Welcome to the official telegram channel of TEAM University - the first entrepreneurial university in Uzbekistan 👋 👉 Contact us: @teamuni_uz 🤖 Try our Help Bot: @teamunihelp_bot 🌐 Visit our Official Website: www.teamuni.uz ☎️ Call us: +998712002060
Объявляем старт регистрации на Startup Challenge 2023! 🤩🚀
Startup Challenge (ранее Хакатон TEAM) — это 26-часовой марафон по созданию стартап-проектов. Каждой команде из 3-4 человек необходимо разработать продукт или сервис с нуля в установленный срок.
🥇🥈🥉 | 🏆 Победители Startup Challenge 2023 (каждый участник из команд-победителей) получат гранты на обучение в Университете TEAM в размере 10 000 000, 7 000 000 и 5 000 000 сум.
Условия для участия:
▫️Заполнить регистрационную форму
▫️Подать документы для поступления на сайте admissions.teamuni.uz
▫️К участию допущены только абитуриенты, поступающие в Университет в этом году
📍 Место проведения: Кампус TEAM, город Ташкент (локация).
🗓 Даты проведения: 6-7 июля 2023 г. ‼️ Регистрация открыта до 3 июля.
Регистрируйтесь на Startup Challenge 2023 ЗДЕСЬ
Студенты поймут... 😂 Продолжаем рубрику #ТЕАМжиза
Читать полностью…Как поступить в ТЕАМ? Стоимость обучения? Как получить грант? 🤔
Ответим на ваши самые частые вопросы о нашем Университете в этом видео! Пишите в комментариях, если у вас есть еще вопросы 💬
TEAMga qanday kirish mumkin? Kontrakt narxi qancha? Qanday qilib grant yutish mumkin? 🤔
Universitetimiz haqida tez-tez beriladigan savollaringizga ushbu videoda javob beramiz! Yana savollaringiz bo'lsa izohlarda yozing 💬
Маркетинг для стартапов - в Университете TEAM прошла гостевая лекция от Фархода Камилова 🚀
Фарход Камилов - профессионал в маркетинге, продажах и в бизнес консалтинге, а также создатель первой EdTech платформы в Узбекистане – @futurum_acdmy
Позиционирование продукта, улучшение качества сервиса, планирование маркетинговой стратегии и бюджета - об этом и ещё о многом другом полезном узнали наши студенты во время лекции. Мы благодарим Фархода за новые знания, которыми он поделился в нашем Кампусе.
It was a great pleasure to meet applicants from Wall Street Academy at our Campus ❤️
Читать полностью…📣 Next Entrance Exam for admission to the Foundation Course will be held on June 9!
Registration for the entrance exam is a part of the application process. You are required to fill in the application form and then select the "TEAM English Test" option in the "Supporting Documents" step.
Exam date: June 9, 2023
Exam time: 15:00
Fee: 250 000 UZS (Cash payment on Campus or via Payme)
Venue: TEAM University Campus, Tashkent
‼️ The exam consists of 3 components: Reading, Writing and Use of English. The minimum passing score is 40%.
🔗 Link for registration: admissions.teamuni.uz
*Registration for the exam is open until June 7, 2023.
Download the sample of the exam here
☎️ For more information: +998 71 200 20 60
The final day and closing ceremony of TEAM MUN 2023 ⚡️
These two days filled our campus with unforgettable emotions, distinctive young minds and the desire to learn a lot of new things.
Our honored guests of the final day of TEAM MUN 2023 were Aziza Umarova (CEO at SmartGov) and Nikita Makarenko (Journalist). The best delegates were awarded certificates by our honored guests.
We express our gratitude and respect to the whole team of organizers, volunteers, honored guests, sponsors of the event, as well as the creators of the TEAM MUN initiative. Looking forward to seeing you all next year! 🤍
Business Breakfast with Rustam Rahmatov, the Founder of IMAN Invest!
The topic of the event was: Spreading "Fair Finance" in Uzbekistan.
Rustam founded IMAN Invest, the first and unique halal investment company in Uzbekistan. Prior to IMAN, Rustam was involved in transforming the banking and mining sectors of Uzbekistan, as well as in advising and evaluating startups in areas such as financial technology, consumer finance, auto loans, retail, e-commerce etc.
We are very grateful to Rustam Rahmatov for the allocated time and many interesting insights received by the students of our University!
Meet Azamat Nurmatov, Course Leader and Lecturer at TEAM University!
