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Спикеры пятого дня 🔤🔤🔤 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣2️⃣

Последний день 6-й Глобальной Недели Предпринимательства, в том числе церемония закрытия GEW 2022 пройдет в коворкинг центре GroundZero Minor.

Дата: 16 декабря 2022 года, с 10:00 по 16:00
Место проведения:
Коворкинг центр GroundZero Minor.

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Second day of the 6th Global Entrepreneurship Week in Uzbekistan

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A meeting was held between the leadership of TEAM University and the Rector of the University of Journalism and Mass Communications of Uzbekistan Sherzodkhon Kudratkhoja.

TEAM University successfully cooperates with the University of Journalism and Mass Communications of Uzbekistan within the framework of the 6th Global Entrepreneurship Week, which is currently taking place in Uzbekistan.

In particular, the University of Journalism and Mass Communications of Uzbekistan is the organizer of the 2nd day of the Week, during which a panel discussion was held on the topic "Modern travel journalism in Uzbekistan".

The parties exchanged experience and agreed to develop mutually beneficial cooperation in the future.


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TEAM University

Highlights from the first day of the 6th Global Entrepreneurship Week in Uzbekistan ⚡️

🔸The ribbon-cutting ceremony has already become a tradition for the first day of GEW in Uzbekistan. The opening was attended by many special guests, including Nusratilla Zikrillaev (Deputy Minister of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan), HE Zehavit Ben-Hillel (Ambassador of Israel to Uzbekistan), Hikmat Abdurahmanov (GEN Uzbekistan Сountry Director), as well as Prof. Erdogan Ekiz (Dean, TEAM University) and Abdurasul Yusupov (CEO, TEAM University).

🔸Following the opening ceremony, Bobur Rakhimov (Advisor to the Minister of Innovation Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan) made a presentation on the topic "Digital innovations in the sphere of tourism and cultural heritage: practical aspects".

🔸In the afternoon, a panel discussion was held on the topic: "Current trends and perspectives in the sphere of tourism and hospitality management in Uzbekistan: the viewpoint of the government, business community and investors". Speakers were: Timur Mirzayev (Adviser to the Minister of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan), Frank Ludwig (Adviser for Tourism Development of Association of private tourism agencies of Uzbekistan), Alexander Petrov (Head of Land Planning and Development, Commonwealth Partnership (previously Cushman & Wakefield). The session was moderated by Sardor Mukhamedaliev (Entrepreneur and Founder of Biz Network).

Stay tuned! ⭐️

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TEAM University

📣 Церемония открытия 6-Глобальной Недели Предпринимательства состоится 12 декабря 2022 года!

Традиционно, неделя предпринимательства начинается с церемонии разрезания ленты почётными гостями с разных стран со всего мира.

В этом году, основной темой недели является: «Предпринимательство в сфере туризма и гостеприимства»

🗣 По окончании церемонии открытия GEW 2022, приглашенные спикеры выступят на сессиях со своими темами.

Программа дня:
• 9:00-10:00 - Регистрация гостей
• 10:00-12:00 - Церемония открытия недели
• 14:00-17:00 - Панельная дискуссия: Предпринимательство и индустрия туризма и гостеприимства в Узбекистане

👉 Ссылка на регистрацию на GEW 2022:

📍Место проведения: TEAM University (локация)


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TEAM University

🇺🇿 Dear fellow Citizens! We sincerely congratulate you on the national holiday - Constitution Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The Constitution of our country has become a solid foundation for the confident development of a sovereign nation. After years, we can declare, the independence of our Republic, traditional values and rights of the citizens were strengthened.

This day reminds us like no other of our civic rights and duties, observing which we will lead our society towards a prosperous future ✨

We wish you all the best! 🎉


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TEAM University

Mr. Azamat Nurmatov, Course Leader at TEAM University participated on Congresses in Kazan and in Aksaray-Cappadocia!

Mr. Azamat Nurmatov participated on the 8th International EMI Entrepreneurship and Social Sciences Congress, which was held on November 17-19 in Aksaray-Cappadocia, Turkey. EMI Congress contributed to the development of academic, social and cultural capital. 8th EMI Congress was organized in cooperation with TEAM University.

