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TEAM University

We start accepting applications for admission to our new program BSc (Hons) - Tourism and Hotel Management‼️

Dear applicants! If you are interested in Tourism and Hotel Management industry and intend to become a successful expert and entrepreneur in this field, our program in partnership with American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI) is the best choice for you!

This is a double-degree program providing American and Uzbek recognition. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will receive a Bachelor’s Degree (BSc Hons in Tourism and Hotel Management) from TEAM University and an Associate Degree (AAS in Tourism and Hotel Management) from AHLEI. Moreover, for each of the 12 AHLEI courses students successfully complete they will get an international certification.

👇 You can learn more about program details and admission requirements via this link:

*Subject to Government approval

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TEAM University

Сталкивались ли вы с проблемами при решении групповых заданий? 🤔

Групповое задание — это совместная курсовая работа для групп учащихся в TEAM University. Не редко возникают ситуации, когда студенты сталкиваются с проблемами во время подготовки группового задания.

Студент 3-го курса Бекзод рассказал о своём опыте работы в группе, о вызовах и сложностях, а также о том, как он справился с данными вызовами.

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TEAM University

Let's help the Environment together! 🌳

One of the most important initiatives of our University is environmental protection! Our Campus is getting greener every year.

Parents of TEAM University’s student donated 3 tree seedlings to our Campus, which we planted together with the students. We sincerely thank you for your contribution to the greening of our city and the University! 🙏💚

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TEAM University

TEAM STARS with the President of Students' Union at TEAM University ⚡️

In the new episode of TEAM STARS you will meet Voir Akbarov, who was recently elected as the President of Students' Union at TEAM.

In addition to his duties as Students' Union leader, Voir also works as a marketer for various projects related to the educational field.

Follow us to see new episodes of TEAM STARS ⭐️


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TEAM University

Бизнес-завтрак с Романом Лаврентьевым, Операционным Директором Uzum 🤩

Роман Лаврентьев является Операционным Директором группы компаний Uzum, одной из ведущих IT-организаций на рынке Узбекистана. Uzum развивает сервисы для онлайн-покупок с Uzum Market и удобных онлайн-платежей с Uzum Bank.

Темой мероприятия стала «Экосистема сервисов Uzum». Студенты узнали много интересного о кейсах компании и задали свои вопросы. Данное мероприятие было особенно полезным для студентов факультета «Цифровые Инновации», которые намерены стать будущими лидерами в сфере IT-бизнеса.


Business Breakfast with Roman Lavrentev, Chief Operating Officer at Uzum 🤩

Roman Lavrentev is the Chief Operating Officer of Uzum Group of Companies, which is one of the leading IT companies in the market of Uzbekistan. Uzum develops services for online shopping with Uzum Market and convenient online payments with Uzum Bank.

The topic of the event was: "Ecosystem of Uzum Services". Students learned more about the company's cases and asked their questions. This event was especially useful for students of the Faculty of Digital Innovations, who intend to become future leaders in the field of IT Business.

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TEAM University

Университет TEAM продолжает принимать заявки на поступление⚡️

Выбрав TEAM, вы получите доступ к качественному Британскому образованию от высококвалифицированных профессоров и практиков, диплом London South Bank University @lsbu, входящий в рейтинг ТОП-600 ВУЗов мира, а также возможность стажироваться и работать в лучших организациях Узбекистана.

❗️Квота приёма на 2023/2024 учебный год ограничена. Подача документов осуществляется по ссылке:

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TEAM University

«Spots of the light: Women in the Holocaust» - TEAM University hosted the photo exhibition organized by the Embassy of Israel in Uzbekistan 📸

The exhibition gave an expression to the unique voice of Jewish women in the Holocaust: their choices and responses in the face of the evil, brutality and relentless hardship that they were forced to grapple with.

It featured nine aspects of the Jewish woman's daily life during the Holocaust: Love, Motherhood, Caring for Others, Womanhood, Resistance and Rescue, Friendship, Faith, Food and the Arts.

April 18, 2023 is Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Day (Yom Hashoah in Hebrew). It is a national day of commemoration in Israel, on which the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust are memorialized.

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TEAM University

Факультеты бакалавриата в TEAM University ⚡️

Завершив первый год обучения на курсе Foundation, студенты TEAM University могут выбрать один из трёх предпринимательских факультетов бакалавриата, среди которых:

▫️BA (Hons) - Международный бизнес
▫️BA (Hons) - Цифровые инновации
▫️BA (Hons) - Маркетинг

По окончании учёбы, выпускники всех трёх факультетов получат диплом международного образца от London South Bank University 🇬🇧, который входит в ТОП-600 ВУЗов мира согласно рейтингу Times Higher Education.

Какой из факультетов выбрали бы вы? Делитесь в комментариях ☺️

Полное видео:

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TEAM University

​​📣 Third Entrance Exam for admission to the Foundation Course will be held on May 5!

Registration for the entrance exam is a part of the application process. You are required to fill in the application form and then select the "TEAM English Test" option in the "Supporting Documents" step.