Azamat teaches "Theory and Practice of Entrepreneurship" and “Managing People” modules for Level 4 students at TEAM University. He holds a Master's Degree from University of Sunderland. Currently he is doing a PhD at Westminster International University in Tashkent.
Admissions open. Apply now!
We start accepting applications for admission to our new program BSc (Hons) - Tourism and Hotel Management‼️
Dear applicants! If you are interested in Tourism and Hotel Management industry and intend to become a successful expert and entrepreneur in this field, our program in partnership with American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (AHLEI) is the best choice for you!
This is a double-degree program providing American and Uzbek recognition. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will receive a Bachelor’s Degree (BSc Hons in Tourism and Hotel Management) from TEAM University and an Associate Degree (AAS in Tourism and Hotel Management) from AHLEI. Moreover, for each of the 12 AHLEI courses students successfully complete they will get an international certification.
👇 You can learn more about program details and admission requirements via this link: https://teamuni.uz/bsc-hons-tourism-and-hotel-management/
*Subject to Government approval
Сталкивались ли вы с проблемами при решении групповых заданий? 🤔
Групповое задание — это совместная курсовая работа для групп учащихся в TEAM University. Не редко возникают ситуации, когда студенты сталкиваются с проблемами во время подготовки группового задания.
Студент 3-го курса Бекзод рассказал о своём опыте работы в группе, о вызовах и сложностях, а также о том, как он справился с данными вызовами.
Let's help the Environment together! 🌳
One of the most important initiatives of our University is environmental protection! Our Campus is getting greener every year.
Parents of TEAM University’s student donated 3 tree seedlings to our Campus, which we planted together with the students. We sincerely thank you for your contribution to the greening of our city and the University! 🙏💚
TEAM STARS with the President of Students' Union at TEAM University ⚡️
In the new episode of TEAM STARS you will meet Voir Akbarov, who was recently elected as the President of Students' Union at TEAM.
In addition to his duties as Students' Union leader, Voir also works as a marketer for various projects related to the educational field.
Follow us to see new episodes of TEAM STARS ⭐️
Бизнес-завтрак с Романом Лаврентьевым, Операционным Директором Uzum 🤩
Роман Лаврентьев является Операционным Директором группы компаний Uzum, одной из ведущих IT-организаций на рынке Узбекистана. Uzum развивает сервисы для онлайн-покупок с Uzum Market и удобных онлайн-платежей с Uzum Bank.
Темой мероприятия стала «Экосистема сервисов Uzum». Студенты узнали много интересного о кейсах компании и задали свои вопросы. Данное мероприятие было особенно полезным для студентов факультета «Цифровые Инновации», которые намерены стать будущими лидерами в сфере IT-бизнеса.
Business Breakfast with Roman Lavrentev, Chief Operating Officer at Uzum 🤩
Roman Lavrentev is the Chief Operating Officer of Uzum Group of Companies, which is one of the leading IT companies in the market of Uzbekistan. Uzum develops services for online shopping with Uzum Market and convenient online payments with Uzum Bank.
The topic of the event was: "Ecosystem of Uzum Services". Students learned more about the company's cases and asked their questions. This event was especially useful for students of the Faculty of Digital Innovations, who intend to become future leaders in the field of IT Business.
👉 Link: https://youtu.be/ZMrMptETjD4
Earlier, at the beginning of this week, a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held at TEAM University under the leadership of the Chairman of the Board - Andrew Wachtel.
The members of the Board, together with the management, discussed the current state of affairs, preparations for admissions for the 2023-2024 academic year and the development strategy of the University for the next 5 years. In general, the University's commitment to high quality standards in education, as well as the admission of motivated and gifted students in the new academic year was confirmed.
Also, our media team filmed a video-podcast with representatives of the Board of Trustees on the topic: "What to study in the 21st century?". The podcast will be available on our University's YouTube channel soon!
Attention! Technical issues with the TEAM website ⚙️
Dear applicants, students and parents. Our main website www.teamuni.uz is currently experiencing technical issues. Please wait while our IT Specialists fix these problems.
Please note that the application submission system www.admissions.teamuni.uz is working properly!
We apologize for the inconvenience caused and we appreciate your patience.
Поздравляем всех выпускников школ Узбекистана с последним звонком! 🥳🔔
Дорогие выпускники, начинается новый этап в вашей жизни. Желаем вам успехов во всех начинаниях и поставленных целях. Вперёд к прекрасному будущему!🍀
Наша команда посетила одну из школ Ташкента в этот особенный день. Делимся с вами лучшими моментами!
