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TEAM University

Highlights from yesterday’s Navruz Party at TEAM University 🥳🌸

Sumalak, dancing, fairs, the coolest vibe, games, competitions, plov and much more - it was unforgettable!

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TEAM University

TEAM University held the Navruz Cup 2023 in table tennis and chess! 🏓♟️

TEAM students, academic staff of the University, members of the Table Tennis Federation of Uzbekistan as well as students of the Academic Lyceum under Tashkent State Dental Institute were invited to participate in the competition.

We are very proud that TEAM students became the finalists of the table tennis contest! 👏


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TEAM University

День открытых дверей в честь праздника Навруз в Университете TEAM!

абитуриенты и родители! Мы приглашаем вас на мероприятие, посвящённое прекрасному празднику весны - Навруз 🌸

Вас ждёт:
• Весёлая и теплая атмосфера праздника
• Фирменный сумаляк и плов от TEAM 😎
• Встреча с академическим персоналом и студентами
• Игры и призы
• Экскурсия по кампусу

Дата: 16 марта, начало в 10:00
Место проведения:
Кампус TEAM University (локация)

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❗️Количество мест ограничено!

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TEAM University

С праздником вас, милые дамы ❤️🌷

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TEAM University

University Fair 2023 at Inter Nation English School ⭐️🎓

One of the most important choices in life is the choice of the University! We participated in the second University Fair, which was held at Inter Nation English School.

We were very glad to see you all ❤️

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TEAM University

4 причины выбрать TEAM University!

1️⃣ Международный диплом от London South Bank University, который входит в ТОП-600 университетов мира согласно рейтингу Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023.

2️⃣ Стажировки уже с первого года обучения доступны для студентов нашего Университета. Более 15 топ компаний Узбекистана предлагают программы стажировок для наших студентов.

3️⃣ Университет поощряет талантливых студентов и абитуриентов, предоставляя им гранты до 100%-го покрытия расходов на обучение в TEAM.

4️⃣ Нетворкинг и встречи с лучшими предпринимателями и экспертами. TEAM на постоянной основе организует бизнес-завтраки, гостевые лекции и мероприятия для получения опыта и знаний из первых уст.

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TEAM University

Беседа на равных. Интервью с преподавателем TEAM 🎤

Гостьей нашей первой рубрики "Беседа на равных" стала Елена Музафарова, преподаватель по предмету "Нормативный контекст для предпринимателей" в TEAM University. Мы задали Елене несколько интересных вопросов о преподавании и студентах нашего Университета.

Приятного просмотра!

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TEAM University

What would you choose? 🏀🏓♟

Directed and filmed by TEAM Students

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TEAM University

Attention! Technical issues with the TEAM website ⚙️

Dear applicants, students and parents. Our main website is currently experiencing technical issues. Please wait while our IT Specialists fix these problems.

Please note that the application submission system is working properly!

We apologize for the inconvenience caused and we appreciate your patience.

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TEAM University

Industry visit and to DODO PIZZA Tashkent 🍕

Students of TEAM University visited one of the leading pizza makers DODO PIZZA in Tashkent as part of a case study on the “International Business Strategies” module at Level 5 📚

DODO PIZZA is an international franchise. This new practice-oriented approach to learning allows not only to study the international company's case from the inside, but also send the students' results to the company's management, which then provides feedback on the results previously received from TEAM students.

🎬 Directed and filmed by TEAM students.


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TEAM University

Университет ТЕАМ и 4Retail Business School (образовательное направление международной компании «myRetailStrategy») подписали cоглашение о сотрудничестве в целях повышения профессиональной квалификации специалистов сферы ритейла Узбекистана.

Во время беседы CEO Университета ТЕАМ Абдурасул Юсупов и руководитель 4Retail Business School Александр Шубин обсудили текущий статус и перспективы развития сотрудничества. В прошлом году Университет TEAM уже успешно сотрудничал с 4Retail Business School и myRetailStrategy во время организации международной конференции «RETAIL DAYS UZBEKISTAN», где TEAM выступил академическим партнером.

