Memaparkan Analisa Pasaran Forex dan Komoditi menggunakan kaedah Volume Analisis dan Depth Of Market. Mengesan di mana volume Smart Money dan Institution dengan mudah. Dapatkan Free Bank Indicator sekarang !
boleh close +21pips...flow getting slow....going for intraday ....
Читать полностью…BOLEH BE atau letak SL 5pips...expectation TP kalau nak hold sampai 1.11400 ...
Читать полностью…kebanyakan yg naik di EU adalah datang dari stop player...
Читать полностью…Update far..we have very huge stop at position still floating...
Читать полностью…let the market retest 49 to make sure those seller are real...
Читать полностью…So far we have large buyer at 48.30 ..and seller failed to push the market...stop build at below this price...
Читать полностью…hit my stop...-28pip..will cover end of hour insyallah...seller got stop at above
Читать полностью…gold heavy sller at short here..with stop 28pips
Читать полностью…so far, ape yg sy nampak..the big hand(or smart money) still holding the short position from above 1.2010 ...
Читать полностью…sape nak close boleh close yg ini.. BE position di 1.2010
Читать полностью…they is 4 wave huge stop triggerr..most of seller got caught at bottom...
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