nafaqat ingliz tilini o'rganibgina qolmay balki rus tili va mental arifmetika darslarini yangicha o'quv atmosferasida ya'ni informatsion texnologiyalar yordamida juda ham oson va tez o'ragnib olish imkoniyatiga egasiz.💻
Darslar o'z sohasining yetuk, kamida 5 yillik tajribaga ega bo'lgan professionallar tomonidan olib borilmoqda.🏅
Mashhurlar farzandlari bilan ta'lim olish-doim mashhurlikka tomon yetaklaydi. Bugungi kunda bizning o'quv markazimizda taniqli san'atkor, xalq artisti Anvar Sobirov farzandlari o'z bilimlarini mustahkamlamoqdalar.
Maqsadlaringiz shunchaki orzu bo'lib qolmasligini istamasangiz Teach Me bilan xorijiy tillarni o'rganing va o'z dunyoqarashangizni tamomila o'zgartiring!
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Teach me welcomes all of you to our interactive and interesting
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🚀 By choosing us, you can enjoy from our friendly atmosphere, take part in free speaking, movie and book clubs, mock exams and other kind of activities which are held on every Sunday and also use the help of academic support everyday.
😊 We will be happy from seeing you in our LC
🚩 Our address is Bogishamol street 3, Yunusabad, Tashkent
Secondary school bans students from using slang terms such as 'like' and 'bare'
Describe a bad weather experience you have had
• what sort of bad weather it was
• when it happened
• where you were when it happened
and explain how it affected you.
Well, I am from England, and in England, we love to talk about the weather! It changes all the time, and so it’s actually quite hard to think of one specific example of bad weather that I have experienced there. Even so, I can recall one particularly extraordinary day, when bad weather brought my city of Sheffield to a standstill. I am going to tell you what the weather was like, where I was when it happened and how it affected me I still shiver as I recall it.
The bad weather was snow. It does snow in parts of the United Kingdom every year, and where I live in Sheffield we do always get some snow in the winter months, especially on the higher ground. I quite like snow, it can be cold and a bit inconvenient if you get a heavy snowfall, as then public transport stops and everything grinds to a halt. However, it is also really beautiful how a snowfall can turn everything white. It is fun to build snowmen, make snow angel shapes in the newly fallen snow, to go sledging in the hills and even to have a sneaky snowball fight if you are brave enough to find someone to take on. So on the whole, I like snow, I enjoy the novelty of it, and as long as you are dressed appropriately (hat, gloves, scarf, waterproof trousers and thick winter coat) it isn’t too bad. The day I’m thinking of, though was rather different.
I woke up on a December morning about four years ago and the first thing I noticed was that it was really really quiet. It is hard to describe if you have never experienced it, but after a thick snowfall, everything sounds different. The sounds that you normally hear are changed by the muffling effect of the snow, but also there was no sound of traffic. The snow had fallen so deeply, that cars were stuck in driveways and buses in their depots, the only way to get about that day would be on foot. I was lucky because I only lived about two miles from work, so I could still get in. I pulled on my wellington boots, and waterproof clothes and headed off into town. I quickly discovered that this was not like any normal snowfall. The snow had fallen feet deep onto the ice, it was really treacherous even trying to walk in these conditions. Where I live in Sheffield, it is incredibly hilly. Snow ploughs had cleared the major roads, but this had exposed dangerous thick black ice underneath which was impossible to walk across. The combination of ice and steep slopes meant that I was sliding around everywhere and so was everyone else. Although at first, it was quite comical, watching people skidding about and falling over, after a while I started to be quite anxious, it was dangerous, you couldn’t even stand upright. I got to one road crossing at the top of a hill, and the road was so slippery the only way to get over it was to literally crawl across on my hands and knees. The other side of the road a complete stranger was lying down and reaching out to pull people across safely. It was so bizarre, I have never seen anything like it before or since. The roads were thick ice, but the pavements were piled high with drifts of snow up to three feet deep, I thought I’d never make it to the office that day let alone home again by nightfall.
My normal walk to work would have taken me perhaps 30 minutes, but on this day it took over three times that long as I had to negotiate the tricky roads and paths. When I got there, I found only a couple of other people had made it in as well. Most people had looked out of their windows and decided it was far too dangerous to attempt the journey. I think they were right! My manager had made it in, but he quickly decided it was silly to stay, we all still had to get home safely somehow, and it was still snowing outside.
Let's be optimistic 😊
— Keep your chin up
— Every cloud has a silver lining
— There's always light at the end of the tunnel
— When one door closes, another one opens
— Hang in there
— We will work it out
Don't forget to share with your friends 😉
🔥Speaking Club🗣
Ingliz tilida Speaking qobiliyatingizni oshirishni xohlaysizmi? Unda ushbu imkoniyat aynan siz uchun! 😉
🔥 Teach Me o'quv markazi ingliz tilini o'rganuvchilar uchun bir biridan qiziqarli va foydali bo'lgan eventlarni tashkillashtirishda davom etadi.