Eventually, on November 20-23 OIC Youth Scientific Congress took place in Kazan, which was attended by more than 14000 participants, as well as by scientists and experts from Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Morocco, Nigeria, Tunisia, Uzbekistan etc.

We are extremely proud to announce that at both congresses, Mr. Azamat Nurmatov received the Best Academic Paper Award 👏


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Guest Lecture about Deloitte's Digital Transformation Journey for TEAM Students 🤩

Erkin Ayupov
- Partner and Head of the Deloitte Uzbekistan, US certified public accountant (US CPA) and qualified auditor of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, will tell us about Deloitte’s successful digital transformation journey in Uzbekistan 🇺🇿

✔️ Deloitte (one of the Big 4 Firms) is a leading global provider of audit and assurance, consulting, financial advisory, risk advisory, tax, and related services🌎

📆 Date and Time:
Monday, December 5, 2022
9:30 AM to 11:00 AM
🧭 Location:
PC Lab, Ground Floor, TEAM University Campus


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iTalk within the framework of 16 days of activism against gender-based violence was implemented by IDEA Central Asia and the regional program of the "Луч Света" initiative for the countries of Central Asia.
iTalk is a public speaking platform for young people inspired by ideas. Speakers from various fields share their experiences and their stories with viewers during a nine-minute presentation.

This time the topics of education and increasing the economic opportunities of girls in Uzbekistan were touched upon, the speakers were:
- Ulziisuren Jamsran, Head of UN Women Regional Office in Central Asia
- Nazira Mukhitdinova, Head of IT Park in Jizzakh
- Saida Rashidova, writer
- Teenova - Aigerim Sagynbaeva, Aisuluu Tokmanbetova, Zhanaim Sagynbaeva: Social entrepreneurship for teenagers as a tool to reveal their creativity and self-confidence: stories of girls
as well as Alla Rumyantseva and Davletova Nazima.


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An unforgettable trip to the ancient city of Samarkand!🤗🏛

The wonders of ancient architecture, fascinating excursions, friendly atmosphere and good mood are the ingredients of an amazing trip 🧳🧭


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📣 Open Doors Day at TEAM University

If you are interested in our Pre-Foundation Course and want to become a student without exams, as well as feel the atmosphere at TEAM, we invite you to the Open Doors Day!

During the session you will be able to learn more about Pre-Foundation Course, meet teachers and see the facilities of the University 🤩

📆 Date: December 2, 15:00

🧭 Venue: TEAM University Campus (location)

Please register for the event via this link 👉

❗️Seats are limited!

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📣6th Global Entrepreneurship Week in Uzbekistan!

🔸GEW 2022 will take place from 12 to 16 December 2022

📌 For this year, "Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality Industries" was chosen as the main theme of GEW. Tourism and hospitality industries play crucial role in any country's economies. To this end, Uzbek government’s active involvement and support, especially with reforms to incentivize the entrepreneurs to startup their own business in tourism and hospitality industries, is very significant.

🤝Partners: the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Youth Affairs Agency, GroundZero Coworking. Academic Partners: TEAM University, "Silk Road" International University of Tourism, Ege University, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Tashkent State Transport University, International Digital University, Tashkent State University of Economics.

📅 The opening of GEW 2022 will take place at TEAM University, which is a great honor for us! Sessions with many speakers will be held throughout the week at various locations in Tashkent and Samarkand.

🔰 The following subjects were added to the weekly schedule:

🗓 For Monday - Opening ceremony;
🗓 For Tuesday - F&B and Entrepreneurship;
🗓 For Wednesday - Travel/Transportation;
🗓 For Thursday - Tourism and Entrepreneurship;
🗓 For Friday - Event, Entertainment and Entrepreneurship.

🔍 Detailed agenda will be posted soon…

Let's start the week of entrepreneurship!

#gewuzbekistan #TEAM

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TEAM University

📣🤩 Unique opportunity only for TEAM Students to participate in Industry Visit to “Safia” factory.