Подписанное соглашение откроет доступ для жителей Узбекистана к современной платформе обучения и самым актуальным знаниям в области розничной торговли. Курсы основаны на многолетнем опыте их авторов и будут проводиться в Узбекистане впервые. Занятия будут проходить в гибридном формате: онлайн и в классической очной форме.

Ближайший курс «Retail 4.0: Цифровая трансформация бизнес-модели розничной компании» запланирован к проведению уже в апреле 2023 года.

После завершения переговоров Александр Шубин подарил свою авторскую книгу «Бизнес-модели розничных компаний: как конкурировать с гигантами» в библиотечный фонд Университета.

#ExecutiveEducation #DareToBeFirst

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TEAM University

Университет TEAM объявил о начале приёма документов на 2023−2024 учебный год. Подать документы можно онлайн на сайте университета (на правах рекламы).

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TEAM University

Представители TEAM University в рамках рабочего визита в Республику Таджикистан посетили ряд коммерческих компаний и ННО - лидеров в своей отрасли. В частности, организованы стречи с руководством таких компаний, как Tcell, 55 Group, RSM, Farovon, Orienbank, EskhataBank.

Во время этих встреч изучена потребность корпоративного сектора Таджикистана в обучении. Университет TEAM презентовал курс по корпоративному управлению "Независимый директор. Silk Road", обучение по которому пройдет в Университете во второй раз и стартует 16 марта с.г.

Стороны обсудили различные варианты сотрудничества и договорились привлекать больше компаний из стран Шелкового пути для обмена опытом и повышения квалификации руководящих сотрудников данных организаций.

#ExecutiveEducation #DareToBeFirst

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TEAM University

TEAM University hosting a delegation from London South Bank University, United Kingdom.

Delegation of the LSBU compose of Mandy Maidment (LSBU Global, Academic Dean), Aissata Edmondson (LSBU Global, Head of Global Partnerships), Herman Prada (LSBU Global, Partnerships Officer) and Haider Bilal (LSBU School of Business, Link Tutor). First day, they have met with TEAM University Academic Leadership to discuss a range of academic and administrative issues within the Quality Assurance Annual Monitoring Cycle. Details of Student Exchange opportunities and Summer School plans were also finalized for this year.

LSBU representatives also had a chance to meet with the students and receive valuable feedback.


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TEAM University

Dear applicants and students!

Very soon we will share great news with you!

Stay tuned! 🔜 #DareToBeFirst

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TEAM University

Our dear friends from Samarkand! Open Doors Day at TEAM 🎈

Learners of the "Polyglot" Language School from Samarkand visited the campus of our University, learned a lot of useful things about higher education and studies at TEAM, met our teachers and students, and judging by the smiles on their faces, had a great time! ❤️


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TEAM University

Student mobility opportunities for TEAM students 🌍

Aissata Edmondson, Head of Global Partnerships at LSBU Global briefly spoke about the possibilities of transferring from TEAM to London South Bank University for the Semester Abroad programme, as well as the opportunity to participate in the Summer School programme in London this year.

Become a TEAM student and get these exclusive opportunities! Admissions open, apply now!


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TEAM University

We walked around the city and found out how ladies prepare to and spend their holiday 🌷

Once again, we congratulate all women, girls, mothers and grandmothers on International Women's Day ❤️

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TEAM University

International Women's Day Celebration at TEAM Campus 🌸🌷

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TEAM University

Professor Erdogan Ekiz, Dean of Faculty at TEAM University participated as a speaker at Hotel Business Forum 2023.

The forum was organized by Hoteliers Association of Uzbekistan and Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, hosted by Hyatt Regency Tashkent. The title of Professor’s speech was: “Importance of International Certification in Hospitality Industry: Case of AHLEI Professional Certifications”.


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TEAM University

​​📣 First Entrance Exam for admission to the Foundation Course will be held on March 17!

Registration for the entrance exam is a part of the application process. You are required to fill in the application form and then select the "TEAM English Test" option in the "Supporting Documents" step.