⚡️Kutib oling, bizda SPEAKING CONTEST'
'The most mysterious story' aytib kuchli uchtalikka kiring va markazimiz tomonidan beriladigan vaucherni qo'lga kiriting. 😎
Bellashuvni yanada qiziqroq o'tishini xohlasangiz do'stlaringizni ham taklif qiling. 🤓
🗓 26-sentabr, yakshanba
⏰ 11:00
📍 Teach Me LC
👥 Barcha ingliz tiliga qiziquvchilar uchun
🚀 Bu safargi 'Speaking CONTEST'imiz ham avvalgilari singari interaktiv suhbatlarga va qaynoq lahzalarga boy o'tishi kutilmoqda. Barcha ingliz tiliga qiziquvchilarni kutib qolamiz.
Biz bilan bog'lanish uchun:
☎️ (71)203-33-02
Telegram orqali murojaat qiling:
📩 @teachmeuzb
One of the best books for boosting your vocabulary.
It's the first step that costs.
Har bir ishning chamasi bor,
Har daryoning kemasi bor.
Труден только первый шаг.
Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.
Charles W. Eliot
🖇Most-used idioms🖇
Assalomu alaykum Teach Me o'quv markazi aziz o'quvchilari!
Albatta, ingliz tilidagi muloqotlarda sizning tabiiy nutqingiz ya'ni "natural speech" juda ham muhim va buning uchun keng miqyosda xizmat qiladigan so'zlar idiomalar hisoblanadi🗣
Shu sababli, markazimiz o'qituvchisi Mr.Umidjon sizga eng ko'p nutq jarayonida qo'llaniladigan idiomalarni taqdim etmoqchi💣
• A piece of cake-juda ham oson.
• As cheap as cheeps-juda arzon.
• Be down in the dumps-tushkunlikka tushmoq.
Bu idiomalarni siz kundalik hayotda bemalol qo'llashingiz mumkin va bu sizning tabiiy nutqingizni me'yorga solib turishga xizmat qiladi🔥
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Assalomu Alaykum Teach Me o'quv markazi aziz o'quvchilari!
🗣Biz markazimiz o'qituvchilarini tanishtirishda davom etamiz.
Bizning hard-working o'qituvchilarimiz biri Mr.Abdulqoyum💥
Mr.Abdulqoyum markazimizda Foundation,"Speaking Club" kurslarini olib borayotgan mehnatsevar o'qituvchilaridan biri hisoblanadi va ular IELTS imtihonidan 6.5 ball olganlar🔥
Agar Foundation kurslariga qiziqsangiz 🙋🏻♂️ va bu kurslarni mukammal darajada o'zlashtirishni istasangiz, albatta Mr.Abdulqoyum sizga o'z bilimlarini ulashishga yordam beradi📚
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Telegram orqali murojaat qilishingiz mumkin.📪
📚New Phrase📚
✏️Lucky You -it is showing your emotions and this the way of congratulating the person.
✏️Lucky You- bu so'z birikmasa ingliz tilida hissiyotlaringizni ko'rsatish ya'ni biror bir insonni tabriklashda ishlatiladi.
Harakatdan hech ham to'xtab qolmang zero ingliz tilini biz bilan oson o'rganing😉
Fikrlaringizni izohlarda yozib qoldiring👇
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💥Teach Me Learning Centre💥
Teach Me o'quv markazi mijozlariga katta e'tibor qaratilganligi tufayli hozirgi kunda o'z o'quvchilariga 3ta :
1-Ingliz tili
2-Rus tili
3-Mental arifmetika kurslaridan malakali kadr bo'lish imkoni yaratib bermoqda.🔥
Siz bizning o'quv markazimida chet tillarini va mental arifmetika darslarini oson va tez o'rganib olishingiz uchun informatsion texnologiyalardan foydalanish imkoniyatiga egasiz. Bu sizning o'quv markazimiz darslarini o'zlashtirishingizni osonlashtiradi.💻🖥
Eslatib o'tamiz, darslar o'z sohasining mutaxasis, kamida 5 yillik tajribaga ega bo'lgan o'qituvchilar tomonidan, rus va ingliz tillarida olib borilmoqda .🏅🎖
Maqsadlaringizni amalda bajarishni xohlasangiz Teach Me yordamida xorijiy tillarni va mental arifmetika darslarini o'rganing va o'z dunyoqarashangizni tamomila o'zgartiring!🧨
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📌 🗣
Ingliz tilida o'z ona tilingiz kabi ravon gapirishni xohlaysizmi? Ingliz tilidagi muloqotlarda qiynalyapsizmi?🙁
Hech ham kayfiyatingizni tushurmang, TEACH ME o'quv markazi sizning bu muammolaringizni bartaraf etishdan juda ham mamnun!😊
Ingliz tilida mukammal gapirishga erishish uchun nega aynan bizni tanlashingiz kerak?🤔
-Har hafta shanba kuni 'Speaking Club' tashkil etiladi.🗣
-Darslarni malakali ustozlar olib borishadi🧑🏫👨🏫.
