To lock it, open the .bat file and type "y" to lock it. The icon will change to a locked one and you can't access it without a password
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title Folder Secure
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Secure "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter the Password to unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== errorcode401 goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Secure
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid Password
goto end
md Secure
echo Secure created successfully
goto End
Creating a Secret Folder
</lesson_001:> ...using NotePad
Keeping files and folders secret has always been a challenge, especially if a common computer is used by all family members. Well, luckily for you, I have this guide.
Read on, try it out and share it!
Free Bitcoin Game
Wanna get free bitcoin? It's easy. Just download and play this game and win free bitcoin. Build the biggest blockchain and get up to 40000 satoshi. Withdraw the balance directly to your bitcoin wallet immediately after you reach 20000 satoshi.
Download through this link to get up to 15% more rewards:
Is your Facebook account hacked or compromised? Do you want to get it back?
Go to to get control of it once more.
Wanna Study JavaScript?
For those of us who would want to study JavaScript, here's a plan you should try. Follow the blog FreeCodeCamp on Medium. It has the best coding tuts around. I use it to learn programming.
» @TechByte
Where do Bitcoins come From?
Unlike government-issued money, the number of bitcoins never changes, it is always the same, since it's transferred from peer to peer. It is said there are about 21 million bitcoins in the world. But where do they come from? For that, let's look at mining:
Mining is the term used for running a series of calculations on a computer to verify the transactions that take place in the Bitcoin network. About every ten minutes, a new block of transaction data is created and the miners who created the block are awarded a few bitcoins. This serves the Bitcoin network both as a system to verify transactions and as a system for fairly distributing new bitcoins. Although it used to be profitable to mine bitcoins with your standard personal computer, the cost of the electricity necessary to do so is now greater than the value of the bitcoins you could mine. Profitable mining now requires specialized hardware that can perform more computations with greater power efficiency.
In essence, mining is a bitcoin reward awarded to the programmers who verify bitcoin transaction, so it's kind of like a salary. This TechCrunch guide shows us how to mine Bitcoins.
» @TechByte
Want to learn more about Bitcoin?
What it is and how to get some are some of the topics we will discuss.
romL3N/so-you-want-to-be-a-hacker-766779c4aaa0">So, You Want to be a Hacker?
A beginner's guide to becoming a great hacker. Click "Instant View"
#guide #hacking
How to Hack WPS Wi-Fi using Android
Here's a guide on how to hack WPS protected WiFi networks.
Android rules! Windows Phone...not so much😒
The good thing about BlackBerry is that with the latest BBOS 10.2 updates, you can install Android apps (in .apk) as you normally would install BlackBerry apps (in .bar).
iOS is great, overally. But you don't get to customize it the way you'd like, like in Android, even when you jailbreak your iDevice, you don't get full access to the system as you do when you root your Android device. Also, there is, like, no way you can install paid iOS apps for free (not that I'm promoting piracy😜), and, finally, iOS apps are SO huge. The size is big and won't accommodate users with limited data packs. For example, Wire Messenger is ~20 MB in size in Google Play Store, in Apple App Store, the same app is more than 110 MB!
This is my honest opinion on the 4 biggest mobile operating systems in the digital world. I'm not asking you to move to Android or anything, but just choose wisely, so you don't regret wasting your valuable mulla on trashy OS's when trying to "keep up in style". Don't go for style, go for functionality.
^ RL
Now double click that .bat file to open it. A command prompt shell will open. If you go back to where you saved that .bat, you'll see a new folder called "Secure" (we created it in the code you just copied).
Move all your secret content to that folder.
1⃣Open Notepad
Press Win+R and type "notepad"
When it opens, tap/press the code below to copy it and paste it in the Notepad document. Then save it as a .bat file
If you still haven't understood bitcoin, read this.
Well as I mentioned earlier, bitcoin is a cryptocurrency (a currency, like dollars or francs, that is encrypted). It's basically digital money. Like paper money, you can buy stuff online with bitcoins, if the service you're buying from allows it. You can convert it into ordinary money to your PayPal, Paytm, Payeer, or other mobile money wallets, from there, you can withdraw it to your bank account.
Bitcoin is the best anonymous way of transferring money around the world. All transanctions are visible on the internet, therefore reducing the chance of fraudulent transfers. No one runs bitcoin, so no one can "hack" bitcoin servers and add bitcoin to your wallet. It is hosted through many different nodes (computers) around the world, just like torrents and Tor networking.
You may have noticed me mentioning satoshi. Named after the inventor(s) of bitcoin, Satoshi is the smallest unit of bitcoin. 1 satoshi is a thousandth of a bitcoin (1 bitcoin = 1000 satoshi). One bitcoin (BTC) currently goes for 2,249.99 US dollars (USD). Get enough bitcoins, who knows, maybe you'll be the next Bill Gates.
Happy mining! ⛏
IG Hoot will help you increase your Instagram followers, likes and comments.
› @TechByte
Here's @durov's thought on articles claiming to "hack Telegram"
Get Free Bitcoin
</lesson_001:> Blockchain Game
There are lots of apps through which you can get free bitcoin, but this has to be the best of all. It's a game! Just play for a few minutes, earn points (in form of satoshi, the smallest unit of bitcoin) and when your balance reaches 5000, you can withdraw it into your Blockchain – or any other – wallet.
It's fun, addictive and pays you for playing it! Download it (for Android) from the button below.
How to Set Up a Bitcoin Wallet
A “wallet” is basically the Bitcoin equivalent of a bank account. It allows you to receive bitcoins, store them, and then send them to others. There are two main types of wallets. A software wallet is one that you install on your own computer or mobile device. You are in complete control over the security of your coins, but they can sometimes be tricky to install and maintain. A web wallet or hosted wallet is one that is hosted by a third party. They are often much easier to use, but you have to trust the provider to maintain high levels of security to protect your coins. There are four main wallets that we recommend for beginners:
1. (For Web)
2. (For Desktop)
3. (For Web, Mobile)
4. (For Web, Mobile) is my favorite, but of course, you can try whichever you like. Once you have a wallet, you will be assigned a unique alphanumeric address (looks a bit like: gt462gFJvY57dOpB9H7vrT), think of it as a username. To receive bitcoin in your wallet, you'll have to copy and give your address to the sender and vice versa.
What is Bitcoin
nik5ter/explain-bitcoin-like-im-five-73b4257ac833">Bitcoin (BTC) is a cryptocurrency and a digital payment system invented by an unknown programmer, or a group of programmers, under the name nik5ter/explain-bitcoin-like-im-five-73b4257ac833">Satoshi Nakamoto. It was released as open-source software in 2009. The system is peer-to-peer, and transactions take place between users directly, without an intermediary. These transactions are verified by network nodes and recorded in a public distributed ledger called the blockchain. Since the system works without a central repository or single administrator, bitcoin is called the first decentralized digital currency.
👇Here's a much, much simpler explanation of bitcoin.
» @TechByte
Blackmart is an alternative app store for Android. Use this to download paid apps for free.
P.S: I am not promoting piracy.
Try the Telegram Beta for Android below. You can also download it from the Google Play Store, Microsoft Store or Apple App Store
This is the best thing that ever happened in the history of mobile apps! Once again, Telegram tops the Instant Messaging list.
And this is only ⅓ of the new Telegram v4.0 update.
Slack's new Screen Sharing Feature
#android #slack #news
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