Exam date: March 17, 2023
Exam time: 15:00
Fee: 250 000 UZS (Cash payment on Campus or via Payme)
Venue: TEAM University Campus, Tashkent

‼️ The exam consists of 3 components: Reading, Writing and Use of English. Minimum passing score - 40%

🔗 Link for registration:

*Registration for the exam is open until March 16, 2023.

Download the sample of the exam here.

☎️ For more information: +998 71 200 20 60

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TEAM University

Our website is up and running again! 🎉

We are pleased to inform you that the issues on our main website have been fixed.

Thank you for your patience!
TEAM University ❤️

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TEAM University

🤩🇬🇧EXCLUSIVELY FOR TEAM STUDENTS! Summer School 2023 at London South Bank University!

This is a unique opportunity for TEAM University students to develop a business project overseas, to improve academic skills together with mentors both from LSBU and TEAM as well as to visit one of the most famous cities in the world - London!

🧩Summer School Programme at LSBU offers you:
• to develop a business project under the mentorship of LSBU and TEAM Academic Staff
• to be a part of the LSBU Campus for 2 weeks
• to improve business and communication skills

Duration: 2 weeks
Fees (including accommodation): 2000$
(Tickets and Visa fees are paid separately)
Departure date: July 2nd, 2023

‼️Application period:
February 27 - June 1, 2023.

Programme is offered only for TEAM University Students of all Levels.
Students will be accompanied throughout the program by a representative from TEAM University.

Registration link:

🔍 For more information, please contact Osida Sharipova, Q-TEAM Officer:

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TEAM University

Meet Anastasiya Zdraykovskaya, a lecturer at TEAM University!

Anastasiya teaches "Finance for Entrepreneurs" module for Level 5 students at TEAM. She holds a Master's Degree in International Business Management from Westminster International University in Tashkent and is a certified appraiser in business valuation at Grant Thornton.

Admissions open. Apply now!

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TEAM University

Nilufar's Success Story

Here is the new episode of TEAM STARS series ⭐️

Nilufar Mahmudjanova, Level 5 student at TEAM University is currently working at Xon Saroy Construction Company as a PR Specialist.

Effectively combining study with work, Nilufar has already completed an internship at our University and also worked in the marketing department at GroundZero Coworking.

#TEAMStars #DareToBeFirst

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TEAM University

Consider TEAM University as your key step towards a successful future!

Mandy Maidment (LSBU Global, Academic Dean) addressed her message to all applicants interested in applying to TEAM University. Apply TEAM now!


Университет TEAM - ваш ключевой шаг на пути к успешному будущему!

Мэнди Мейдмент (Академический декан, LSBU Global) обратилась со своим обращением ко всем абитуриентам, заинтересованным в поступлении в Университет TEAM. Подавайте документы уже сейчас!

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TEAM University


Dear applicants! We are pleased to announce that starting today we are accepting applications for Foundation Сourse, 2023-2024 academic year.

Read more about Foundation Course👈

General requirements:
TEAM English Test (pass mark) or IELTS Overall 5.5 and equivalents
• Certificate or diploma of completed secondary education (School, lyceum or college)
• Successful interview completion
• Completed application form

Apply now via this link:

Text in Uzbek 🇺🇿 | Text in Russian 🇷🇺

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TEAM University

University is a wonderful place that gives a lot of discoveries and fun, warmth and comfort even during rainy days, as well as helps to find new friends. University is about cozy little things, the smell of book pages, delicious food, corridors full of lively discussions, full attention during exams and one of the treasures of the world 📚🪐

Directed and filmed by TEAM University students.

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TEAM University

Уважаемые абитуриенты и родители ‼️

20 февраля 2023 года мы запускаем приём документов на 2023/2024 академический год! Уже со следующего понедельника вы сможете подать документы для поступления на первый курс в Университет TEAM.

Hurmatli abituriyentlar va ularning ota-onalari ‼️

2023-yil 20-fevraldan 2023/2024 o‘quv yili uchun hujjatlarni qabul qilishni boshlaymiz! Kelasi dushanbadan boshlab siz TEAM Universitetining birinchi kursiga kirish uchun ariza topshirishingiz mumkin.

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TEAM University

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