♻️ It is a great chance to see “Safia” from the inside. Only 7 years have passed since the opening of the Safia brand, and in this short period of time more than 50 branches have already been opened in the city, including 3 of the largest confectionery houses in: Andijan, Fergana and in Kazakhstan. And the number of employees exceeds 2,000 people - professionals in their field.

⚠️Seats are very limited (15 people)

Time: departure at 9:00 a.m. from TEAM Campus.
⌛️Duration: 1 hour
🗓Date: November, 15
🚖 Available transfer
📍Venue: Foziltepa, 256

✅Link for registration:

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#live #gew2022

Ayni damda Samarqand shahridagi “Silk Road” xalqaro turizm va madaniy meros universitetida “GEW-2022” VI Global tadbirkorlik haftaligi bo‘lib o‘tmoqda.

Tadbirda turizm sohasida xalqaro tadbirkorlikni rivojlantirish, soha muammolarini hal etish va turizm obyektlari faoliyatini yaxshilash masalalari muhokama qilinmoqda. Ma’ruzachilar “Silk Road” xalqaro universiteti prorektorlari va TEAM universiteti vakillaridir.


В настоящее время в Международном университете туризма и культурного наследия "Шёлковый путь" в Самарканде проходит 6-я глобальная неделя предпринимательства “GEW-2022”.

На мероприятии обсуждается развитие международного предпринимательства в туризме, решение проблем отрасли и улучшение функционирования объектов туризма. Спикерами выступают проректоры университета "Шёлковый путь" и представители Университета TEAM.

Rasmiy sahifalarimizni kuzatib boring:

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TEAM University

Университет TEAM рассказал о преимуществах подготовительного курса Pre-Foundation

При условии успешного завершения подготовительного курса слушатели будут гарантированно зачислены на программы бакалавриата без сдачи экзаменов (на правах рекламы).

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#GEW2022 @GENUzbekistan

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Очередной экзамен для поступления на подготовительный курс Pre-Foundation 📣

Регистрация на экзамен для поступления на курс Pre-Foundation является частью процесса подачи документов и доступна по этой ссылке:
Сперва, вам необходимо заполнить аппликационную форму, а затем выбрать опцию "TEAM English Entry Exam" в шаге "Supporting Documents" и дату экзамена (19 декабря).

📆 Дата экзамена: 19 декабря 2022
⏰ Время: 15:00
⏳ Длительность: 2 часа
💰 Стоимость: 150 000 сум (Оплату можно произвести в Кампусе TEAM University или через мобильное приложение Payme)
🧭 Место проведения: Кампус TEAM University (локация)

‼️ Экзамен состоит из 3-х компонентов, среди которых секции Reading, Writing и Use of English. Минимальный проходной балл - 40%.

*Регистрация на экзамен открыта до 17 декабря 2022 года.

👉 Задайте свои вопросы на нашем канале
☎️ Для связи: +998 71 200 20 60

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TEAM University

TEAM University's management had a great meeting with His Excellency Aziz Abdukhakimov, Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan 🇺🇿

During the meeting, the roadmap of collaboration with the Ministry, Public Higher Education Institutions and TEAM University has been discussed 🤝

We will have major updates soon, keep following us!


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Winter has come❄️

Here are the tips for cold weather:

🧣 Keep warm by wearing appropriate clothing and wear shoes with a good grip to avoid slips
🍱 Make sure you have enough food and drink in the house
💊 Make sure you have enough medication in case you won’t be able to leave the house
🚗 If you must drive, ensure your vehicle is in good working order
⏳ Be prepared for delays on the road.


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We are ready for the holidays!🎄 Very soon... 🎆


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TEAM University was a gold sponsor on a foundation event for women and children on 26 November at International Hotel Tashkent.

Thanks to The British school of Tashkent for organizing the event🙌

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​​Дорогие студенты ТЕАМ University, мы рады сообщить, что первый iTalk в рамках 16 дней активизма против гендерного насилия стартует в Узбекистане уже в понедельник! 💥 iTalk — это площадка в формате публичных выступлений для молодых людей, вдохновленных идеями. Спикерыки из различных сфер в течение девятиминутной презентации делятся опытом и своей историей со зрителяминицами.

