DEEP taken quite a hit too .. I'm building bags of both DEEP and NS
Читать полностью…NS has been hit very hard with the market dumps, so DYOR, but for awareness it is going deflationary.
Читать полностью…No worries man. There isn't even a token to buy, like I said. Keep your money.
Читать полностью…Interesting take and perspective! I'm kind of surprised to hear you say that stuff about a fresh start. I think it would be better for the long-term holders of AFD and AFP to somehow receive some value in the new system.
One of the main goals with AF was to incentivize DRIP/BUSD liquidity. V3 was still very new at that point. Most liquidity was still v2 and so AF made sense at the time. Rewarding DRIP/BUSD LP deposits with PIGS was not great. DRIP was highly inflationary and thus it dragged heavily on PIGS. With AFv2 DRIP/BUSD continued to drag on the project, only now it was AFD. Also, the deposit/withdraw fees for LP tokens and single assets wasn't enough consistent revenue to really feed the Pig Pen well. The final nail in the coffin was when Pancakeswap essentially made v2 obsolete.
Giving funds to the dev is not how DeFi works. That's not how any protocol that Forex ever launched worked. In the case of Drip, YOU bought tokens and you sent those tokens to a smart contract. Then the smart contract would give you more tokens than you had put in, over time.
In the case of Animal Farm, again, YOU bought tokens and sent them to different smart contracts that paid you BUSD and BNB and AFD/BNB LP tokens. You could also deposit v2 LP tokens from liquidity you had deposited on Pancakeswap, and earn free AFD tokens.
At no point did anyone "send funds to Forex". Not ever.
The new project will be essentially a lot like Animal Farm in that you'll be able to deposit capital into liquidity pools and have the ranges managed for you. There will also be different kinds of lending and borrowing opportunities, as well as derivatives strategies where you can reduce IL risk. And once again, sending funds to Forex will not be required. There will also be no tokens to buy.
I hear you man. Holders of AFD and AFP getting literally zero value in the new project directly contradicts what he said numerous times when talking about Blackcube Finance, SEAT and CUBE tokens.
Читать полностью…fwiw and as an AFP and AFD holder (albeit not muh these days) I actually think a fresh start is probably, unfortunately, the right, and most likely the only workable approach (not that it'll do him any good).
In any investment, we are responsible for our own actions. Forex bears some responsibility (particularly in the way he communicates) but you can argue that he created something he thought would be successful but ultimately failed (again) for reasons we don't need to revisit yet again.. it was entirely up to us whether we decided to invest in Forex, his platform and his vision. Most will have done so blindly.
Personally I think defi has moved on significantly - and had already started to do so when AF finally arrived. I don't think Forex has anything like the capability required to deliver a platform that will turn heads let alone be successful. The usual crowd will follow him about.. some parasites, some dreamers, some unsuspecting noobs..
I don't think the forums will be a problem for him though - his generals will swiftly ban any detractors and the usual insults and shaming will fly around for those 'stupid' enough to ask questions..
He always (and also just recently) refers to himself as a man of his word. If he is that indeed he should reward long term holders of his tokens just like he always said he would do. So please hold him accountable on that Brandon 🙌🏻 it also would be a great kick start as he might get some loyality back - some which his community has proven to being able to commit.
But my gut tells me Forex will let us down as he might fear using AFD/AFP/DRIP as a presale token would show the terrible charts of his old projects to new investors. Also I think he is too arrogant to recognize how many people‘s life he has destroyed with his empty promisings. So I think he fu**ed up big time - every post on the site of his new project will be filled with haters calling him a scammer. And, as it stands right now, rightfully so. There is no return on that - maybe the only possibility for some kind of peace with his old investors base would be a presale token.
I actually sold all my remaining AFP and about a third of my AFD. I'm still holding on to a small AFD position. I will attempt to persuade Forex to somehow deliver some amount of value to those of us who held these tokens based on what he previously had planned and had stated numerous times
Читать полностью…My objection to your post has nothing to do with our difference of opinion. It's the tone and the language. Unwelcome advice ("you got to") and name calling ("this clown"). I prefer those kinds of things be absent from this chat.