-Darsda qatnashuvchi o'quvchilar soni cheklanganligi sababli sizga muloqot erkinligini va o'rganish samaradorligini oshirishga yordam beradi.🔥
-Dars sòngida ustozlar tomonidan shaxsiy maslahatlar beriladi.⭐️
Vaqtingizni behuda sarflamang.Zero, ilm olish siz-u biz uchun farzdir. Teach Me bilan ingliz tilida ravon gapiring☺️😉.
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Telegram orqali murojaat📩
📚Phrase time📚
✏️Take care-it is another way to say good bye which means take care of yourself and also stay healthy.
✏️Take care-bu xayrlashishning boshqa bir usuli ya'ni sog' bo'ling degan ma'no anglatadi.
Harakatdan hech ham to'xtamang, ingliz tilini biz bilan samarali va tez o'rganing😉.
O'quv markaz haqidagi savollaringizni izohlarda yozib qoldiring👇
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Telegram orqali murojaat qilshingiz mumkin📩;
🔥 Speaking Club🗣
Ingliz tilida Speaking qobiliyatingizni oshirishni xohlaysizmi? Unda ushbu imkoniyat aynan siz uchun! 😉
🔥 Teach Me o'quv markazi ingliz tilini o'rganuvchilar uchun bir biridan qiziqarli va foydali bo'lgan eventlarni tashkillashtirishda davom etadi.
⚡️Bu galgi 'SPEAKING CLUB' mavzusi 'Unusual Guinness Book Records'
ya'ni 'Ginnes rekordlar kitobining g'ayrioddiy rekordlari'
Eng qiziqarli uchta speech qilganlar markazimiz tomonidan beriladigan vaucherni qo'lga kiritadi. 😎
'Speaking club'ni yanada qiziqroq o'tishini xohlasangiz do'stlaringizni ham taklif qiling. 🤓
🗓 10-oktabr, yakshanba
⏰ 11:00
📍 Teach Me LC
👥 Barcha ingliz tiliga qiziquvchilar uchun
🚀 Bu safargi 'Speaking CLUB'imiz ham avvalgilari singari interaktiv suhbatlarga va qaynoq lahzalarga boy bo'ladi. Barcha ingliz tiliga qiziquvchilarni kutib qolamiz.
Biz bilan bog'lanish uchun:
☎️ (71)203-33-02
Telegram orqali murojaat qiling:
📩 @teachme_uzb
Soch turmaklarni ingliz tilida qanaqa qilib aytishni bilasizmi? 😉
I was working at a university at the time, and for the first time in its history it was declared closed, it was ridiculous to expect staff and students to make the trek in – I should have stayed in bed! We stayed at work long enough to phone people to cancel appointments and confirm we were shut, and then I had the same long trek home in the snow again. I was exhausted by the time I got back.
It was quite an experience, it made me appreciate how much we should respect the elements. I felt safe at first because it was an urban environment, and usually, we don’t get much disruption due to bad weather there, but really the snow and ice made it unnavigable for the next few days. I suppose in countries where they always get a lot of snow and ice they are better prepared for it when it comes. We were certainly taken by surprise. That was my most memorable bad weather adventure. It was fun in a way, but I wouldn’t welcome that every year, plus it was freezing. It’s hard to keep smiling when you are so cold!I still love the snow – but I respect it a lot more than I used to.
Describe a project or a piece of work you did together with someone
• what it was
• what you have done
• why you have chosen this person(s) to work withand explain what you did to finish the project.
Currently, I am a student at a university and we have to do group assignments and presentations. I would like to tell you about the group assignment that I have done with one of my friends from the University.
Last semester we had a course on Company Law and one of the assessments for this course was an assignment. We have a case law and we needed to prepare an ILAC (Issue, Law, Application and Conclusion) for this case.
When we have to do a group work, usually, I start the initial part and take necessary initiatives. I try to prepare a draft that we might read, check and change later to make it more appropriate. when I complete this revision, we start our work. Also, at the same time, my teammates prepare their drafts in order to have some information to compare.
The project I am talking about was a university project on ILAC and I worked on it with the collaboration of another student of my class. His name was Michael. He and I come from the same city and study in the same university. I chose this person because he also studies very well at the university and was quite cooperative. Both of us are doing the same degree and the same majors (accounting and finance). I believe that it is important to have cooperative and active team members in a group project or assignment. People with the same goals and mindsets can work smoothly together and can perform better. Additionally, I respect this person and value him as a good friend and good student. One of the most important aspects, why I worked with this particular student, was that he was very supportive, intelligent, reliable.
We had to prepare for the project from the very beginning. Both Michael and I prepared our drafts and to-do list to set our goal. Afterwards, we had to read a lot of reference books and case studies to finish our projects. A lot of discussions, debates, and coffee were needed to finish our assignment. We were very glad to be awarded the grade ‘A’ for our assignment.
Watch "Americans Try To Label A Map of Europe!!" on YouTube
The beginning of learning is silence, then listening, then studying, then following, then spreading it.
© Imam Gazzoli