Exam date: May 5, 2023
Exam time: 15:00
Fee: 250 000 UZS (Cash payment on Campus or via Payme)
Venue: TEAM University Campus, Tashkent

‼️ The exam consists of 3 components: Reading, Writing and Use of English. The minimum passing score is 40%.

🔗 Link for registration:

*Registration for the exam is open until May 3, 2023.

Download the sample of the exam here

☎️ For more information: +998 71 200 20 60

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TEAM University

Highlights from the Educational Fair “Education and Career” organized by My Fair!

Representatives of our University met with interested applicants at International Hotel Tashkent to share information about unique learning opportunities at TEAM! It was a pleasure to meet you all ❤️ See you soon at TEAM 🤩

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TEAM University

Industry Visit to OLX!

Students of TEAM University visited the office of the largest online classifieds platform in Uzbekistan - OLX! 🛍️

As always, students received a lot of useful insights about the work of the organization and the specifics of the niche market.

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TEAM University


👉 Link:

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TEAM University

​​📣 Second Entrance Exam for admission to the Foundation Course will be held on April 7!

Registration for the entrance exam is a part of the application process. You are required to fill in the application form and then select the "TEAM English Test" option in the "Supporting Documents" step.

Exam date: April 7, 2023
Exam time: 15:00
Fee: 250 000 UZS (Cash payment on Campus or via Payme)
Venue: TEAM University Campus, Tashkent

‼️ The exam consists of 3 components: Reading, Writing and Use of English. The minimum passing score is 40%.

🔗 Link for registration:

*Registration for the exam is open until April 6, 2023.

Download the sample of the exam here.

☎️ For more information: +998 71 200 20 60

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TEAM University

From Blog to Business - Ziyoda's Success Story ⚡️

In the new episode of TEAM STARS we interviewed Ziyoda Telmanova, who has been running her own blog for a while 🤩

Ziyoda shared her insights on how to transform her blog into a successful business and how did TEAM University contribute to her business and life.

We hope this interview will provide you with valuable insights into what it is like to be a student at TEAM University.

Follow us to see new episodes of TEAM STARS ⭐️


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TEAM University

TEAM University congratulates you on the Holy Month of Ramadan! 🌙

May Allah ease your hardships and shower you with loads of peace and prosperity during this Holy Month of Ramadan. Have a blessed time!


TEAM Universiteti sizni muborak Ramazon Oyi bilan tabriklaydi! 🌙

Alloh ushbu muqaddas Ramazon Oyida mashaqqatlaringizni engillashtirsin va tinchlik va farovonlik ato etsin. Ramazon muborak bo'lsin!

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TEAM University

We were happy to welcome applicants and schoolchildren of ZMB Universal Academy from Andijan to our University Campus! ☺️


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TEAM University

Узнали себя? 😂 Запускаем рубрику #TEAMжиза

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TEAM University

TEAM University Academic Representatives Profs. Alex Candor, Natalie Solveig Mikhaylov and Erdogan Ekiz have attended a meeting with a business delegation of German companies from the Federal State of Thuringia to Uzbekistan at INNO Technopark.

Among the participants several German universities including University of Applied Sciences and Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena were present.

The future collaboration and research ideas are discussed among the representatives.


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TEAM University

TEAM University is strengthening its regional positions!

The representative of the Multikid Educational Agency from Tajikistan 🇹🇯, Munisa Juraeva, visited the Campus of TEAM University.

Given that regional diversity is one of the priorities for TEAM University, parties will work together to bring talented students from Tajikistan to TEAM starting from upcoming academic year.


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TEAM University

Congratulations on the Ramadan Eid, Dear Fellow Citizens! 🌙

We wish you prosperity, peace and health!

On the eve of the holiday, Iftar was organized for students and staff. We share with you the brightest moments ❤️


Aziz yurtdoshlar, sizlarni muqaddas Hayit bayrami bilan tabriklaymiz! 🌙

Sizga farovonlik, tinchlik va sog'liq tilaymiz!

Bayram arafasida talabalar va xodimlar uchun iftorlik tashkil etildi. Siz bilan eng yorqin lahzalarni baham ko'ramiz ❤️

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TEAM University

TEAM University and AHLEI set goals and roadmap within the Global Academic Partnership Agreement! 🇺🇸🤝🇺🇿

American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI) for more than 65 years has worked to provide hospitality organizations and schools with quality resources to train, educate, and certify hospitality professionals. ​Colleges and universities use AHLEI’s hospitality textbooks and courses to educate future hospitality leaders. AHLEI serves the world from its headquarters in Orlando, Florida, with additional offices in Lansing, Michigan; India and China and has licensees in nearly 100 countries connecting AHLEI’s hospitality education and professional development resources throughout Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and the Americas.

One of the main tasks within the framework of this partnerships is the launch of the BSc (Hons) - Tourism and Hospitality Management bachelor's program at TEAM University in October, 2023. Stay tuned, more news coming soon!