Читать полностью…he's got "a lot better at programming and been pushing weights".. THAT'S IT THEN - I'M IN!!! 🤣 😭
Читать полностью…kinda too late for most of us who have or are going to sell shortly just to recover what little is left. It would actually be even more infuriating, if that's even possible
Читать полностью…
Читать полностью…I think a fresh start is best for the reasons you go on to state in your second paragraph. It would be better for investors in AFP/AFD to receive value for sure.. but better for a project long term? history suggests not.
I agree with everything you say about why AF failed although they are just the tokenomics/financials.. there are myriad other reasons. It is mind blowing to me that Forex could blame v2 obsolescence for AF's failure in any way.. that's just called progess and it isn't slowing down - there was ample time to adapt but he was totally distracted, presumably by the inevitable failure of AF.
Forex correctly pointed out in his post that he needs to stop playing games with tokenomics.. it is worrying that he ever _really_ thought that could work tbh.. he was a pioneer in many ways but tech is brutal and defi is up there with AI in that cohort... he is now well and truly out of his depth. imho of course.
Fortunately there are now countless other opportunities in defi so good luck to him and his tribe.
I know that and I think you know exactly what I meant. But it’s his project so his next project will get no money of mine. It will fail just like Animal Farm.
Читать полностью…Basically the new project will make providing concentrated liquidity a heck of a lot easier, less risky, and more profitable. But feel free to stay away from it. There are plenty of opportunities to DIY liquidity provisioning.
Читать полностью…I will do my best to advocate for a different plan.
Читать полностью…To me it is simply breathtaking that Forex prides himself on not saying anything for over a year until he had something to announce yet is seemingly oblivious to the people who have faithfully held AFP and AFD (yes I know that we could have sold "whenever we liked"). The point is that Forex repeatedly hammered home the value of holding onto AFP and AFD (that's how the rich retain their wealth, not by selling their assets, but using them to generate income... remember ?). Having said that AFP and AFD will be converted to tokens in Black Cube Finance, it is simply criminal not to say the situation has changed, for over a year. When his hand is forced by his Telegram channel expiring, he gives hints of what he has been up to and just seems to shrug his shoulders when asked about AFP and AFD and says obviously we can't do anything with them. The only way of retaining any credibility is by giving those AFD and AFP holders something in the new project. BarterTown's only advice has been to suggest selling and realising any profits, when most people are way way down. He obviously knew what was going on with AFP and AFD , but could obviously not say that directly...I wonder why...out of 'loyalty' to Forex, forgetting any loyalty to the people who have bought coins, trusted Forex and believed in the projects for the long-term ? Sure people will have made lots of money, by buying AFP and AFD and selling relatively quickly, by not going for time deposits in the Piggy Bank, by 'playing the system' with AFD... they no doubt will be saying how it's time to move on, how Forex owes nobody nuffin and anybody disputing anything that the "Great Leader" has done will no doubt be banned.
Читать полностью…He won’t get another dime from me. Can’t believe anyone will be stupid enough to give him funds again but I’m sure they will hand it over. Then all the little guys will get 💩 on.
Читать полностью…Just in time for some stakes I had that expired on Feb 11th
Читать полностью…With respect to Forex and what the future may hold, we obviously differ. Which is fine, of course. As far as me having a "blind spot", my beliefs are not being expressed with a large amount of capital. My remaining AF token holdings amount to less than 0.3% of my overall portfolio.
Читать полностью…ok man.. I have a lot of respect for your advice, input etc - just think you have a blind spot with the guy.. have to agree to disagree on that one..
my gut tells me there's nothing coming from that direction any time soon anyway..
Not a very helpful post here MC. It's my money and I can invest it however I like. Also, please refrain from name calling. Let's try to keep the content in this chat helpful.
Читать полностью…Agree tokenomically they seemed sustainable minor inflation.
Nothing compared to the like of aero which has wild inflation on base.
The v3 AFD tokenomics were banging too.
Wonder if he would give/sell to another team. Would he listen to offers 🤔