На этот раз мы затронем темы образования и повышения экономических возможностей девушек в Узбекистане.

10:00 - 11:15 На одной площадке выступят:
- Ulziisuren Jamsran, руководительница Регионального офиса UN Women в Центральной Азии
- Назира Мухитдинова, руководительница IT Park в Джизак
- Саида Рашидова, писательница
- Teenova - Айгерим Сагынбаева, Айсулуу Токманбетова, Жанайм Сагынбаева: Социальное предпринимательство для подростков как инструмент раскрытия своего творчества и уверенности в себе: истории девушек
а также, Алла Румянцева и Давлетова Назима.
11:15- 11:30 Кофе-брейк
11:30-12:45 Создание Арт Паззла

Мы создадим пазл солидарности и сестринства с девушками из стран Центральной Азии. В качестве интерактива участницы iTalk смогут оставить свои послания девушкам Центральной Азии в виде рисунков в стиле Doodle. Для каждой из стран предусмотрено заполнить до 10-15 пазлов. На обратной стороне Арт-пазла постепенно, по мере его перемещения будет собираться полная картина, отражающая ценность сестринства девушек Центральной Азии и разнообразие региона и его единство.

Когда картина-пазл будет полностью собрана, как только пройдет 3 страны, она станет экспонатом для дальнейших мероприятий IDEA Центральная Азия, а также показана в социальных сетях 💜

Дата проведения: 28 ноября 2022|10:00-13:00
Место проведения: Main Hall, TEAM University, Ташкент, Узбекистан
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Экзамен для поступления на подготовительный курс Pre-Foundation 📣

Регистрация на экзамен для поступления на курс Pre-Foundation является частью процесса подачи документов и доступна по этой ссылке:
Сперва, вам необходимо заполнить аппликационную форму, а затем выбрать опцию "TEAM English Entry Exam" в шаге "Supporting Documents" и дату экзамена (5 декабря).

📆 Дата экзамена: 5 декабря 2022
⏰ Время экзамена: 15:00
⏳ Длительность экзамена: 2 часа
💰 Стоимость: 150 000 сум (Оплату можно произвести в Кампусе TEAM University или через мобильное приложение Payme)
🧭 Место проведения: Кампус TEAM University (локация)

‼️ Экзамен состоит из 3-х компонентов, среди которых секции Reading, Writing и Use of English. Минимальный проходной балл - 40%.

*Регистрация на экзамен открыта до 3 декабря 2022 года.

👉 Задайте свои вопросы на нашем канале
☎️ Для связи: +998 71 200 20 60

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Open Doors Day at TEAM Campus

We share with you the best moments of the visit of pupils from the “Leader” School to our Campus! We were happy to show them our University, as well as tell about the Pre-Foundation preparatory course. The quiz as well as the TEAM Campus Tour made this visit even more interesting ☺️


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Industry Visit to Safia 🍰🏭

It was a great chance for TEAM Students to see “Safia” from the inside. To study how one of the largest confectionery factories operates in Uzbekistan is an unforgettable experience for future successful entrepreneurs and experts 🤩

📁Only 7 years have passed since the opening of the Safia brand, and in this short period of time more than 50 branches have already been opened in Tashkent, including 3 of the largest confectionery houses in: Andijan, Fergana and in Kazakhstan. And the number of employees exceeds 2,000 people - professionals in their field.


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4️⃣ причины выбрать подготовительный курс Pre-Foundation в TEAM University!

В этом видео, Вы узнаете больше о подготовительном курсе Pre-Foundation, после успешного завершения которого гарантировано автоматическое поступление на Бакалавриат в TEAM University без экзаменов!

Требования для поступления

Приём заявок открыт! Регистрируйтесь по ссылке 👈


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Highlights from the Visit of LSBU Delegation to TEAM University (Part 3): Signing a Partnership Certificate

The certificate is aimed to strengthen existing collaboration between LSBU and TEAM. Signed by Professor Stuart Bannerman (Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor International, LSBU) and Professor Erdogan Ekiz (Dean of Faculty, TEAM University)

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