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TEAM University

TEAM University celebrates it’s 3rd Anniversary! 🎂

3 years ago, on April 18th, TEAM University was established by the Decree of Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan №241.

We congratulate all Students, Staff and Founders of TEAM on the 3rd anniversary and wish prosperity, stability, best luck in all endeavors and significant professional academic achievements!

Let's look at the brightest moments at TEAM over the past year ⭐️ Happy Birthday, TEAM 🥳

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TEAM University

TEAM University hosted the World Scholar’s Cup 🤩

Almost 300 pupils from schools of Tashkent participated at the World Scholar’s Cup🏆

This is an event full of interesting people, exciting competitions and unforgettable entertainment!


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TEAM University

Как применять бизнес-кейсы в образовании?

На третьем курсе обучения на факультете Предпринимательство и Международный Бизнес по предметам Предпринимательское Мышление, Международные Бизнес Стратегии студенты решают ситуационные задачи из мира узбекского бизнеса 🧩

Такие компании как Dodopizza, Olx, Workly, British School Tashkent, GroundZero, OrzuTex, AESolar, Узбекско-китайский Торговый Дом приняли участие в разработке практических кейсов, получили рекомендации в решении бизнес-вызовов, а также открыли свои двери для знакомства с их деятельностью для студентов TEAM University.

Таким образом, наши студенты получают уникальную возможность закрепить теоретические знания на практике и воочию познакомиться с деятельностью компаний в Узбекистане.

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TEAM University

London South Bank University - академический партнёр TEAM University 🇬🇧

London South Bank University (LSBU) - один из крупнейших и старейших университетов Великобритании, который был открыт в 1892 году.

LSBU был назван Предпринимательским университетом года, по версии Times Higher Education в 2016 году – благодаря тому, что его программы делают упор на практику и профессиональные навыки. LSBU - это единственный вуз, два года подряд получавший титул «Лучший университет года по уровню трудоустройства студентов» (в 2018 и 2019 году по версии «Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide»).

Выпускники TEAM University по окончании обучения получат диплом от London South Bank University! Для студентов TEAM доступны программы обмена студентами с LSBU, такие как "Семестр за рубежом" и "Летняя школа в Великобритании".

Иностранные студенты играют ключевую роль в жизни LSBU – здесь учатся представители 130 национальностей, приехавшие в Лондон из разных точек мира.

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TEAM University

Hurmatli abituriyentlar va ularning ota-onalari ‼️

Birinchi kursga kirish uchun arizalarni qabul qilishda davom etamiz. Hujjatlarni quyidagi havola orqali topshirishingiz mumkin:


Уважаемые абитуриенты и родители ‼️

Мы продолжаем принимать заявки на поступление на первый курс. Процесс подачи документов проходит в режиме онлайн, по ссылке:

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TEAM University

⚡️ TEAM Universitetida qabul davom etmoqda!

TEAM-ni tanlab, siz yuqori malakali professor va amaliyotchilardan xalqaro miqyosda tan olingan Britaniya ta’limiga, dunyoning TOP-600 taligiga kiruvchi London South Bank Universitetining diplomiga hamda eng yaxshi tashkilotlarda ishlash va malaka oshirish imkoniyatiga ega bo‘lasiz.

❗️2023/2024 o‘quv yili uchun qabul kvotasi cheklangan. Hujjatlarni topshirish quyidagi havola orqali amalga oshiriladi:

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TEAM University

From Blog to Business - Ziyoda's Success Story ⚡️

In the new episode of TEAM STARS we interviewed Ziyoda Telmanova, who has been running her own blog for a while 🤩

Ziyoda shared her insights on how to transform her blog into a successful business and how did TEAM University contribute to her business and life.

We hope this interview will provide you with valuable insights into what it is like to be a student at TEAM University.

Follow us to see new episodes of TEAM STARS ⭐️


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TEAM University

We are happy to announce that TEAM University is now an official member of CAMCA Academic Consortium!

The CAMCA Academic Consortium is a voluntary association of academic institutions and organizations from Central Asia, the Caucasus, Afghanistan, and Mongolia established by the CAMCA Academy with the support of the CAMCA Network. The Consortium aims to promote cooperation among its members in the areas of education, science, and technology, and to contribute to the development of the CAMCA region.

TEAM University and CAMCA Academic Consortium agree to cooperate in the following areas:
• Joint projects, programs, and activities related to education, science, and technology, including research, innovation, and entrepreneurship;
• Exchange of faculty, students, researchers, and professionals among its members;
• Organization of joint conferences, workshops, and seminars on topics of mutual interest;
• Sharing of information, data, and resources related to education, science, and technology etc.


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TEAM University

Happy Navruz Holiday!

May this holiday bring grace, bright hopes and pleasant changes to your home and life! 🌸

With love, TEAM University ❤️🇺🇿


Navro'z bayramingiz muborak bo'lsin!

Ushbu bayram uyingizga va hayotingizga inoyat, yorqin umidlar va yoqimli o'zgarishlar olib kelsin! 🌸

Sevgi bilan, TEAM University ❤️🇺🇿

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