Barcha maktab bitiruvchilarni so'nggi qo'ng'irog'i bilan tabriklaymiz! 🥳🔔
Hayotingizda yangi bosqich boshlanadi.
Barcha ishlaringizga omad tilaymiz. Buyuk kelajak sari olg'a!🍀
TEAM University, Uzbekistan, and Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia signed an Erasmus+ Programme Inter-institutional agreement in “Learning mobility for higher education students and staff between EU Member States and third countries 🇺🇿🤝🇭🇷
The agreement is signed by Prof. Dr. Vlado Guberac, Rector of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, and Prof. Dr. Erdogan Ekiz, Dean of Faculty at TEAM University.
As the first activity of this partnership Assoc. Prof. Dr. Berislav Andrlić, Interim Vice Dean for Development and Business at Faculty of Tourism and Rural Development and Assoc. Prof. Marko Šostar will be visiting TEAM University between the 20th to 30th of June 2023 to conduct a series of classes, workshops, and meetings with students, faculty, and industry representatives.
The next step will be TEAM University representatives visiting Croatia to engage in the same series of activities. Finally, students from both universities will get the chance to benefit from this agreement.
👉 Link: https://youtu.be/GMMMp7iOSRs
3 reasons to choose Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism and Hotel Management at TEAM University ⚡️
🌍 International Certification - Our BSc (Hons) Tourism and Hotel Management program is accredited by American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute. Graduates will receive 2 internationally recognized awards: Bachelors Degree from TEAM University and Associate Degree (AAS) in Tourism and Hotel Management, as well as 12 Individual Industry Certificates from AHLEI in 4 years.
😎 Fast Growing Industry - The tourism and hospitality industry in Uzbekistan is growing at a tremendous pace. By choosing this direction of education, you will have access to building a successful career in one of the fastest growing areas on the market.
📚 Broad Outlook and Knowledge - This area implies the study of such different disciplines as Tourism Sales and Marketing, Hospitality Law, Foreign Languages, Logistics, Customer Service and others, which will allow graduates to take advantage of a broad outlook and knowledge to build a successful future.
If you are interested in Tourism and Hotel Management program, apply now via this link: admissions.teamuni.uz 👈
*In the approval process
Fascinating atmosphere of the TEAM MUN 2023 conference! 🤩🌍
Over 160 delegates are attending this year's conference. Our honorary guests Ambassador of Switzerland to Uzbekistan Konstantin Obolensky and Cathy Cottrell, Head of Political and Public Diplomacy Section, British Embassy Tashkent delivered a welcoming speech at the grand opening of the conference.
Highlights from the first day of TEAM MUN 2023: https://youtu.be/3Qjads3a32U
TEAM University sincerely congratulates all citizens of Uzbekistan on May 9th - the Day of Remembrance and Honor.
We cherish in our hearts gratitude to heroes who secured for us the opportunity to live in peace and harmony. We wish you all well-being, prosperity and bright victories! 🇺🇿
Entry Exams in Tashkent and Samarkand 📝
Today, entry exams for admission to the Foundation Course were held in Tashkent, as well as in Samarkand with the support of Polyglot Language School. We wish all applicants good luck! 🤞🍀
We were happy to welcome applicants and schoolchildren of ZMB Universal Academy from Andijan to our University Campus! ☺️
TEAM University Academic Representatives Profs. Alex Candor, Natalie Solveig Mikhaylov and Erdogan Ekiz have attended a meeting with a business delegation of German companies from the Federal State of Thuringia to Uzbekistan at INNO Technopark.
Among the participants several German universities including University of Applied Sciences and Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena were present.
The future collaboration and research ideas are discussed among the representatives.
TEAM University is strengthening its regional positions!
The representative of the Multikid Educational Agency from Tajikistan 🇹🇯, Munisa Juraeva, visited the Campus of TEAM University.
Given that regional diversity is one of the priorities for TEAM University, parties will work together to bring talented students from Tajikistan to TEAM starting from upcoming academic year.
Congratulations on the Ramadan Eid, Dear Fellow Citizens! 🌙
We wish you prosperity, peace and health!
On the eve of the holiday, Iftar was organized for students and staff. We share with you the brightest moments ❤️
Aziz yurtdoshlar, sizlarni muqaddas Hayit bayrami bilan tabriklaymiz! 🌙
Sizga farovonlik, tinchlik va sog'liq tilaymiz!
Bayram arafasida talabalar va xodimlar uchun iftorlik tashkil etildi. Siz bilan eng yorqin lahzalarni baham ko'ramiz ❤️